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Hi my name is Amanda and this site is all about nails, how to care for them, polish them , and grow them. I've revamped the site somewhat. So here is were it all begins. I have somewhat of a fetish about nails but I like others suffer from peeling and splitting from time to time (not at present thankfully)...I also like to do my boyfriend (Robs) nails and he likes to do mine. My nails are about 1 1/2 inches long (which you can't see for sand) and my boyfriends are about 1 inch long. I sometimes send him to work with blue nail polish !!! I'll tell you his story later on, but for the present I'm looking for tips from all you nail guru's out there. (both Male and Female)... I will also be discussing various topics of interest every month.. If you have any questions please e-mail me. I'm also interested to hear from Men who wear nail polish.

Aslo if you have any pictures of Nails that you'd like shown please e-mail them to me and I'll be happy to display them.

Comming soon : Rob tells his side of the story - not to be missed !

NEW.......NEW.......NEW ....... ROb's story starts to-day ......... Click here Rob's side of the story

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