The Basement

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The Wizards Rules

Wizard's First Rule: People are Stupid. Given the proper motivation, people will believe anything because they either fear it is true, or because they want to believe it is true. People's heads are filled with knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is not true, but they think it is true. People can rarely tell the difference between the truth and a lie, yet they think they can, so they are fooled more easily. People want to believe, so they do.

An example of the Wizard's First Rule would be if I were to prank call a person and tell him/her that he/she won a contest to the...Backstreet boys, I guess. I would tell him/her that she would recieve the tickets in the mail. He/She would believe it, and think that he/she won. Wizard's First Rule...People will believe anything because they want to believe it is true.

Wizard's Second Rule: The greatest of harm can result from the best intentions. Kindness and good intentions can sometimes lead to horrible things.

An example of Wizard's Second Rule would be if I decided to throw a surprise party for my Grandmother. I would hide in her house and invite all of her friends, and we would have everything prepared: cake, ice cream, presents, etc. So, when she walkes in later that evening, we all screamed "SURPRISE!!!!" in our loudest voices. She, being old, gets a heart attack from the surprise. She ends up dying later that evening. Why? Because of a good inention (throwing her a party).

Wizard's Third Rule: Passion rules reason. People will let their feelings get in place of what is right or wrong.

An example of Wizard's Third Rule is if I were to find out that my best friend was killed accidently by a drunk man in a car accident. I would get so incredibly angry, that I would go up to that man, and kill him right on the spot without taking a chance to think. I let my passion get in the way of my reason. In reality, that man had a family of his own, and his own life. Passion rules reason.

Wizard's Fourth Rule: In forgiveness we grant, and more so forgiveness we recieve. There is magic in forgiveness...magic to heal.

An example of the Wizard's Fourth Rule would be if somebody were to cheat me out of a deal, and get me in trouble. However, I forgave this person for what he did to me. Later on in life, I got him in trouble for a crime. He was furious at me, however, he forgave me. Why? Because he remembered that I had forgiven him when he did the exact same thing to me. In forgiveness we grant, forgiveness we recieve.

Wizard's Fifth Rule: Mind what people do, not only what they say, because deeds may betray a life.

For example, let's say that Corwin says he is the nicest person in the land. He seems very nice, and he always says he's nice, so one ends up believing him. However, if you noticed, he is always sarcastic and harsh with old people. In addition, he never gives anything to anyone without getting something in return. However, people just listen to what he says, instead...mind what people do, not only what they say. These deeds betrayed the lie.

Do you not just feel so smart, now? May these rules guide aid you in your travels.

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