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Kilmer Kove
Kilmer Kove

Congratulations! You have successfully found Kilmer Kove, a great up and coming site that will be devoted solely to Val Kilmer. Enjoy!

As you can see, this site is still under construction. I will be adding more great Val Stuff from time to time, so come back often and check out all the changes being made!

Val Edward Kilmer was the youngest to ever be accepted at the Julliard School of Acting in New York at age 17, and has had a truly amazing and fascinating career! Val's 40th (whoa!) birthday will be December 31, 1999!
Be sure to check out Val's two lastest projects, The Prince of Egypt where he provides the voice of Moses, and At First Sight. In his newest movie, At First Sight, Mira Sorvino co-stars with Val. It is based on a true story about a man who is born almost blind, and through experimental surgery, regains his eyesight only to be overwhelmed by everything in the world.

Many people wonder why Val's name is Val. Well, he was actually named after one of his father's close friends.

Val was married to Joanne Whalley-Kilmer, but they've since divorced. If the name sounds familiar, it's probably because they starred together in Willow. The set of Willow is where the two actually met. They have two children, Jack and Mercedes. Mercedes is the older of the two.

Val had two brothers, but when Val was seventeen, and on his way to Julliard, one of his brother's drowned in the family swimming pool.

Val lives on his ranch in New Mexico, where he raises buffalo. He has said that the six buffalo are pets.

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