This chapter is the English translation of Gujarati Book Title - Sadhak and Sathi Author - Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji) CHAPTER - 18 COMPASSION (KARUNA) A feeling of self-affliction (suffering) produced in our heart, on seeing the various types of miseries and calamities suffered by other creatures of the universe is known as compassion. In this world, we see that some people suffer from physical ailments, some feel pangs of separation from friends and family and some are afflicted by other adverse circumstances. On seeing these various creatures suffering from sorrows as a result of their previous false actions, the hearts of worthy persons are moved with compassion towards them and they try to dissipate their sorrows by physical, mental, financial and verbal means. They try to be helpful to these afflicted souls in overcoming their sorrows. They give food to relieve their sufferings from hunger, give financial aid for their basic necessities, heal their sorrows by soft, calming and sweet words and assist them to be free from physical ailments by distributing the required medical aids and arranging the necessary nursing care. It is the very nature of worthy persons constantly to make efforts to remove the sorrows of human beings, animals and insects, being inspired by their inner compassion. Whereas dissipating the sorrows of the great and the noble is indeed the highest noble task, even helping ordinary living beings to get rid of their suffering is beneficial. One can help the poor, the helpless and the afflicted ones, when for example, they are trapped in a fire, drowning, suffering from starvation or are caught in some other form of acute distress. The greatest unique form of compassion (Karuna) reveals itself when one is prepared to help all living beings irrespective of case or creed, religion or sect, or any other distinction. This compassion is very helpful to an aspirant (Sadhaka) in his spiritual advancement. This is the common form of compassion as known to the world. NATURE OF SUPREME SPIRITUAL KARUNA: This supreme spiritual Karuna reveals itself only in enlightened saints and true monks. Average worldly people do not know their true nature and indulge in various actions leading to bondage. Being subjected to the fruition of these actions, they, through sheer helplessness, suffer from mental, physical and spiritual ailments, birth, old-age and death, diseases, insults and cruelty. With an utterly compassionate heart, the enlightened saints show these distressed people of the world the path of self-knowledge and self-restraint, so that they are permanently freed from these sufferings. The world rightly recognizes them by noble titles such as emancipators of the world (Jagad-Uddharaka), elevators of the low (Adhama-Uddharana), saviors of the drowning (Tarana- Tarana), and the like. Likewise, these enlightened souls take to the grand heroic effort of saving their own self (Atma) from sorrows such as birth, decease, old age and death. They also lead their lives so that ignorance, attachment, jealousy and other feelings do not arise in life. This creation of an absence of attachment, jealousy and ignorance in one's own self is known as Karuna towards one's own Atma (Swa-Karuna). GLORY OF KARUNA: 1. The basis for the spiritual development of the self goes on evolving along with the rise of greater and greater Karuna in life. 2. The spirit of Karuna is an important aspect of an up lifting the social structure of all (Sarvodaya). Two main ideas are implied in it. The first is the feeling of becoming helpful to one and all in every possible way. Once, a person adopts this way of life, the feeling of individual ownership of things is minimized. A feeling of voluntary sharing of the necessities of life develops. This will bring an end to the disparity caused by the shortages of necessities of life and naturally lead to the shaping of a Sarvodaya social structure. 3. The heart of an aspirant (Sadhaka) feels a severe pain at the sorrows of other beings in proportion to his real progress on the path of spiritual development. This doctrine is very true that the feeling of Karuna is enhanced in life with the real progress in meditation (Bodhi-Samadhi) of the Sadhaka. We have several incidences of this doctrine exemplified in the lives of saints and Acharyas, who have sacrificed the most valued things of their life, to remove the sorrows and pains of the smallest beings. LIVING EXAMPLES OF KARUNA (1) This is an incident from the life of Swami Dayanand Saraswati. Once he was going to a city Dadupur from Benaras on foot. It was the rainy day and water had poured all round. One bullock-cart, fully loaded with grass had stuck in the mud. People all around were giving instructions to the driver of the cart but the cart was going deeper and deeper in the mud. The bulls were panting and saliva was dropping from their mouths. The heart of the Swami melted at the suffering of the bulls. In no time, he took hold of the cart, freed the bulls and with his strength, in no time he brought the cart out of the mud. The driver and people all round, thanked the Swami. However, the Swami proceeded on his path to Dadupur.