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Hermit Crab Care

/ General Care / Land Hermit Crabs are great pets. But when picking one out, you should pick the right one. The crab should fit all of these things: 1. Very active. Walking around, climbing./ 2. Fairly large/ 3. No missing or broken legs or other body parts./ 4. Tame, not mean./ 5. Big appetite./ /Housing-Cages/ Crabs like company, so buy at least 2. A cage for 2 should be at least 2-5 gallons. They need something to climb on, like stick. The floor should be sand or gravel. /Food-Water/ Hermit Crabs eat most anything, but I would recommend the regular crab food sold in pet stores. They need a damp sponge or cloth to keep the cage moist. A shallow sea shell would do for a water dish. /Temperature/ Usually you don't need a heater if you live somewhere warm, but in cold places (such as Colorado or Utah) you need a heat rock on in the daytime. /Other/ Dip the Hermit Crab in a glass of warm water once a week. Take it out quickly, or the crab will drown. Hermit Crabs molt every year, so give it damp sand and new shells when this occurs. Hermit Crabs are lots of work! They are not like fish, and can live fro a long time! Most of all, play with your new pet daily and give it clean food & water. And, of course, HAVE FUN!!!!!!

Hermit Crab Links

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