Artist: The Offspring Song: Pretty Fly For A White Guy Album: Americana Tabs by: Josh Usiskin BASS TAB!!!!!! THE FIRST ONE ON THE NET EVER! Intro Verse Q e q q Q q q q G------||----------|----------||---------------------------------------- D---4:-||*---------|-----2-0-*||---------------------------------------- A---4:-||*-2-2---0-|-2-2-----*||---------------------------------------- E------||------2---|----------||---------------------------------------- Choruse Q e e e e e Q e e e e e q q q q e e e e e G||--------------|---------------|---------|------------|| D||*-------------|---------------|---------|-----------*|| A||*-----8-9-8-9-|-------8-9-8-9-|-5-5-0-5-|-7-7-7-5-7-*|| E||--7-7---------|---7-7---------|---------|------------|| "the world loves wannabes" q q q q q q q q q q e e e e e e e e G---------|---------|---------------|---r-r-r-|------------- D---------|---------|---------------|---e-e-e-|------------- A-3-3-3-3-|-5-5-5-5-|---7-7-7-7-7-7-|-7-s-s-s-|------------- E---------|---------|---------------|---t-t-t-|------------- Special Verse(tattoo) q H q H q H q e q e q G||--------|-----|-----|--------------|| D||*-------|-----|-----|-------4-2-0-*|| A||*---0-2-|-0-2-|-0-2-|---0-2-------*|| E||--------|-----|-----|--------------|| HERE IS HOW THE SONG GOES: -Intro -Verse -Chorus -Wannabes -Intro -Verse -Chorus -Wannabes -Special Verse -Intro -Chorus -Wannabes x3 + ======================================================================== == TABLATURE EXPLANATION == ======================================================================== ---------- ---------- ----t--- ----5h8--- Hammeron ----(8)--- Ghost ----6--- Tap ---------- ---------- Note -------- ----5p8--- Pulloff ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -----p-- ----5/8--- Slide Up -----x---- Dead -----7-- Pop ---------- ---------- Note --s----- ----5\8--- Slide Down ---------- --5----- Slap ---------- ||------|| Repeat -------- ----5~~~-- Vibrato ||*----*|| ---5^--- Bend ---------- ||*----*|| -------- ---------- ||------|| -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -4:------- Time ---------- -------- -4:------- Signature ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- Rhythm: w = whole note W = dotted whole h = half note H = dotted half q = quarter note Q = dotted quarter e = eighth note E = dotted eighth s = sixteenth note S = dotted sixteenth t = 32nd note T = dotted 32nd x = 64th note X = dotted 64th ^ = triplet ======================================================================== == Created with a demo version of BUCKET O' TAB == == tablature creation software for Windows == == For more info email == ========================================================================