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With advancements in technology such as screen readers, text to speech and magnification software, The computer is fast becoming the means of a more independent and enjoyable lifestyle for the visually impaired, many of whom are using computers for Work, correspondence, research and leisure.

This is recognised by many charities, and self help groups, some of which provide technical support and advice on most aspects, from the initial purchase of hardware and software, to answering questions on the use of the many applications that are now on the market, not only is this help freely available, many more charities go further and make generous contributions towards the overall cost

This site however is not intended solely to give information relating to computers, visually impaired people come from all walks of life, each with different needs, and for that reason this site will contain information that will hopefully cover all aspects of Visual impairment, for example, there are many fine charities and support groups out there that cater for the needs of the visually impaired, but it is surprising how few people are aware of them, or indeed the services they provide. It is therefore my intention to publicise these groups and also to give a description of their services, and, where possible to give links to their sites.

It is also intended that this site will host job advertising, specifically for Sight impaired people, I sincerely hope that companies will use this section to advertise their vacancies freely.

I recognise the need for total integration of all people no matter what disabilities or disadvantages, they may have in life, gone are the days where someone is segregated in society and treated as a lesser person. For this reason I invite all persons to contribute to the "Eyeperactive Notice board", messages will be added each month and may refer to any subject. Also, if you are a member of a group or club, and you would like to mention it in the club section, then please send me the details. I have taken the liberty of placing "Outlook" in this section. a self help group that I recently founded.

I have inserted a contents page to make this site easier to navigate, you will find a list to all the pages, including the Reminder service, which is completely free of charge. Although Eyeperactive is based in the U.K. it is intended that all Countries will eventually benefit from this site. To do this I will be heavily reliant on information coming from visitors as well as extensive research, I am always open to suggestions for this site and you are welcome to contact me at my email address below.

This site has not been financed in any way and the services I provide are free of charge, hopefully I will be able to continue this for many years...

Please register your name by email, should this site have a change of address you will then be notified

Thank you for visiting this site,
you are welcome to return.

John Morgan.

