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Reviewed 22 October 2000:

A. Only paid up full members may enter the competitions.
B. Chemically produced photographs and Digital Images are acceptable in all Club organised competitions and Exhibitions provided the work is solely that of the photographer submitting the entry.
C. The copyright of every element of all pictures entered must belong to the author.

D. Images created solely in the computer are not acceptable. Images should contain elements of 'light' recorded image.
E. A photograph may be entered in the Monthly Aggregate competitions once in the 'Set Subject' section and the once in the 'Open' Section
F. An Image may also be entered as both a Print and a Slide in Monthly competitions in both 'Open/Advanced' and 'Set Subject' sections.
G. The best scores in each section from any 6 Print or 6 Slide competitions will be totalled at the end of the Competition year towards the section Trophies. Points are awarded by the Judge, the audience and a 'star system'
H. All entries must be titled, bear your name, and clearly indicate the section in which they are entered. ie. OPEN, ADVANCED or SET SUBJECT.

Competitions are divided into 3 sections:-
OPEN - For new photographers and those of an Intermediate standard, who do not feel they qualify for the Advanced section.
ADVANCED - For photographers who have experience, a relevant Photographic qualification or Distinction ie. ARPS, and can consistently provide high quality work.
SET SUBJECT - Combines photographers in both previous sections to attempt to portray a chosen subject.
Entrants may not change sections (ie. from Open to Advanced) during the Competition year.


1. A total of 6 Prints may be entered on the night. A maximum of 3 prints in two sections may be entered for each monthly competition.
2. Prints may be trade processed or your own work. They may be monochrome, colour or a combination.
3. All Prints must measure at least 8" along one side, not including the mount. There is no maximum size limit.
4. All prints must be mounted on a medium suitable for placing on the display boards.
5. Prints must be delivered to the meeting room BY 7.45PM the evening of the meeting. Late entries will not be accepted.


1. Slide entries must be delivered at least one week prior to the competition. A Slide box is provided for this purpose.
Entries will not be accepted on the night of the competition.

2. Up to 4 slides may be entered in any one Monthly competition - of these no more than 3 may be in one section.

3. All Slides must be clearly and correctly spotted - as the slide is viewed in the hand, draw or place an obvious circular spot on the bottom left-hand corner of the mount .

4. Please note that rule 'H' applies.

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