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Animal Rights? Hmmm...

"Launch your own campaign of sabotoge against the fur industry... find a fur shop in your area and smash or etch its windows. Liquid steel ruins locks, bomb threats cost only a quarter. If you live in an area where furs are worn, fill a squirt bottle with red dye or battery acid and let fly. If you're presentable enough to go into a fur shop or department store, take a razor blade and slash the coats." Rod Coronado, Newsletter, Yule1991
The voice of reason?

This page is designed to express MY PERSONAL VIEWS!!! I am entitled to my own opinion just as you are entitled to yours. Just because you disagree with me doesn't make you any less of a person. It only means, as Mark says, that you have a heart. What you may not have, I won't mention. But I digress. I am encouraging any feedback you wish to send me as long as you don't enfringe on my right to have personal opinions.

No Fur, No Feathers, No Fun
Why do these animals feel they have rights anyway?

The issues: black, white and the gray area

Fashion says...


Letter from the editor

All About Me

Mission Statement

My Favorite Quotes from Liberation Activists!

Research Information Bibliography

Extra Policy Inserts

Thanks go to...

Mark: for teaching me everything that I know about web page design and trying to teach me everything else I want to know Mr. Morris: for giving me the oppertunity to learn all of these wonderful computer skills.
My brother: for almost always getting off the computer when I taunt him with personally damaging blackmale. The librarians: for letting me come to the library everyday even though it's not my turn.

E-mail address:
Yes No

Hot Links...

More Good Links!!! (Saga Furs)
Foundation Brigitte Bardot
Animal Rights Policies
International Fur Trade
Fur Industry in America
Fur Institute of Canada
Fur Age Weekly
Swiss Fur Association
Saga Furs
American Legend
