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This just happens to be Soletz's homepage.....

Well, this graphic is from 'The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy', but I've always liked the idea....

Well, here is my Star Trek page. Did you doubt it? Those of you who know me know I am OBSESSED with Star Trek!!

Sev Trek header
Sev Trek - cartoon spoofs of Star Trek. Copyright 1997 by
John Cook.

SEV TREK!!!! A really cool STAR TREK cartoon, and there is more than just this.

Of course, you can't forget......! Rumors, spoilers, advance info on Star Trek IX, SIMs or RPGs, info on the characters, alien races, and last but not least, Voyager and Deep Space Nine!

Another link:


Well, actually the Jadzia and Worf Site, but you get the point....this site has pictures of Jadzia and Worf together. Other great pictures, like Worf and Dax in their wedding dress, and all o' that....

This is a fake Star Trek IX poster, but I like it. So you get to see it.


Q, Q, all about Q, la de da de dah...*L*

Or more Q? Hmmmmm....this is the Q webring, and I LOVE the graphics...

A little bit of Data......

The one and only......BRENT SPINER!! Appears as Data in Star Trek:The Next Generation, and in Independence Day as the head doctor at Area 51. He is also a comedy star in his own right, imitating the Three Stooges.

Lots of Star Trek info...this guy obviously has way too much time on his hands! (But then, so do I....)

Another webring, but this one is general Star Trek...Klingon, Romulan, blah, blah, blah.

Software, Klingon, etc., etc., etc.

This is the Scottish Star Trek site. Does that mean it's better than everyone elses, simply cuz they're Scottish? Your decision....

This is B'Elanna's homepage. She's a firefighter as well as a Trekkie, and thats what you're going to find on her page, fire and Star Trek!

This isn't really a Star Trek page, it's a friend of mine named Bengal Tiger, Q Bengal Tiger, Q Harry Kim, and many other nicks. He's just a tad hyper(which is why I like him!) His page isn't done yet, but whatever....


Odd Rambling......
