Troy Rockwood's Home page - Open source software, physics, networking

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This page is just a little bookmark page for me, there is nothing interesting here for anyone but me.
If you are looking for something useful or interesting go back somewhere else.
I have two main interests, physics and computer networks. I am a physicist by training. I graduated from the Brigham Young University physics department.
I am currently working as a research scientist in network security at HRL Labs in Malibu California. I was previously employed by Genuity Inc. (Known previously as BBN and GTE Internetworking).
I think that I will return to school before too long and resume my study of physics, although I do not think I will ever relinquish my networking interests. If you care, here is my resume.
Here are some pictures of my family.

Science related links:

General Science news

Science news
Lawrence Livermore Labs Science news
Harvard Science Review
Scientific and industrial research for Australia
Scientific American
Explore Zone
Latest advances in Science
BBC Science and Technology site
Science Week
SciCentral: Gateway to the Best Science and Engineering Online Resources
New Scientist Planet Science - News, jobs and more from the leading weekly magazine
StarDate Online Home Page
Amusement Park Physics

More specific science links

Chaos and University of Maryland
The D-Zero Experiment - The nature of nature
The second superstring revolution - information about superstrings and current superstring theory - Mass spectrometry - FFT software
Basics of MRI
Basic Physics applets
Physics interactive programs online
Physics resources on the net
Pictures of physicists
Einstein's Relativity: The Special and General Theory
Stanford based experiment of the theory of relativity
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Computational Physics at APS.

Constants, Tables, Facts, Info

Index of physical constants
Atomic lines database
Dave's Math Tables, change anything to anything else
Dictionary of algorithms, data structures, and problems from NIST

Journals, Abstracts, and Academic publications

Physics Today
NJP- home
Recent Physics abstracts e-Print archive
LINK - Online First
Physics Departments and documents online
Inequalities in Mathmatics
Mathmatics preprint archive
Mathmatical Studies Research Institute
New York Journal of Mathmatics
Online journals archive
Research Laboratory of Electronics
US Patent and Trademark Office

Learn Science Stuff - Virtual university classes online
HyperPhysics - interactive physics teaching on the web - Audio archives or academic lectures
Physics 2000
Computational Physics couse notes
Particle Physics
Electricity and Magnetism interactive tutorials
Math for College students
All about prime numbers
Fibonacci Numbers
Calculus on the web
Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus Resource Page
Probability tutorial
Graph Theory Tutorials
Digital library of math books from Cornell
Physics hyperbook for Chemistry and Biology students
Online Chemistry Tutorial
An introduction to surface chemistry
Microbiology course content page
An Electronic Introduction To Molecular Virology
DNA From the Beginning
New three body problem solution methods, astronomy teacher debunks science in the media and in movies

Societies, clubs, groups

American Mathematical Society
Society for Amateur Scientists

Home Science/Explanations

How things work - Ask any question
How things Work
Welcome to How Stuff Works
Fun Science experiments to try
Science Toys You Can Make With Your Kids
This site makes math expressions into gif images


Facts, tables, info

History and information in general about the internet
Tom's Hardware Page - Hardware Wizard questions/answers
Important IP numbers
IP port numbers
All the RFC's in HTML format
Deja News
reference refdesk information My Virtual Reference Desk


Linux Security archive - Secure e-mail service - Zixmail
Bug list page that you should be aware of
UK Information Warfare info site
L0pht - now AtStake - Full disclosure Internet Security group
Another security group
Government rainbow series security books
Hackers club
Anti-online security page
Technotronic security group
R a i n F o r e s t P u p p y
SANS network security Institute
What is that Site Running?


DNS tools
HUNT tool designer home page

IDS - Intrusion Detection Systems

IDS FAQ with lots of good information and links
Fred Cohen knows a lot about IDS and Deception
Sniffing FAQ with some useful links
COAST network security stuff
CSI intrustion detections system resource
Supercomputer security

Open Source info:

Here is a very well written one-page document written by a Scientific American author that explains things very well.
An insightful essay on open source development
Some more insightful comments specifically about LINUX
The open source organization
The O'Reilly Open source page
Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution
David Wheeler presents a very well thought out essay on open source

Open source Projects:

Netscape open source page - A better browser than the Microsoft look-alike
Linux is the most well known open source project
Useful tool to track network MIB variables
Open CA project - make an open source Certificate Authority
Open DVD - Support the good guys
Here are some of the latest UNIX software releases (some are open source projects)

Performance of Open Source Software:

Most of this information seems to be anti-microsoft. They seem to epitomize for most the opposite of Open Source/Open Standards.

Read this for information about NT vs. UNIX from an informed source. This is a very good article.

Another extreemly well written article about Solaris vs NT from The Standish Group. Very professional and methodical presentation.

InfoWorld writer has this to say about the origins of Windows and UNIX.

Linux links

Linuxberg World Wide Affiliate Site Locations!
Linux FTP Mirrors
Linux Hardware Database
Scanner Access made easy
Eterm Development Home Page
Linux World is a good resource about LINUX news.
The Linux Documentation Project: Homepage
Beginner's guide to armoring Linux
Linux firewall tools
mod_roaming - Roaming Access module for Apache
Linux IPSec Project FreeSWAN
Linuxplanet - tutorials, news, info

Distributed computing links:

Prime number search program home
Distributed computing
Neural network engine


Java version of SSH
Software update site
VNC - Virtual Network Computing from AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
Share files with your buddies using AOL instant messenger
BotSpot ® : The Spot for all Bots & Intelligent Agents
d e v h e a d
Nessus security scanner
Gnutella is the best file sharing network on the internet - code that you can use - free software for SUN machines

Technology and society: Technology in your life

Home Automation links:

Automated living - control your home from anywhere
Axis Communications
Peak Audio
Audiotron digital music player
Whole house audio tutorial
Turn your palm into a remote
Radio transmiters for your PC

Music links

MPEG . ORG - MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3)
Internet Radio site
Napster - leading the internet music revolution
Napigator, connect to other napster sites
Kiss this guy - a gallery of misheard lyrics
Recorded sound reference center by the library of congress, not just music.
Links to radio stations around the world

Medical resources:

Mayohealth page - Rated number one by several people in 1998
Online Doctor Finder
Medscape - medical advice
RXList - get info about different medicines
Center for Disease control and Prevention (Government Page)
Learn about laser eye surgery

Consumer Advocacy and information links

The Cluetrain Manifesto - what consumers want and what they can do with the web
Utility deregulation information site.
Airline consumer rights page - give companies feedback and get results! - read this before you buy anything, good reviews.
ACLU - Defend Your Data: What They Do Know Can Hurt You!
Automotive buyers and repair guide
Consumer Reports Bumper to Bumper: The source for everything autos
Public advocacy group
MySimon Comparison shopping
Net Grocer online groceries
Internet e-commerce conglomerate
Cheapest component search engine
Consumer search site -Compare all the Rates and Save!
Utility company that bundles services

SPAM Spam fighting tools home of the black hole list and more
SpamCop - File a spam report

Search Engines

Northern Light Power Search
Oingo, meaning based search
Fast Search: All the web, all the time - advanced search and research site uses the open directory project.
Worldwide search sites
Search engines for all occasions
Search Engine Showdown: The Users' Guide to Web Searching
Reverse telephone number lookup

School links

All About Grad School
America's Best Graduate Schools: USNews - edu
25 Best Grad schools
Which schools are best?
Comprehensive? list of schools and info about each
College Admissions made easy
School loans and grants page
Fast Web grants search
How to apply to graduate school
Choose the right graduate school
WiZeUp Digital Texbooks: More Powerful Than Print! - College textbooks at a 40% discount
BIGWORDS: The premiere online college textbook store! Discounted new and used college textbooks.
ECAMPUS.COM - Textbooks and Stuff. Easy. Fast. Cheap., New and Used College Textbooks -- We're the world's largest buyer and seller of new and used textbooks
The U Zone: College Culture. Alive and Online.
GRE Online Test


Create your own Newspaper
A good source for tech/internet news. - Arts and leters daily - claims to tell the "real" story, magazine stories sorted by topic

Online Politics:

Vote Online and have your voice sent to the appropriate person.
Get politically involved
Project Vote Smart
The Center for Democracy and Technology
EFFweb - The Electronic Frontier Foundation
TRUSTe: Building a Web You Can Believe In
"Internet Society" (ISOC): Welcome Internet Society (ISOC) Web Site
Digital Freedom Network - grass roots politics

Using the net for fun and profit links:

TicketAssassin - how to fight back against unfair traffic ticketing - free calls in the US from your computer!
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Free fax service all over the world
Free service that generates text graphics.
Word processing over the web
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Buy and sell information with others"> - monitor changes throughout the net., online housing records - browser compatibility verification site
Newzbot - free news servers on the internet - forward your email to a new account

Building stuff:, free plans to build stuff

Friends and Family links:

My wife's page
Ed Paquette (Friend from work)
My brother in law Justin Hirst's site
My cousin Jailynn's page
My cousin Andy's page
Sapporo Mission Page

Funny Pages, this guy can't dance.
Dr. Science!
Too funny site about Japanese English
Fun things to do with household food
Bunny Survival tests
Peep Surgery tips
CDs being zapped by tesla coils
Funny site about the "Mullet" haircut - kids dropped stuff from high places and took pictures
Yeti@home - find him with distributed computing!
The Dialectizer
Funny site that takes your name and gives you an alias
Bad fortunes in fortune cookies
FUNNY story about one guy's soap fiasco in a hotel
Funny stories about customers doing stupid things, dumb laws in different countries.
FEP, Firewall enhancement protocol geek humor, IETF style

Literature/Reading/Humanities stuff

Evaluate sources of information tutorial
The best books of the Century
Database of Award-Winning Children's Literature
Talking history - audio files about history
Books online - books online - multimedia classics presentations


Kids in mind movie ratings site, movies on the web - independant films Internet Film Network


Satellite addresses of all broadcasting satellites


Put your scriptures on your palm

Learn other things:

Utorials, tutorials for you by you. - learn and build a knowledge database


Learn about chess,
Britannica online
Learn American Sign on the web
Circuits archive
A neural network that plays 20 questions and is quite good!
The physics of traffic - search government copyright records
Site of a guy from Sun with good insight into the web - online law resource - a list of all known newsgroups (I think) - free web newsgroup access, games to play on the web
A good map resource
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