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Tinka's Territory, 2.0.1

I've looked at life from both sides now,
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall;
I really don't know life at all.

- Joni Mitchell

So this is 1998. So far it has been a good year -- despite me having exams! I have been trying to dream up a concept for this site but far I have failed. I already know that I will put but a really cutesey sick Valentine's page, but I am yet to do the graphics. For a more colourful version of this site, visit an almost mirror like site at Geocities. Expect a dramatic overhaul here within the next fortnight, 'cos then I'm on holiday...yay!!!! I have added yet another page: Literary Quotes which has tons of funny, perceptive and thoughtprovoking quotes about literature; the bread and butter of my life. I hope you'll also browse these pages:

Personal Info Modern Poetry
Tinka's Recipes Tink's Links
English Poetry Neat Lyrics

Even though January is holiday time from now on, I still have to do some preparation for my theatre company's next performance. I am one of the producers and I also help out with staging and PR. We have been together for three seasons now, and last year's The Importance of Being Earnest was a blast! Hopefully this year's Pains of Youth - Krankheit der Jugend will prove just as good. Watch this space!

Finally I just have to remind everybody that my birthday is but a few weeks away so start buying those pressies now!!
(and Dan, my personal page states the date!! *cyberwhack*)
*grins*..cakes, balloons and hot choc at my place on my natal day at 6 pm. Be there or be...

These are good friends of mine..

Cephar Dan
Garden Goddess Goldenheart
Star Dancer Klawz
Canuck Girl Phreaky Angel Stella
Polar Bear Timey
Nilly Steffen

Guestbook by GuestWorld

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