The only dedicated WWF Newsboard on the whole of the web. Click for the best WWF news on the net.

Raw is War
The latest Raw is War analysis by one of our exclusive reporters, Tammy Oosting.

State of Wrestling
Our own exclusive column on the "State of Wrestling" by one of our reporters, Everitt Crouch

PPV Report
The results and analysis from the last WWF PPV, which at this time was Break Down. Reported by Tammy Oosting.

TNM Basement
The only place if your a fan of TNM 7. Click here to enter a realm dedicated to the phenomenem that is, TNM 7!!

Subscribe to the e-mail equivalent which you see on this site. Click here to get more information on the TDN Newsletter.

Wrestling Links
Click here to visit the page where you'll find the best WWF sites on the web!!.

Visit here if you would like to keep TDN going. Thanks very much

Chat Room
Click here if you would like to chat with other like minded people. BIG CHAT COMING SOON!!

Message Board
This is the place where you'll be able to leave messages for me or for any other person!!

Discussion Forum
Click here if you would like to discuss anything about wrestling in general. If you think Goldberg sucks then click here and tell me why. No WCW fans allowed!!

Back Issues
Click here to download back issues of the only dedicated WWF newsletter, TDN. It's backed ful of everything that is WWF related. (THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

I've got one thing to say. Goldberg sucks!


Updates & Announcements

  • Hello, and welcome to the totally new and updated WWF Total Domination Online Newsletter Website. This is where you will find all the best WWF News and columns that are going today. If your wondering who is actually talking to you at this moment it is bAz, a mad WWF fan who is dedicated to keep the WWF #1 with quality journalism and what you can see, an amazing website. I have actually created it to be like the Internet Wrestling Zone which I consider to be the best wrestling site on the web. Thanks very much and see ya soon.

  • The first issue of the new TDN Newsletter will be in your mailboxes on Monday. It will be totally packed with WWF News and columns. To subscribe to receive this free newsletter then click here.

  • As you probably know the WWF Total Domination Online Newsletter is totally dedicated to bringing you the best coverage of the WWF that the web has ever seen. So I was thinking to myself how could I make the best WWF site on the web even better. Then I got to thinking that why don't we add reviews for WWF Video Tapes as well!!. Such as if you buy a WWF video cassette and you would like to write a report into how you found it you can do just that!. You would be helping everyone out there who was thinking of buying the video into their decision!!. If you would like to just that then click here to send me an e-mail confirming your interest. Also if anybody is going to a WWF house show soon or in the near future they could write a report on it for the upcoming WWF Live Events section. If anybody could do that it would be amazing. The best WWF site on the web would truly be excellent. If your interested in writing a report on a house show you've been to, then click here

TNM Basement Updates & Announcements

  • Added a Clive Myers export to the wrestler export page. If you would like to download this directly click here, if you would like to go to the specific page then click here. Also added a Taurus Bulba and Steve Simpson export to the website. If you would like to download them then please click here

  • The gimmick match export page is finnally up and running. Lots of excellent matches here!!, if you would like to go to this page then click here

  • If you would like to read some new information on TDN's upcoming Interview Generator for TNM 7 then click here

If you like the TDN website and you would like it to stay operational then click here and read the information shown on the screen.

TDN Staff Members

[TDN Webmaster : bAz]
[TDN Columnist "Raw is War Report" : Tammy Oosting]
[TDN Columnist "State of Wrestling" : Everitt Crouch]

Above is the people that keep TDN alive and going. There is only three people on the list. We desperatley need more. I would like to see a situation were anybody who is so angry with wrestling in general will be able to post their views and I would put it up on the website. So if you would like to write a column for both the website and the newsletter then click here to send an e-mail for information. You are under no obligation once you sign up to send one every week, it can be every couple of days or even every couple of weeks it doesn't matter. All I want is for you to particpate in this unique opportunity to give your opinion of wrestling today.

Your banner on the main page for £1 forever!!

Right thats true. If you would like to see your banner on the main page then thats the price. If you want it on the Wrestling Links page the price is a big zero. I will accept any links for the dedicated links page, if you would like to get your site noticed on the specific links page then click here. You will receive notification when I put your link on that page, however if you want it on this page you've got to pay for the privilage, a measly one British pound gets your banner on here forever. The only reason that your banner would be take down is if you didn't send the money or if the site I'm advertising is porn related. I will accept your pound in a postal order or for people outside of Britain, a money order. Well I think thats a totally great deal, one pound for your banner staying here for life!. If you would like to receive information on how to actually get your link on this page then click here

If you like the TDN website and you would like it to stay operational then click here and read the information shown on the screen.

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