The Alex James Interview.

Full Name: Lindsay Rae Clements.

Nicknames: Rae, Lil Brit, Pazzarella, Lindsey (this seems to be the most popular as everyone is too damn stupid to look and see how I actually spell it), Linds, Lend-See the Chinese Karate master, Fresh Jive, Freak, Britpop, Crouton, Bugaloo Shrimp (don't ask...).

D.O.B: 21 May 1982. Any birthday cards stuffed with cash are more than welcome.

Height: About 5 foot 5. Add another inch if I happen to be wearing shoes.

Weight: Well now, let's see. It depends. On certain planets, I could weigh 2 tons, and on others, as little as 4 ounces. So yes, 4 ounces it is.

Siblings: A certain 28-year-old staff sargent in the Marines by the name of James Clements.

School: Valley High, if you really must know. Oh yay, I'm a Valley girl!!

Pets: Kid - a cat, Sarge - my cat, and Travis - dog-type thing.

Job: Mmmm... freelance artist? It pays... plus it means I am slowly on my way to my future career. Yes, then I would be one of them.

Phrases I use too much: Niiiiice, Nutty, For fuck's sake, I am/___ is psychotic... I mean psychic, Whatever floats the boat, Whatever's clever, Let's bust a move, No I'm not gay!

A non-sport game at which I excel: Hackey sack.

A non-sport game which I enjoy: Me vs. the skanky ho boy wrestling match.

Dream car: 1998 Jeep Wrangler w/ a Laredo package, circular headlights, black rag top and doors, CD player with a great stereo, 4 wheel drive, coloured Cheerios-box yellow.

Coolest experience: Semisonic inviting me to go backstage with them for 45 minutes. And Jake giving me a hug before he left.

Scaries thing I've ever done: Either come out of the womb or gotten up in the morning.

Fave thing to do in winter: Stay inside, draw, listen to music, venture out for a show or 2 or 3 or 5.

In summer: Sleep, stay inside, draw, listen to music, venture out for a show or 2 or 3 or 5.

Skills & talents: Art, writing, art, saying VERY odd things, art, communicating with college students/fellow artists/band members/record store workers and goes, art, sleeping, art, typing at incredibly high speeds, and did I happen to mention art??

What I want to be: Happy. As long as I am happy, I don't care if I am completely broke with nothing but my stereo system to fall back on that I completely refuse to hock for food cash.

Fave colour: Blue and all its friends.
Fave food: Cheese!

Least fave food: Chicken feet. (Yes, I have eaten it. Never again!)

Fave subject: I'm not even going to say... you should know by now.

Fave sports: Scream at the hockey players, or laugh at the jock.

Person I admire the most: No-one in particular. I take little pieces of everyone I know with me to use later.

Fave movies: I Shot Andy Warhol, A Clockwork Orange, Full Monty, Trainspotting, A Life Less Ordinary, Swingers, Velvet Goldmine, American Pop, Shallow Grave, Akira, anything by Monty Python, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hackers, American Werewolf in London (the cult '70s one).

Fave music video: "Just" by Radiohead. It's the first music video I distinctly remember seeing in full... it's just so fucking amazing and the song rocks as well!

Fave TV shows: Dharma & Greg, Cartoon Sushi, Sifl & Olly, That 70s Show, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Win Ben Stein's Money, MST3K, Dennis Miller Live, Liquid Television, South Park, Aeon Flux, Sailor Moon, Bob & Margaret, The State, Roseanne.

Fave cartoon: Mmm... any sort of Anime for the most part, especially the sort with girls who posess impossibly huge breats and equally impossible tiny waists. Twisted stuff like "Sex & Violence" is pretty interesting as well.

Fave month: June.

Fave holiday: Summertime -- it's the longest.

Fave part of the newspaper: Comics. Of course.

Fave magazine: Juxtapoz.

Fave wardrobe ensemble: Airwalk sneakers, comfy blue Silver Tabs, Jarvis Cocker-esque shirt, stripey boxer shorts, blue nail polish, all my accesories (hemp, thumb ring, wrist chain, etc etc). Bra need not apply. Ever.

Dream vacation: All over Europe.

Fave drink: Vanilla coke.

Fave dessert: Cinnamon ice cream of course!!

Fave celebrities: Ewan McGregor, Fran Healy, Alex James, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lili Taylor, Jake Slichter, Dana Carvey, John Munson, Dan Wilson, Jonny Lee Miller, Matt Dillon, Kim & Kelly Deal, Thom Yorke, Jon Lee, Andy Warhol, Jarvis Cocker, Ethan Embry, George Carlin, Cameron Diaz.

Pet peeves: Close-minded people, pessimists, religious fantatics, eye examinations, and lids on pickle jars.

Best quote: "The doctors examined my head and found nothing." (Dizzy Dean.)

Worst quote: "You may experience a slight discomfort..."

Lesson I have learned in life: Talk to people. It's good for you.

Fave animal: Leopards. Not yer conventional yellow ones, but clouded or snow leopards are beautiful to look at.

Fave word: Shindig.

Fave books: The Little Prince, Trainspotting, stuff by Albert Camus and William Borroughs are good as well.

Best qualities in myself: Friendly, generous, intelligent, strongly opinionated, affectionate, funny, modest, optimistic.

Worst qualities: Standoffish, overly serious, high standars on almost everything, hypocritical, clingy, strongly opinionated, picky.

Best qualities in a mate: Being my superficial standards? OK. Moderately tall (5 10 or more), GREAT hair -- preferrably bleached or with some fringe action going on, honest, strong opinions, able to argue, body-contact oriented, good cook, listens to good music, intellectual, open-minded, artsy-fartsy, lets me steal his clothes. (Look here for my complete list of standards if you dare!)

Most hated celebrity: Leonardo DiCaprio - he must DIE!!!!!!

Who I am in 9 words or less: A bit strange. OK more than a bit.

Things I love: Making mix tapes, sunshine, art, rainbows, hiking, sleeping for 13 hours straight, going to concerts, comfy clothes, hugging, my mum, redecorating my bedroom, finishing a drawing after working on it for 9 hours (yes 9 hours!), watching cartoons I did when I was a kid, bleach-blonde hair, guy pals, buying a new shirt, making money, putting on a pair of jeans fresh out of the dryer, writing e-mail, watching a good movie for the first time, meeting a band, confusing other people with things I find logical, finishing a book, my cat, listening to the rain from under our covered porch, talking to a cool person, horseback riding, scaring the crap out of my friends on Halloween, my teeth right after I brush them, having a phone coversation with someone I have not seen or talked to in a long time, taking naps, having my laundry done for me, eating, finding good stuff in the used music bins, taking hot showers, doing something weird to my hair.

Things I don't love: Stupid people, natural blonde hair, not being able to tan, school, waiting for Internet documents to load, this Y2K ordeal, new years' eve, school dances, having no money but no job either, being alone, math classes, waking up early, shaved heads, preppy people, being forced to watch an awful movie, staying up past 11 doing homework and finding out it's not due til the next class, big research projects on a closed topic, my dog jumping on me, being cold at night, wanting a hug and not finding one, getting lost in Boulder with someone who has no driving sense whatsoever, getting a zit before something important (good thing this doesn't happen much anymore), uncomfortable situations, teenage magazines, being around a bunch of guy-crazy girls for hours on end.