I'm Going To Say It Anyway.


"In the sixites people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, people take prozac to make it normal."
"My mum made it for me years ago and it's part of me now. It was meant to protect me when she wasn't there. I think it's worked on the whole." [on his necklace.]
"I used to go to loads of parties and when I would get there, Graham would be lying on the floor like a human doormat."
"I don't think you'd have Suede without blur. Well, I know you wouldn't."
"It's extraordinary that 16-year-olds thrust their breasts at me and ask me to sign them. But they do."
"Everybody's walking around like a slightly new-and-improved version of themselves.  It's a fucking horrible idea.   I prefer New York - it's all of Europe in one.  It's literally Europe, really.  With lots of tall buildings." [on Los Angeles.]
"I love dogs, but i couldn't eat a whole one. Ha ha."
"I can't dance properly but I like jumping around. It's like getting electric shocks or spasms."
"I don't exist. Literally every day I read something that says I'm not real."
"When something is so, so big, everything that follows somehow incorporates as a reference.  If you missed out on it, you're like someone's special experiment." [on Star wars.]
"My mum thinks I'm ultra-conservative in the way I dress. Hippie parents just don't understand why you want to wear a shirt and smart shoes."
"There was a time when any pop star who even admitted to enjoying books was dismissed as a middle-class twat. They're virtually given up on calling me a middle-class twat cos I've actually admitted, 'Yes I am a middle-class twat!' about a million times, so they've given up now!"
"The thing you've got to understand about blur is that there's not an ounce of rock-n-roll in us. Not any. That's why we're capable of making an album a year instead of standing around in a studio with the amps turned on waiting for the vibes. There's so much else to do."
"We say nothing. Dave just says nothing. Alex says nothing in an Alex way. Graham says nothing in a negative way. I say nothing in a roundabout way."
"We've always seen ourselves as putting on white coats and going into the lab." [on recording studios.]
"I was always a workaholic, I just didn't have any work."
"I kind of blank out once i'm on stage and I don't really notice getting hurt until afterwards. I mean, it's not as if I do much exercise, but I seem to have acquired a kind of stage fitness."
"It's weird because with the guys it's not a love thing, it's more of a 'Let's be mates, let's get on stage and, woargh, nice one!' sort of thing. It's funny, I really love that. If that's as far as I ever get in communicating with people, that's great. I just like the idea of everyone cuddling each other."
"We sing about this country and how we feel about it. We tell stories."
"Alex writes a song every two years and they're all about planets."
"I've got people camping outside my place in kensington. In sleeping bags. It's not that irritating, except we haven't got any curtains in the front room, so we can't walk around in the nude."
"I AM rich. I fucking am. There's no point denying it."
"I don't care who I snog, girls or boys. It's not a sexual thing at all, it's more of a header."
"When I was thirteen I was walking around quite a hard comprehensive school with a violin, an earring, and a Karl Marx book. Which was not normal. But now I walk around in trainers and a Chelsea top."
"I don't really head bang. I just lurch about banging myself on the head with my microphone. But the mike is in my hand, so it's not as bad as it looks. Tricks of the trade!"
"Everyone in pop music is in danger of looking like knobheads in six months, and I only want to look part-knobheaded."
"I really like his words.  I don't like analyzing them; I just like listening to them." [on Beck.]
"We only had three things to say in our first interviews: we're great, we're not an Indie band, and don't judge us now - judge us in five years' time. At least now we've done somthing that lives up to my big mouth."
"Thanks to everyone who's had blind faith in us, past and present, and wake up America!" [accepting Blur's 4th and last Brit Award in 95.]
"I think I'd rather kill myself than listen to a Hootie and the Blowfish record."

"We used to drink so much. I'd have a bottle of wine under the chair my amp was sat on and I'd swig my way through that."
"I was being scared about my guitars being rubbish."
"Damon? Sexy? He's about as sexy as a stuffed fish, pal!"
"We can't resist being silly."
"I hate the video for 'Country House'. I love the song, but the association with it has become with Page Three and Benny Hill instead of Blur."
"Ho ho, ho ho's. They're nice though."
"Watching Noel Gallagher play, he has too much fucking respect for the instrument. To get the best of a guitar, you've got to fucking hate it as well."
Damon wasn't liked [at school] and I thought he was a vain wanker."
"Of course I'm a Hedonist. What else is there to live for? The rest is just killing time."
"I don't feel famous at all. I've noticed it, and I suppose it's become an effort to be unfamous. It's crude, but the idea I have of myself is of someone who's getting pints of milk on the corner in the morning."
"When we finish one album, we immediately start thinking of the next one."
"I crapped in my jumper. I had to go poo and I forgot it was tied around my waist. I threw it into someone's yard. They should put it in the Homegrown Cafe!" [on the first time he and Damon got drunk.]
"The first thing Damon ever said to me was something about his shoes being more expensive than mine."
"Vanity will always stop me drinking in the end. You just look so terrible!"
"Jack Daniels makes us all puke."
"You become totally aware of your every action. It's a very weird thing not to be able to walk down to the shops without thinking of yourself as the guitarist of Blur walking down to the shops."

For Alex quotes, click here!

"It got to one point during our interminable U.S. tour where we all had a black eye. Within a 3-day period, we had all managed to twat each other."
"I was a part-time agit-prop-Marxist-red-flag-squat-punk with a blonde mohican."
"It's interesting that all of us have got one sister and none of us have brothers. And we do look after each other like brothers."
"We generally pay people to order other people around now."
"It's one of those things like buying a yacht, that's almost expected of a pop star in decline, isn't it? Like taking up round-the-world racing." [on his plane.]
"It's only recently that I think we've really cared whether the people in America really care about us or not. We spent so much time arguing with our record company over there because they didn't seem to get what we were doing at all. We've changed to Virgin there now and the people we're dealing with seem all right."
"Being in a band isn't all I could do. I could've earned a pretty good living out of being a computer programmer. I'm equally good at that as I am at this."
"We don't eat anything with eyes, except potatoes."
"Brian Johnston used to make my Sundays. He was the last of the old school or sports commentators. I used to watch the cricket on the telly with the sound down, just so that I could have the radio on with his beautiful voice."
"I don't think anyone who's ever counted drinking amongst their hobbies has never kissed a man."