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This Site is now in the hands of a new owner. Thanks to anyone who sent a request for a computer, signed my Guest Book, or downloaded software.

The Computers I Own

IBM Software

IBM Compatible Selection

'92 Boss 386 Personal Computer
'90 Toshiba T1600(laptop)
'90 Lazer Pal286
'89 Tandy 1000 TL - 2
'89 Tandy TL 1000
'89 Tandy PC 1000
'88 Tandy 1000 RL
'87 Tandy 1000
'87 Leading Edge
'84 IBM PCjr
'84 IBM XT
'84 Amstrad CPC464
'-- Amstrad PPC640D
'-- AT&T 6300
'-- AT&T 3B2/300

Macintosh Selection

'91 Macintosh Portable
'91 Macintosh Classic II
'90 Macintosh Classic
'89 Macintosh SE/30
'88 Macintosh FDHD
'87 Macintosh SE
'86 Macintosh Plus
'85 Macintosh XT
'84 Macintosh 512k
'84 Macintosh 128k

Apple Secletion

'84 Apple Lesa
'84 Apple //c
'82 Apple //e
'77 Apple //


'86 Burroughs

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