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     Bulgarian Animal Defence League
To Save, To Serve
Registered Charity No. U-108063587

Bank Details:  Bulbank Plc, 7 Sveta Nedelya Square, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
SWIFT: BFTBBGSF, Cable: Bulbank, Account No: GBP 1911503104


Thank you for choosing to visit the Puppies Appeal page of the Bulgarian Animal Defence League.

T    he number of homeless puppies wandering on the streets of Sofia, who have no shelter, nothing to eat and carry contagious diseases has increased substantially in recent years. As if though that is not enough but the poor puppies have to fend off against automobiles, cruel humans and other stray dogs stooped to cannibalism in order to survive.

In such a cruel world, many of the homeless puppies are sentenced to an unfortunate life on the street fighting for their daily survival; and often they have to do this by themselves as their mothers have left them long time ago.

The Solution

The Bulgarian Animal Defence League has recognised that the number of homeless puppies in Bulgaria has reached disquieting proportions. The charity believes that the best possible way to reduce the number of unwanted puppies is to prevent the number of puppies being born at source by spaying and neutering as many homeless animals as possible. The League is also committed to find loving homes to as many homeless puppies as possible.

How to help ?

The Bulgarian Animal Defence League is a private-run organisation, independent of any Bulgarian government agency. As many charitable organisations, BADL does rely on the generosity of the public and sponsors to help the funding of its activities.

The charity does not have a consistent source of income at its disposal at the present time, neither its own substantial resources.

If you agree with our objectives to protect the well-being of homeless animals and would like to help us to carry out our work in a better way, you can support our cause in a number of ways. You can make a donation to BADL, become a member, do volunteer work or even send us your ideas about how to improve the life of homeless animals in Bulgaria. Any of these would be greatly appreciated by our organisation. When making a donation, your donation should not necessarily be of monetary value; you could also donate specific purpose equipment (such as spaying and neutering equipment) or vaccines or anything you see fit that would help our organisation in achieving its objectives better. Another way in which you can help our cause is by deciding to provide a permanent home for one the many stray animals awaiting adoption or simply sponsor one.

Regardless of the way you choose to help our activities, however, we would like to thank you for


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