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My simple profile

Name: Alayne

Nicknames: Alien (thanks Martha), Layner, Layners

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Height: Short

Weight: Fat

Eye color: Green

Hair color: At the moment it's a dark red

Where I live: One of God's waiting rooms, AKA Pennsylvania.

Siblings: 2 blood related sisters, 3 step-sisters, 1 step-brother

Zodiac Sign: Western-Aquarius, Chinese-Ox

Favorite colors: Purple, Silver, Green

What's on my tv: Late night Cartoon Network, Comedy Central ,
Hockey games, Late night TV in general, Mythbusters, and so on.
This is when I actually get the chance to sit for more than 10 minutes.

Favorite sport: Uh, hockey, duh.

Driving: '96 Toyota Corolla

College: Clarion University

Affiliations: Sigma Sigma Sigma and ACM