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New Song (5/26/03)
Yes, we finally have a new song for everyone to listen to. It's the first recorded song to feature the entire band. We recorded the audio on a video camera live during a practice, so the quality isn't the best. It's an improvised jam, so it still needs some polishing. Nonetheless, it is a new song. Listen to
Dead Man's Boots now. It's a slight departure from the songs you've been hearing on the site, but it's definitely cool. Check it out and tell us what you think on the guestbook.
Video and a Show (5/23/03)
A BMP video? Sort of. While filming a video project for school, Chris and Jared performed the classic BMP song, Hiatus. Click here to watch the video. The shows page has been updated, also. We're going to be playing Earlfest this summer with Necrosis and several other local bands. The dates and such are still being confirmed, though. For now, download a flyer.
Quick Plug (5/22/03)
Just making a quick plug... everyone should check out this local band called Necrosis. They kick ass, and we're looking into playing some shows with them this summer. Check out their site and download their songs right now -
Small update (5/21/03)
Steve now has a bio page, and Chris's has been updated. A bunch of new photos are up. We're going to rerecord the Traffic Jam demo because the old one sounded too bad to release. The new version will be up sometime soon.
Final Lineup (5/15/03)
After a few months of switching around and several member changes, BMP finally has its permanent lineup. Chris and Steve on guitar and vocals, Rachael on bass and Jared once again on drums. With this lineup we're hoping to play some shows soon. We'll most likely play the Webster Theater in Hartford in the near future, and we might play a show in Portland, CT sometime in August. Keep checking this page for updates and sign the damn guestbook!
Guestbook (5/14/03)
A guestbook is now up. Be sure to sign it and tell us what you think. In other news, a new rough demo might be up within a few days of a new song called Traffic Jam. It's a short instrumental jam that Chris had to play both guitar and drums on. We're gonna practice again tomorrow and see how many songs we can get down. Hopefully we'll be playing some shows soon. Meantime, if there are any rock bands in the Manchester/South Windsor/East Hartford/Vernon area who want to play show with us this summer, send us an email. Thanks.
New Pics (5/13/03)
A whole lots of new pics are up on the photos page. Be sure to check them out. A few things to report... Jared has decided to switch from drums to bass and guitar. A guy named Rich will be taking his place behind the kit. We're also about to get a girl named Rachael to play bass and guitar to fill in the gaps. Finally, we're taking the time to record things here and there (if you don't believe me, you can see pictures of it on the photos page) so we are certainly getting a lot of things done. We're looking foreward to playing some shows this summer, and releasing a full length CD sometime after that.
New Site (5/1/03)
The new site is up... hope everybody likes it. Anyway, we're busy writing and practicing new songs, and getting ready to play some shows this summer. Check the news and shows pages frequently for more information. Meantime, you can listen to some of our older material, which isn't nearly as good as the new stuff. A few old songs and demos are available on the music page. If you'd like to purchase our old EP, you can do so on the merch page. Also, a whole bunch of pictures are up on the photos page so check that all out.