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it's the price I pay for a free site...

 - Griffin's Music Video (MOV) (4.81 MB)
.....Team: S.O.C. (Slab of Cunt) (Chris, Griffin, Ray, Sean)
.....Music: RX Bandits - Who Would've Thought

 - QT-Bloody Tampon Promo Vid (WMV) (4.40 MB)
.....Team: QT-Bloody Tampon (Matt, Phil, Dave J., Dave C.)
.....A quick video I did because I felt the team was unrepresented here

 - Rice Patty - Fecal Bear Promo Vid (WMV) (3.00 MB)
.....Team: Rice Patty - Fecal Bear (Jared, Steve, Theresa, Holly)
.....A quick video I did because I felt the team was unrepresented here