* Last time on Isis! Alas, the numech wouldn't speak. And Guy dissappeared! Who'da thunk he'd of done it? * Then you got back to the mansion. [Jan 14th, 10:47pm.] [Start] * The time for the debreifing draws near, but you've still got a little bit of time. * Smith cleans Pina-chan and waits. * Cliona is sitting in her chair. Napping. * Smith and Clio were told to meet in the 3rd office on the second floor. * And so were Nina and Quinn. * Smith looks at her watch, then puts Pina-chan away in her case, picks up the case and heads to the office. (*will BRB* -_-;; I almost forgot my dinner should be ready by now. Need to go pick it up. n.n;) * Cliona acks and falls out of her chair as an alarm on her watch goes off... @.@ Ack! Damn! The Debreifing! * Cliona sprints for the office * Nina is waiting there patiently. She's humming to herself to pass the time. * The actual door to the room is still closed. ( And Lily, what 'bout you? ) * Lily is leaning against the wall, scribbling on a Palm ( You mean your Super-PDA of some other brand. This is way out in the future. ) ( They're all Palm's to me) ( :P) ( That doesn't make you any less wrong. ) ( Bah, until such time as Jex informs me of what brand this thing is, I'll call it a Palm) * Clio, Smith. When you two get there, it's still closed. Nina and another girl you recognize, as the only other person who actually stuck around after Cait announced who was and wasn't in the Elite! Mercenary! Strike! Force! ( Which would the cue for descriptions. =p ) * Lily is an approximately 5' 8" Mestizo girl with black hair, wearing "Punk Clothes Of The Future!" * Nina waves at Smith, and Clio. Where's Godhand and Guy at? Cait said this was a debreifing. Don't they usally involve everyone? Yeah. Usually you don't have one operative get shot and go into a coma and the otehr desert. Godhand is in a hosptial and Guy is missing. You'll get the rest in the debrifing. * Nina blanches a little. "Thats.... not good." * Lily finishes scribbling and stows her Palm-of-the-Future So when does this debriefing actually start? * According to various clocks and watches, in about four minutes. The door is still closed. * The door is a polished oaken door with a bronze knob. The trim is a darker shade of polished oak * Nina shrugs. "I'm not sure. I left my watch back at home... It's funny how I never have one when I actually need one." * Smith waits patiently. What would be so bad about starting the debreifing early I wonder... * Lily shrugs * One minute before the set time, the door opens silently. A tall guy (6'3) with long blond hair, and ice-cold blue eyes walks out, shutting the door silently behind him. He's wearing some faded jeans, a grey shirt, and a black trenchcoat. * Smith looks at the person. * He's got a wiry build to him, and there's something eerie about the way he walks. * Lily eyes him .... oh. You're all early. I like to be punctual * Mystery Guy looks over the bunch. There's something creepy about his eyes, too. Like he's looking through you. I was finished with one phase of maintence on my gun and it is a bad idea to interrupt the next, and it would have taken more time than I had. * Cliona shrugs. * Mystery Guy stops looking around once he spots Clio, though, and looks at her more intently. "You.... you're Cliona Crea, right?" Yep... That I am. * Mystery Guy frowns, looking a bit more intently at Clio. Then he shrugs. "... I shouldn't delay any of you. I'll be on my way." ( GEE I WONDER IF HE'S GOING TO BE IMPORTANT LATER ) ( You have no idea. =p ) ( I certainly don't think so) * Cliona eyes the Mystery Guy curiously... ( I am reminded of that bit where you meet hte director of FEMA early on in Deus Ex. ) * Mystery Guy nods slightly in the direction of the room, then bows slightly, and walks down the carpeted hallway noiselessly. * Hey! There's a voice from inside the now-open room! It's Cait! * Smith heads into the room. Hey, come on in! * Cliona heads in. * Lily hops into the room * The inside of the room has wooden panelling for walls, with small mirrors placed about to optimize the light of the chandelier. There's an actual candle chandelier for light. The interior of the room has a big wooden desk, with the Big Chair behind it, and there are 5 leather-coated stools on the front side. * Nina peeks in, then proceeds in herself. * Lily perches on one of the stools * Cait is sitting in the Big Ominous looking chair. But being only 3 feet tall, the effect dosen't come off to well. =p * Cliona plops down on a stool Okay. Time for the serious stuff. Cliona and Smith. Tell me how it went. Not as good as it could have We went in. Guy scouted ahead, found the nuke. I disarmed all the explosives I get at, but I couldn't get at the nuke without having to go search for a ladder. We went down, and unless some escaped from guy, we dealt with all the robots there. I attemdted to bring the brain of the numech that seemed to be in charge back, but he activated some form of self-destruct device. * Smith fishes the discs out of Pina-chan's case and gives them to Cait. "Cliona was able to extract this information from the computers." * Cait frowns. "A numech self-destructing? That's pretty rare." During this, Godhand was badly wounded. Guy took her out, saying he was going to get her medical attention. He said he could not let the information in his head fall into hostile hands. Seemed somewhat fanatic. However, when we returned to the cargo elevator, we found that it was up, and more, that the control panel bore marks that appeared to be from the type of sword that Guy used. Cliona was able to activate the elevator anyway, and we exited the building without further incident. Right outside, we found Godhand on the ground, and no sign of Guy. I called you at this point. Then we took the maglev, and dropped Godhand off at the station it took us to, where medical perosnell from the nearby hospital were coming to get her. We returned to the maglev and came here. * Cait frowns again. "Guy didn't mention anything about a sword. And none of out intel noticed anything about a sword." His sword was a sword-hilt that sporuted some type of blade when activated. I breifly considered it odd he used that on the operation after prominently displaying his sniper rifle at the recruitment, but disregarded it as there were more serious matters to attend to, as I was injured during that fight, although not seriously. * Cait nods, and turns to Clio. "Anything you'd like to add?" Nina, Lily. I'll bet you two are wondering why you're here at their debreifing, aren't you? You mean I'm not just here because I light up the room? You get a cookie! Well, you would, except I'm out of cookies. * Cait opens one of the drawers on his side. Am I? Yeah, I am. Sorry. =^_^=; You can just owe me one. Alrighty! I owe you a cookie, then! * Nina simply nods meekly. Well, I wanted you two to know what happened. That mission was important. More important than we expected, in fact. But it was also a test. To see who we could trust. Now that that has been revealed, our Elite! Mercenary! Strike! Force! is undermanned. So, do you want in? What do I get out of it again? Thrill and danger, learning to work as a team with Smith and Cliona and each other! And more money, too, if you're into that kinda thing. Hmmm, throw in some fresh baked cookies every mission and we have a deal. * Cait tilts its head. "Chocolate chip or butterscotch?" Butterscotch It's a deal. *nods happily* * Cliona listens quietly. * Nina is still silent, occasionally glancing at a corner or somewhere else. * Lily looks over at Clio and Smith "So, looks like we're a team now" I'm ... sorry. I'm no good at fighting. I mean.. I totally freaked out before, when Clio's home got trashed.... * Smith looks at Lily. "What are your notable skills?" Well, I can dance, I can write, and I'm the absolute life of any party Oh and... * Nina eyes light up some. "Can you sing to?" * Lily pulls out a pocket knife and presses it against her skin, it dimples the skin quite a bit, but fails to penetrate. I also stab people every now and then, but no, I can't really sing * Oh, hey? Was Nina breathing before? She's not now. And her face is white as a ghost. * Lily puts the knife away and waves her hand in front of Nina Hello? Eh... hehehe... That was scary. * Nina blinks a couple of times, and scoots away from Lily. o.o; Yay! Everybody's getting along! Um, yeah.... It's not like I was bleeding all over the place or anything... How soon will you three be ready for another mission? Well, I've got a concert tommorow night I was hopeing to go to.... * Cait opens one of the lower drawers, ducking out of sight below the desk-line and digging around for something. RIght now. * Cait 's head pops into view again, and he sets two folders on the desk. "Cliona?" * Cliona glances up from her reverie.. "Huh?" Way up there... did you meet any orbital satellite lasers? How soon can you be ready for another mission? Orbital sattelite lasers? Maybe! Cliona... are you okay? *blinks worriedly* I didn't scare her too did I? Yeah yeah... I'm ok.. * Cliona rubs her forehead, looking a bit distant.. I don't think she gets scared. Or if she does, she dosen't ever show it. But... what's wrong, Clio? Just a headache. Keep talking... * Cait shoves the two folders to the other end of the desk. They're both unmarked manilla folders. These folders contain information on two different missions. Pick one amongst yourselves. Or you can split up, but I don't think that'll work too well. * Smith grabs one and looks over it. * Lily picks up the other * Lily flips through it, occasionally taking notes * Smith: Yours details a military base, off-continent in japan. The objective: Infiltrate it and gain access to the orbiting laser satellite defense network. Oh, that's what you were talking about. * Lily: Yours has a picture first page. Its a classic head profile with a red targetting icon. The objective is to asassinate the person, identified as Jericho Farmers, president of Vertical Technologies, the largest world-wide mech production and development megacorp. * Smith hands her folder off to Clio, then points at Lily's. "I want to see that when you're done." Lets play Musical Folders * Lily flips it to Smith * Smith takes it and looks at Lily blankly for a minute. * Smith turns and looks over the folder. You were never a kid, were you Smith? ... * Smith looks at Lily funny for a minute, then goes back to the folder. * Cliona loks bothe folders over... "The assassination, while more in my field of expertise, I can't do...' S'against my... moral code. * Smith now stares blankly at Clio. I don't kill unless they're a Viru- err... threat... Hey, we could gain control of the laser satellites and then use them to off this Jericho guy! * Smith takes the laser sattleite folder back and attempts to determine exactly what to be done with them after they do. * Cait blinks. "While thats a pretty cool idea, especially if you could blame it on their rightful military owners, we want -just- him dead. We want everything else intact." oh.... Ah well, just an idea Well... I'm in for the infiltration mission. * Smith: Remove access to anyone else for them, and have exclusive remote access. Right, but what do we want the access for... "Just in case" ? * Cait tilts his head. "Something like that." * Smith points at the folder. "What makes you think the rightful owners won't notice and fix this? You problaby couldnt' get off more than a few shots before it was noticed." There's some technical information on there. Supposedly there's a onboard failsafe that locks its access frequencies and codes if it loses secure contact with home base. Hmm... I think I could hack past that... Hopefully someone can There's a program we have that will set it to a predefined frequency only we know, and then cause the failsafe to kick in, once someone else gets past it's security. Okay, but you problaby couldn't have more than, oh, 30 minutes of useage before they figure out what's going on and disable them. They shouldn't be able to disable them if it works. Whats to stop them from shooting them down? Yes, that's what I was referring to. Each satellite has point defense systems for smaller fire. I've been assured that they'll be able to deal with anything bigger with their main weaponry. Huh, interesting design "feature" oh well, I suppose if you like the big guns, you can't get bigger ones than orbital lasers Well, if you say so. So when do we want to do this thing? I vote for the day after tommorow. Fine with me. Any other questions? You'll have those cookies ready right? Of course! ^_^v Right then I'm all set Oh hey, any of you guys wanna come to a concert tommorow night? Get all loosened up before the mission? No, I need to practice. I can get us all in on my press Cred's. The bands are bitchen Figures I'd love to. Cool I'll come. n.n Allright! Looks like Smith is the only one who doesn't know how to have fun And Cliona would too! Right Clio? allright, concert starts at 7, so I'll see you guys here around 6, ok? "Fun" does not get the mission completed. * Nina tugs on Clio's arm. Kay! n.n Smith: nah, Fun gets a little thing called "life" completed * Smith stares at Lily. "... No, a bullet to the brain gets that completed." Smith: nope, that just ends it. no completeness at all. * Cait retrieves the other folder. "Yummy cool laser satellites it is." (To Cait) Anyway, so we done here? After I dig up the lockout program. * Cait puts the other folder back in the desk, and rummages a bit. Do you guys wanna take care of travel yourself? If not, Biggs has been itching to do some flying. I dunno, I usually rely on public-trans I wouldn't mind having a private jet ( Is Biggs the incompetent one or not? ) ( The goof-off, yeah. ) ... Is he better at flying than he is at guarding? He was an ace pilot before he got dishonorably discharged for 'showing off too damned much.' ... Well, I suppose he'll work then. Over 70 confirmed kills. He'll be glad to hear the good news. Well, have fun at the concert! I'll have the lockout program for you before you leave, Smith. Right then, I'm outa here. * Smith nods. * Cait closes up the desk, then hops on it. He walks to the other end, and hops off, and pads out of the room. * Smith heads out to do... something. * Lily heads out to go live it up! [end]