* Fwim, fwim, thrum, thrum. The portal thingie worked great! It's a shiny silver, and seems to get deeper and deeper and deeper the closer to the center you look. ( Don't step into the light!) * Tobias squeels happily! and says,"It worked! Well, I THOUGHT it would work, but yah know. Wonder where it goes..." he grins,"Lets find out!!" and leaps through without another moment's thought. * Whee! More stock portal footage, with a cheap shiny silver tint applied to it. * Tobias oooooooooohs and aaaaaaaaahs the entire time. * Time seems to stretch infinitely, as do you, but in correct proportion to how fscked up normal reality-based boundaries, so it it just seems odd, and not at all like being crushed into fine atoms by something relative to a black hole. * Tobias giggles! (Man, Tobias is... Elonith's the SANE one in the group. ;_;) * The tunnel draws to an end, to a seemingly solid black barrier. You, being part of the ride, slam into it! Well, that's what you'd think. You pass right through it, as it ripples like some kind of liquid. * As you pass the barrier, thoughts and images and memories fill your brain for a split second, there and gone and forgotten in a split second. And you're spit out onto wet, slippery concrete. * Tobias keeps his balance and stands there eyes wide,"That was great! That was fantastic! That was even better then the time I blew up pod 5!! ... well okay, maybe not THAT great!" He looks around! * There's a couple of tables, and a big circular wiremesh fence, that you're in the center of. * You can see some buildings off in the distance, and people? Well, figures. They don't look like anything you've seen. * There's 3 figures in your immediate sight, and they're all arguing. * Tobias runs over to the tables to see if anything is on them! * One is a young human girl, it looks like. She's missing an arm, and wearing some headphones. She's wearing the type of clothes that would be considered extreme by even cyberpunky punks. * The other is humanoid, with rocky-looking skin. It's glinty and shiny, like there's crystal embedded in it. And the other seems to be caught in between the two. It's tall, and has four isect like-legs, a bushy tail, and is covered in orange fur. * Tobias gets distracted on his way to the tables and goes as close to the girl as he can,"Whoa! What the heck are you?!" * Girl: 'Dammit, dad! Whats so wrong with me going on a date?' Rocky: 'Because of who you pick! Who knows what kind of peoplpe come out of these things!' * Rocky: 'I won't have my daughter dating strangers from other worlds that she dosen't know!' * Neither of them seem to notice you, too busy yelling at each other. * Tobias bangs on the mesh,"Hi! What are you?!" * Girl: 'So what? I'm a Lord, or have you forgotten! I can take care of myself if I'm in any danger.' Rocky: 'It's not you I'm worried....' * Rocky and Girl both turn to Tobias simultaneously. Hi! * The four legged furry thing glances at Rocky, Girl, and then Tobias, then sighs and scuttles away. "Human never make affirmative sense." Hey! You're leaving! Dont' leave till you tell me what you are!! Whats a human?! * Girl is blond, with a streak of hot pink in her hair. She looks about 16, for a human, and is a bit on the thin side. And her eyes suddenly widen, getting shiny-sparkles in them. I... I am. I'm a human! One who needs love and caring! Wai! My very own catguy! (At least you think it's a catguy! XD) Anya.... Don't you dare.... * Anya turns sharply to her dad. "Shut-up! Comeon, catguy! We're outta here!" * Anya holds out her lone hand, and a big explosion takes out a section of the fence. Come on, come on! * Tobias scurries out,"Oooooh, so YOU'RE a human!! Why do humans have just one arm?! Most species have bilateral symmetry!" * Anya grins. "Hurry, hurry! Come on!" *she waves him along, taking off at a run.* * Tobias follows after her, easily I presume. * And Rock-guy just stares after the two, muttering stuff and yelling ineffectually. Where are we going? Why are we running? Where are we? What were those other two things? Are you a full grown human? Is there a city near by? Do we get to eat later? How did you connect with my portal? * Anya yells over her shoulder, "I'll tell you in a bit! Just keep up with me!" * She keeps running. The various people and monster-things and fish people and nekojin and other wierd types of figures clear away from her as she does so* * Tobias wows and his eyes get so very wide as he runs after her,"Okay! I can keep up! I'm pretty fast! I almost won the provience wide track meet once but this really shiny dragonfly was there and I ran after him instead and so I didn't!" Come on, come on! *she stops at a resteraunt of some sorts. A quickly-abandoned one once she gets there.* * Tobias runs a bit past Anya and mreeks! and turns back around,"Why are we here? It looks abandoned! Or is it just not open yet? Do th eys till have food? I'm sorta hungry!" Quit running away from me! I'm just get some food for me and my new friend! AGH! I'm sorry I didn't mean to run away I just can't stop as fast as I start sometime and why'd you scream?! * Anya turns, and faces Tobias. "Sorry! But, it's a rule here! Before anyone tells you anything, you gotta take me out on a date." * Tobias cocks his head to the side and says,"Ohokay! Where you wanna go?!" Because you're hungry! And they're afraid I'll blow up something around them! Here! This place has great cheescake! Hang on a minute, okay? Okay! Wait.. hang on to what? * She turns, and yells into the general direction of the resteraunt. "IF I DON'T GET SOME SERVICE, I'M GOING TO BLOW SOMETHING UP!" Five! Four! * Tobias watches,"How do you blow stuff up? Do you have a laser beam?" * And someone comes out! It's wearing a chefs hat, over a pointy blue wizard hat. And blue robes. The robes are longer than it's hands, but it's somehow holding a pad of some kind. Finally! Cheescake! And you? *she turns to Tobias* * Tobias ooooooos and his eyes are still wide! "You have two hats!" he ums.."Do you have sushi-pizza-burgers?!" ( This minisession brought to you by the punctuation "!". ) * The chef? '....'s It nods somewhat, then turns and shuffles back in. (No kidding. This guy's gonna drive Elonith CRAZY.) Al-right! *she pumps her one arm in the air* Success! * She leans over the table, holding her head in her one hand. "So, who're you?" I'm Tobias Tacita! Your names Anya? ( Carter is going to have...interesting conversations with him. ) * Anya blinks. "Yeah! Anya Greyholmes, one of the Lords of Light of the Realm! So, where'r you from?" From pod 45, sector 7 mansion 12! * Anya blinks. "Huh? I mean, what world?" * Tobias umms,"We just call it Ysfall! I don't know what you call it! I wasn't sure any other worlds exsisted!!" (Geeze. Got exclaimation points?) (^-^) * Anya grins. "Well, let me be the one to welcome you to the Realm!" (Give him sugar and you can watch his molecular structure vibrate.) There's all sorta of people here. Humans, Klithle, fish people who's name I can't say, nekojin, time travellers.... Thanks!! Where is that compared to Ysfall? Are we far away? We just have one race on my world! Why do you only have one arm? ( Hee. Anya + Tobias are a perfect match. @_@; ) (Oddly enough, yes they are. @_@) (Whyzzat so odd?) * Anya blinks. "Uh... my arm." ... I blew it off by acident a couple of years back. *She glances away from Tobias, into the street* Oooh! Thats bad! Why don't you replace it? I never blew myself up, but I've blown buildings and hoverpods and stuff like that up! Ysflalle? Erm. Yisfall? I don't know. We'd have to know where we we're to know how far away we are from there. * About now, the chef comes back! He sets a sushi burger, and a big thick slice of cheescake down on the table. * He? glares at Anya, then vanishes back into the store. * Tobias yeys!! and digs in! * Anya blinks. "I could fix my arm. Probably by myself, too." *she pokes at the cheescake, a bit distractedly* "But, I kinda promised myself I'd be more careful. So I refused to get it fixed, as a kind of reminder." But does it like really suck only have one hand?! I mean alot of stuff I do is hard work and I need two hands and one hand wouldnt' work! * Anya grins. "Hasn't worked to well, though." *she points her fork at Tobias* "Enough about me. What about you?" * Anya leans forward, and looks in his eyes, her own sparkling with infatuation. I'm me! I like to invent stuff, even though people say I'm too young! I get straight As at school, unless I get kicked out of the class for blowing something up! I have no siblings so its just me! I asked my mom why one time and she just looked at me and started laughing, I dunno why! I got bored so I made a portal! A young adventurer in the making! * Anya starts on her cheescake, her gaze not wavering. Yah! So I wanna explore here! You wanna explore with me? *he looks worried* You don't know it all already do you? Well, not all. I know the other Lords know something. Both sides. But they won't tell me 'cuz they think I'm too young. Whats a lord? I thought lords were guys? ... you aren't a human guy are you? This place is pretty peaceful. Compared to the places a lot of the people here come from. Hard to find any adventure. Hang on! Let me finish what I was saying! (Settle down with the Exclaimation points?) ( Nevar! ) * Tobias oh okays and sorrys! (No! Bwahahaha!) ( Zeg: With these two characters? Not a chance! >:) ) (... Oh dear.) Um. The Lords are the rulers of the Realm. We're all tied into the power structure of the place. (And you *know* Elo's gonna be at odds with the Lords.) ( I do? ) It's all got to do with the Monoliths. * Tobias asks,"What are the monoliths?" You didn't see it? That where you came from, I think. Well, I think. I was too busy arguing, but I think you came from it. * Tobias blinks and huhs? "I don't understand!";_; But back to my story of how I know it all but don't really. okay!! When I first got here, I was a baby. The Lords of Shadow were already here, and established. They were really evil. But then us other Lords came. Well, we weren't really lords at the time. But we were the Seven Misfit Mages. My mom was one of them, but she didn't come with us. I haven't seen her ever. Except maybe when I was a kid. But I don't remember her. * Tobias looks very confused.. But my group kicked their asses when they got here, and there was a lot of vicious fighting, and now they've all settled down. * Anya says softly, "Have you ever been in a prophecy?" No... I was supposed to be in it. Someone from here prophesied about the seven lords of shadow would come. And then the lords of light woud come and kick there ass. And there would be balance. I'm one of them, and I didn't get to kick any ass. I wish I did. Oh! I'm talking a lot about myself again! I'm sorry. Back to you. You sound alot more interesting then me! (!? ! !!!! !? !!! !?!?! !) * Anya blinks. "Say, have you been to Temple yet?" No, its not Rainday! There's some nekojin there, they might help you find your way around here and fit in and find others like you here and stuff. *blinks* "Rainday?" ( Tobias is sooooo gonna get shot, isn't he?) Thats the day we go to church! Whats a nekojin? Uh? Nekojin are the cat people of the multiverse. Almost as common as humans. Whats a cat? * Anya blinks. "Something like you, only really small and they go meow." And no wings, either! * Tobias ooooohs! "A feline!" You might meet some space travelling time warping genetic cousin of yours if you go there! Oh, wait. Temple is where everyone goes. It's like a big lost and found for eveyrone who gets stuck here. Well we should go there! I'm sure there's lots of neat stuff to see!^^ I like seeing new stuff! Everything at home is so boring... Oh, cool! Come on, let's go! I'm sure you'll see all sortsa neat stuff there. Hey, you ever heard of a chocobo? * Tobias finshes off his food,"Okay! Nope!" Well, they're big birds. And the run. Like horses. Or cars. Or whatever they use where you come from. And they go Wark. Oh, don't try and eat it, okay? ( Wark! Much more amusing then Kweh. ) Wark? Okay! Okay! Come on! Off to Temple! ( Alright. Endy. )