[22:55] ( So, we're starting with Roast and the three Lords, right? ) [22:56] ( Yah. I'll do opening descrip, then start it once Z gets back. ) [22:57] * Zegon (Zegon@12-248-226-199.client.attbi.com) has joined #7Lords [22:57] * Zegon is now known as Elonith [22:58] * Currently, Da Party is heading for Hvvrt, along with Alex and the poor, poor, unlucky NST/Roast. Except for Trast, who's staying behind to hold down the fort. [22:58] (or sleep anyways) [22:58] ( I almost added that. >_> Outta my head. ) [22:59] ( Same difference... ) [22:59] ( Cat may very well be joining us in 10 min. or so. If he doesn't forget. ) [23:00] * You're just in visual range of Hvvrt when ... a giant flying space penguin that's pretty darned big. In the air, it almost dwarfs Hvvrt. [23:00] ( What does the giant flying space penguin do, aside from form an incomplete sentence? ) [23:00] * Roast points questioningly at it with the NST's arm. [23:01] * It flies over and past Hvvrt, before vanishing into the horizon, ascending all the while. [23:01] * Start! [23:01] * Tzezhin looks at the giant flying space penguin as it flies. "Strange airfowl here..." [23:01] * KaeollaRae smirks. [23:02] * Elonith chuckles. [23:02] ( It's recoginizable as the one that was being contructed in the middle of the Generically Evil Forest. ) [23:02] * Roast makes a confused-looking yellow smilie face on the faceplate of the NST's armor. [23:03] ( Remarkable resemblance. ) [23:04] * Alex growls. "Oh hell no. Don't tell me he finished it? He must be dumber than I thoguht if he was to go flying it around where everyone can see." [23:05] ( The NST can still talk, Jex. Roast's only integrating with his armor...so far. ) [23:05] * And hey.... what's that? Looks like a chocobo flying along. [23:06] * Elonith sighs. "Things always happen this way, don't they?" [23:06] * Roast points at the Chocobo and jumps up-and-down excitedly. [23:06] Which way? [23:07] * NST is quietly leading the way, in a subdued, arrogant manner. He hasn't much to say since ye've left. [23:08] ( As subdued as someone whose suit sometimes has a mind of its own can be, at least. ;) ) [23:08] ( More Roast=awwwwwww! from Shar. ) [23:11] * KaeollaRae walks along. [23:11] * The chocobo is gettig closer... there's someone on it that you can make out, now. Funny, it looks like Carter. [23:12] * Tzezhin squints. "Ah. No wonder the little one is so excited." [23:12] I suppose now would be a good time to stop that bird. [23:12] * Carter seems smaller than usual. Maybe it's just his posture, or the distance. Regardless, he only manages a half-hearted wave when Roast makes a jumping jack of itself trying to greet Carter. [23:13] * The NST makes a few muffled grunts, and starts trying to match the motion. [23:14] * Elonith looks up at the Chocobo. "Looks like he's more resourceful than we give credit." [23:14] Where's Julia...? [23:15] I just see him. *looks around the sky a bit* [23:15] * Carter pulls closer, and it becomes obvious that he's alone on the chocobo, and not returning triumphant. Either that, or he's a much more dour person than you remember. [23:16] * Alex waves at Kae. "Hey, wait up! Don't go in there alone!" [23:17] Oookay, odds are that's NOT Carter. [23:17] Well, I'd assume the little one would know its master better than by simple visual means. [23:18] * Carter lands some distance ahead of the party, and dismounts, hanging his head and breathing hard. He starts leading the chocobo towards the main group, barely sparing a glance for Roast. Roast seems...dissapointed...by the nonreaction to its new trick. [23:19] * Elonith shrugs. [23:19] * KaeollaRae turns her head slightly, winks at Alex while saying "Shepherdess lossing her sheep?", and continues onward. [23:20] Why you... Agh. [23:20] What-- what are you guys doing here? I was going to meet you back in Lifa... *tired, emotionally and physically* [23:21] I need my sword. And the orb. [23:21] What happened? [23:21] What happened Carter? [23:21] ... Fine. Go ahead and walk into the obvious trap alone. *growls irritatingly at the leaving Kae.* See if I care. [23:22] * Alex glances at Carter. "And where's Julia?" [23:22] RB3 disabled-- and Julia-- and then he-- and she wouldn't-- and she sac-- *choke, sob* We've got to save her! [23:22] ( arg, brb. ) [23:23] ( Cursed focus...Carter can't ask Roast about its new toy because he doesn't care right now. ) [23:23] ( And, for those of you who are interested, we probably will be getting _3_ new players in HT. :) ) [23:24] * KaeollaRae giggles at Alex's irritation, although probably out of most peoples hearing range, almost as if it's a great joy to annoy Alex as much as possible. [23:25] * Roast taptaps Alex on the shoulder, and makes the NST's armor show puppets of an actual storm trooper and Kae. The actual storm trooper puppet captures Kae and drags her back. And then a question mark forms on the chest. [23:26] * Alex grins mischeviousy. "Go for it." [23:26] * Roast takes off at a run after Kae! [23:26] * Elonith looks at Carter. "Settle down. We're not going to be able to understand anything until you calm down." [23:27] * KaeollaRae continues to walk along cheerfully. [23:27] ( That poor NST. I do hope he's got a strong constitution. He's probably covered in bruises by now. ) [23:27] * The NST who's being carried along groans despairngly, and tries to match the motions. again. [23:27] * Carter curls up on the ground, wrapped around the long reigns of the chocobo, and cries. [23:27] (NST "MY ARMOR WON"T OBEY ME! Just like my wife..." **pout**) [23:28] ( *snrk!* ) [23:28] ( Kae: Hee! ) [23:29] * Tzezhin picks Carter up by the collar. "What did RB3 disable? What did Julia do? Where is she?" [23:29] * Tzezhin says this all very calmly and slowly. [23:29] * Alex casts a final glance at the NST/Roast, then turns back to Carter. "Carter..." [23:30] * Carter manages to look up, meeting Tze's eyes with his tear-filled green ones. He seems to be trying to gain control of himself enough to speak. [23:30] Sh- she sacrificed herself... [23:30] ....sacrificed herself? How so? [23:30] WHAT!? [23:31] Start from the beginning, Carter. You are not making sense. [23:31] ... [23:31] Oh, that does it. We're going to march on in guns blazing. [23:31] *sniffle* RB3 took her...and-- and sh-she dropped all the nanites I tried to-- *sniffles to a stop, collecting himself* [23:33] I- I'm okay now, I think. Nanosuppressents in effect, somewhat. *wipes his nose, appearing younger than he is for a moment* Those storm-trooper things captured Julia and I. *sits down hard, as if talking takes all his energy* [23:33] * Tzezhin puts Carter down first so that he can do that. [23:34] When I woke up, RB3 had disabled my nanites. I thought I was going to die... [23:34] Th-there were these guards, who thought I was a murderer, and hated me. I laughed at them. Things are funny when you're going to die, you know? [23:34] I didn't know that...but they were. [23:35] Then Lord RB3 came and talked to me. He said he wanted to see me suffer, and that he was going to use Julia, and that he wanted my imagination to come up with what he's going to do and torment myself and-- and-- *takes a deep breath* [23:35] * Tzezhin draws his brows down sharply and disapprovingly, listening. [23:36] * Alex let another low growl out. "I knew he was in on this somehow." [23:36] And then, Julia woke up. And Lord RB3 decided we'd talked enough, and he took her away. She dropped a bracelet. I had given her most of my nanites, so she could fight him. But she gave them back in that bracelet. And then I didn't see her again...RB3 let me go. [23:36] * Carter curls up again, trickles of water streaming from his shut eyes. [23:37] What does he want with her? [23:38] Okay... most of that makes sense. Why did he let you go, though? [23:38] * Carter freezes at that question. Slowly, he picks himself up. The tears dry themselves from his face, suddenly gone ice cold, to match his ice-blue eyes. "He wouldn't say. But he's hardly subtle. The fool said," here, Carter's voice changes... [23:39] You are the one they will never see coming. *his voice returns to normal, if harder* to Julia. [23:39] Interesting. [23:40] I am firmly convinced that he means to do something to her along the lines of what Roast has done to that man's armor *points to the distance, where Roast is chasing Kae*. [23:40] * Elonith nods... [23:41] But that is the least of our concerns. While we must rescue the girl to keep her from being used in RB3's plans, he also plans to start another war. Alex, warn your sisters; Julia is not to be trusted. Detain her if you see her. Her terran abilities are probably magnified. [23:41] * Alex nods, and closes her eyes for a moment. [23:41] That absurd penguin ship opperates on a unique drive system. And it's weapons can make a new Cephiro's Bane. [23:42] The fool plans to slay all sevel Lords of Light at once, believing there is some sort of balance that can be maintained to avoid the mess that occurred when Garos died. [23:43] I'm still weakened; I lack sufficeint nanites to fly. Hence my feathered pet, here. *pats the chocobo on the beak* We must return to Lifa and acquire our weapons. That ship is dangerous, and must be taken out of RB3's hands. *a malicious grin crosses his face before he forces it off...or was it ever there at all?* Letting the fool think he's won, however, may be a good place to start his defeat. [23:43] * Alex holds back a scoff. "As if." [23:44] Even with a ship like that, he's no match for the Lords of Light. [23:44] * Carter grabs the chocobo's reins and starts walking towards Lifa, obviously done with his exposition. "Let's go." [23:45] Believe what you will, Alex. That ship, as idiotic as it's master has made it look, is deadly. Elo, I've uploaded the schematics into your laptop. Take a look at the drive system, in particular. [23:45] * Carter is walking as he speaks, obviously from his posture and tone expecting the rest of you to follow him. [23:45] * Tzezhin looks over at Roast's pursuit of Kae. [23:47] * Oh, Kae! Watcha doing? Stopping for the pursuing Roast? ^_^; [23:47] * KaeollaRae plays chase with Roast, laughing. [23:48] * Tzezhin shakes his head a little resignedly. [23:48] * Roast has made a leering cartoonish pirate face over the mask, and seems to have manged to get the speaker on the helmet to occasionally say "Yar!". [23:48] * KaeollaRae seems to be quite injoying the little game of chase. [23:48] * Elonith nods. He opens up his laptop and takes a peek. [23:49] (Sorry, I'm a bit pre-occupied right now. ^^;) [23:51] * Alex glances at Kae, and then at the retreaing Carter. "Oh come ON." [23:51] * Elonith holds the laptop in one hand and types with the other. "So, you want your shiney sword and your orb so we can kick ass? Sounds good to me, these guys've gotten on my nerves long enough." [23:52] * Alex draws a gun, and lets a single shot ring out in Kae's direction. "Get over here already!" [23:52] * Carter turns and picks up Elo, putting him on the Chocobo's saddle so he can type more easilly. [23:53] * KaeollaRae sticks her bottom towards Alexes direction and pats it several times while taunting her "Nyan Nyan!" [23:53] * Roast makes a prodigious leap at the sound of the gunshot, and captures Kae, throwing her over the armor's shoulder! [23:53] Thanks man. [23:53] ... [23:53] ( Prodigious,dude! ) [23:53] * Elonith types really damn fast now that he's got both hands at his disposal. [23:53] (I doubt he has any possibility of catching her) [23:53] ( Play along. :P ) [23:54] ( AFK a sec. ) [23:54] * KaeollaRae , being the playful person that she is, let's Roast Pirate capture her over his shoulder while saying in an obvious kidding voice "Oh know I be captured by the evil Cap'n Pirate!" [23:55] ( Awww, fun! :D ) [23:55] Yar! *runs back towards the group, making a parrot on the other shoulder and grinning triumphantly* [23:56] * KaeollaRae playfully squirms and struggles while saying "Oh No! What forever shall I do now!" [23:56] * Tzezhin actually gives a tiny smile to Roast, and nods at Kaeolla. "It seems we are to thwart an evil plot now. Come along?" [23:56] ( And back. ) [23:57] * KaeollaRae looks towards Tzezhin from her rather unusual over the shoulder position and replys with a smile "That sounds fun!" [23:57] * Roast -pirate looks confused as to what it's supposed to do, now that it's caught the wench, and puts her down, morphing back into the black-streaked-silver coating over the NST armor. [23:57] * KaeollaRae pouts "Oh pooh." [23:58] * Roast shrugs, and tage Kae's shoulder, and begins running after Carter, looking back to see if she's following. [23:59] * KaeollaRae chases after him playfully, allowing him to be 'just out of her reach.' [23:59] ^_^ [23:59] * Elonith hmmms... "Interesting setup. Teleportation is always trickey, but it looks like he's got it worked out." [00:00] * Carter ignores the antics, and keeps his steady, determined pace back towards Lifa. [00:00] * Tzezhin heads back too. [00:00] ( Seems Cat's not showing. >_> ) [00:01] ( 'Twould indeed seem that way. ) [00:01] ( SMALL CAT BITS) [00:01] ( Shary, I cordialy invite you here to make them. ) [00:02] ( Tickets? ) [00:02] ( I get to make small Trast bits. >_> ) [00:04] * Much to the displeasure of the NST, Da Party heads back to Lifa! [00:05] ( You know, Roast really should release that poor guy eventually. ...unless it gets a few extra CP soon....... Muhahaha. ) [00:05] * KaeollaRae plays chase games with Roast. [00:06] * Roast is it! It chases Kae! [00:06] * The Lighthouse is just as empty as it was left. Read: Trast is still sleeping downstairs. [00:06] * KaeollaRae playful keeps out of reach for a period of time before letting Roast tag her back. [00:07] * Carter ties up the chocobo in the stables, and heads downstairs to get his sword and the orb. When he comes back up, he actually seems to notice Roast for the first time. "What the...what _have_ you done, Roast?" [00:08] * KaeollaRae winks at Carter while teasing him "You must be one of them absent minded types that can only think of one thing at once." [00:08] * The black chocobo 'Kweh's chocobo-ly. [00:09] * Roast shows off its armor. The NST can be heard knocking around inside. [00:09] o_O [00:09] ( I just thought of something. If Roast is formed from nanites from both Carter and RB3, is it their son? ) [00:09] ( Tze: Yes. ) [00:09] (NST **Knock Knock** "Hello...um...I really have to pee now.") [00:10] ( *snickers* ) [00:10] Roast...is there someone _in_ there? ...one of Lord RB3's servants? [00:10] * Carter narrows his eyes and manages to lift himself a couple inches off the floor to look directly into the NST's faceplate. "You unconcionable bastard." [00:11] * There's a light snore emitting from inside there, now. [00:11] * KaeollaRae sits down. [00:11] ... *drops to the floor* He's sleeping...? What's been happening? *looks like he's trying desperately not to think about where he's been* [00:12] Yes, yes there is. [00:14] * Alex pulls out one of the chairs, and sits on it straddle-style. "Got your sword. Now we go back guns blazing and swords swinging, huh?" [00:16] ...I don't know. We've got to stop him. You've warned your sisters and the Lords of Light, right? RB3 was certain they'd "never know what hit them". *he used RB3's voice for the quoted part, again* [00:16] * Alex nods. [00:16] Are you sure he was not aware that you would hear him and transmit his words to us? [00:16] Perhaps he is attempting a form of misdirection. [00:17] RB3's a slimy one. He's a lot smarter than he lets on. [00:17] Quite possible. I don't know why he was gloating, aside from the fact that he was angry at me for defying him when we first met. And wants me to suffer. [00:17] * Carter looks at the floor, ans whispers very quietly, "It's working." [00:19] You sure it's personal...? [00:20] Maybe he wants you to think it is. [00:20] * Elonith eyes Carter. "Cry me a river. Look man, shit happens. When shit happens, you throw shit back." Practices a few swings with his sword after folding his laptop, then puts his sword up while it splits and whips into a circle, then forming and solidifying into the sword again. "Pretty much, you're exposing a weakness the enemy can and will use against you. Think clearly." [00:21] * Carter takes a breath, and looks up again, ice once more. "You're right," he snaps. "It was not entirely personal. He merely took the opportunity to torment me when it presented itself." [00:22] Think. Why -did- he let you go? He's got something up his sleeve... he was like that in the first clash, layers and layers of plans. [00:22] * Alex frowns. "And letting you go was probably part of it." [00:23] I'm sure of it. [00:23] Give me an hour. I must run a full diagnostic. Roast, you are to help me. Come. *he goes downstairs. Roast follows* [00:24] * Carter pokes his head back upstairs for a moment. "Elo? You may be able to help, too. You're better with computers than I, and your laptop isn't potentially affected by whatever RB3 did." [00:25] * KaeollaRae stands up and goes to her room since apparently an hour needs to pass before the group is ready and sitting around is pretty boring and all. [00:25] * Tzezhin goes to his room as well. [00:25] * Elonith nods, taking his laptop. He comes. "So, what do you need?" [00:26] I'm getting nothing unusual, so was hoping you could double-check my somewhat suspect findings. [00:27] * Alex goes about cleaning her guns, in the meantime, muttering darkly to herself. [00:27] * Elonith pops it open when he's upstairs. "Most of it checks out, I've been looking over it. Teleportation is tricky, but he seems to have worked things out for the most part." [00:29] I know. [00:29] The only thing that bugs me is the bio-net. Most of the time those either don't work period, or work too well and kill everything they try using. [00:29] Now...can you find a weakness? I want to get there as soon as is feasible. I know it's a trap, but I have to save Julia. ...why did she have to do it that way...she could have saved herself with the nanites she dropped for me. [00:31] You don't know that. RB3 hides his true abilities, remember that. [00:32] But, can you find anything wrong with me? [00:33] Right, right. [00:33] * Elonith smiles and goes to work. [00:33] * Carter glances at Roast, looking horrified. "No! You can't do that to him! How could you even think that!? He may be a lacky of that bastard, but he's still a living being. You'd be no better than Lord RB3!" [00:35] * Elonith talks while he types. "I had a chance to kill him earlier after he made an attempt on our lives." [00:35] Please don't excite yourself. [00:36] * Carter mechanically forces himself to stillness. "Sorry. What do you mean, you had a chance to kill who?" [00:38] * Elonith hmmms and types. "Oh, I had the opportunity to kill the goon that you're undoubtably referring to. Had him around the neck with my sword." [00:38] (The Staypuff Marshmellowman) [00:39] Oh. ...hey, you, in the armor. What's your name? [00:40] * No answer. [00:40] Roast, is he still alive in there? *worried* [00:40] (NST "Uh...let me look in the script." **FLIP FLIP FLIP** "Uh....oh yeah. Here it is. I'm Faceless NotStormTrooper #3.") [00:40] * He's asleep. Being dragged around a bunch get's tiring, ya know? [00:41] ( * Carter flips through the script. "Weren't you dead as of page 7?" ) [00:41] (NST compares "Oh, yeah...ooops. Must be a typo.") [00:42] Roast, let the poor guy go. We'll let Trast guard him, or something. ...fine, you can keep the armor. Take it off him and put it away in the lab. Then come back. We need to get going. [00:42] ( *snickers* ) [00:43] * Roast complies, leaving the guy on a chair and walking the armor into the lab. Little-boy Roast locks the door behind him as he goes upstairs to the common room. [00:43] Okay, your system's basic functions are good, everything's in place. *But* there's some alien programming as well. A few viral overrides and a space warping program. I suspect the space warping is an attempt at gravometrics? [00:44] It's...not mine. It was what was used to kidnap me and... *breaks off* But I'm keeping that one. What do the viral overrides tell you? [00:45] * Carter mutters something about the gravimetric space warping program holding some keys to the demon gate. [00:46] Not exactly sure. Pretty much they'd override your system, turning you into more of a puppet than anything. [00:47] * Carter nods. "I was afraid of that. He probably is doing the same to Julia...I offered myself in her place, but he refused. Of course he was lying..." [00:47] Can you make a countervirus? I'd like it if the appearance that they're in place remained, but they'd be nonfunctional. ...in fact, if you can just change the command codes to something only I can command... [00:48] * Carter sighs. Regardless, we should return to the others. We need a plan if this rescue mission's going to work. [00:49] * Elonith hmmms... [00:50] * Alex pops in, her hands absent of guns. [00:51] Can we help you, Miss Alex? [00:51] * Alex waves. "Hey guys. New. Cephiro's entrusting you guys to deal with this. He dosen't want his side to step in directly yet." [00:51] They only take over the nanites, or other tech items. They wouldn't take over your mind, as it were. [00:51] However, you'd essentally be powerless. [00:52] Not so much, if I can get to his ship first... Is this a software virus, or a hardware one? [00:53] So, are we gonna stop by and say hello to Aratumar? *grins* He might be able to help us out, if we ask nicely. *grins wider* [00:54] * Carter starts going upstairs to join the others. "I doubt it. He probably wants the orb back. I'm not relinquishing it. For that matter, the scientists of that tower will probably be upset with me for taking theirs." [00:54] Software. [00:55] Tzezhin? Have you any suggestions? It seems that I dare not get near to RB3 before I'm properly 'innoculated'. A direct assault will likely fail. [00:55] ( I'm in my room, if you haven't noticed. ^^ ) [00:56] * Carter looks around. "Oh, he's not up here." [00:56] * Carter scans and heads down to Tzezhin's room to repeat his question. [00:56] * Tzezhin frowns. [00:58] I do not have much knowledge of your technical doings; I do not know if I would be able to assist much. [00:58] Elonith's going to try to help me come up with a countervirus, I think, though. And then Roast and I have some work to do. Miss Alex seems to think that The Cleaver might be willing to help us. I doubt it; do you think it's worth persuing? [00:58] <_< >_> <_< Where'd Kaeolla go, for that matter? [00:58] ( ... No comment. >_> <_< ) [00:58] I have no information still about this Cleaver; so I do not know. [00:59] I do, however, believe that Kaeolla is in her own quarters. [00:59] * Carter nods. "Thanks." He heads to knock on Kaeolla's door. [00:59] You there? [00:59] ( Carter plays messenger-boy! ) [00:59] * KaeollaRae calls out from her door "Ooooh, the pizza man must be here." [00:59] ( Log note: Fix above line to Carter, not Roast. >_> ) [01:00] * KaeollaRae opens the door and peers out at CarterPizzaGuy. [01:00] * KaeollaRae says disappointed "Awww. No pizza?" [01:00] * Roast smiles appologetically. "Sorry, I can't make one out of nanites." ^^; [01:00] ( ... ARGH! ) [01:00] * Roast (Segev@d-131-151-189-038.dynamic.umr.edu) Quit (Quit: ) [01:01] * Carter smiles appologetically. "Sorry, I can't make one out of nanites." ^^; [01:01] * KaeollaRae smiles while saying "Too bad." [01:01] * KaeollaRae asks "Come to ask me out?" [01:01] ...so, um... you know this Cleaver guy, right? [01:03] * KaeollaRae says "Know....hmmmm. Nope. Don't know the ratbastard pirate leader that wants to put his big grabby hands on my hot tail. Nope sure don't. Try next door." [01:03] * KaeollaRae winks at Carter. [01:04] * Elonith works on a counter-virus, if he can. [01:04] * Carter gets a sly smile on his face, that he quickly supresses, tilting his head so that the fall of the light makes one of his eyes seem green, the other blue, as he regards Kaeolla. [01:04] ( Elo: Compooters, with either AI or I/S as a spec. ) [01:05] ( Err. Programming, not I/S. ) [01:05] * KaeollaRae asks "If you're selling the coconut cream cookies this year, I'll buy two boxes." [01:05] * KaeollaRae grins wide. [01:05] Well, Miss Alex said her sister, Annie, thought it would be possible to trick him into being our patsy against Lord RB3. All fun of such a trick aside, do you think he's enough of a fool to fall for it? [01:06] * KaeollaRae says "If said manipulation involves his ego, yep. Most likely." [01:07] -> [Jex] VERSION [01:07] -> [Carter] VERSION [01:07] So, is it a worthwhile persuit? We need some tricks to win this game against Lord RB3 and save...her. [01:09] * KaeollaRae holds up a finger likes a sales person and says "Or we could throw in one guns-a-blazing special offer!" [01:10] (Jex, dicebot?) [01:10] * Carter shakes his head. "We'd lose the game, then. He's already got me rigged out as a spy piece, should I get close enough to him. ...or within reach of whatever commands he's got the virii triggered for." [01:10] ( Roppo. ) [01:10] ( Just type it normally, Zegon. :) ) [01:10] ( Dicey was ignoring /invites. ) [01:11] (Ah. Gonna roll in #BESM then.) [01:11] ( >_> ) [01:11] ( Why the refusal to use Ropponmatsu, Zeg? ) [01:11] (Ooooh! Didn't know he was a dicebot. ^^;) [01:11] 2d6-3 [01:11] Elonith: [2d6-3->-1] [01:11] (I beat it by 11.) [01:11] ( <_< That looks like a success, yes. ) [01:12] ( ... RB3 is farked. ) [01:12] (DUH.) [01:12] ( Muhahaha. Won't he be suprised. Ha! I have you! ...why isn't it working? ) [01:12] ( That was a crit too. @_@; ) [01:13] (... It was!) [01:13] * KaeollaRae leans towards Carter with a wide smile on her face, her nose just shy of Carter's own nose, and says "Ooooh, got you on a leash and collar does he? And there I was not thinking you were into kinky things like S&M." [01:13] ( Elo, just wait until Carter describes "Poison Pill" to ya. ^^ ) [01:14] * Carter turns red a moment, then grins right back. "It's not my thing, no. But, if it turns you on..." He leans forward, then suddenly turns BRIGHT red and wide-eyed before fleeing down the hall." [01:14] ( Aiya. The only Lord who's twinky enough to be able to ignore crit's is Loki. ) [01:14] ( -" ) [01:15] * KaeollaRae strightens back up, a smiles on her face, and says to herself "There's hope for him yet." [01:15] (....) [01:15] (...............................................) [01:15] ( That's my response, too, Tze. ) [01:16] ([.....................................................................]) [01:16] * KaeollaRae chuckles and shuts her door. [01:17] * Alex 'hmms.' "I can get a ship here to chase the big penguin down." [01:17] * Carter , a few minutes later, having apparently collected his wits once more, announces over a built-in speaker system: "If we could all gather upstairs, we need to figure out what we're actually going to do." [01:18] * Alex glances up. "... it can wait till they're all there." [01:18] * Tzezhin looks up and ambles on upstairs. [01:18] * KaeollaRae leaves her room and goes to the kitchen, bypassing any peoplejams, and opens the fridge. [01:19] * Elonith cracks his knuckles and grins. "Who rules? I rule!" [01:19] Oh? You've got the problem with my nanites solved, then? [01:19] Pfft. Easily. [01:19] * Alex -glares- at Kae as she passes by. "You FLAKE! Get over here!" [01:20] ( Someone needs a chill-out pill...<.< ) [01:20] * KaeollaRae leans into the refrigerator and starts shuffling around inside. She gather foodstuffs to make a sandwich, closes the door, and then goes to making a sandwich. [01:20] ( ... Slight point of ref. Elo's -almost- as smart as Majin. ) [01:20] There's an unintended backdoor in the program that let me bypass everything and disable it without harming any of your internal systems. [01:20] ( Dayum. ) [01:20] Excellent. So the facade is still there? Or did the whole thing go? [01:21] And do you still have a copy of the virii themselves? >:) [01:21] * Tzezhin looks at Alex as he passes by Kae on his way to the group. "Perhaps she wants a sandwich too." [01:22] * KaeollaRae fixes her up a sandwich and puts the remaining fixin's away. She grabs a drink and then comes over, sitting down, and eatting while the sandwich. She looks directly towards Alex as she smiles and eats her sandwich. [01:22] * Carter is sitting at a pair of pushed-together tables, the orb and his sword resting in front of him. [01:22] * Alex mutters something darkly under her breath. [01:22] * Elonith grins. "Yes and of course." [01:22] Lovely. [01:22] * KaeollaRae wiggles her tail about, seemling happy at Alexes frustration. [01:23] (seemingly) [01:23] RB3 mentioned that he felt the war he would spark would be merely a distraction. How truthful he was remains to be seen. [01:23] * Elonith puts the virus, or what's left of it, on what looks to be a futuristic CD. He then burns a copy of the anti-virus on another one. [01:23] * Elonith holds out the second one to Carter. "Keep this safe in case he trys it again." [01:23] * Alex pointedly ignores Kae, and addresses the rest of the group. "Anyways. I can get a ship here to chase down the penguin. It'll be here in about... *closes her eyes* 3 hours." [01:24] Thank you. *looks at the burned side for a few seconds* Downloaded. I'll put this copy in the lab. [01:24] * KaeollaRae says "Well, that's plenty of time to eat then." [01:24] I see. If we can board it, then we may be able to subvert it, too. [01:25] What are the specifications of the ship you can get to help us? Elonith, would you please show her the specs of our quarry? [01:25] Sure thing. You have a holo projector? It'd be easier that way. [01:25] I coulda sworn you salvaged something like that. [01:25] Stripped down space fighter. It's fast and agile, and seats 8. [01:26] ...right. Boarding raid it is, then. [01:26] * There is, indeed, salavaged holo-gear in the lab. [01:26] * Carter narrows his eyes. "No way in hell a fighter could take that monster on one-on-one." [01:26] * Elonith sets it up and displays the ship via the projector. Gee, SW flashbacks anyone? :P [01:26] * KaeollaRae says "An 8 people spacefighter....Hmmmm....Oh, you mean a gunboat. Impressive for these parts." [01:27] And noone has the resources to make something big enough to face it. [01:27] So we'll just have to take it. [01:27] Basically, we got this giant antarctic bird to deal with. It does not have any basic engine systems, but instead moves via short-range teleports [01:27] And save Julia in the process. *nods firmly* [01:28] Because of this it can ignore inerta and gravity. [01:28] We'll see about that. But not anytime soon, sadly. [01:28] * Alex grins. "And if you do manage to take it... well, that's a huge blow for our side, huh?" [01:28] * Carter grins darkly. "Yes, it is." [01:30] So...any last minute preparations to make, or do we just wait for our ship to come? *looks at Tzezhin, Elonith, Kaeolla, and Alex* [01:30] Teleportation is *very* energy intensive. To power it they have a bio-net set up around the ship. If we can disable the net the secondary system would have to kick in... [01:30] ...where's Trast? Is it hibernation season, or something? [01:31] * Elonith shrugs. "I'm ready to go. Trast would want to do this, though." [01:31] If we disable the teleport system, it cannot fly. Crashing it would be...bad. The fusion reactors might go. [01:31] * KaeollaRae offers with a smile "We could prepare a picnic basket." [01:31] * Elonith nods. [01:31] If we disable the bio-net, though, the fusion reactors would kick in. [01:31] * Alex shrugs. "Dunno about cavemen." [01:31] * Tzezhin shrugs. [01:31] We can always ask. [01:32] It'd still be able to stay up, but just enough to make a rough landing. Also, most systems would be blown out... The power-dispersion is some of the worst I've seen to-date. [01:32] * KaeollaRae offers "His brain probably shut down from information overload.". [01:33] And can get much worse very quickly. By the standard exponential equation... *gestures at the holographic schematic, which gets positively filled with billions of tiny red dots* I've got a nice ace in the hole. [01:33] * Elonith smirks. [01:33] There's one other thing we can do. [01:33] * Carter nods at Kae. "Perhaps. But you needn't be mean about it." ^_~ [01:33] The ship *must* have 40 people on board to operate. [01:34] * KaeollaRae grins. [01:34] Any less, and the bio-net won't be able to sustain it. [01:34] ( At peak. ) [01:34] (ah, right. At peak) [01:34] Oh reeeeeeaaaaaaally? [01:34] As we take them down from 40... Well, things stop working. [01:34] Like the main gun. [01:34] Does it matter if they're living or dead? [01:34] The people must be living. [01:34] Duh. It goes off of life-force. [01:35] So we only need to cause the cessation of that critical feature. Excellent. [01:35] Okay, now this is confusing. Teleporting is a easy enough concept to understand, but this bio-net stuff is confusing. [01:35] * KaeollaRae inquires "Would we contribute automatically from being there, or do we have to be 'plugged in' somehow?" [01:35] * Tzezhin listens, emotionless expression on his face. "So how does it determine what stops working first?" [01:35] * Carter turns his eyes on Alex, looking sympathetic. "Don't worry, it's new to me, too. I'm just a fast learner." [01:35] Ooooh. So just kill everyone on board. ... that could get messy. [01:36] Use incendiaries. Less mess. [01:36] * KaeollaRae says to Alex with a wink "Don't worry your simple little brain, Hun. That's just because you're slow on the uptake." [01:37] Automatically. The net's a very nice piece of machinery. [01:37] * Alex glances at Kae with one eye warily. "Play nice. I know when you sleep." [01:38] Also, there has to be some backup method of powering that ship. [01:38] * KaeollaRae says with puffed lips in a sexy way "Oooh, sounds kinky." [01:38] Yeah, I'd be careful, Kae. She might braid your hair into a pony tail and put you in a mumu. [01:38] Four fusion reactors. [01:38] * Elonith points at them in succession. [01:38] * KaeollaRae responds to Cater "Gak!" [01:38] Ah. [01:38] Very dangerous to blow them up, but... They're not powerful enough to keep the ship operating at full capacity. [01:38] * Tzezhin doesn't have any idea what a fusion reactor is, but seems to understand the principle. [01:38] Then why bother to have them? [01:38] This is a very poorly-thought-out ship. [01:39] So going to 39 living crew doesn't crash the ship. [01:39] Unless the minimum number of people is kept extremely well-defended... [01:39] Mm. [01:39] It is a big ship. And resources are hard to come by... [01:39] And, it's not as poorly thought-out as you think. But there are weaknesses. RB3 plays the fool so often that he often fools himself with his own cleverness. [01:39] Still, there must be some contingency plan for just such a situation as we plan on imposing. [01:40] I think at least one of them has already been thwarted. *points to himself* [01:41] ...one of these days I'm going to have to see if Roast counts as a life-form for bionet purposes. [01:43] No, 39 people would keep it from operating at full capacity. [01:44] The shields may be weakened or it might not be able to fire as powerful an attack... [01:44] * KaeollaRae asks "But how many would make it 'fall down, go boom'?" [01:44] * Elonith does some calculations in his head. [01:45] How does it know what...systems to shut off first? [01:45] Probably a priority control. [01:45] Or do all of them weaken at hte same rate as less and less people remain on the ship? [01:45] Possibly a controllable one, so that they can have the ones they need at any given time. [01:47] Take it down to around fifteen people and the net will take more energy to use than it would generate. [01:47] * Carter blinks, a couple tears suprising him by falling out of his eyes. He rises to his feet with an "Ahem". "If you'll excuse me now, however, I'm going to go spend an hour or two breaking things outside the city." He picks up his sword, and hastilly walks out of the inn, obviously trying to keep his composure long enough to get out of sight. [01:47] * Carter is now known as Sleepmancer [01:47] ( Ah, troubled teens. Easy to get them out of a conversation. ) [01:47] Well, at heast he's honest now. [01:48] * Tzezhin shakes his head. [01:48] * Alex sits up. "I'll go keep an eye on him." [01:48] Any more questions on the ship? [01:48] We know how to break it. I think that's good enough. [01:48] * KaeollaRae answers "Nope." and then goes and does 'something' for three hours. [01:48] * Tzezhin shrugs. "I suppose not." [01:49] * Tzezhin waits for Alex and Kae to leave, then leans forward. "I have a request." [01:49] * Alex glances around breifly, then heads after Carter. [01:50] I would like to understand at least the basis of the things you and Carter speak of...at least so that I can understand "ships" that travel in the air. [01:50] ( And Alex leaving is signifying the GM washing his hands clean of the session. Call it whenever. ) [01:51] I feel that I cannot help if I do not understand how these things work. Is there some sort of...book that you might be in possession of, that would explain these subjects a little? [01:52] * Elonith hmms? [01:52] Oh, you need some technical skill. Hmmm... [01:53] * Elonith looks thru the database and starts a book printing. Basics of computers and shit. No, really, that's the title. [01:53] ( w00t. Computers *and* bioprocesses! ) [01:53] That should be good for ya. It's printing out over there. [01:53] Thank you. [01:53] * Elonith points at the printer that's spewing out paper really fast. "Sure thing. Any questions, just ask." ^_^ [01:54] * Tzezhin nods. [01:54] * Elonith grins evily as he starts to mess with the virus so he can do *mean* things with it. [01:55] * End! [01:59] Carter Has A Breakdown (Again) [01:59] Kidding. [01:59] Err. 3 hours. [01:59] In Which Plot Goes "Hi!"