[19:09] * Last time! Carter got zapped darned good. Thats what you get for trying to fight fate, foo'! [19:09] * Then him and the other terran were given ... a penguin plushie. [19:10] * Who knows what happened after that? You're about to find out... [19:11] * Carter's just rousing in .. a cell that looks like something out of star trek. With a massive headache, and most of his nanite systems are being pretty wonky. [19:13] * Start! [19:13] * Carter sits up, holding his head for a while, trying to run diagnostics...and getting worried when they aren't coming back in standard format. [19:14] * Carter finally gets to his feet, and wavers there a bit. But, he tries to scan his surroundings, anyways. [19:16] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-1) and gets 5. [19:17] * The scanners, despite flickering in and out of effectiveness, stay stable long enough to confirm your location... somewhere inside the big-ass spaceship RB3 was overseeing, that was shaped like a giant penguin. [19:17] ^^; ... I can't believe he built this thing shaped this way... [19:19] * "Is he awake?" "Looks it. Call the boss." "What about the other one?" "She's not awake yet." [19:20] * Carter jumps at the voices, and then takes a minute to calm himself. Now is not the time to panic or lose control. After he's got himself under control, it's time to try to repair his nanosystems...what's left of them. [19:22] ...great... I hope Julia managed to... *thinks to himself* (maintain some defense with what I gave her...) [19:23] * Carter: What's left of most of the nano-systems seem to have a block on them. [19:23] * "He is awake." [19:24] * "So hurry up and call him, then!" [19:24] * Carter pulls himself to his feet, leaning against a wall for support. He feels horrendously weak, but has managed to lock some semblance of composure onto his demeanor as he turns to the source of the voices. [19:24] * "Alright already." [19:24] I am awake. But, I'm hardly a threat in this condition. Let me see Julia. [19:24] * The voices are coming from somewhere you can't see from your current position. Around a corner and such. [19:25] * "Suuuure. Let's believe the psycho mass murderer who'll slit our throats given the chance." [19:26] * There's a 'click' sound, followed by a beep. "One of the terrans is awake. .. yeah, the guy. Okay. I understand." [19:27] * Carter manages a weak chuckle. "Psycho mass-murderer? What's this, now?" [19:27] * "We've been warned about you. Your innocent guy act won't work on us." [19:28] Mind telling me where I am, then? Since my reputation preceeds me, and all. [19:29] Or why I'm here? [19:29] * "Actually... yes. I do mind." [19:29] Since it's rather clear that I'm on that scientifically improbable ship of Roast Beef the Third's. [19:30] Now, why would you be so rude? I've been nothing but polite. [19:30] * "Why aren't you gonna tell him?" "He knows what he did. I will not tell someone like -him- anything." [19:31] * "It's hard to beleive the girl was helping a guy like that..." [19:31] Actually, I don't know what you've been told I did. I do know what I _have_ done, but the stories may not match. I would love to compare notes. [19:31] ...she's innocent of any crimes. Leave her out of this. [19:31] * "Like you're one to talk." [19:31] * Carter 's voice gets harder as he repeats, "Leave her out of this." [19:32] So, what do you know about terrans? [19:33] * "A .. nanite enhanced variant of humans. A race of conquerers and violaters." [19:33] * Carter winces at that description. [19:33] * "I hear that in their home dimension, their name is used as a curse." [19:34] Yes, it is. [19:34] Much like 'nigger' and 'spic'. [19:35] * There's another 'beep', followed by the 'swish' of a door opening. [19:35] ...though you may not be familiar with those terms...unless you're from Earth. But if you were, you'd have a more accurate idea of what I am. And a different reason for your hatred. [19:35] Blasted purists. [19:36] Hey! Long time no see, my Lord. [19:36] Sorry I didn't notice you earlier, but your blocks are screwing up my sensors. [19:36] * RB3 singsongs out, "Trying to convince these morally pure guards of you lack of ill-intention...?" [19:36] Nah, just making conversation. [19:36] * RB3 laughs. "That's good to hear." [19:37] There's no reason they'd trust me over their leaders. Not that I know of, anyway. [19:37] So, what _did_ you tell them about me? It seems quite colorful. [19:37] The blocks held. That's good. The girl tried to break them before we managed to seperate you. She tried so hard to... [19:38] ...she's not hurt!? [19:38] *almost a command, like he's willing it so* [19:38] She's okay. And she'll continue to be okay. Physically, anyways. [19:39] You know, if you keep these blocks up long, I'll probably die. ...I'm so weak, the nanites must be clogging my systems even now. [19:39] *takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly* But, that's beside the point. [19:39] It seems like she deserved to succeed in her efforts to help you as hard as she tried. I think she likes you. [19:39] * RB3 walks over into view, pausing on the other side of the field seperating them. [19:40] Wouldn't that be amusing? [19:40] * Carter turns red, a touch, at RB3's suggestion of Julia's affection. Then his expression darkens. "Wouldn't what be amusing?" [19:40] You'll have to forgive me, my Lord; I'm not thinking at my best right now. [19:40] * RB3 grins smugly. "You know... I don't think I have a use of two terrans." [19:41] I just need her. [19:41] ... *visibly restrains himself from doing something foolishly useless* What do you mean? [19:42] * Carter walks up to the field, to look RB3 in the eyes. [19:42] ~Julia, can you hear me?~ *lets some worry creep into his mental tone* [19:43] * RB3 holds up a hand... the field starting glowing purple, and little arcs of lightning shoot from it at just short of Carter. [19:43] * Carter refuses to flinch...though he does, maybe a little. "Cut it out. If you wanted me dead, I'd be dead. No threats, please." [19:43] * RB3 looks like a gold-skinned, scaled, almost reptilian humanoid, now. With a back top hat. [19:44] ...interesting outfit, my Lord. [19:44] * The terran band thingy dosen't seem to be working at -all.- [19:45] * RB3 lets his hand drop, and the arcs of lightning fade. [19:45] Hm. [19:45] Why should I tell you what I've got planned for her? [19:45] I have no reason to tell you. [19:46] I'd much rather let your imagination work it's worst, thinking of a million horrifying possiblities. [19:46] Why else would you be taunting me? You either want something, or want to gloat. You probably can monitor your nanites that are in my body. I can feel them there, don't deny it. You know how hard I'm working to maintain composure. [19:47] My imagination is suprisingly dry. [19:47] * RB3 laughs. "But not knowing makes it so much worse." [19:48] Well, then, what did you tell your guards I did? And what is the purpose of this very poorly designed ship? [19:49] * RB3 grins wide. Where'd those fangs come from? "You see... that would be telling. But I'll let you in on a little secret. This ship is finished now." [19:50] Neat. Do you honestly think it can achieve escape velocity, and not burn up in the process? Or is it not really intended to reach space? [19:50] * Carter wavers a bit on his feet, but manages to not fall. [19:51] Ah.. that's right. You're not familiar yet with some of the advanced technology in this ship. Suffice to say, it can make escape velocity quite easily. [19:52] Did you really think that with technological sampling from hundreds and thousands of different civilizations, that none in the Realm could figure out something from them? [19:52] I didn't feel any gravitic technology when I was in here before...do share, from one scientist to another. *backs away from the field, and gestures like a butler inviting a guest in* And do come in. This standing and talking across a field is really quite unfriendly. [19:53] * RB3 's grin falters a bit. [19:54] I think not. Her systems have left an ... unfavorable aftertaste on your own. It's ... uncomfortable, to say the least, to be close to you. [19:55] * Carter does fall to a sitting position, laughing almost maniacally, now. "You-- you're actually afraid of me, while I'm this helpless?" He's somewhere between laughing and sobbing, but gets control of himself shortly. "You'll forgive me if I don't stand up again." [19:56] The main drive is using a phase-aligned short range teleportation device... it's quite interesting. It can teleport an area 14 thousand times a second... not very far, but it quite effectively ignores inertia and gravity. [19:56] ...wow. [19:57] Inertia-less acceleration...the possible applications are nearly endless... [19:57] * RB3 adopts a sour look at Carter's laughing. [19:57] So, knowing what I've been told about you, you probably plan to use this ship to gain some sort of advantage over the Lords of Light. Am I right? [19:58] * RB3 's grin returns. [19:58] Some sort? I've already got an advantage over them. They just don't know it yet. [19:58] They'll never know what hit them. [19:58] * Carter begins trying to 'feel' what's different about his nanosystems...what is RB3's, and looking for signs of what Julia did. [19:59] *sigh* You're not actually going to start a war, are you? What is it you actually want? [19:59] After all, none of us can be killed...it adversly affects the Realm, somehow. [19:59] No. We would lose another war. [20:00] What, then? [20:00] Starting a war will just be a distraction. [20:00] And the real game? [20:01] To wipe them out. [20:01] End this stalemate. [20:01] And the consequences to the Realm be damned? [20:01] Quite. [20:01] I have a theory, you see... [20:02] You cannot escape any better than they. If Garos's death caused a bad enough reaction that Lord Cephiro felt he had to bring him back, --you do? [20:02] Do share. [20:02] You are aware of our connection to the monoliths, and the multiple instances of seven? [20:03] I beleive that if we can wipe them all out... not just one. [20:03] * Carter 's expression turns sardonic. "Intimately familiar." [20:03] That something will change. Change enough to get out. [20:03] Ahhhhh... you think it was imbalance, not just destruction. Interesting theory. [20:04] There's also the possibility that both sides might have to be wiped out... but I'll be content in just testing wiping out their side for now. [20:04] What if I told you I could kill you where you stand, right now? And take out all 21 Lords at the same time? Is that enough of a change, do you think? [20:05] Kill? In your current state, you are only an irritance. [20:05] Don't flatter yourself. [20:05] Am I? Then why are you telling me all this? You want something from me. What is it? I may very well give it to you, for her sake. On the other hand, for her sake, I would die to take you with me, as well. [20:06] All I want from you... is to suffer. To have nightmares about me. You dared to cross me before... [20:07] * Carter laughs again, almost madly. "Not going to be long in suffering, old friend. I'm dying as we speak, you see." [20:07] * RB3 grins. "That wouldn't be any fun." [20:08] I think I've talked too much... oh, well. [20:09] * RB3 steps off to the side, out of view. [20:09] You cannot win, old friend. Even if you beat me...well, let's just say I've already made a little present for you. [20:09] Time to get this out of the way and get it done. [20:09] Good bye! Oh, one more question. [20:10] * There's a power-down sound from off to the side. [20:10] *whispers* no... *rises and moves to the field, as close as he can get before it stings him* [20:12] * RB3 talks to someone else.. "You, my pretty, are the one they'll never see until it's too late." [20:12] JULIA! Can you hear me?! [20:13] * Carter pushes against the field, trying to see. [20:13] * The field flares purple, and does the shocky thing again. [20:14] * Carter pulls back, just barely. [20:14] Sorry... she~ can't~ hear~ you. o/~ [20:15] * RB3 comes back into view... Julia draped over his shoulder. She's just starting to regain conciousness... [20:15] Julia! Wake up! Use the nanites! [20:15] * Carter pounds the field with his fist, trying to get her to awaken. Never mind the pain. [20:15] No.. car-... wha...? [20:16] Don't let him do it! Use the nanites I gave you! [20:16] Shut off external access! [20:16] * The lightning arcs all along Carters arms, and spasming along his chest, as they make contact. Quite painful. [20:17] * Carter falls to all fours, staring out of the field, begging her with his eyes to be okay. [20:17] She's got the same blocks as you. Can't do to have a terran at full power around. [20:17] ...then the virus will-- *slaps a hand over his mouth* [20:18] * Carter starts shaking, eyes shut and tearing. Whether it's laughter or sobbing is impossible to tell. [20:18] * Julia watches Carter, groggilly. "Carter... you're okay... please be okay... you have to be okay..." [20:19] I'm -laughsob- fine. Just don't let him -laughsob- win. It's your move. Be okay... [20:19] * RB3 looks silently at Carter. "Fool. Thinking I'll fall for a simple trick like that." [20:20] * Carter suddenly grins, like a hunter watching his prey. "It was worth a try." [20:21] Carter... don't... You have to be okay... you have to get back... [20:21] * Carter tries to rise to his feet, but his arms and legs lack the strength, and he collapses again, laughing, sobbing, then breathing heavilly. "We will get back, Julia. I promissed you, remember? We'll get back. Mommy always told me to keep my promisses..." [20:22] * RB3 turns back to Carter. "Don't worry. I'm feeling nice. You'll get to meet up with your friends after I let you go." [20:23] Let her go, instead. [20:23] I'd rather see you suffer. [20:23] She's much better suited to my purposes, anyways. [20:23] She's not a Lord. [20:23] Wouldn't a Lord be better? Increase your power even more. [20:24] Tempting.... but your grop is being watched. [20:25] As good as an actor as I am, I'd have a hard time pulling off your level of spinelessness. [20:25] * Carter laughs derissively. [20:25] I find that hard to believe. [20:25] You pulled off more spinelessness than I ever did when we were talking to Lord Clay. [20:25] ...or was that not an act? [20:26] * RB3 smiles flatly. "What do you think?" [20:26] I'm not sure...you seem to restrict yourself to vengeance against women and children. [20:26] Vengeance? [20:27] This is part of a great plan. [20:27] Your petty attempts to cause me pain, despite the fact that I am the stronger tool. [20:27] Strength is not required. [20:27] But, if you are that foolishly pettyminded, so be it. It will be a key to your downfall. [20:28] * Carter hasn't stopped chuckling between breaths all this time. [20:29] ~I don't know... if you can hear this. But I'll try anyways.. don't worry about me. It's you who has to get away. I can't fight this fate... don't try and change his mind.~ [20:29] Enough chat. [20:29] Julia... *meets her gaze again, voice clearing* I-- I love you. Take care of yourself. You can do it; you can. You're stronger than I am. [20:29] Goodbye. [20:30] Yes, enough. I have nothing more to say to you, Roast Beef the Third. [20:30] * Carter turns and crawls to a corner of his cell, and pretends to fall asleep, hiding his tears. [20:30] * RB3 walks out, Julia still slung over his shoulder. ... but you notice her drop something on the way. [20:30] * Carter sneaks a glance, to see what it was... [20:31] * It's a bracelet. It's rather plain, made of silver. It looks a little too small for your wrist, too. [20:32] * RB3 is now known as EveryBodyWantsToRuleTheWorld [20:32] * There's another 'swish' sound. [20:34] * Carter looks up, wiping his face of tears. [20:34] * About 20 minutes of self-loathing and waiting later... the field that's keeping Carter in the cell drops. [20:37] * Carter manages to pull himself to his feet, and steps out. He stumbles a couple of times, falling to his knees conveneintly where the bracelet dropped. Picking it up and hiding it in his shirt, he picks himself up and continues walking out. Using what sensors he's got to find his way out (and record schematics again). [20:38] * The bracelet dissolves into component nanites as soon as Carter picks it up. And a few minutes later, the block on your systems drop. [20:39] *whispers* Julia...you didn't... *he refuses to allow himself to break down again, and keeps walking. He also spreads sensors as wide as he can while beginning to remake his nanite cloud* [20:40] * Carter _will_ know everything he can discover about this ship, so he can stop it. RB3 will not get away with his plan. He will regret having let Carter live. [20:43] * Tthere's the main drive. It's what RB3 described before. There's sub-orbital launchers.. there's a main gun. The power supply is a ship-wide bio-net, that amplifies life? energy. It's supplemented by a set of 4 cold fusion reactors. It's seems very much spaceworthy, too. [20:43] * Carter drops a hundred or so nanites on his way out, too...their orders: replicate and infect harmlessly and subtlely. Become pandemic in the vessel, but do not interfere and avoid detection. Await future orders. [20:44] * There's a myriad assortment of lasers all around the ship, and a force field of impressive strength. [20:44] * Carter takes special interest in the cold fusion, weapons systems, and drive system. [20:46] * There's also a shipbay, which also has the personnel-transportation stuff nearby. [20:46] * Carter heads for said bay. RB3 said he'd let him go; maybe that extends to giving the supposedly helpless terran a vehicle. [20:47] * A teleport grid, a light shuttle thats -not- spaceworthy, hanggliders, parachutes... [20:47] * ... even a black chocobo. [20:47] * ...on second thought...that black chocobo's more attractive. *yoink!* [20:49] * The bay doors open automatically as you lead the black chocobo out... the ship is in flight. But despite seeing it with your eyes, you can't feel it at all. [20:49] Better gravitics than I've got...let's see, can you fly, Mr. Black Chocobo? [20:50] * "Kweh!" [20:50] * It does a little hop, flapping it's wings and hovering in place for a second. [20:50] * Carter mounts up, and kicks the chocobo into flight! [20:51] * Also... it's not gravitics that's keeping it in flight. It's the constant-teleport drive. [20:52] ...wow, no gravitics... I'm going to have to see if that's physics or magic. Please be physics please be physics I wanna make one.... *launches the chocobo out the bay, and discovers that the light fear of hights engendered by not being able to fly oneself makes for an exhillerating experiance* [20:53] * The massive penguin ship leaves you behind rather quick... and the map you memorized oh so long ago says that you're near Hvvrt. [20:54] * Endage? [20:54] * Carter heads there, trying very hard not to think about what has happened just now. [20:54] * Endage.