[23:33] * Amidst your travels.... the two of you come across a 3-person squad of NotStormTroopers. At which Julia lets out a little gasp. [23:35] * Carter subtly puts himself between her and them, and veers slightly away to try avoiding them. ~Jerks. They're RB3's, aren't they.~ [23:36] ... it's no use. Can't avoid this... [23:38] ...let's try. >:) *takes her hand, and dashes towards a corner* ~Can you fly?~ [23:40] No... [23:41] * Hey now. One of the NST point at Carter. The other two face that way, then they start running your way, unslinging their rifles. [23:43] Uh, oh. Well, then... *scoops her up in his arms, bridal-style, and leaps into the air, trying to find cover* [23:43] * Julia holds on to one of Carter's arms tightly. "No! Youre- Wait!" [23:45] ~Wait?~ *smiles mischeivously again* ~You didn't tell me, so obviously this isn't influenced by some future knowledge. Maybe fate isn't indellible. ^_^~ *keeps trying to get away* ~I won't let them hurt you.~ [23:47] * The NST's take potshots at Carter'n'Julia! [23:48] * They've got damned good aim, too. 2 ranged def rolls to avoid burny plasma beams! [23:49] ( In the same round, I take it? ) [23:49] ( Yup. ) [23:49] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-2) and gets 8. [23:49] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 6. [23:50] ( Failed both ) [23:50] * The two burny beams of plasma tear into Carter's flesh and generally HURT LIKE FARK. [23:50] ( I'm not making this easy, am I. ;) ) [23:50] ( 2 20 dam hits. ) [23:52] Aaaaach! *'stumbles' in the air, seeming to fall upwards and twist uncontrolled for a moment, before regaining control. He's...not going to be able to survive another of those, from the looks of him. Seems to be biting his tongue to keep from screaming in pain* [23:53] Carter! Don't- .. don't be stupid! [23:54] * Carter nods, and slowly decends to the ground. While he looks physically battered, he forces himself to stand tall while he gently sets Julia down. [23:56] * The trio of NST quickly surround the two of them. "What was the intructions for the Terrans?" "The ... penguin." "Penguin?" "Call the penguin, and give it to them." [23:56] * Carter probably isn't actually standing, either...looks a bit unsupported. Might be using flight to hold himself up. [23:57] No... at the very least, leave Julia out of this. [23:57] * Juila hops out of Carter's graps, and helps hold him. [23:57] * "No chance of that. Aratumar's pal wants both of you terrans." [23:58] * One of the NST withdraws a keypad, and taps in some buttons. [23:59] ... no escape from this... [23:59] ~Julia...I'm going to give you as many nanites as I can transfer. They're programmed with a resistance program...well, as good of one as I can make. Accept assimalition of them...and pretend to be taken over. Get away at the first opportunity.~ *starts sending said nanites* ~Roast may be able to help, if you can get to it.~ [00:00] * Julia gulps. ~I'll... I'll try.~ [00:00] * Carter puts on an expression that might have been more in place on Kae's face. "Well then, we'll just have to enjoy it. Looks like we got tagged out of this game." ^_^ *that smile seems forced, at least to Julia* [00:00] * The NST finishes his thing, because the penguin plushie from before appears in a blast of muted light. [00:01] * Carter blinks. "How'd it do that? You'll have to tell me, 'kay?" [00:01] * The NST shoves the penguin at Julia ... who makes a dull, unintelligent sound, before dissapearing in a flash of light, the penguin remaining. [00:02] * "Pick it up." [00:03] * Carter complies, winking conspiratorilly at the NST and grinning obnoxiously. [00:05] * 'nother bod roll! [00:05] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 6. [00:05] ( That's a fail, usually. ^_^ ) [00:06] ( And, without his normal complement of nanites, even more likely now. ) [00:06] * I'ts quite painful, as the nanites from it rewrite your own... adding new information... you realize some kind of space-warping utility is forming, before you lose awareness. [00:07] * Carter is fascinated by the space-warping, enough to try to focus through the pain and record--*thud* [00:07] * Carter also probably screamed, by the way. He's a wimp, in the end.