[22:33] * Last time! [22:34] * Tze's least favorite person begged him for help! ... in a most odd way. [22:34] * Roast (rfuccxhge@d-131-151-022-219.dynamic.umr.edu) has joined #7Lords [22:35] * Elfy is now known as KaeollaRae [22:35] * Sharyna is now known as Tzezhin [22:35] * But, in the end, it was Carter who took the role of savior. [22:35] ( ;_; ) [22:36] * It's been a few days since then, and rebuilding it nearly complete! Except for the lab, because of some hard-to-get items haven't been got yet. [22:37] ( Bad grammer. >_> ) [22:38] * The Lighthouse still isn't open for business, though. Which means it's just Julia who's staring at a stuffed penguin plushie on one of the tables there, with a look that some would call 'Afraid' on her face. [22:38] * Start! [22:39] ( Pernguirn? ) [22:39] 2d6+3 [22:39] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6+3) and gets 9. [22:40] * KaeollaRae lazies about somewhere. [22:41] * Trast reads in his downstairs room. [22:42] * Tzezhin sits in his room, sharpening The Sword. *SHIIIIIIIIINK* *SCREEEEEEEENK* *SHEEEEEEEENK* [22:42] * Elonith twirls a pencil and idly types at his computer with his other hand. [22:42] * Carter comes upstairs, stretching, and looking around. He smiles when he notices Julia. Suddenly, his eyes narrow as he looks at the penguin. He crosses the room in several swift strides. [22:43] Julia. Are you okay? *eyeing the penguin* [22:43] * Alex is cleaning her guns down there, sitting against Elo's door. She's keeping watch like a good little watchdog. [22:44] I'm ... fine. *she dosen't break her gaze from the penguin, and her expression dosen't change, though.* [22:46] * Roast scans her, and transmits ~Are you sure you're okay?~ on the terran band. He keeps eyeing the penguin sideways while he's focused on her. [22:46] ( Carter did that. >_< ) [22:47] * Julia repeats the same unenthusiastic response over the terran band, too. ~I'm fine. ... really.~ [22:47] There was a note that was with it... [22:48] Oh? May I see it? [22:48] * Elonith smiles and the pencil goes flying through the room and hovers uncomfortably in front of Alex's nose. "So, how do you like your job so far?" [22:48] 'Kaeolla. Come back. -Arutamatar' (however that's spelt. >_< ) [22:49] (Arātśmar) [22:50] ...Do you know who 'Aratumar' is? [22:50] I've heard the name mentioned. But I don't know who that is. [22:51] * Carter pulls up a chair to sit next to Julia. He also picks up the penguin, putting it off to the side so it's out of immediate sight. [22:51] * Alex eyes the pencil, and replies dryly, "I'm loving every minute of it." [22:51] Good. [22:52] * Elonith snaps and the pencil flies back to his hands. [22:53] Well...we'll have to see if Kaeolla Rae knows about it, then. ~I know something more's bothering you. Please, tell me! I don't like seeing you like this. It's more than that -thing- *disgust in his voice as he talks about the penguin* is from my 'old friend'.~ [22:53] 2d6 [22:53] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 4. [22:54] * Tendrils of nanites start to form and pierce into Carter's skin as he picks it up... but they're not effective enough vs his nanites. [22:55] * Carter causally shakes them off, pretending they're not bothering him. He idly kicks the penguin farther under the table, though. Hard. [22:55] * Julia's eyes widen. "No! Not ye-" [22:55] ... good. [22:57] What!? Come on! If it's something regarding the future... *his face becomes serious, as he braces himself emotionally* ~tell me, and I swear I will not go against the timeline...just don't go into this with me blind. Let me protect you!~ [22:57] ~It's more than that... but I can't tell you. I'm sorry...~ [22:58] * Carter takes her hands in his, and tries to catch her gaze. "Come on..." He gives a small smile, trying to look encouraging. [22:58] * Elonith comes by and flips a snack into his mouth. He chews on it. "What's up Carter?" ^_^ [22:58] * Alex stifles a yawn and starts checking clips, with loud, clicky sounds. She waves to Elo as he passes. [22:59] Elo, do you have any biohazard containers? *doesn't take his eyes off of Julia's* [22:59] * Julia dosen't meet his gaze... she's still looking scared. [23:00] If not, I can make some... What's up? [23:00] See that penguin under the table? *points* It's dangerous. Kindly clean it up? I reccommend not touching it. [23:00] It's okay for him to hold it... [23:01] Just not us. [23:01] * Elonith nods. He motions with his hands and tries to pull it out. [23:01] You're sure? I wouldn't trust Lord RB3's nanites with any organic or electrical body...but you would know. [23:03] On the other hand *smile halfway between malicious and mischievous* we might be able to use these gifts of Roast Beef III's to help Roast Beef the Fourth get better. [23:03] * Several loud shots ring out as Alex shoots somethng in midair several times. If any of you are watcing, she just shot a coin in midair several times, and it didn't hit the ground until she was done firing. [23:03] ... I'm sure. *she's still not meeting his gaze* [23:04] * Elonith motions, the penguin coming out in one piece and not hitting a single thing. He glances around. "Hmmm... Bio hazard containers should be around here *somewhere*..." [23:04] * Elonith fishes through some cabinets and stuff while the penguin floats in midair. [23:05] They're in the lab area. [23:05] That does it. You need to relax; the Lighthouse is almost rebuilt - you and I are going out to celebrate. Right now. Okay? *stands up, smiling somewhat forcedly, and trying to pull Julia to her feet and out the door* [23:06] But- Err- I have- You- But- [23:06] No buts! ^_^ *drag* [23:07] * Julia is dragged. ;_; [23:07] * Elonith gets what looks like a giant garbage bin and plumps the penguin in it. [23:07] Oh, Elo? Tell Kae when she gets up here that some Aratumar wants her to 'come back', please? *heads out the door* [23:08] Yeah, sure. [23:08] * Roast comes floating up the stairs, and tug-tugs on Elo's shirt before pointing to Kae, who's following him. [23:09] * KaeollaRae asks "What? Small Fry gonna do a handstand or something?" [23:10] * Roast does a handstand, morphing into Elo to do it, and shaking his head 'no'. [23:11] * Elonith looks at Kaeolla. "Probably just tellin' me you're here. Some Aratumar guy wants to meet ya." [23:11] * KaeollaRae stands up, her arms at her hips, and says with a poutyface "Awww - that's not cool, funny, or even remotely entertaining. Pooh." [23:11] * Alex comes up herself. "What's all the commotion? Something interesting happening?" [23:12] * Roast pulls what looks like a stuffed yellow bear with a red shirt and a pot labled "hunny" out from under his shirt, and makes it wave to Kaeolla. [23:13] (....Roast is SO CUTE. I want to steal him and raise him. ) [23:13] ... [23:13] Roast, you can stop now. [23:13] * KaeollaRae says with a disappointed expression "Just junk mail.", but smiles at the Poohbear stuffie. [23:13] * Alex blinkblinks at Roast. "What's he trying to say?" [23:14] * Roast lets the Pooh dissolve into silver and remerge with his body, which also morphs back into some form that isn't quite Elonith anymore. [23:14] * Roast smiles and shakes his head at Alex. [23:14] * Tzezhin is oblivious to these events, and continues sharpening his sword. *SHEEEEEENK SHEEEEEEENK SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENK* [23:14] Aratumar? Hell no. [23:15] What's he want...? This can't be good. [23:16] He wants Kaeolla to meet him. [23:16] * Elonith shrugs and plops down next to his computer. "Ya got me as to after that." [23:16] * KaeollaRae walks past Alex back out of Elonith's room and goes back to her room, plopping back down on her side on her bed. [23:17] ... Annie mentioned something about that. She overheard something in Hvvrt about that... He's 'sending someone.' [23:18] * Roast sits on a table, legs dangling, and listening to Alex talk like she's telling a facinating bedtime story. [23:19] * Oh, everyone still up there near where the penguin plushie is. Awareness type checks, vs Sight. [23:19] ( s/listening/listens ) [23:19] (I put the penguin plushy in a biohazard container. ^^;) [23:19] ( I know. =p ) [23:20] 2d6 [23:20] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roast (2d6) and gets 3. [23:21] ( That actually fails, I think. ) [23:21] ( If it was mind-based. ) [23:21] ( Yah. ) [23:22] ( Noone makes it, then! w00t. ) [23:26] * There's a knock on the door! [23:26] * Elonith calls across the hall. "Can you get that?" [23:26] ( Which door? ) [23:26] ( The Front Door. ) [23:26] ( Ahh. ) [23:26] What, me? What am I, a waiter? [23:27] (Nope - a butler) [23:27] * Roast jumps down and goes to open it. [23:27] * Tzezhin absent-mindedly wanders out and opens the door, The (recently-sharpened) Sword shining in his hand. "What." [23:27] ( She messed it up on purpose. =p ) [23:28] * There's guys in familiar looking armor... same get-up as the NotStormTroopers from back in Hvvrt. There's 5 of them, and they've all got plasma rifles slung over thier backs. [23:28] * Roast peeks out from behind Tze's legs, having not made it to the door first. [23:28] * "We're here to escort Miss Kaeolla to Hvvrt." [23:29] I heard nothing about anyone going to Hvvrt. [23:30] * "If the message that was sent has failed, then would you tell her that Aratumar has requested her presence?" [23:31] * Tzezhin looks down. "Roast, do you feel capable of imparting the message?" [23:33] * Roast shakes his head, and turns into a chibi-Kae that's scowling and holding a Pooh doll. [23:33] She is being recalcitrant again? [23:34] * Roast nodnods, morphs the pooh into a musket and chibikae's clothes into the uniform of a Revolutionary war soldier, and stands at attention, obviously a chibiKae guarding the door. [23:34] She refuses to leave? [23:36] * The lead NST holds his head for a moment, listening to some comm thingie. "You might want to let her know that we've got the Terrans in our possession, and are willing to use them as hostages to get her to come." [23:36] * Roast nods a bit hesitantly to Tze's question. [23:36] * Tzezhin frowns and straightens. "You have captured Carter and Julia? On what grounds?" [23:37] * Roast glares at the notstromtroopers, and drops to the ground in a puddle of black-streaked silver liquid. Spikes of the same composition protrude, and advance menacingly. [23:37] * The lead NST repeats, a bit amusedly, "Aratumar requests her presence." [23:37] What do Carter and Julia have to do with this? [23:38] * "Nothing, if she comes back and begs forgiveness." [23:38] * Tzezhin raises an eyebrow. "Let them go." [23:38] And we shall bring her to you. [23:39] * Roast slides around the NSTs' feet, until they're standing in a very shallow silver-and-black puddle. The spikes seem to have vanished. [23:39] * "Actually... she comes, and we let them go." [23:39] She has no attachment to any of us in any case. It means nothing to her if you have them as hostages. Let them go. [23:40] They shall prove more useful to your mission if they are free than captive. [23:40] * One of the NST unslngs a rifle, and aims it at the puddle. "Act's just like Aratumars friend..." [23:40] * Elonith yawns as he comes up to the conversation, his sword on his back. "Hey, hey. What's goin' on here." [23:40] Leave it alone. It is loyal to its master. [23:40] Let him and Julia go. [23:41] An Arātśmar wishes to see Kaeolla and has sent men to capture Carter and Julia to coerce her acceptance. [23:41] * Roast protrudes a spike right up under the rifle pointed at it, aiming to deflect it, or spear the hand holding the rifle. The puddle retracts at the edges to accomodate the mass redistribution. [23:41] * "As I've said before.... Aratumar requests Kaeolla's presence. We're going to take extra means to make sure she shows up." [23:42] What is an Arātśmar, anyway? [23:42] * The NST moves the rifle out of the way, and gives a shout. [23:44] * "Who Aratumar is is none of your business. Please inform Kaeolla of his request." [23:44] * Roast moves the spike threateningly towards the NST in question's throat. And begins slithering veeeeery slowly up the feet and ankles of the spokesNST. [23:44] * The NSt's spread out. All but the one talking points a rifle at the puddle. [23:45] * "Call off your... pet. You'll only make thier situation worse." [23:45] Alright! Cut it out. I will not have a fight here, got it? [23:45] * "Good. Relay Aratumar's request, then?" [23:45] * Elonith draws his sword and points it at the spokesNST. "That goes for you too. Put your weapons down." [23:45] Let it alone. [23:46] * Roast bristles with little spikes, but stops threatening the NSTs. It is still around the feet of the spokesNST, though. [23:47] * The head NST holds up a hand behind him. The others assume a less... offensive stance with their weapons. [23:47] * Tzezhin brandishes The Sword as well. "Thank you. Elonith, will you go or shall I?" [23:48] I'll get her. Make sure they don't do anything too stupid. [23:48] Mmm. [23:48] * Elonith walks back to Kaol's room, going past Tzezh as he does so, quietly saying to him: "Although I think it's too late for that." [23:49] * Tzezhin snorts, amused, but shows no other indication of having heard. [23:49] * The head NST taps his helmet. "Alive!" he yell's into it. [23:49] Hey, Rae! We got company. And you might want to bring implements of pain too. [23:49] * Tzezhin raises an eyebrow. [23:51] * The head NST curses softly. [23:52] * KaeollaRae opens her door and leans against the doorframe and looks at Elonith with a smile while saying "I don't recall ordering roomservice, Squirt." [23:52] * Elonith smirks. "It came anyways. [23:54] * KaeollaRae says "Well, shoo away the delivery man." she makes a shooing motion with her hand, waving it Elonith and continues "I only except during business hours and I'm closed for business today." she winks at Elonith. [23:54] (I only except _deliveries_ during business hours) [23:54] ( Accept? ) [23:55] * Elonith rolls his eyes. "Look, they took Spaz and his girlfriend, so if you don't come, we probably won't see them again." [23:55] (accept, right - I spell phonically and am terrible about homonymns) [23:55] ( Hey! 'Spaz'? I'm hurt. ;_; ) [23:55] (Heh Heh - Spaz Boy =D ) [23:56] (Hehe. :P) [23:57] * KaeollaRae puts her a finger to her lips and ponders "Hmmmm. Well, he never liked me anyways." She shuts the door. [23:57] ( Told 'em so. ) [23:57] ( Ah, but think how hurt Roast will be by it. *wink* ) [23:58] (She's just being playful ; ) ) [23:59] * Elonith shrugs. "Guess we're gonna have to kill them without you then." Session Close: Fri Dec 05 00:00:01 2003 Session Start: Fri Dec 05 00:00:01 2003 Session Ident: #7Lords [00:00] * KaeollaRae peeks open the door and says "Oooh - I wanna watch?" she grins. [00:01] Unless you have a weak stoumach. [00:01] * Elonith winks at Rae. [00:01] * KaeollaRae giggles. [00:01] ( Elo: 'stomach'? ) [00:02] * Roast has, meanwhile, been having actual tiny storm troopers march out of the bristling spikes, and walk to some gallows, where they're being hung by miniature Tzezhins in judges robes. [00:02] (Yeah. :P) [00:03] * KaeollaRae opens the door and walks out. She seems happy as she says "'Bout time we go some excitment around here." [00:03] (got some) [00:04] ( And last adventure was what? Frosted Flakes? ) [00:04] * "Kaeolla Rae D'Faenqiue. Aratumar the Cleaver humbly 'requests' your presence." [00:04] * Elonith nods and walks along with Kae to the front. "Maybe we should take care of it outside, though." [00:04] (Yes, but that was 'days' ago game time ; ) ) [00:04] ( It was? ) [00:04] ( a couple of days. 2-3 at most. ) [00:04] (Kaeolla's gets bored quickly =) ) [00:04] ( Must...resist...jokes...about...gallows humor ) [00:05] ( Heh. ) [00:07] * The head NST nods to himself. "The terrans have been secured? Good. Head back. My team will be joining you shortly." [00:08] * KaeollaRae stands there in a sexy way, smiling, with one hand on her hips and her tail swaying about. She replys "So Mister Cleaver still wants to get his grabby big hands on my hot little tail does he? Well, that doesn't sounds very inticing." She smiles broadly at them. [00:08] * "He didn't think you'd think kindly of the idea. That's why we're here to change your mind on the matter." [00:10] * Roast is idly forming a pair of manacles connected by a metallic-looking bar around the NST's ankles - but not touching yet, so he won't feel it. [00:10] * KaeollaRae puts her other hand on her hip and says "Oh my, I'm just giddy with excitement at the prospect of it all." she continues to smile at them. [00:10] * Tzezhin stands by, watching carefully. [00:10] * KaeollaRae asks "Say, you're kinda short for a stormtrooper?" [00:10] ( =D ) [00:10] ( .... @_@ ) [00:11] (Looks forward to the original three Star Wars movies coming to DVD fall of next year =) ) [00:11] ( Roast's feeling playfully malicious, at the moment. >:) ) [00:12] * "My height is -none- of your business. I'd suggest you let us escort you to Hvvrt before he really starts trying." [00:14] * "We're prepared to use force to do so. And we have your terran friends held hostage against your arrival." [00:14] * KaeollaRae says "Say, when did you Seraing Pirates start wearing color coordinated armor? It's a definate step up in your attire." she winks at them. [00:14] * Elonith whistles. [00:16] * "We're not the Seraing Pirates. We're a seperate group from them. But we both are in the employ of Arautmar." [00:16] * Roast must have gotten tired of this posturing, because it contracts the manacles with a sharply metallic sound. And starts seeping upwards on the guy's legs, looking for chinks in the armor to flow through. [00:18] * The NST who's been latched onto gives a shout. The other assume an offensive stance with their rifles again.. but none of them are shooting. [00:18] * "... Again. Call off you pet." [00:18] * KaeollaRae says "I see, so you are color coordinated mercinaries working for a greedy pirate leader with no moral code. Great!" She looks cheerful and then said "Well, except, the benefits aren't so good. It's hard to retaire and get a pention when your pirate leader rather see you dead than give up his money." [00:18] (and then said = and then a little sad) [00:20] * KaeollaRae looks down at Roast and says "Oh, sorry, but the little critter's not mine." she looks at the spokesperson and says "Whoops. Sorry about that. Looks like he wet on your boots." she smiles. [00:20] * The one NST who's being slimed pushes a button on the side of the legs... they pop off, with Roast on it. And he jumps back. [00:21] * KaeollaRae says "That's an interesting trick. I bet you go though more boots that way." she winks and continues "Say, is that a pistol in your pants or are you just glad to see me?" she grins. [00:21] * "It seems words won't work on you..." [00:21] * Roast flows over the legs that are no longer occupied, giving up its spiky puddle in favor of completely enveloping the armored appendages in a silver sheen, streaked with black. [00:22] ( Pssst, shouldn't someone inform Trast that stuff's happening? ) [00:22] * KaeollaRae continues her talkative streak "My escort service is quite pricey. How many credits do you have anyways?" [00:22] ( He said he'd drop off around 11:30 or so. [00:22] ( Well, he just asked if it was all occurring upstairs. i.e. where Trast wouldn't know about it. ) [00:22] * "He's paid you enough previously!" [00:23] ( Front Door area, yah. ) [00:23] * The squad retreats from the front door. [00:25] ( If you're going to do anything combat-y, say so. ) [00:25] * Disconnected [00:26] * Rejoined channel #7Lords [00:26] * Topic is 'http://www.angelfire.com/clone2/jex/7lords.html Thursdays, 9 CST. Next session Dec 4th. 3 CP get! Updated sheets get! Elo got! Tze got! Kae got!' [00:33] * Topic is 'http://www.angelfire.com/clone2/jex/7lords.html Thursdays, 9 CST. Next session Dec 4th. 3 CP get! Updated sheets get! Elo got! Tze got! Kae got!' [00:33] * Set by Jexless on Thu Nov 27 22:59:35 [00:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jexless [00:33] ( Well, that's one back...) [00:33] (Yup Yup) [00:33] * ` (xxsokignz@d-131-151-022-219.dynamic.umr.edu) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:34] .... i',m on both sides of the netsplit. @_@ [00:34] * Jex (l33tl3ss@pcp05016414pcs.ypwest01.mi.comcast.net) has joined #7Lords [00:34] * Trast (Lafing_Cat@d-131-151-189-037.dynamic.umr.edu) has joined #7Lords [00:34] * Dicesuke (akodomakot@ip68-13-175-200.om.om.cox.net) has joined #7Lords [00:34] * Tzezhin (sharyna_t@sfa234219.richmond.edu) has joined #7Lords [00:34] * Elonith (Zegon@12-248-226-199.client.attbi.com) has joined #7Lor[00:34] * Jexless loves the /server -m command. :3 [00:34] ( The java client doesn't allow for the /server command at all. ;_; ) [00:34] * Jexless (l33tl3ss@pcp05016414pcs.ypwest01.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Life in the granite skyways, the railroads gone and taken our souls.) [00:35] * pause, while we play catchup! [00:36] ( What's the last you saw, Jex? ) [00:37] Okies. Every'un back? [00:37] [00:22] ( Well, he just asked if it was all occurring upstairs. i.e. where Trast wouldn't know about it. ) [00:37] [00:22] * "He's paid you enough previously!" [00:37] ( Alright, Kae...c/p him in /query the stuff he missed. ) [00:37] ( I would, but the java client won't let me. ) [00:38] (Let's see...) [00:38] ( o/~ ) [00:39] * KaeollaRae asks, putting her finger to her mouth to ponder, "And what payment might that be? I seem to recall that he breached our contract, impounded my delivery ship, and attempted to make me his love slave." [00:39] * A tiny Kae in a queen's garb standing regally over some generic pirate captain who's abasing himself before her forms on a small platform bridging the tops of the two covered leg-armors. [00:39] * KaeollaRae notices and let's out a giggle. [00:39] ( Seg: Oh, thanks. thanks very much. Don't ask the one that didn't ping out. ;-; ) [00:39] (that should be it) [00:39] ( Or maybe I did. ) [00:39] ( Wasn't a ping. Was a split. ) [00:39] (you poofed) [00:39] ( Tze: I did ask the one who didn't ping out, from my perspective. ) [00:40] ( *niff* ) [00:40] ( You poofed longer. ) [00:40] (Segev and me me just sitting here - everyone else poffed from our perspectives) [00:40] (Ooookay, back.) [00:41] ( Y'all poofed from mine and Jex's.) [00:41] ( I tried to switch servers, but couldn't. Bloody idiotic java client. I WANT MY COMPUTER! WAH! ) [00:41] (anywhosies - as long as we're all unpoofed now - let's get to having fun =) ) [00:41] ( Yup yup ) [00:41] ( Perhaps Jex should repaste what Kae gave him, just to be sure everyone's on the same page? ^^; ) [00:41] * Trast hammers the floor underneath you guys. [00:42] ( Oh, Seg. Drop in #BESM. Ruri^2 is askin' bout HT. ) [00:42] Keep it down you youngsters, I'm going to bed! [00:42] ( Isn't it like mid-afternoon? ) [00:42] ( It's Day. ) [00:43] ( Neanderthals sleep during the day >_> <_< >_> ) [00:43] ( *snickers* ) [00:43] * KaeollaRae chuckles "Guess he's all tuckered out from that fancy readin'." [00:44] * "You're obviously not going to listen to us. I guess we have no choice, then." [00:44] * Carter tromp-tromps the armored legs around, connected by a hinge of what looks like a steel bar, and makes noise on the floor above where Trast pounded. [00:44] ( Roast did that. ) [00:44] * The squad falls back from the front door, dispersing into the street. [00:45] (Still 5 total or are more now obvious?) [00:46] ( Anyone doing anything combat-y? ) [00:46] ( And still just the 5... one lacking pants, now. ) [00:46] (snicker) [00:46] * KaeollaRae says to the one "Oops. You seem to have lost something." [00:46] * Said pants are tromping around...seemingly under their own power. [00:46] *tromp, tromp, noisilly tromp* [00:47] ( doing anyting combat-y? Because they're about to toss grenades in their. ) [00:47] ( ... there. ) [00:48] * Roast tromp-tromps quickly out there to try to kick them! Or block the grenades. [00:48] I assume they are to take action. We should prepare ourselves. [00:48] * KaeollaRae walks out after them with a smile on her face. It just wouldn't do to have to rebuild yet again afterall. [00:48] ( Yes, then. Init! ) [00:48] * Roast doesn't actually attack, though, if they don't try to throw. [00:49] d6+2 [00:49] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roast (d6+2) and gets 5. [00:49] 1d6+5 [00:49] * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (1d6+5) and gets 9. * Rolling 1d6. Result:  2  NST's init. +6. [00:50] ( Elo? ) [00:51] -> [Elonith] PING [00:51] (Huh?) [00:51] (Dad talk. ^^;) [00:51] (Sorry 'bout that. Someone throw me a recap?) [00:51] (guards are about start something - initiative) [00:51] d6+8 [00:51] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (d6+8) and gets 9. [00:52] ( NST's are about to pelt you with grenades. ) [00:52] d6+8 [00:52] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (d6+8) and gets 11. * Rolling 1d6. Result:  3  alex init! +5 [00:53] * Elo, Kae/Tze, NST's/Alex, Roast! [00:54] * The NSt's are looking to toss grenades into the Lighthouse, now that they've dispersed into the streets and are safely out of range. [00:54] * Elonith walks out as well, drawing his sword on the way using TK and having it hover in front of him as he grabs it. He sighs. "You know, it's really funny when they see the gernades fly back at them." ^_^ [00:55] * KaeollaRae smiles and says to Elonith "That's a good one. I was running out of funny material anyways.' [00:55] * Tzezhin heads out. [00:57] ( Elo! Doin' something, holding? ) [00:57] * Elonith activates his shield and holds his action so he can try and have the Stormtrooper's gernades fly back at them. [00:58] ( Kae and Tze, do something! Or hold -too-. >_> ) [00:58] * KaeollaRae stands there (holding her action until after the expected grenade rebound) with her hands behind her back and a playful, mischevous expression on her face looking at the troopers. [00:59] * KaeollaRae wiggles her tail in anticipation. [00:59] Oh, by the way, might want to keep some of them from throwing... I doubt I can stop all five. ^_^ [01:00] ( Hold till after they do stuff. Tze don't know what grenades are. ) [01:00] * KaeollaRae says "Oh pooh." [01:01] (That scene on 'X-men 2' where Magneto pulled all those soldiers grenade pins out of the grenades on their belts was just cool - looks at Elonith - hint hint) [01:01] * The NST's toss, roll, and chuck grenades at Elo, Kae, and Tze! * Rolling 2d6. Result:  1,1: 2  * Rolling 2d6. Result:  5,6: 11  * Rolling 2d6. Result:  5,2: 7  * Rolling 2d6. Result:  2,4: 6  * Rolling 2d6. Result:  3,5: 8  [01:02] ( Doing your 'Knock it right back em thing? ) [01:02] (Waits to see what Elonith's TK does before acting - but if one gets though she'll act by attempting to kick it out of the air right back at them.) [01:03] ( We'd have to anyway, since Elo goes before us. ) [01:03] ( And yeah, I'll use The Sword. ) [01:03] ( If so, do a TK roll thingie. However much you beat it by is how many get tossed backed. ) [01:03] (Kick it TK dude!) [01:04] (Whoo!) [01:04] 2d6 [01:04] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 6. [01:04] (chuck two back?) [01:04] (Or is it three since 8 is the target?) [01:04] ( 3. ) [01:05] (Whoo!) [01:05] * KaeollaRae watches the mayhem with a gleeful expression. [01:05] ( Could I use Block Bullets with these? ) [01:05] ( You should be able to... ) [01:05] * Elonith grins. [01:05] ( Yah. ) [01:06] (So there were 3 grenades tossed or 5?) [01:06] (...XD ) [01:06] ( 5, I b'lieve. ) [01:06] * Three grenades reverse course in mid-air. Unfortunately they all have helmets on, so they can't see their suprise. [01:06] (Since there were only 3 targets I wasn't sure if they tossed more than one per target.) [01:06] ( YOU can't see. ) [01:06] ( Oh, they had only 3? ) [01:07] * Elonith flicks them off with his left hand. [01:07] ( 5 grenades tossed, all aimed at the Elo/Tze/Kae clump. ) [01:07] ( Oh, okay. ) [01:07] * 2 more are still arcing at you! [01:07] (Ah - okie - so three groupped targets, but 5 grenades) [01:07] * KaeollaRae spins up in the air acrobatically and attempts to kick both of them back towards the soldiers. [01:08] ( Good ole winamp. 'You get to burning' when I decided they were incindiery grenades. :3 ) [01:08] (heh heh) [01:08] ( *wants winamp* ;_; ) [01:08] ( Heh! ) [01:08] (anything special to kick the grenades back or just a standard attack roll?) [01:08] * Tzezhin levels The Sword to knock one of them back at t he soldiers. [01:09] * Kae! 'tack rolls at a +2 for each cuz they're small. Or Sports(Soccer) or something similar. Ditto for Tze. [01:09] (She has Precise Strike and Steady Hand both - do they cancel that penalty?) [01:09] ( Sure. ) [01:09] ( What Kae said. ) [01:09] (Combat monkies. :P) [01:10] ( *snicker* I was designing a sample dX character that actually had levels of the 'soccer' skill. ) [01:10] ( Like you're one to talk. =p ) [01:10] ( So does that lead to -1, since PS and SH are both -3? ) [01:10] 2d6-2 [01:10] * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 7. [01:10] 2d6-1 [01:10] * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-1) and gets 7. [01:10] ( Fine, _I_'ll say it. Combat monkies. ) [01:10] (I said it too. :P) [01:10] ( Negates penalty. Not past a +0, though. ) [01:10] (both miss) [01:10] ( Oh, right.) [01:11] ( No, Jex told you that you didn't have room to talk, Zeg. ;P ) [01:11] 2d6 [01:11] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6) and gets 6. [01:11] ( Made. ) [01:12] (Awww.) [01:12] ( Wait, they're not sent individually. ) [01:12] ( Should I hit for both, th en? ) [01:12] ( Got 2 attacks? ) [01:12] ( No, but if they were close enough to each other...okay, so no. ) [01:12] (me uses DR to reroll once) [01:12] 2d6-2 [01:12] * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 5. [01:12] ( ....one strike two cuts? ) [01:12] (got it) [01:12] ( <.< ) [01:13] ( Okay, never mind. ) [01:13] ( Tze: Not against multiple targets, silly girl. ) [01:13] ( I know. ) [01:13] * Kae does some nice kicks at the incoming grenades. And she almost kicks them back! Too bad... except for the gust of wind that suddenly shifts the arc of one to connect squarely with one of her feet. It joins the other three that reversed course. [01:14] ( Wait, if Kae and I go at the same time, shouldn't I theoretically be able to knock it back before it connects with her? ) [01:14] * And with a lightning-quick slash, Tze sends the last one back, too. [01:14] (there were two to hit - She got one and Tzezhin got one) [01:14] ( Oh, wait, misread that. ) [01:14] ( My bad. ) [01:15] * Roast! [01:15] * Roast runrunruns in the legs, eventually making them go wheel-like end-over-end in a charge at the spokesNST, trying to end in a nasty kick to the bared shins! [01:15] 2d6 [01:15] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Roast (2d6) and gets 6. [01:15] ( Miss! ) [01:16] ( Kyuuute! ) [01:17] * And the grenades go 'boom!' in blasts of flame. The NST's try and dive out of the way, and two of them make it! The leader, and the pantless one. The other are nicely on fire. @_@ [01:18] * Elo! Doin' anything more? [01:18] ( Um... isn't the leader the pantsless one? ^^; ) [01:18] * KaeollaRae says "I really was expecting stun grenades - afterall a melty Kaeolla's not so sexy." [01:19] * Elonith lashes out with his sword all whip-like, trying to wrap it around the leader's neck. [01:19] ( No. If it was, I messed it up, then. ^_^; ) [01:19] * 'tack rollage! Called shot penalties apply. [01:19] ( Yeah, Roast was trying to menace the leader when it was doing the manacle thing. ^^; If not, eh, no biggie. ) [01:20] (It's flexible, so only a +2 penalty, right?) [01:21] ( Yah. ) [01:21] 2d6 [01:21] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 2, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I wish I got to hand out more of these, really." [01:21] (Boo yaka.) [01:21] ( ... Dicey has a good side. ) [01:22] * The effective leader of the 5 of them ends his dive from the blast... with a chainsword wrapped around his neck. [01:22] ( Oh, yes. Remember the critsuc against the winged things for Berserk Carter? ) [01:23] Call your goons off. [01:23] * "... it's too late. The terrans have already been transported to Hvvrt." [01:24] * KaeollaRae smirks "Well, his half-a-goon anyways.' [01:24] That's nice. Now, where are they. [01:24] * Elonith smiles, then goes into a frown. [01:24] * Kae/Tze. Doin' anything, or has combat ended? [01:24] ( Are they in melee? ) [01:25] ( Yup. 3 of em on fire, one pnatless and not on fire, one with a chainsword around his neck. ) [01:25] (She holds further combat actions unless someone trys something else) [01:25] * Roast is a pair of silver-armorlegs that are trying to look menacing to those bared shins of the pantsless guard. [01:25] * Tzezhin holds The Sword to the not sword-necked one. [01:26] Bring them back. [01:26] * The Pantless One looks up at Tze silently. [01:26] * KaeollaRae winks and says "You should listen to the man. It's a terrible think to be killed by someone without a sense of humor." [01:27] * "I don't know where they are. Aratumar gave us a ... device to use on them when we caught them. His new ally wanted them." [01:27] * Roast kicks the pantless one, for no apparent reason. Not really hard, but in the shin where it hurts a lot. [01:28] * "They dissapeared after it was used. I don't know where they are now. Aratumar should. [01:28] * KaeollaRae says "That'd be RB3 for those of you not keeping track." [01:28] Don't be spiteful, little one. Time for that later. [01:28] * Elonith eyes the guard, tightening the grip on his sword. "You sure you don't remember something? We could get Kae to... persuade you to remember." [01:28] * The Pantless One yelps. [01:28] * Roast toes the ground somewhat guiltilly at Tzezhin's remonstration. [01:29] ( *spasms* OVERCUTE ) [01:29] * The one's that are on fire collectively fall down, sootified. [01:29] * KaeollaRae smiles in a devilish way at the trooper commander. [01:30] * "I don't know where they're at. I'm just following ... orders." [01:30] Stupid man. You do know I could kill you here and now, right? [01:31] * "I can't tell you what I don't know." [01:31] Or we could kill his man and send him back empty-handed with all the people he was responsible for dead. [01:32] I like the way you think Tzezh. [01:32] * The NST leader moves his head (carefully) to look at Tze. [01:32] * Roast morphs a smaller version of its human-form with the legs dissapearing into the armorlegs, and walks over to the commander guy. Holding up a puppet of the same generipirate he used before, he points at it, points all around, and traces a questionmark in the air. [01:32] And *where* do you report to? [01:33] * Roast nods at Elo's enunciation of what it was trying to ask. [01:33] * "We're to head back to Hvvrt when the mission is over." [01:34] * The NST leader looks at Roast. "He's in Hvvrt, awaiting Kaeolla's arrival." [01:35] * Roast makes a finger-walking motion of its bare hand walking towards the puppet-hand. Then indicates for the leaderguy to lead the way. [01:36] * Tzezhin nods. [01:36] Sounds reasonable. [01:36] I mean, you did come here with the intent to kill us if we didn't comply. And that's hardly hospitable, so... [01:36] We should leave this one here with Trast and Kaeolla, though. *gestures with one hand at the one he's almost swording* [01:37] * Roast peels off of the open parts of the armor-legs, and retracts the humanlooking portion after indicating for the leaderguy to put the legs back on. [01:37] * "Aratumar warned us that you would be ... tough to take out." [01:37] * Roast is still obviously all over the legs, by the way...just making room for the guy to put them back on. [01:38] Yeah, well, what the fuck does Aratumar know? [01:39] * Roast pushes the legs rather insistantly against the leaderguy's armored legs. [01:39] * "..." [01:39] ( Leaderguy has pants, it's the one I'm nearly swording that doesn't. ) [01:39] That's what I thought. [01:39] * That platform forms again, showing the leaderguy shedding his current legs and donning the silvered legs. [01:39] * KaeollaRae says "I'd imagine it's less about what Arātśmar knows than about what RB3 knows - or thinks he knows." [01:40] * The leader stares blankly at Roasts antics. Not that you can tell through the helmet. [01:41] * Roast uses the silvered legs to kick the leader's armored ones, and does the little show again, rather insistantly. [01:41] * Roast then shows the leaderguy refusing, and the sword-chain constricting and decapitating the miniature figure of said leaderguy. [01:41] * "... Fine." [01:42] * KaeollaRae looks towards Alex and says cheerfully with a wink "You're awefully quite Miss Firecracker." [01:42] * Alex isn't there. She's downstairs or something. [01:42] ( I didn't think Alex followed us --yeah. ) [01:42] (Oh - NM) [01:43] (I believed that she sould have come to the door to see what the commotion was about, especially after the grenade explosions) [01:43] ( She went to bug Trast. ) [01:43] ( Grenade stuff was outside anyway. ) [01:44] * The NST leader stands up, slowly, and pops the leg plating off. [01:44] (yeah, but grenades make a bit of noise and make a bit of vibration so it seems like something that would get her attention - but no biggie) [01:45] ( Calling soon, Jex? ) [01:45] ( Jex just wants to cut down on the NPCs. ^_- ) [01:45] ( Yeah. ) [01:45] (Heh Heh =) ) [01:45] ( And yes, the less NPC's, then better. @_@; ) [01:45] ( any particular gloaty stuff you wanna do 'fore ending it? ) [01:45] (You're only running 1 1/2 NPCS - heh heh) [01:45] ( 'Cause this necromancer needs to sleep. He's got the same test tomorrow that Cat does. ) [01:46] (nothing specific) [01:46] * Roast 'helps' the leaderguy put on the legs it's possessing, and then swarms up to take similar possession of the poor guy's whole suit, without impinging his view. [01:46] ( nanite-based shapeshifters are EBIL. ) [01:47] ( You have only yourself to blame. .:) ) [01:47] ( And CUTE! ) [01:48] * Session endage!