[22:30] * Last time! [22:30] * There was talking. There's always talking! [22:31] * But this particular set of talking resulted in A PLAN(tm). [22:31] * A great, grand, bold plan, to rule the wo- err, to rebuild the Lighthouse, with some extra rooms to serve as an HQ. [22:32] * Rebuilding has been going pretty steadilly. [22:33] * Trast and Elo are out doing something, like getting supplies or going on a date or something else out of sight of Da Party. [22:34] * It's morning-ish? Well, it seems early, because now is the time for waking up. [22:35] * Start! [22:36] * Carter stretches and yawns, and moves to get a good view of the ongoing construction. He smiles in satisfaction at how much is already done. [22:37] * Tzezhin wanders outside to throw up, then does some warmup exercises. [22:38] ...You okay, Tzezhin? [22:38] Quite. [22:38] ( *pokepoke* Kae? Ya there? ) [22:39] (is) [22:39] ( Coo. ) [22:39] ...if you say so... [22:41] * This is pretty odd. A circle of cup-sized tiny Naoki's chanting around in a circle, singing "Save us!" over and over again, on a nearvy table. Too bad only Tze and Kae can see them. [22:41] ... [22:42] * Tzezhin goes o.O and *glares* at the table, looking like he wishes he had anything left to vomit. [22:43] * Julia comes from downstairs, stretching. "You two get that uplink to the equipment underground finished last night?" *yawn, stretch* [22:43] What's wrong, Tze? That table call you a mage, or something? [22:43] ...no. [22:44] * KaeollaRae grins. [22:44] Carter, would your sensor abilities be able to detect medical malfunctions in others? [22:45] ...possibly... I'm not a doctor, but I can try. You want me to? ...might ask Julia, too. I don't know what she specializes in. [22:45] ...it would be appreciated, yes. [22:45] * Carter concentrates for a bit. [22:45] *scan Tze* [22:45] Eh? Whats going on? *blinkblink* Are you sick? [22:45] He threw up...and was staring at that table like it insulted him. [22:45] Unsure. I seem to be experiencing hallucinatory effects, the cause of which remain a mystery to me at the moment. [22:46] o_o This is very, very odd... [22:46] ( I knew I shoulda opted out of session tonight. :P ) [22:47] I don't know how I know this...but somehow, I do. You've got something telepathic going on, Tzezhin. o_O [22:47] ...telepathy. [22:47] * KaeollaRae asks "What's wrong, sourpuss? Too much stress?" [22:47] Can you tell if it is externally imposed? [22:48] ...but I shouldn't be able to detect it...or at least shouldn't know...*shrug* it resonates on the terran band, though. Maybe I'm just putting something together subconsciou-- eh? Um, lemme see. *scan, looking harder* [22:48] ( Kae seems remarkably calm for someone who knows she's hallucinating. O.o ) [22:48] (She think's they're cute) [22:48] ( She would. ) [22:48] ( Kae's nuts. She probably thinks it's an everyday occurance. ) [22:49] ( Good point. ) [22:49] (She's no more insane than other extreme sports person like those fool that go bungie jumping and stuffs) [22:49] ( what's wrong with bungie jumping? >_> ) [22:50] ( Players know that. PCs have different opinions. ) [22:50] I can't tell where it's coming from...probably means external, I'd guess. But I'm no doctor, let alone a psychic. [22:50] (but of course - however it was the PC speaking not the character since it was flagged as OOC ; ) ) [22:51] Huh? [22:51] (er, the player speaking, not the PC - anyways =/ ) [22:51] Hm. [22:52] *yawns again* Anyone want coffee? [22:52] * Tzezhin ponders. "It might be that Lord with telepathic powers." [22:52] No, thanks. [22:52] Possibly... she was a bit creepy. [22:52] * Tzezhin half-shrugs. [22:53] * Julia walks off to the kitchen, returning shortly with a big ole thermos of coffee, and several cups. [22:54] What's wrong, Tzezhin? You're not acting normal...what are you getting from this telepathy? [22:55] * Julia sets them down on the table.... the tiny Naokis start splitting off in pairs, and locking hands, while a third one uses the handlock to jump from, and over the coffee cup. [22:55] * KaeollaRae chuckles at Julia's question. [22:56] Hallucinations. [22:56] Very odd ones. [22:56] * They're still singing 'Save me!' [22:57] ( What is this, a remake of Spy Kids? ) [22:57] ( Dunno. Never saw any of them. ) [22:57] With both visual and auditory effects. Their insanity leads me to believe that it is likely not the telepathic Lord that is responsible. [22:58] Oh? What are they? Not pink elephants, I hope. [22:58] Not pink. [22:58] * KaeollaRae says "He's prbably thinking of his dream girl." she grins. [22:58] And unless an elephant is a miniature manifestation of an insane woman, not that either. [22:58] Christy? Hallucinations? *shrugs, and starts sipping at her coffee* [22:59] Insane? *eyes Kaeolla* [22:59] Might be a good idea to talk to Christy, if you think it's her. *she's looking a bit more awake, now.* [22:59] * KaeollaRae looks back at Carter and responds "What?" [23:00] I doubt it, considering the disturbing nature of the visions. However, she does have experience in the field....it may be prudent to pay her a visit. [23:00] Well, do we know how to get in touch with her? [23:00] We can get back to the Temple, but she may not be there. [23:01] * KaeollaRae says "Oooh, I hate that word. Prudent. It's such a boring way to go about one's life." [23:01] Yes, you seem to prefer "reckless". [23:01] * One of the tiny Naoki's climbs up the thermos, and whips out a mic, and starts singing 'Save me!' to a jazzy tune, complete with an orchestra of tiny Naoki's all playing the accompinment(sp?). [23:02] * KaeollaRae says "I prefer to think of it as exciting." she winks at Carter. [23:02] ( Accompaniment. ) [23:03] ( Dankies, Shary, Seg. ) [23:03] ( HA HA ) [23:03] I do not need to indulge in foolish risks to provide myself with entertainment. [23:03] *ahem* Anyway. Since you're the only one who can see these halucinations, perhaps you'd best describe them more thoroughly? [23:04] Since _someone_ must have a reason to contact you telepathically. [23:04] Considering that we now have a much quicker and more efficient mode of travel than walking, I can see little harm in going to see. [23:04] It is that stupid insane one.. [23:04] * KaeollaRae replys "That's because you're a boring man, Tzezhin." [23:04] * Tzezhin glances at Kaeolla. "NOt this one. The one with the armor." [23:04] * Carter deadpans, "Which stupid insa-- ah. Naoki." [23:04] * Tzezhin grants Kae a bare glance. "You know nothing of me." [23:05] What's she doing, challenging you to a duel because her sword tells her to? [23:05] She appears to be calling for rescue. [23:05] * KaeollaRae says "Nor you of me. All we know is what we've show each other." she winks. [23:05] (shown) [23:05] How kind of you to point out that which was already quite obvious. [23:05] ...why would we want to rescue her? She causes problems when freed. *sigh* Nevertheless, I suppose it cannot hurt to check in her in her prison back at the Temple. [23:05] ( Why does that sound like the opening of a bad pr0n movie? ) [23:06] * KaeollaRae says "Well, since you're so dense, I had to spell it out for you. You can thank me later." [23:06] ( It doesn't. Carter would never be in a pr0n movie, bad or not. He's too innocent. ) [23:06] * Carter glances at Kae, suprised at this shift in attitude. [23:08] * Tzezhin doesn't even answer that remark, since Kae doesn't seem to understand that he wouldn't have said it was already obvious if he HADN'T ALREADY KNOWN. [23:09] * Tzezhin nods. "We need to make sure there is no way she can get out. [23:09] " [23:09] * Julia blinkblinks. [23:09] I wonder if there is a way to keep her in a stage of permanent unconscious stasis. That would greatly solve our problems. [23:09] If there were, don't you think the Lords of Light would have done so with the Lords of Shadow? [23:10] Perhaps they did not think of it. [23:10] What is it, Julia? [23:10] Or perhaps it was too difficult. But there is only one of her. [23:11] I'm having trouble picturing this. Don't mind me, though. *she picks up the thermos, and refills her cup. The Naoki on it falls, flailing it's arms, back onto the table.* [23:11] What are you having trouble picturing? We may be missing something. [23:13] Well... how is she calling for rescue? [23:13] * KaeollaRae walks over to the fallen MiniNaoki, bends down, picks her up, and says "There. There." and puts her one top of her head like a MiniNaoki hat. [23:14] <_< Kaeolla, are you okay...? [23:14] * KaeollaRae gathers up the other MiniNaoki's and puts them on her shoulders and head. [23:14] In various ways. [23:14] ( Wait, they can be moved? ) [23:14] ( Seems so. o_O ) [23:15] * KaeollaRae straightens up and smiles at Carter "Sure." then looks towards Tzezhin and winks. [23:15] ( :P ) [23:15] * Tzezhin eyes Kae. "It appears I am not the only one hallucinating. [23:15] Then what _are_ you doing? That's wierd, even for you. [23:15] ...oh? [23:15] * Tzezhin shrugs. "Or she may just be being insane again." [23:15] * Julia blinks again. "It's spreading?" [23:16] * KaeollaRae says "It's no biggie. Tzezhin's just overly serious. He should play along instead of tossing his breakfast." [23:16] * The miniNaoki's take up position along Kae's shoulders and upper arm, rappeling along and producing climbing gear to get a better grip. Once in position, they start doing The Wave, still singing. [23:16] You see this hallucination too, Kaeolla? [23:16] * Tzezhin shrugs. [23:17] * KaeollaRae looks towards Julia and repsonds "Don't be silly. I've been aware of then since Tzezhin tossed his breakfast. I think they're cute." [23:17] * Julia steps back a few steps, cautiosly. [23:17] Is this vision why you vomited, Tze? *seems confused* [23:18] ( I did mention that Tze's room is the furthest one from Kae's, right? ) [23:18] * Carter scans Kaeolla just to confirm she's got the telepathy going on, too, then Julia and himself. [23:18] * KaeollaRae says "They're just mental illusions. Not a big deal were I come from." [23:18] * Tzezhin half-shrugs. "An excess of disgust combined with a night of little sleep and most likely something I ate previously." [23:18] * Tzezhin eyes Kaeolla. "That explains much." [23:19] The food on this world does not seem to agree with me much. [23:19] * KaeollaRae says "It's probably Naoki or her talking sword doing it." [23:19] ( Times like this, I wish Tze were the type to be able to turn around and say "NO SHIT, SHERLOCK." ) [23:19] Hm. Why would she turn to us for help, though? We never really gave her the impression that we _liked_ her. [23:20] * Carter shrugs. "All that aside... shall we go to the Temple to check on her prison?" [23:20] * KaeollaRae says "Well, she did give you that stolen orb." [23:20] ...true. *looks a bit guilty* [23:20] Perhaps it is only reaching us because her powers are only strong enough to reach the others of her Lord grouping. [23:20] Perhaps. [23:20] * KaeollaRae says "Maybe she likes you." [23:20] Dosen't she have some kind of fixation on Tzezhin here? [23:21] Unfortunately. I should have killed her when I had the chance. [23:21] ...I thought that was another of his...'friends'. What was her name again? Scary gun lady. [23:21] * KaeollaRae says "Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned or something like that." she winks at Tzezhin. [23:22] Teresis at least has reason, although it is exaggerated by her...emotions. [23:22] (fury) [23:23] * KaeollaRae asks "You leave her standing at the chapel?" [23:23] * The Naokis start dancing the Time Warp. Step to the left, hop to the right, but it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insa~aaa~ane o/~ [23:23] What nonsense are you babbling about now? [23:23] * Tzezhin does not look at the Naokis. [23:23] Right. This is getting nowhere. Let's go. *rises, and heads for the portal to the Temple* [23:24] * KaeollaRae says "Just your lack of humor. Nothing life threatening." [23:25] * KaeollaRae doesn't mind the MiniNaoki's, but then again she thinks they're cute and that it's all rather funny. [23:25] * Student_Cat is now known as Lafing_Cat [23:25] * Tzezhin goes as well. [23:26] * KaeollaRae follows along, because she's bored and maybe'll find something entertaining - if nothing else Tzezhin's annoyance at the whole situation. [23:26] * Onwards! To the nifty nifty slipdoor! Through that, you end up at the Dome in Temple. [23:27] * Which is empty, sans for you. The sword of Naoki's where Elo buried it into the ground is still there. [23:27] * Carter scans said sword, and Tze and Kae to see if the telepathy is stronger now, or if it comes from the sword. [23:28] * Carter winces. "Right, don't scan sword. ...at least it doesn't _seem_ to be the source of the telepathy. I think." [23:31] * The MiniNaoki's all turn as one to face the sword, too. "Save Shamshira! Save us!" the neverending, constant high pitched singing changes to. [23:32] * KaeollaRae doesn't seem to mind them. [23:32] Well, nothing here; let's go check the prison. [23:33] * Tzezhin draws The Sword. [23:33] * The holding cells are that way. Yay for abstract directions! [23:34] * Carter heads straight for Naoki's cell, sensors spread wide. [23:35] * The entrance is an elevator. It goes down! [23:36] ... Well, we found Christy. She's down there with our favorite mad invulnerable woman. [23:36] ... [23:36] * KaeollaRae follows along with the MiniNaoki fan club. [23:37] * The MiniNaoki's simaoutanesouly all jump up, do a spin kick, and yell, "Save us with you kung fu god skills!" [23:39] * Carter taps his foot, waiting for the elevator to get to the floor so he can disembark. "This is why I like grav-chutes." [23:42] * The elevator opens, with a 'swish' and a 'ting!'. First thing you notice are the pair quad-plasma turrets trained on the opening, and the bright, see through blue force field(several of them, actually), barring entrance farther on. [23:42] ( Were they here before? ) [23:42] ( Were you here before? ) [23:43] ( Not sure, actually. ) [23:43] ( Don't think you ever went down here. ) [23:43] ( Okay then. ) [23:43] * A voice from a nearby intercom rasps out, "State your business." [23:44] * KaeollaRae says "We're selling cookies." [23:44] We're here to check on Naoki. *stomps on Kae's foot* [23:45] * KaeollaRae pouts "Ouch." [23:46] * "The psycho? 'fraid noone's allowed to see her." [23:46] Is she safely contained? [23:46] * Carter scans to confirm. "Then why is Lady Christy with her?" [23:47] * "Christy's trying some therapy. And ... well, she's as contained as we can get." [23:47] (I'm surprise that little miss Firecracker let use get out of her sight ; ) ) [23:47] ( Where's Roast, anyway? ) [23:48] Do you have her on a regimen of telepathic transmission inhibitors? [23:48] ( Look!!!! Tze used technobabble!!! ) [23:48] ( It actually is though, for him. ) [23:49] * "No need. She's not a teep." *there's a beeping sound* "That's funny... Christy isn't responding." [23:49] * Roast wanders over to the forcefield, and begins looking for any cracks/gaps. [23:50] ...Oh, dear. Let us in there. Now. [23:50] We have reason to believe that she is, or is gaining access to someone who is. [23:50] * One of the turrets is tracking Roast, making slow, periodic 'beep' sounds. [23:50] I see you are aware of how dangerous an insane person like her is. Please allow us in to ensure Lady Christy's safety. [23:51] * ".... right. And how do I know you're not here to try and break her out?" [23:52] ...*cracks knuckles* She destroyed a friend's establishment. She's a persistant pain in our side. I don't think any of us want her freed. [23:52] * Tzezhin glances at Kaeolla. [23:52] Thus, I'd appreciate it if you let us in, so we can _ensure_ that she's still imprisoned, and not about to break out. [23:53] * "Fine. But first, kindly take note that this whole section is armed to the teeth with automated weapons systems. If you try anything, you get to stay down here with her." [23:54] ...That's more than threat enough. *shudders at the thought of being trapped with that woman* [23:54] I agree. [23:54] * KaeollaRae chuckles. [23:55] * The force fields drop, leaving behind the heavy scent of ozone, and a little lighted path appears on the ground. [23:56] * "Follow the yellow lighted road, if you please." [23:56] * Carter strides purposefully along it. Roast floats from side to side as it follows, looking at everything curiously. [23:56] * KaeollaRae says "Rather funny to have all this, but not have GPS." [23:57] * Tzezhin goes as well. [23:57] They don't seem to have sattelites, for some reason. Something I'd like to rectify. [23:57] * KaeollaRae skips along...no really, she does. [23:58] * The claims that this place is armed to the teeth seems true. As evidenced by the regularly spaced turrets, and force field partitions that power down as you approach. [23:58] * KaeollaRae tail bounces about as she skips along with the group. [23:58] Um... this may not be the right time to ask this, but it just occurred to me again. Tzezhin, would you mind teaching me swordplay? [23:58] I didn't even bring my sword...I fear I'm useless with it right now. [23:59] I can attempt to. [23:59] My teaching experience is not in swordplay, but I shall endeavour to instruct you as best I can. [00:00] * And shortly enough, you're at a cell at the end of a hallway, all by it's lonesome. It's pretty thick walled, (and closed,) and there's a narrow visor you can look through. [00:00] * The MiniNaoki's give a resounding cheer, stopping for a moment with their song. "Tzezhin-sama's gonna save us! Wai!" [00:01] * Tzezhin holds The Sword, muttering. "If by save you mean kill..." [00:01] * Carter concentrates in the door, scanning beyond to confirm the occupants...as well as their wellness status. [00:03] They're in there; Naoki locked up. *knocks on the door and peers through* Lady Christy? Are you alright in there? [00:05] * Actually looking through reveals Naoki locked up tight, with multiple sets of restraints, behind several force fields, and in a kinetic dampener field, also quite unconcious. Except her eyes are wide open, glazed over. Christy is standing there, facing that way, but all you can see is her back. [00:06] Carter, what is Christy's medical status? [00:07] My sensors say she's fine, but... *blinks, and looks to Tze and Kae* What's the hallucination telling you now? [00:07] * The MiniNaoki's have resumed their 'Save me! Save Shamshira!' song. [00:08] * KaeollaRae says "They just want Mister Grumpy to bust her out with his mighty martial prowness." [00:08] ....basically. [00:08] * KaeollaRae says "and it's a mental illusion, not a hallucination." [00:08] There is a difference? [00:09] * KaeollaRae says "Of course. A mental illusion is consciously controlled by someone whereas a holucenation is controlled by one's only subconscious." [00:09] Interesting. [00:09] ...They? [00:09] There's more than one person...erm...'talking' to you? [00:10] No. [00:10] Many miniature replications of one. [00:10] ( *notes that Carter's not gotten a good description of these visions yet. :P Hence the fun misunderstandings* ) [00:10] ...oh. [00:10] ( Well, yeah. ) [00:10] * Carter tries using the terran band on Christy...it's the closest to telepahty he's got. *MENTAL STATIC!!!!!!* [00:12] ...I'm not getting anything. Roast? [00:13] * Roast nods, and turns into that black-streaked silver liquid and flows into the room before reforming into its boy form. [00:13] ( Roast scouting ahead? ) [00:13] * It then walks around to look at Christy's face, and sends the image directly to Carter. [00:13] ( Indeed. As I don't want to open the door unless I must, and Roast can get in. :) ) [00:14] ( Makes good se--AAAUGH! Now Carter's turned into Slime too! ) [00:14] * Not that Christy, ya'know, blinks or anything. She has a similar, eyes-locked-open glazed over look, too. [00:14] ( Just like Conri...) [00:14] ( Which just goes to show, anyone Seg creates with a name starting with "C" is really Slime. ) [00:15] ( ....*wait* a second....*remembers Seg's real name* O.o ) [00:15] Does it get anything? [00:16] She's got the same expression as Maoki. I'm worried... [00:16] Hmm. [00:16] Is there any way for us to contact those in charge? We may need to request a medical professional. [00:16] ...wow. Remember how I said your brains were exhibiting some wierd activities and thought it was telepathy? [00:17] ...yes... [00:17] Well... your brains aren't doing anything in comparison to what's going on in our lady friends' heads in there. [00:17] * The MiniNaoki's change their chant to 'Chicken, of the yellow stripes! Ba-ba-bawk!' [00:17] ....odd. [00:17] Is it unsafe for Christy? [00:18] * KaeollaRae chuckles at the change. [00:18] I have no idea. I didn't think to scan her when last we met. ^^; [00:18] ...hm. [00:19] How do we contact those in command? [00:19] * There's a handy-dandy intercom nearby. [00:19] * KaeollaRae offers "Why not speak to the gunner?" [00:19] Good idea. [00:19] * Roast pokepokes Christy. [00:20] ( What, the turret back at the entrance past the hallway we went down? ) [00:20] ( -_^ ) [00:20] * Not that Christy reacts much to that, either. [00:20] * The miniNaoki's go back to singing, "Save us! Save us!" [00:21] ...I really wish we had a trained telepath of our own here... [00:21] Tzezhin, Kae? Do you think you can try to talk to your hallucinations? Maybe they know something. [00:22] I don't believe they would be of much use. Why not simply ask for a physician? What do any of us know of telepathy? [00:22] * KaeollaRae says "Sorry, but I don't have any hallucinations. I believe I mentioned that." [00:22] ...fine. Your 'projected telepathic images', then. [00:23] * KaeollaRae says "What do you wanna ask'em?" [00:23] What's going on. [00:24] * KaeollaRae replys "That's a bit overly broad. Have a more specific question in mind?" [00:25] * The MiniNaoki's break into pairs, grow wings, and start doing a 3-legged square dance in midair. [00:26] Um... "What happened to Christy and Naoki?" Or, if that's too broad... um... "Why can't we talk to either Naoki or Christy?" [00:27] * "Saaave us. You know you want to saaave us. You know you have to saaave us. Tzezhin-sama, save us!" [00:27] * KaeollaRae looks at one of the MiniNaoki's and says "Pst. LittleBuddy. Come over here." she smiles at that one. [00:27] * The lone MiniNaoki looks curiously at Kae, and perches on her nose, looking with it's face into one of Kae's eyes. [00:28] * "Tell Tzezhin-sama to save us!" [00:28] ( ... I don't think Naoki's gonna live through this one. ) [00:29] ( No, not so much. ) [00:29] ( Certainly not with this lack of means to determine the problem... ) [00:29] * KaeollaRae doesn't seem to mind and asks her "Say, LittleBuddy. What that Cristy girl do to BigNaoki?" [00:29] * "Naoki-kun and Christy-kun are trying to get Tzezhin-sama to save them!" [00:30] * They all chime in, "Save us, save us!" [00:30] ( Please to remember that Carter cannot hear the little hallucinations, so a PC translator would be nice. ^^; ) [00:30] ...it seems Christy is also in trouble. [00:31] * KaeollaRae puts one hand under her chin like she's thinking deep thoughts and continues "I see." she nods and asks "Do you know how we can save BigNaoki and Cristy girl?" [00:31] Oh? [00:31] * "Save us, save us!" [00:32] Indeed. This is partially Christy's doing. [00:32] Hopefully it means that she is driving the...illusions, and the other is giving them form. Otherwise...well, I *had* respect for her. [00:32] It does indicate that this is truly beyond her control, though. What can we do about it, though? None of us are telepaths... [00:32] Call a professional. [00:32] * KaeollaRae continues "LittleBuddy, Did BigNaiko say how we could help her?" [00:33] I could try to use nanites to supress the brain-firings...but that's liable to cause more harm. ...a professional? ...We'd better find one, then. [00:33] * "Naoki-kun needs a kiss from her knight in shining armor to wake up!" [00:34] * KaeollaRae says "I dunno. You really think a Mister Grumpy kiss will wake BigNaoki up?" [00:34] * They all cry out, "Tzezhin-sama, save us!" [00:34] >_> The hallucinations want Tzezhin to *choke* _kiss_ Naoki? *snicker* [00:34] ...will that also save Lady Christy? [00:35] * KaeollaRae looks towards Tzezhin "Well, there ya go. Be a man, Tzezhin!" [00:35] * Carter looks from Kae to Tze and back, seeming quite frustrated that he's missing something. [00:35] And what about Christy? [00:36] * KaeollaRae looks at Carter and replys "The MiniNaoki's seem to think so, although it could be Naoki's subconscious desire driving their opinion." [00:36] * "Christy-kun will wake up if Naoki-kun wakes up!" [00:36] * Tzezhin nods. [00:36] Hmm. [00:36] Therefore by extension, Naoki would wake up if Christy did, correct? [00:36] * KaeollaRae says "That seems reasonable." [00:37] * KaeollaRae says "Although it might be Naoki that needs to kiss rather than Christy, since Naoki's the one infatuated with you." [00:37] Then what would Christy require? [00:37] * Carter just goes back to monitoring the brains and physiologies of the girls in the cell. Good thing he can seperate science from ...erm... hormones. [00:37] * The MiniNaokis all turn to face Tzezhin as one, hearts in their eyes. "Ah, Tzezhin-sama!" They all mock-faint in various ways. [00:38] * KaeollaRae says "Hard to say. Seems more of Naoki's subconscious driving the mental illusion than Cristy's." [00:39] ( .... I beg the question. Why are you asking nonsensical mental figurines on how to knock someone out of their current state? ) [00:39] Hm. [00:39] (Kaeolla thinks it funny - that's way ; ) ) [00:39] (why) [00:40] Carter, how is that...communication device...activated? [00:40] * KaeollaRae says "Christie's shy, so if you kiss her, that might jar her and wake her up." she shrugs. [00:40] * Carter taps into it himself, letting it talk through him if necessary. "Activated." [00:40] ..ah. [00:41] Hm. Command? [00:41] * Carter channels what he hears through the comm. [00:41] * "You could pick a less conspicious place to stand. The door is unlocked." [00:42] We seem to be having a medical emergency. Lady Christy and the prisoner look to be in some kind of mental trance loop. [00:42] Well, I suppose it's up to you, Tzezhin. *snicker* A little scientific testing of a hypothesis can't hurt. [00:42] * KaeollaRae smiles. [00:43] * The voice sounds a lot more serious. "Are they both okay?" [00:43] We do not know. [00:44] A medical professional, preferably with experience in telepathic phenomena, might be able to help. [00:44] They seem okay in body...though their brains are overly active. [00:46] Tzezhin, how much can it hurt to try this. Lady Christy, at least, isn't insufferable. Maybe it'll work if you kiss her. ;) [00:46] * "I see. I'll get a hold of someone. Come on up, in the meantime." [00:46] We'll be up in a bit. [00:46] Very well. [00:46] * Tzezhin "...". [00:46] ( +s) [00:47] * Carter exerts a great effort of will to restrain himself from laughing. [00:47] * Tzezhin then enters and pokes Christy cautiously. [00:47] * There's just the door, and thats unlocked. All the extra security stuff it between you and Naoki but Christy isn't in any of it. [00:48] * She also dosen't respond to the poke. [00:48] * Tzezhin checks to see if her muscles are stiff. [00:48] * Roast politely gets out of Tzezhin's way, but positions itself to watch curiously. [00:48] * KaeollaRae observes. [00:49] * They're not stiff, no. She's holding herself in a relaxed stance, albiet not moving from it. [00:49] * Carter stands there, trying not to laugh at Tze and feeling somewhat useless, himself. [00:49] * Tzezhin turns his back to the observers and lifts her hand, kissing it in a gentlemanly way. How the *hell* did he learn that? Must'a been hangin' around Carter for too long. [00:50] * There's a twitch. From both Naoki, and Christy. [00:50] (Heh - Carter kiss someone without fainting - that's a funny thought) [00:50] * Tzezhin lets go of Christy's hand. "Carter, what do your readings show?" [00:51] * KaeollaRae says "Give'em more lip power!" [00:51] * Carter shakes his head. "I think it's going to have to be more than a greeting, Tzezhin. Ever heard the story of "Sleeping Beauty?" You're gonna have to kiss her on the lips, methinks." [00:52] * Tzezhin tries the cheek first. [00:52] * The both twitch in unison, again. [00:52] * KaeollaRae says "Be a man dammit!" [00:52] ( They. ) [00:53] No, no. The reaction wasn't any better that time. *muffles a laugh* You're going to have to kiss her for _real_. [00:53] ( Just mentioning, in Tze's culture this *is* practically paramount to feeling up an unconscious woman. ) [00:53] * Tzezhin stares at Carter. [00:54] ( The kissing-on-the-lips bit, I mean. ) [00:54] ( Oi. ) [00:54] * Carter actually blushes as he realizes what he's said, and chokes. [00:54] * Carter 's actually as red as you've ever seen him; redder than he's been in Sessions! [00:55] I mean, erm. Kiss her on the lips. It's how the prince awakens the princess in the story. [00:55] * Tzezhin strides out. "If you are so eager to do so, then do so. Regardless of how you think of me, I and my culture do in fact possess morals." [00:55] * Tzezhin stares at Carter. "What sort of perverted stories do they tell in your world?" [00:55] * KaeollaRae laughs and pats Carter on his back "Take it like a man!" [00:55] ........*turns, if possible, redder* [00:55] I- I- I- *choke* [00:56] What's so perverted about it!? It's romantic! It's not like he deflowers her or something! [00:56] Ro-what? [00:56] It appears we have stumbled upon yet another culture gap here... [00:56] * KaeollaRae says "Hey you two, work it out. We're out of male options in case you didn't notice." [00:57] * Tzezhin shrugs. "Carter is the one whose culture does not frown on such an act. So he should do it." [00:57] ...I guess so... In my culture, at least, kissing on the lips is accpetable..... *gulp* I-.. I can try it, if you think my kiss will work... *seems almost to shrink in his embarrassment* [00:57] * KaeollaRae says "Well, there you have it. Got get her tiger." and nudges Carter forward. [00:57] * The MiniNaoki's all tilt there head as one. "Save us!" [00:57] (go get her) [00:58] * Carter stumbles...and steps tentatively into the cell. He moves in front of Christy... [00:58] ( And The Police come down. "Get your hands off that Lady!" ) [00:58] (heh heh) [00:59] * Carter blinks, and takes a couple deep breaths to steady himself. He then places his hands awkwardly around her head and shoulders, as he's seen done in one-too-many romance films... [00:59] Here goes... *closes his eyes, and places his lips gently on Christy's* [01:00] * KaeollaRae says "WhooHoo! I didn't think he had an ounce of man in him!" [01:00] * Carter holds there a moment, then tentatively opens one eye to see if she's awake. [01:01] ( I hope that wasn't his first. ) [01:01] * That works.... because Christy's green eyes slowly come into focus, as do Naoki's black eyes. [01:01] * KaeollaRae smiles. [01:01] * Carter sighs in relief...then blinks, as he realizes he's still kissing her, and jumps away, stammering something unintelligeable. [01:01] ( *looks at the clock* Just in time, too. ) [01:01] * Tzezhin wrinkles his nose and looks away. [01:01] (I preseume the MiniNaoki's go poof?) [01:02] * Christy just kinda stands there, looking curiously at Carter, a small grin forming. [01:02] * And the MiniNaokis start melting like playdoh on fire. [01:02] * Carter can't quite seem to meet her eyes. [01:02] * KaeollaRae says "Buh-Bye LittleBuddies." [01:02] * And Naoki yells, "Wai! Tzezh-...," and stops short, as she gets a look. [01:02] * Roast holds up chibipuppets of Carter and Christy and puts their faces against each other, looking at them facinatedly. [01:03] ( Awwww! ) [01:03] * KaeollaRae says "And that's that. Let's go get breakfast." [01:03] I-- I'm sorry, Lady Christy... theysaiditwastheonlywaytowakeyouandNaokianditseemstohaveworkedsorryI'msorryI'msorry! *mortified* [01:04] Sounds like a reasonable course of action. [01:04] * Christy nods slowly at Carter, the bemused smile vanishing into a normal expressionless face as she turns her gaze to Naoki, and there's a sickening *crunch* as Naoki is slammed into one of the walls. She makes a nice dent in it [01:05] * KaeollaRae says "Oopsie." [01:05] Excellent. Everything seems to be settled. Shall we go now? [01:05] * And Naoki seems to be smushing somewhat, as the pit in the wall gets deeper. [01:06] * KaeollaRae moves over to Christy and **tap tap taps** softly with her knuckles on top of Christy's head "Anyone home in there?" [01:07] * Roast draws on the floor with some chalk. "What happened?" It tugtugs on Christy's clothes and points to the question. [01:07] * Naoki suddenly drops to the ground, as Christy looks at Kae. [01:08] * KaeollaRae bends around, moving her face in front of Christy's face and smiles "That's better. No demon rage today please. It'd spoil my appatite. Let's go get breakfast." she winks at Christy. [01:08] * ~She is insane. I did not expect such fervor... her insanity overwhelmed me... I am sorry.~ She looks down at the ground. [01:08] *tinymentalstaticfocussedinward* [01:09] * KaeollaRae says "No worries. Let's go eat." she pats Christy's back. [01:09] I would have been able to tell you she was insane. It is no fault of yorus. [01:09] * Carter straightens, still red, and sidles out of the room, not looking at anybody. You almost get the impression that he's not even got nanites out looking around. [01:10] * Christy nods, and waves her hand. Naoki goes flying back into the kinetic stasis area, none to gently. [01:10] * Roast tugtugs at Christy again, and points to the chalk question, since it can't hear telepathy. [01:10] * Christy looks down, and looks at Roast. Too bad it can't hear her answer. [01:11] * Tzezhin looks down at Roast. "The insane one overwhelmed her." [01:11] * Roast looks gratefully at Tze's explanation, and bends down to touch the chalk. It goes silver-black and flows back into Roast's body. [01:12] ( Party go upstairs, session end? ) [01:12] * KaeollaRae helps Christy up, whom is probably fatigued. [01:12] .... food. (softly) [01:12] ( I wanna make sure hte door is closed first. ) [01:12] ( Er. Locked. ) [01:12] * KaeollaRae walks alongside Christy blabbibg away **BLABBLABBLAB** about nothing important. [01:12] (Barred. Chained, if necessary. ) [01:13] * Carter is standing by the elevator, staring at a corner of the ceiling as if it were the most facinating thing in the world. Roast walks with the rest of the party. [01:13] * After a thorough check, double and triple checked, locked, checked again, the individual locks and safeties checked, etc, Da Party exits the area with all the turrets and force fields. Onwards, to food, and session end!