[23:03] [Terran Band] What's wrong, Julia? [23:03] The Demon Gate... I can't talk about that, remember? [23:04] Oh... true. Do you want to return home, or would you rather stay here? ^_^ [23:05] Home! *insert hurried squashing of emotion* I mean... home. [23:06] *insert emotion of sympathy and understanding* How long have you been here, anyway? ( I don't think he'd asked that before... ) [23:07] Over 7 years... I think. It's hard to tell time accurately here. [23:08] Wow... Well, I'm going to try to figure out a way to open up the Realm! And you did say I succeeded, so...here's to hoping! [23:14] * Carter notices her blinking. [Whaaaaaaat? ^_^] [23:15] ... What -is- that? My sensors say it's you, and someone else. [23:17] Roast was originally a sample I stole, a mass of nanites. I reprogrammed it and added a plethora of my own nanites to the mix. Now it's got a personality of its own. Seems even to be artificially intelligent. I'm rather pleased with it, though I don't understand it entirely myself. [23:17] ... That's scary. [23:18] Roast is harmless enough. Just don't be suprised when it shapeshifts. It seems to like that form lately, though. [23:21] [Terran band, directed both to Julia and Roast] Introduce yourself, Roast. [23:21] [Insert sense of greeting.] [23:22] * Hello there. I'm Julia. [23:23] [Happiness/greeting/self-identification as self] [23:23] [Roast Beef the Fourth is its name. It can't seem to talk, either in terran or out loud.] [23:26] [Care to guess where I got the sample that was the seed for Roast? *mischievousness*] [23:58] [I'll try to keep them in line...we shouldn't cause...too many problems. ^^;] [23:59] Oh... I'm sorry. That's not it. [23:59] Just.... pretend I'm not worried, okay? [00:00] [Okay... *concern for her worry...but will wait until she is ready to elaborate*] [00:08] * Carter walks along, mood slightly bouncier than usual since Julia's walking next to him. [So...you want to talk about it...? If not...what do you want from the kitchen?] He smiles, trying to lift her spirits. [00:11] * Julia follows along. "I can't talk about it. ... I shouldn't talk about it. Lets just say... I know some of the details of whats coming up." [00:12] Don't ask me about it. [00:12] [Oh... Well, we'll get through it.] His face gets stern, determined. Less youthful than usual, even. [We will get through it, and we will get home. I promise you that.] [00:12] * Julia nods, looking distant again. [00:20] * Carter sighs. [Sorry, let's get some food... um, do you need as much food as I do?] [00:21] Not quite as much. I don't use my nanites that much. I get real hungry if I set my system to full capacity, still. *blush* Then I eat like a pig. [00:22] [That's the beauty of the nanites, though! We can get away with it. I still laugh when I think of the number of celebrities that got the terran treatment as a diet regimine.] [00:25] [I'm going to be trying to learn some other uses for my own nanites, once things are settled and the Lighthouse is rebuilt. If you want to learn any tricks, I'd be happy to teach you. Assuming you don't already know them. ^^;] [00:25] * Julia smiles. "I'd like that." [00:26] * Carter smiles a rather stupid smile without realizing it. [00:26] * Julia giggles. "You look cute when you do that." [00:27] *^_^* Eheheh. [00:29] Let's get this stuff, and get back. Half hour's almost up. [00:29] * Carter suits action to words. [00:29] * Julia helps him out, with as little description as possible. While smiling. [00:30] * Carter finishes! "Let's get back." ^_^