[22:35] Last time, on Seven Lords: [22:36] I still do not understand why we are called Seven Lords. I believe those who set the rules on this world are insane, which is unsurprising, as well as arithmetically challeneged. [22:37] In other news, Alex's assignment as our watchdog has now become slightly more permanent. This irritates me only to the extent that she expects us to keep together. [22:37] As I have said before, insane. [22:37] Oh, and the Lords of Light have decided not to destroy us for now, assuming that they had the ability to. [22:38] Further observations of the local citizenry have only added to my speculations regarding the possibility of a planet-wide epidemic of mental illness. [22:40] * The setting: Outside. The sun is out, (how suprising is that?), and there's yelling and 'Hya!'ing heard off to the side where a bunch of monks are doing some routines. [22:41] * You're are still effectively confined to the area. And Julia is there, too, looking tired. It's been a few days. [22:41] (Effectively? More like volunterily last I understood ; ) ) [22:43] * Carter stands near Julia. "Sorry about your bar... you are going to be able to rebuild it, right?" [22:43] * There's not much else going on at the moment. You're in a nice park-like area, with tables and benches and stuff, and brightly colored trees. [end desc] [22:44] * Julia nods. "I'll manage." [22:46] * Carter sighs. "If I can help...just ask." [22:46] ( What kind of monks? ) [22:47] ( All sorts. Mostly humanoid. ) [22:47] (kung fu kind, seemingly) [22:47] ( What Kae said is what I waas checking. ) [22:47] * Trast (Lafing_Cat@d-131-151-189-037.dynamic.umr.edu) has joined #7Lords [22:48] * Trast wakes up. [22:48] I was tired x_x [22:48] * The monks off to the side are practicing slow, flowing movements, that looks vaguely like tai chi. [22:48] * Tzezhin is off practicing as well. Though not with the monks. [22:48] ( Tai chi begets "hya"? ) [22:48] ( Yup. ) [22:48] (snicker) [22:49] ( Since frickin' when? ) [22:49] ( since people could use TK and magic) [22:49] ( Since the Realm began practicing it. ) [22:49] ( Since it's -not- Tai chi, it just looks like it. =p ) [22:50] ( So in fact tai chi does *not* beget "hya," whatever these people doing are. ) [22:51] * The monks over to the side go 'Hya!' as one, then start another, faster looking routine. Lots of spinning and small leaps, thats rather like a dance. [22:52] * Carter watches. "Cool!" [22:52] * KaeollaRae stands near Elonith, leaning on him, her arm resting on top of his head, and says "So squirt, you still writing most everything down on your computer?" [22:52] Interesting, isn't it? It's the only attempt I know of to design a martial arts form that will work for a wide variety of species. [22:52] * Trast snorts at the waste of effort. [22:53] Fascinating...I wish I had time to watch this all day. But...we need to decide what we're going to do. *He rises, and turns to the rest of the group.* [22:53] We need to figure out what we're after, here. I know we want to go home, right? [22:53] * Elonith doesn't have his computer out. He was sitting on what passes for a floor and leaning back on his arms. "What does it look like?" He looks up and smiles cutely at Kaeolla. [22:53] * Tzezhin is practicing a style that works slow/fast/slow/fast with very odd intervals in between, both unarmed and armed. When doing armed, he's using The Sword and a long dagger. He seems to be tuning out every'un. [22:54] * KaeollaRae smiles "I expected as much." [22:54] Carter: Yes, I would rather like that. [22:55] Tzezhin? Elonith? Kaeolla? [22:56] * KaeollaRae replys "I'm in no hurry. This place has lots of fun potential." [22:56] * Tzezhin is in The Zone. [22:58] ( The Auto Zone!) [22:58] ( No, not that one. ) [22:58] * Julia blinks at Tze. "Is he okay?" [22:58] * Elonith looks over at Carter. "I really don't care anymore." [22:59] ( The "practicing" Zone, Jex. ) [22:59] I think so... he's just focusing really hard, Julia. *turns to Elo* You don't? Why not? [22:59] I was kinda hoping for your help with some of the calculations; the Demon Gate might be able to reverse the process. [23:00] * Elonith sighs. "I've been worrying to much. Of course, if you have something you want me to look over, I'd be glad to help." ^_^ [23:00] * KaeollaRae smiles and says "That's the proper attitude." [23:00] Regardless. [23:00] Demon Gate? [23:01] * Julia looks down. [23:01] I think there might be some merit in getting orbital observation abilities. Perhaps we should look into what Lords Clay and RB3 were up to. I'm sure they've ulterior motives, but we may be able to...commendeer...their materials. [23:01] Trast, think of the Demon Gate as a doorway between worlds, between dimensions. [23:02] It's like creating a door that leads from one place to another without travelling the intervening distance. Sort of. There's still distance, but not as much. [23:04] Wormhole. [23:04] Exactly. [23:05] Like that ring that Cephiro created. When you stepped in, it moved you further than you should have gone. [23:05] While I'm fairly certain the monoliths can serve as termini, given how I arrived here, they seem to be one-way, from what has been said. I don't think my methods work by the same principles as Lord Cephiro's. The readings did not indicate the tremendous gravitational flux needed. [23:06] Can you, or can you not get us out of here? [23:06] I hope to! [23:07] I cannot, yet. [23:07] I can't even manipulate gravity other than near my own body right now... [23:07] Well then lets not worry about that right now. [23:08] If the other Lords can, perhaps we should focus our efforts on finding a way to make them serve us. [23:08] * Julia stands up, paying more attention. [23:08] (Heh Heh) [23:08] (Trast has such a funny perspective) [23:08] If they could do more than open the way here, the Lords of Light would probably have left already. They seem as trapped as everyone else. [23:09] I do not know how the Lords of Shadow arrived. Probably through a wormhole, just as I did. [23:09] * KaeollaRae says "I wouldn't be so sure. Better to be a king in a foreign land than a palper in your native land." [23:09] Why did they open the way here in the first place? [23:09] * Tzezhin stops practicing and walks over, seeming to have been paying attention all along. [23:09] KR: Not all of us were worthless in our native lands. [23:10] In any case, did you not hear the reasoning? If any leave, the world is the worse for it. [23:10] (apparently Tzezhin is no longer in the Zone ; ) ) [23:10] ( No, symbolized by him walking over. ) [23:10] They...were looking for a way to force their peers to acknowledge them, Tzezhin. That didn't happen; they got stuck here, instead. [23:10] Hn. [23:10] * KaeollaRae says "Not being worlesss doen't equate being a king though, although you may not know that word." [23:11] Only if one of them dies; as no one's been able to leave, it is unknown whether that would have any effect. [23:11] * Elonith nods. [23:11] What difference would it make? [23:11] I do not know. [23:11] Tzez: Why should I care about this world? [23:11] Temporal Laylines are a very unknown and difficult topic to research. [23:11] Without means of experimentation... [23:11] ( Elo: I think you mean *Ley* lines ) [23:11] (Yeah, yeah. Whatever. :P) [23:11] * Tzezhin blinks at Trast. "I was referring to the other Lords." [23:12] ( Lay lines sound like cheesy bar tactics ) [23:13] Now, Lord Cephiro seemed to have some fear of us, as a group. Though there seems no pattern to how power levels of the Lord groups are selected. Lords of Shadow arrived first, and are weaker than the Lords of Light, while we arrived most recently, and are the weakest of the three sets. [23:13] Or so it seems. [23:13] However, we do have a trump card. Roast? *Roast walks over, and pulls the orb out of his chest before handing it to Carter* [23:14] * Julia blinks at Roast, then looks oddly at Carter. [23:14] We don't know that works yet. [23:14] * KaeollaRae says to Carter "Discussing trump cards in the domain of possible future antagonists isn't wise." [23:14] If we can figure out how to use it, it can be the ultimate equalizer. [23:15] Good point. That's another thing. We should find our own place. A base of operations, so to speak. At least someplace we can all get together. [23:16] Why do we need one? We are all here at any rate, and Alex is watching us. [23:16] And it doesn't seem like she'll be leaving soon. [23:17] True. [23:17] * Tzezhin ignores Kaeolla. Since when does she care about being careful around antagonists? (See: Carter, RB3, Clay situation) [23:17] ANYWAY. [23:18] The point right now is to figure out our next move. [23:18] Alex: You aren't leaving any time soon, are you? [23:18] (Perhaps there's more to Kaeolla than Tzezhin, or anyone else suspects.) [23:18] * Alex isn't there, actually. [23:19] ( Kae: WE KNOW. Characters don't. Remember? ) [23:19] * She's still doing some random errand, and isn't back yet. [23:19] Well? I would like to have a lab; then again, we might also benefit from gaining more knowledge about this world. I cannot quite achieve orbit; neither can anyone else, from what I've gathered. [23:20] ("Since when does she care about being careful around antagonists?" Just because she doesn't seem to care based off past situations, doesn't make her words less wise) [23:20] I don't really care *where* we go. This place is all the same to me. [23:20] ( It's called 'Spite'. =p ) [23:20] (although Tzezhin is still free to ignore her as he likes ; ) ) [23:21] (that too =) ) [23:21] ( Because of course Tzezhin is always reasonable regarding his judgment of people. Good grief, half the women he's met he's thought were crazy. ) [23:21] ( And as I said, *we know.* We don't need little "she's deeper than she acts! Really!" reminders. ) [23:21] * Roast walks over to Julia and offers its hand for a handshake. [23:21] ( *ALL* the people Trast has met he thinks are crazy) [23:22] * Julia looks at it oddly, then glances at Carter, then back to Roast, accepting the hand. [23:22] (Elo's crazy? Typical. :P) [23:22] * Roast shakes, and smiles happily. [23:22] * Carter coughs loudly. "Anyone? Got any suggestions? Or agreements or problems?" [23:22] ( Who is Julia again? ) [23:22] * Elonith leans forward and sits upright. "No, no, and no." [23:23] Well, do we *know* that that the other Lords can't get out, or are we just assuming they can't? [23:23] ( Barkeep of The Lighthouse. Also a Terran like Carter. ) [23:23] ( So a non-important NPC, basically? ) [23:24] ( There just to mess with Carter, yeah. =p ) [23:24] They cannot get out, from what they've said. They could be lying. [23:24] ( Well, she's proof that we've left in the future. ) [23:24] You don't happen to have a map of the Realm downloaded into that laptop, do you, Elonith? [23:25] ( Also Carter kind of has a crush on her. ) [23:25] I've found one. You can access it if ya want. [23:25] Actually, if you could bring it up where everyone can see it...we should decide where we want to go. I, personally, don't want to stay in the Temple. [23:26] What of Julia's inn? [23:27] * The map indicates that The Realm is FARKIN HUGE, the single continent 3 times the size of Australia, surrounded by water. There's the 7 monoliths near the edges of the continent, in a circle. And Temple, right in the center. [23:27] Hm... it was destroyed... but if we helped her rebuild... *turns to Julia* What of it? Would you mind us taking up semi-permanent residence there? We'd help build it bigger so you'd still have your guest rooms. [23:28] * Elonith pulls out his laptop and flips it open, showing the screen to all in the group who want to see. [23:28] * Trast looks for the most out of way place. [23:28] I say we go *there* [23:28] Like your privacy, eh? [23:29] * Julia frowns. "Rebulding the lighthouse. That would be okay." [23:29] Remember, we need to build whatever we're going to stay in...I'm no architecht, and, frankly, would rather like more than just a bare cave. *to Julia again: ^_^* [23:29] And... yeah. It'll be okay if you take up residence there for now. [23:29] ...also an island. I did not think such a thing. [23:29] ( For NOW... ) [23:30] (Curse me for not taking a level in architecture. I'll do that later...) [23:30] Elo: Dislike the people here. [23:30] * The most out of the place on the map: The floating city, Icarus, off the edge of the continent. [23:30] Quite understandable. [23:30] What's to dislike? They're rude, pushy, and stupid. [23:30] Look at the scale, Tzezhin...this is bigger than an island. [23:31] [23:31] It is surrounded by water. [23:31] I'd love for an orbital view... [23:31] So is any landmass, Tzezhin. Continents are just really big. [23:31] Could we subjugate Icarus? [23:31] Er.... subjugating someplace would cause conflicts we don't need. [23:31] Tzezh, *every* naturally inhabitable world to 'standard' humanoid life is mostly water. [23:31] That would involve more dealings with these people. [23:32] If we rebuild Julia's establishment, we may be able to do it in such a way so as to provide those of us who wish it complete seclusion. [23:32] Is there someplace that the Lords of Shadow have claimed as their own base of operations? The way the Lords of Light have the Temple? [23:32] We may wish to make note of that, too. [23:33] They don't sound like the kind who co-operate, but... [23:34] * Elonith does some typing on the laptop, going through locations quickly. [23:34] Garos sort of rules (or at least ruled) them with an iron fist, from what I understood. [23:34] Of course, now that they're not confined to his ship, that may be different. [23:35] * KaeollaRae says "Clay doesn't seem the type to take orders very well." [23:35] * Serena has claimed Threnvalle. It's a mostly underground city. Garos is at a fortress off at X location, and RB3 is at the construction site neat Lifa. None of the other Shadow Lords have set locations. [23:35] * KaeollaRae says ".He's too arrogant." [23:36] Hm. [23:36] I'd also like to know what Lord RB3 and Lord Clay are actually up to. That ship of theirs didn't look capable of breaking orbit. [23:36] Are we dead set against taking Icarus? [23:37] I have no intention of overtaking an entire city. [23:37] * There's various interesting landscapes and natrual formations that look appealing to set up an easily defendible base; mountain chains, ice plains, volcanos, etc. [23:37] We could consider moving there...but "taking" it is beyond anything we should try. [23:37] We are too deeply involved with these people already. [23:37] I don't want to be around people who are free to interfere with us. [23:37] If we want seclusion, we should build our own place, and invite settlers who agree to serve us, not force people to. [23:37] ( Basically, if you've got someplace in specifc in mind, say it, and it's probably there. ) [23:38] * KaeollaRae asks Trast "You don't understand anything about subtlety do you?" [23:38] ( You want specific? Las Vegas. ) [23:38] Nothing about our current situation allows for true subtlety, Kaeolla. We're rather upsetting to the current balance of power, because the other Lords insist on seeing us as so. [23:38] It would be too much effort to conquer an entire city. [23:38] You may if you wish, though. [23:38] KR: thats the thing you people do where you pretend to do things that aren't want to you want to do and end up confusing both yourself and everyone around you, isn't it? [23:39] Trast: Well, when she tries it, yes. [23:39] * KaeollaRae replys "Something like that." [23:39] * The gambling hub, Loki's Paradise. At the foot of a volcano, and also where the Lord of Light Loki is most of the time. [23:39] I will be satisfied boarding underJulia. If anyone disrupts me, I can kill them. [23:39] Quite simple. [23:39] * Julia blinks. [23:40] ( Shary: ah, submissive in love, eh? ) [23:40] ( But see I asked for Las Vegas itself. :P ) [23:40] Um. Could you just hurt them and toss them out? [23:40] ( SHE's MINE! ;) ) [23:40] ...I suppose. [23:40] * Elonith smirks. "You hurt, I'll toss them out. And they won't be coming back." [23:40] If I took them outside, could I kill them there? [23:41] Well, after the first one, no one would bother you again...but it's probably not a good idea. *serious look* [23:41] * KaeollaRae says "You kinda got that kill kill kill attitude going. No wonder you don't understand humor." [23:41] Ah. [23:41] * Julia looks uncomfortable. "Um. I'd rather you not kill them at all." [23:41] ( Tzezhin is Sakura. Without the bandit complex. ) [23:41] ( Sakura? ) [23:41] ...ah, well. Elonith's idea sounds satisfactory, then. [23:42] What idea was that again? [23:42] Tzezhin hurts, Elo throws out. [23:42] And they do not return. That is the important part. [23:43] Presumably, we can each handle pests in our own way; just don't permanently harm them. [23:43] Trust me. They'll be so far away they'd have to travel for at least a couple days to get back to town. [23:43] ( Carter will set up Heaven's Door, trying to make a wormhole. He can test it on pests. ^_^_v ) [23:43] ( Heh. ) [23:44] I'll not that I don't agree to that. [23:44] ( Cat: Huh? ) [23:44] ( er, note) [23:44] ( Ah. ) [23:45] * Tzezhin shrugs. "We are not permanently bound to stay together." [23:45] ...I see. Must you kill them to be happy? Seems foolish; it brings the ire of multitudes upon you. Can you kill _all_ of them? [23:46] * Elonith plays with his sword. "The value of another being's life seems somewhat lost on them, does it not?" [23:46] Carter: Trying to spare an opponant will just get *you* killed. [23:46] ... Lifa is a peaceful place. [23:46] Only in a life-or-death battle. [23:46] If I happen not to kill them, So be it. [23:46] If I happen to kill them, So be that as well. [23:46] * Carter nods at Julia's statement. "Fighting shouldn't happen much there, anyway." [23:47] Then it shouldn't be a problem. [23:47] So why is Julia's establishment in ruins? [23:47] Right. Um, can we get back to the more important subject of where we're going? Lifa would work. And, from there, we could keep tabs on at least one Shadow Lord. [23:47] It shouldn't. That doesn't mean it doesn't. [23:47] As I understand it... Naoki picked a fight. [23:47] I believe taht was Lady Anya's and Naoki's fault. [23:47] * KaeollaRae says to Carter "and Vise Versa." [23:49] * Julia looks down. "I feel sorry for Naoki the way she is now, though. I'd hate to be tied up that securely." [23:49] It is nothing she does not deserve. [23:49] She'll get out of it. [23:49] They always do. [23:50] .... [23:50] Perhaps we should find more secure bindings. [23:50] (Naoki wake up yet?) [23:50] You'd think 3 sets of locks, a kinetic stasis ward, in a padded cell would be overkill. [23:50] (Oh, she was moved to a cell) [23:50] * Naoki is not there. She's being held somewhere. [23:50] If you think that, you've not watched enough cartoons. [23:50] ( Well gee thanks for telling us, Jex. ) [23:52] So... Trast, is it? Noone would bother you in Lifa. [23:53] * KaeollaRae adds "Until he pounds someone." she winks at Julia. [23:53] *glares at Kae* ANYway... [23:53] And there's enough materials that can be imported to put up a lab there. [23:53] I appreciate that. It's not that I mean to be antisocial, I just find you people to be strange and annoying. [23:54] * KaeollaRae looks at Carter "What? It's true, isn't it." [23:54] * Elonith chuckles. [23:54] We should decide now. I vote that we take Julia up on her offer, and help her rebuild so we can live there. It's certainly easier than trying to build something all by ourselves. [23:54] And.... if you go solo, you might end up like Naoki is now. *shudder* [23:54] KR: people who I pound tend not to bother me as well. [23:54] I would never be that...uncontrolled. [23:54] I'll help out. Heck, I might learn some architecture while I'm at it. ^_^ [23:54] We all do, Trast. At least Julia appears to be mostly sane. [23:54] ( Lafing_Cat's playing in here! o_O ) [23:54] * Julia blinks at Tzezhin. [23:55] ( drat it, Pretend trast said that x_x) [23:55] ( * O.os at the cat that entered chat. ) [23:55] ( Player flub #1! ) [23:55] * KaeollaRae says to Trast "Yes, but pound people often have friends that want to pound you in revenge, not to mention the law, in whatever form that might be." [23:55] ( Sounds like a Lillian Vernon Braun book. ) [23:55] ( Bah. Laws are made for eating. ) [23:55] ( The Cat who met a Cardinal ) [23:56] ( The Cat in the Chat. *runs* ) [23:57] So, are we agreed? The Lighthouse? [23:57] Why not. [23:57] * Carter looks at each person, trying to catch their gazes. [23:57] * Tzezhin nods, having suggested it anyway. [23:57] * Elonith nods lazily. [23:58] Kaeolla? [23:58] * Julia nods, as well. She does look worried, though. [23:58] * KaeollaRae shrugs. [23:58] * KaeollaRae says "Not like I have anywhere else special to be." [23:59] You worried about something Julia? [23:59] * Julia blinks, and shakes her head. "No, it's nothing." [00:00] * KaeollaRae says to Carter "Isn't it obvious silly boy?" [00:00] Okay then! Do we have any preparations to make? I'm going to scour the kitchens for provisions. Meet back here in half an hour, and we can set off! [00:00] ...Isn't what obvious, Kae? [00:00] * KaeollaRae says "Guess not." [00:00] * Elonith chuckles at a silent joke. [00:00] * KaeollaRae says "Obviously she's worried about trouble knocking on her door because of our presense." [00:01] No... that's not it. Really. [00:02] * Julia stands up hastily. "I'll go with you to get something." [00:03] Anything anyone wants me to do? [00:03] * Tzezhin wanders off to practice some more. [00:03] * Carter nods to Julia. "Thanks!" ^_^ [00:04] Half an hour, we meet back here, remember! *sets off for the kitchen. Roast stays with Kaeolla for some reason* [00:04] Not in particular. I'll be waiting right here for when you need me. [00:04] ( Elo will be o/~ Right here waiting for uuuuuuuuus...o/~ ) [00:04] ( Anyone else going with him? ) [00:05] (and what does roast appears as currently?) [00:06] * Trast waits around for half an hour. [00:06] * Roast is a boy about 8-10 years of age, wearing a white cloak that covers whatever he's wearing underneath, and has brown leather shoes. [00:07] * About now, Alex enters the area, as Carter and Julia head off. [00:08] * KaeollaRae looks down towards Roast "What?" [00:08] Heya. I tell you... that psycho dosen't make any sense. She' bawling about Mei and some curse and some other stuff, and she won't shut up.... [00:09] Anyone have any idea about what to do with her? [00:09] * Roast just tilts its head curiously when Kae asks him that. [00:09] Well.... she's held nice and secure. ... for now, anyways. [00:09] But we're leaving here in half an hour. [00:10] Oh? Leaving? Where? [00:10] * KaeollaRae bends down to Roasts ear and says in a whisper "Think Carter's gonna get some nookie? Probably not. He's such a wimp when it comes to girls." [00:10] Even if I don't tell you, you're going to follow us, aren't you? [00:10] *regards Kae queryingly, as if waiting for more explanation* [00:11] ( Awwwwwwwww! ) [00:11] * KaeollaRae stands back up straight "Guess your AI's not up to snuff. Nevermind." [00:11] Gotta. [00:11] * Elonith shrugs. [00:12] Alex: We're going to The Lighthouse. [00:12] Alex: By the way, I have a couple questions for you, if you don't mind. [00:13] * Roast looks up at Kaeolla, and tugs on her clothes. [00:13] That's good. Shouldn't get into any trouble there. *she nods* Go ahead and ask. [00:13] * KaeollaRae bends down again asking "What is it?" [00:14] Alex: How did you end up as a Lord of Light if you got all your training from a Lord of Shadow? [00:14] ( ... That's Anya. ^_^; ) [00:14] (.... retcon that then x_x) [00:14] * KaeollaRae turns her head towards Trast and says "She's not a Lord of Light." [00:14] * KaeollaRae adds "She's a servant girl." she winks at Alex. [00:14] * Carter looks at her seriously, and points to its forehead, nodding. It then points to its throat, and shakes its head. It then taps its head again. [00:14] * Lafing_Cat damns the GM for having NPC's who's names start with the same letter. [00:15] ( Awwwww! ) [00:15] ( Player flub #1, Carter! ) [00:15] ( Oops. That was Roast. *smacks self* ) [00:15] ( This is just a bad couple of minutes for players, isn't it? ) [00:15] ( Kaeolla insulted Roast! Tsk, tsk. ) [00:16] * KaeollaRae says to Roast "So you agree and think he's gonna bomb, huh?" she smiles. [00:16] * Elonith rolls his eyes. "Roast's saying it can't talk." [00:17] * Roast nods at Elonith. [00:18] * KaeollaRae says "That's no fun. Go get Carter to upgrade you." [00:18] Should I arrange travel? [00:18] * Lafing_Cat is now known as THE_BOTTLE [00:18] * Roast sticks its tongue out at Kaeolla. [00:18] Doesn't matter. [00:19] * Elonith looks at the map. There a monolith within the vicinty? [00:19] * THE_BOTTLE is now known as Lafing_Cat [00:20] * KaeollaRae puts Roast's head in a headlock and rubs her knuckles back and forth over the top of his head while saying "Noogie! Noogie! Noogie!" [00:20] ( Awwwwww! ) [00:20] * Not near. But the closest one is the spiked triangle. [00:21] * Roast squirms, but smiles a bit when she does that. She notices that its head is soft and squishy, not hard like a skull, as she noogies it, though. [00:21] (About how close? Faster than taking Chocobos?) [00:21] (Or whatever twisted form of transportation we'd use?) [00:22] * KaeollaRae releases him from a headlock after a few noogies. She smiles down at Roast and says "At least you have a sense of humor." [00:22] ( closer than going there from Temple. A lot closer. ) [00:23] I can just teleport us there. *points at the monolith.* Which is a bit quicker than how we'd normally travel. Unless you have a network of teleport stations? [00:24] There's slipdoors. But only the Lords can activate them. [00:24] Does that include us? [00:25] They might work for you. [00:25] May as well try. [00:26] Where are these slipdoors? [00:27] There's a lot of them. The closest one is in the dome where the meeting was held. [00:28] Lets go there then. [00:28] Aren't you missing one? [00:28] * Elonith motions for Alex to sit down. "Carter should be here shortly." [00:28] * Roast points at Lifa on the map and looks at Alex questioningly. [00:29] * Alex blinks at Roast. "... what?" [00:29] Alex: if it doens't work, we'll need to come back here anyway, if it does, We can presumably come back. [00:29] * Roast points to the Temple dome where the slipdoor is, then points to Lifa, and again looks questioning. [00:30] * KaeollaRae says to Alex "Actually, there someone else not present in addition to Carter. Wink Wink." [00:30] .... That things creepy. [00:30] * Trast drags Alex to where the slipdoor is supposed to be. [00:30] So how do the Lords make this work? [00:31] * Alex is dragged! [00:31] He wishes to know if hte slipdoor takes us directly to Lifa or if we must take detours. [00:31] I believe. [00:31] * Roast looks frustrated, and then looks gratefully at Tzezhin, nodding. [00:31] * KaeollaRae pets Roast on top of his head "Yup, guess it gets us there." [00:31] We can only hope. [00:31] * Trast: The door does a shiny looking thing, and you can see Lifa on the other side. [00:32] * KaeollaRae says to Tzezhin with a slight smile "That's a funny word to hear you say." [00:32] Always just worked for them, when they had somewhere to go. [00:32] Obviously it works for us as well. [00:32] * Carter finally returns, laden with stuff. He'll be suprised to find out it's not actually needed, since the trip will be a few moments rather than a few days. [00:33] ( We can always use food while we rebuild? <.< ) [00:33] ( True. ^_^ ) [00:33] * Julia waves, also carrying stuff. [00:33] (Carter'll have it eatten in a few hours at most anyways ; ) ) [00:34] Everyone ready? [00:34] * KaeollaRae says "No time like the present." [00:34] * Tzezhin half-shrugs. [00:35] * Trast steps through the door. [00:35] * Elonith gets up and dusts himself off, following the path of the others. [00:35] * Tzezhin steps through. [00:35] * The door leads into the streets of Lifa, residential area. [00:36] * KaeollaRae waits for everyone to go through and wonders if Alex can go though once the slipgate is active, or if it litterally only works for Lords. [00:36] Oh... well, that was a shorter trip than I thought it would be. *he smiles, stepping through and taking readings as usual* [00:36] * Apparently, it works for everyone when it's activated. But it dosen't stay active for very long without a Lord near. [00:36] * Elonith steps through. "Interesting. [00:36] * KaeollaRae goes though last. [00:37] Curious. [00:37] ( Does the other end have a physical existance, or is it just an outlet that opens on the middle of empty air? ) [00:38] * There's a doorframe as the exit on the other end, that just seems like a solid piece of door that dosen't open when not active. [00:39] * Alex and Julia go through, too. [00:39] Well, let's get started. Do we need permits or anything, or do we just start building and/or finding help, Julia? [00:40] Well... if you're gonna redesign it, you'll want to draw up some plans. I've the the originals up here *she taps her head* if you need them. Don't worry about the rest of it. I'll take care of that. ^_^ [00:41] * Elonith shrugs. "I can work at design if you want. I'm sure I can figure it out." ^_^ [00:41] * Julia transmits the plans to Carter and Elo's laptop. [00:42] Alright, then! Tzezhin, would you and Alex and the others find someplace for us to stay while we work? Elo, Julia, and I can mess with the plans. ...or Julia can go get other stuff taken care of, if she trusts Elo and I... [00:42] * Tzezhin blinks. [00:44] * Roast assumes the form of a very short street lamp by the side of the road, seeming bored. [00:44] * Alex nods. "Sure." [00:46] Good. Now, I'll start up a CAD program. That way Carter can read the information without actually being here. [00:46] ( They still have CAD that far in the future? ^^ ) [00:46] ( Hm. Wanna get further into this, or glaze over it? ) [00:47] ( CAD? *stabstabdeadify* HATE CAD. ) [00:47] ( Lets glaze. a nice brandy glaze) [00:47] ( Glaze, I think. Basically, we just need some extra rooms. And maybe a nice basement or subbasement. Or tower room. ) [00:47] ( Basements would be better. ) [00:48] ( With back tunnel exit. ) [00:48] ( If you're feeling fancy, you could hook up all the Damned l33t tech stuff from underground to an underground thing, or salvage some of it. ) [00:49] ( As Carter's eyes do that $_$ thing, only with tech-stuff. ) [00:50] (Of course we will. Tech = Good.) [00:50] ( Salvaging or splicing into? ) [00:50] ( Yes. ) [00:51] ( Hee. ) [00:51] ( So, are we glazing to something else, or is this the end of the episode, or what? ) [00:51] ( Pretty much the end. ) [00:52] ( Well, I'm gonna want to go to bed in about 20 minutes here.) [00:52] ( All thats left is what people want on it. Which I leave to ye to discuss amonsgt yourselves. ) [00:52] ( Lab. ) [00:52] ( :) End! *cough* Wait a moment, I'm not the GM helper for this game! ) [00:52] ( Practice room, probably. ) [00:52] * End.