[00:21] * Carter crashes through the portal, looking around madly with every sense available! [00:27] * There's a resounding BOOM! as soon as you all make it. The ground shakes and stuff. Visible: The Lighthouse, Alex digging through it, and Anya and a big cloud of dust in front of her. Which is shortly revealed to be Naoki. [00:28] * Carter streaks towards the combatants, sword up. Roast flaps off away from his master, scared. Carter screams, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" [00:28] * Elonith eyes the two combatants. [00:29] * Oh, yes. Init is now. [00:29] Alright, get all the wounded away from here. Carter, try and stop them. [00:29] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (d6+4) and gets 7. [00:29] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (d6+8) and gets 12. [00:29] * Anya! Elo! Naoki! Alex! Carter! [00:29] * Carter probably didn't register Elo's instructions...he'll process them when he's not preoccupied. [00:30] *** Trast (Lafing_Cat@d-131-151-189-037.dynamic.umr.edu) has joined #Lifabrawl [00:30] ( Trast: Init Roll. ) [00:30] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (1d6+6) and gets 12. [00:30] * There's a resounding BOOM! as soon as you all make it. The ground shakes and stuff. Visible: The Lighthouse, Alex digging through it, and Anya and a big cloud of dust in front of her. Which is shortly revealed to be Naoki. [00:30] * Anya! Elo/Trast! Naoki! Alex! Carter! [00:30] * KaeollaRae watches barring soemthing interesting (escentually continually holding her first action when it comes up until something happens she wants to interceed) [00:30] Glad you could make it. Try and break those two up. [00:31] Which two? [00:31] * Anya blinkblinks at Naoki. "How the hell are you still standing up?!" [00:31] The one throwing explosions and the one taking them. [00:31] * Carter streaks towards the combatants, sword up. Roast flaps off away from its master, scared. Carter screams, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" [00:31] [00:31] Guess I'm just gonna have to bump up the volume a bit... [00:32] * Elonith will make his way to the lighthouse to talk to Alex. [00:32] ( Combat isn't just yet. Just getting the rolls out of th way. ) [00:32] * Anya looks Carters way. "She's starting a fight with me, and I intend to finish it!" [00:32] Alex, what's going on? Anyone injured? [00:32] * KaeollaRae thinks.oO("Carter's really turning out to have an unstable personality. I guess living such an apparently sheltered life makes you less prepared for the real worlds situations.") [00:32] ( Ya think? ) [00:32] (No, really?) [00:33] (And you can stop with the thought bubbles. I don't believe Anya's telepathic.) [00:33] (So what - I always do that)\ [00:33] (True. :P) [00:34] * Alex looks up at Elo. "Help me clear out a path! I've cleared almost everyone else out, but Julia ran back in to get something. Then the fighting started proper, and an errant explosion collpased the building." [00:34] ( He's more controlled this time... Considering that he's got more reason for this particular loss of control. ) [00:34] * Elonith nods. He starts using his TK to its fullest extent to move the rubble out of the way. [00:35] * Naoki blinkblinks at Carter, then Elo. "Ano... are you on my side? Because she's a bad guy!" *points at Anya.* [00:35] * Carter dives in, using his sword and brute force to clear a path as fast as possible, heedless of damage to his flesh and his clothes, and even to his sword, should it be injurable. [00:35] ~Julia! Are you okay!?~ [00:36] ( That's silent, to most, by the way. ) [00:36] * ~The person you adressed is not concious at this time, would you like to leave a message?~ replies. [00:36] (Snicker!) [00:36] (... Hahah!) [00:37] * Trast attempts to get between Anya and Julia. [00:37] * Naoki blinks. "So none of you are on my side?" [00:37] * Carter calms just a bit, becomeing slightly more methodical in his excavation; he sends out "pings" to try to determine her location based on that automated response. [00:37] (That's a dumb place to be =) ) [00:37] ( Anya and Naoki I mean) [00:37] * Anya glares at Trast. "Get out of my way." [00:37] Why? [00:38] Because she's trying to kill me. And I'm gonna knock her so high into orbit it'll take her a year to find me again. [00:38] Why is she trying to kill you? [00:38] And who is she, anyway? [00:39] Yeah! She's a bad guy! Shamshira says so! [00:39] Who are all these people you keep telling me about? [00:39] * Elo, Carter: Body Rolls! [00:39] ( plural "you" btw) [00:40] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-4) and gets 5. [00:40] I don't know who she is... she's talking to her sword, though. [00:40] ( Made it! o/~ ) [00:40] ( Wait, Naoki was in the hotel where Dr. Swordopolis was, wasn't she? ) [00:40] (Anything apply?) [00:41] Fine! Ignore me! But you can't ignore Shamshira! [00:41] ( Jex: grah, need answer :P_ [00:41] ( Elo: Got anything that yoou think that'll apply? ) [00:41] (What are the body rolls for?) [00:41] ( Yes. Naoki was there, too. ) [00:41] ( Getting rocks and stuff out of the way. ) [00:41] (TK here.) [00:41] Anya: I need to talk to her before you kill her. [00:41] Naoki: If you try to hit me with that sword you keep talking to I [00:41] ( ELo: Bod roll with TK level as a bonus, then. ) [00:42] 'll *help* Anya kill you. [00:42] (Eh? Wierd, oh well.) [00:42] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-4) and gets 2. [00:42] ( Bah. Don't make me look it up. You'll succeed anyways. =p ) [00:42] (Nah. Body's my 'low' stat. ~_^) [00:42] ( Low my foot. What, it's only a 7? ) [00:43] (Six.) [00:43] What~ever~! Get out of my way! [00:43] ( Tied with the *NEANDERTHAL* there.) [00:43] (Elonith must be Stat God ; ) ) [00:43] ( ...you realize that's higher than our terran-nanotech-boosted wonderboy, right? ) [00:43] (Not So Strong too.) [00:43] * And this is when combat starts. [00:44] Get out of the way! We can talk when she's not trying to gut me! [00:44] * Trast/Elo! [00:45] * Elonith moves rocks? [00:45] Anya: Fine, but *try* not to kill her. [00:45] ( *snrk* I don't think Anya _can_ kill her. ) [00:45] * Trast attempts to smash Naoki upside the skull [00:45] ( Jex: Tze's feeling neglected in the other chan, too, by the way. ) [00:46] * Trast! 'tack roll! [00:47] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 8. [00:47] *hits!* [00:47] *STOP TALKING TO THAT SWORD* [00:47] *** Tzezhin (sharyna_t@sfa234219.richmond.edu) has joined #Lifabrawl [00:48] * 'tis a good hit. And it [sparks] against her armor. But Naoki plows on through, regardless. [00:48] * Trast glares at his new Axe. [00:48] ( That's just Naoki. =p ) [00:48] ( Trast doesn't know that. ) [00:49] ( Trast is remarkably underwhelmed by this "Most important weapon" ) [00:49] ( Isn't that always the way? *sighs* ) [00:49] You're gonna have to do better than that! I'm invincible! *she rushes past, and goes to strike with the wavery-looking katana of hers.* * Rolling 2d6. Result:  3,6: 9  [00:50] * Which comes -so close- to taking Anya's head off, but misses anyways. [00:50] * Alex continues digging! Carter! [00:50] * KaeollaRae watches the excitement like she is at a wrestling (or some other fighting sport) match. [00:51] ( Bah. Kae: Roll init-age. ) [00:51] * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (1d6+5) and gets 11. *** Retrieving #Lifabrawl info... [00:51] (She's holding her action anyways.) [00:52] (exactly) [00:52] *** Jex changes topic to 'Anya, Elo/Trast, Kae, Naoki, Alex, Carter' [00:52] * Carter continues digging, using every trick of leverage, brute force, and structural physics he can figure out to get to where his pings tell him Julia's neural nanites are responding from. * Rolling 2d6. Result:  4,4: 8  [00:52] * Elonith is moving rocks. It really is quite interesting as he tosses them aside with the power of his *mind*. [00:53] ( Can I withdraw from her "vision" by choice? ) [00:53] ( Yeah. ) [00:53] ( Okey dokey) [00:53] *** Tzezhin (sharyna_t@sfa234219.richmond.edu) has left #Lifabrawl [00:54] STOP THAT YOU PSYCHO! *she holds out one hand, and *BOOM!* Def rolls all around. Yes, it has that much AE. * Rolling 2d6. Result:  1,4: 5  * Rolling 2d6. Result:  3,5: 8  Alex * Rolling 2d6. Result:  2,1: 3  Naoki [00:54] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 6. [00:54] (Victoly! ^_^_v) [00:54] * Carter does not defend, being too busy. Autodamage. [00:54] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 11. [00:54] * Carter does, however, work to ensure his work is not undone. [00:55] Damn it! [00:55] ( At least it wasn't a 12) [00:56] * 30 damage for the outer fringes; Alex, Elo, Carter. Else, 60. Halved if def rolls made. [00:56] * Elonith manages to avoid the brunt of the attack, then decides it's a good time to raise his force field. [00:56] * Carter is badly injured, but ignores it for now. [00:57] *dig, dig, DIG!* [00:57] Com'on... She's gotta still be there! [00:57] * Elonith digs more! [00:57] * Naoki goes *flying back*, nicely smoking. While Alex gets shoved nicely into the rock she's digging. [00:57] She is...I can feel her down there... *works as hard as he can, ignoring personal injury!* [00:58] * Elo/Trast! [00:58] Anya, if you do that again, and I live through it, I'm killing you next. [00:58] * Elonith glances over at Alex. If she's still concious, I keep digging with TK. Notably building a crude wall between Anya and the digging party. [00:59] I -told- you to stay out of my way! [00:59] * Trast goes over to where Naoki is. [00:59] ( what kind of condition is she in? ) [00:59] * 'Nicely smoking.' [00:59] ( moving? ) [01:00] * Yep. [01:00] ( on her feet? ) [01:00] * Not yet. [01:00] (Jex: She *did* get hurt, right?) [01:00] * Trast attempts to make sure she doesn't get up again. [01:00] I'm just holding her down. [01:00] ( Yes. Anya can outdamage Naoki's armor easy. ) [01:00] (Good, good. 60 points of armor is on the level of ATC stuff.) [01:01] ( o_o;; ) [01:01] ( *20* points of armor is supposed to be as tough as a light tank) [01:02] (Apparently it's strong enough if Trasts Axe basically bounced off her with little effect, considering he kicked Thanatos ass previous with one blow) [01:02] (She could have blocked.) [01:02] (Soak the damage into a strong part of the armor.) [01:02] * Trast: You're holding her down easy. [01:02] (That's true - desciption is cool) [01:03] Let -go- of me! I've gotta get her! [01:03] Naoki: Now are you ready to talk a bit? [01:03] (I know sure as hell Elo would have dodged. He's not trying to soak *that*. <.<) [01:03] Why? [01:03] Because Shamshira says to! [01:03] And do you always do what pieces of metal tell you to? [01:03] * Note: 'Shamshira', the sword Naoki was holding before, is embedded in a wall. [01:04] But... it was right about the orbs... [01:04] Have you also ever concidered it might be trying to use you to kill off its own enemies? [01:04] (Can we finally get to Julia yet?) [01:05] (Err, gotten.) [01:05] * Anya glances at Naoki, then runs over to Elo, Carter, and Alex. "Oh no.... is someone still in there?" [01:05] * Almost! [01:05] What has *it* done for you? [01:05] It's shiny! And pretty! But I don't like it as much as my old sword... [01:05] What do you think?! [01:05] * Elonith is begining to sweat, the TK mentally draining him. [01:06] If I let you up, are you going to talk some, or are you going to go listening to anything a piece of metal tells you? [01:06] Julia's still under here. *digging like a madman, heedless of the massive wounds on his body, forcing it to work through nano-interfearance where pain and natural muscle should have already given out* [01:06] ( no a's in interference :P ) [01:06] * And a cloud of dust erupts, a hole in the rubble appearing. [01:07] ( Spelling! My second greatest nemesis! ) [01:07] * Carter enters it, carefull not to disturb anything. [01:08] * Elonith almost collapses as he sits down. He wipes the sweat off his brow. "Watch where you throw those attacks next time." [01:08] *too himself, since Julia's unconscious* Where are you, Julia? *scan* [01:08] Get Julia out of there, then I'll heal her up. [01:09] Sorry... I didn't really have any time to focus, though... she shrugged off the first blast like nothing... [01:09] Duh. She's built like a tank. [01:09] And I'm *not* being sarcastic there. [01:09] * Carter continues looking for Julia. [01:09] * Trast goes black n' White [01:10] *** Trast (Lafing_Cat@d-131-151-189-037.dynamic.umr.edu) has left #Lifabrawl [01:10] (Uhhh...) [01:10] * Julia is behind the bar, a convenient block of wood having konked her on the head, and still there. [01:11] (Hey, are we done now that Trast just quit on us?) [01:11] ( * Trast cast 'NPC Magic' spell! ) [01:11] ( This'll be a nice break point, too. ) [01:11] * Carter very gingerly lifts her, nanites replacing past-exhausted natural muscles and shutting off pain and damage warnings. He carries her very, very carefully out of the rubble, and lays her down. [01:11] ( And then just FF to Naoki and Julia back Elsewhere with the rest of everyone. ) [01:12] * Carter looks ready to collapse, his body rather thoroughly broken, but somehow, is still moving. He turns a dead gaze on Anya. "You utter idiot." [01:12] * Trast bonks Naoki on the head, where shes' -not- armored, and she goes out like a light. [01:13] * Anya looks ashamed. "I'm... sorry. I overreacted." [01:13] * Elonith speedily heals Julia until she's concious. "Se'lentha kar'no el dakado. I'll get to you next, Carter, and anyone else that needs it." [01:13] Yeah, well, any help you can offer in repairing the damage would be helpful. [01:13] O_O [01:14] I panicked, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I thought everyone had gotten far enough away.... [01:14] * Carter scans Julia quite thoroughly, falling to his knees. Simultaneously terran band and verbally, "Julia!" [01:14] I could have been halfway across the continent and still felt that! [01:14] In fact, I think I was. [01:15] * Julia grogs to awakedness. "Anyone catch the number of that bus...?" *she lifts herself to her knees, looking around.* [01:16] * Carter sighs relievedly. "You're okay...good." He glares at Anya. "You and I need to discuss something called 'self-control'." [01:16] ( No, he's not being ironic. I am, but he's not. ) [01:16] Mmph. [01:17] * Elonith stops healing and falls back. "She's not dying, at least. Owww, my head..." He deactivates his FF. [01:17] * Carter snaps at that show of disregard for her actions' consequences, and launches himself at her. He falls to the ground just short, nanites finally having given out. He looks like death warmed over, but more cut up. [01:18] * Anya flinches, bringing up her one arm in a quick, unskilled block. "I'm sorry. Really, really sorry. But you try having that psycho charging you..." [01:18] * Elonith holds his head, then repeats the process on the other Terran. "Se'lentha kar'no el dakado." [01:19] ... oh no! The bar... it's ruined. [01:19] * Julia sighs. [01:20] At least you're not dead. [01:20] * Roast flies over and lands on Julia's shoulder (still a hawk), and sends a wordless query over terran-band. [01:21] * Carter stirs, groggilly pulling himself to a sitting position. He holds his head in pain. "I can barely move...my nanite reserves are practically nill. ...I need to eat something." [01:21] * Julia wipes the dust, and blood off her face. "... what are you doing here?" [01:21] * Elonith relaxes after Carter regains conciousness. He lies backwards on the closest flat area again. "Man, that's tiring. Give me a few to catch my breath." [01:22] * Trast drags Naoki back throught the portal, back to the big circle area. [01:22] * Carter mumbles something, and some garbled static comes over the terran band. [01:24] * Elonith gets up and stretches, walking over and TKing Naoki's sword when he gets the chance. [01:24] Where did you guys come from? That was one of Cephiro's portals... [01:24] Julia? Sorry about suprising you. Anya got into a fight with another young woman, and this is the result. [01:25] * Anya sighs. "I messed up. Xelph is going to yell at me again..." [01:25] We've been busy since we left here. Got some new swords...my sword! I left it in there! *tries to rise, but can't even levitate, let alone stand* [01:25] * Elonith walks back to the group with the sword in tow. "What am I. A walking armory now?" [01:25] Nevermind. [01:25] * Julia gently holds Carter back. "Careful, don't push yourself. I'll take a wild guess and say that Anya came through okay... what about the other girl?" [01:26] * Elonith walks into the rubble and gets Carter's sword too. Geeze, stupid people exhausting like that. :P [01:26] She'll be fine...I think. Unless Trast kills her. Which I don't _think_ he'll do. [01:26] Yeah, Cephi says 'hi'. [01:26] Nevermind... this can wait. We need to get you some medical attention. [01:27] He should heal naturally. Just get him some food. Trust me. [01:27] * Julia nods. "Is there somewhere undamaged nearby?" [01:27] *** Tzezhin (sharyna_t@sfa234219.richmond.edu) has joined #Lifabrawl [01:27] I'll be fine, if I can just replenish my reserves. Like Elonith said, I need food. You should know that. *he smiles at her* [01:27] * Tzezhin steps through and looks around. [01:27] Anyone else hurt? [01:27] * Elonith waves at Tzezh. "Take your second weapon or I'll beat you over the head with it." [01:28] * Tze: Carter, Elo, Anya, Julia are in whats left of the Lighthouse. And the scenery as a whole looks pretty damned well... err. The best word is 'fucked.' [01:28] ( Whoo. ) [01:28] Elonith, if you'd give me my sword, I'll use it as a crutch. Roast, would you help, too? [01:28] * Tzezhin sneers in disgust (at hte sword, not Elo), grabs it and sheathes it really quickly. [01:29] * Elonith motions with his hand, and the sword goes hilt-first at Carter, stopping so he can grab it. [01:29] * Roast hops off of Julia and silvermorphs into a semblance of a sturdy wooden staff. [01:29] * Alex waves at Tzezhin from outside it. "Is it clear on that side? We've got wounded, and nothing nearby is intact." [01:29] * Carter uses the two supports to pull himself up. [01:29] Yeah, it's in some meeting chamber. [01:29] ( Any table remnants left we can use to transport people on? ) [01:30] ( Yah. ) [01:30] ( I suppose the orb, which Roast was carrying, is on top of the staff, now. ) [01:30] I managed to get everybody out of the area quick enough, but we who stuck around got hurt. *she grins wryly, showing the blood seeping from her side.* [01:31] Mm. [01:31] How many seriously wounded? [01:32] Me... the caveman looked pretty hurt, but he was still moving... Julia inside... I don't know about the others who jumped into the fight. [01:33] * Carter smiles wryly. "May I suggest we retire to that meeting chamber? Questions can be answered better there...and I'm less likely to try to kill Lady Anya if we're moving. And it's safer." He starts toddling that direction, balancing on his supports. [01:33] Anyone unable to walk or move on their own? [01:34] * Elonith nods and walks to the portal. "Ladies first." [01:34] Good idea. Here, let me help... *Julia helps Carter out, supporting him on one side.* [01:34] Thanks. [01:35] I gather not. [01:35] * Anya stands by the portal. "Um... no thanks. I'll stay here. To help fix stuff." she looks away. [01:35] * Tzezhin glances at Anya. "Are you aware of what the Lords in there intend to do?" [01:35] No, you're coming with us. If I have to force you to myself. You have much to answer for, young Lady. [01:36] ( Never mind that Carter's the same age as Anya...or close enough. ) [01:36] But... really. *blinks* Please? I already know what they're gonna say... and you need to get some rest. [01:37] If you have something to do with these proceedings, you had better go. [01:37] If nothing else, _I_ want to hear your explanation. And I need to eat a ton of stuff before I dare sleep; I cannot afford to try to regenerate without replenishing what I've lost. [01:37] * KaeollaRae walks up beside Anya, bumping against her, and whispers with a jestful tone "Carter's got that regressive mental thing going on when he gets angry - 'CARTER SMASH!'." [01:38] * Carter shoots occular daggers at Kae. "At least I try to be mature." [01:38] * Anya harumphs. "My explanation is pretty simple. Psycho girl... err..." *glances at Kae, then at Carter.* "Um. fine." [01:38] * Elonith rolls his eyes. "Just go in. You don't want me to go 'Elo Smash'. Because then people fly." [01:38] * KaeollaRae asks "How is bashing things mature?" [01:38] ( Not that "Carter Smash" would be much threat to her; she could kill him rather quickly. ) [01:38] * Tzezhin stands by and makes sure everyone else goes in first. [01:38] * Carter stumbles in. [01:39] * Julia goes in with Carter. [01:39] ( Call it soon? A "To Be Continued" would fit well anywhere in this scene trasition... ) [01:39] ( Yeah. Soon. ) [01:39] ( I need to get to bed soon. ^^; ) [01:40] * Elonith makes sure Anya goes in before he does. "Com'on, we don't have all day." [01:40] * KaeollaRae says to Anya "Psycho girl huh?" she smiles, nudges her with her elbow, and says "That's funny."