[22:21] * Last time! [22:22] * The GM put everyone but Elo to sleep, in some kind of monolith-only theater. [22:23] ... You are sooooo asking for me to kick your butt. [22:23] * Elo got an interesting sword out of the deal. And after a short encounter with one of the Lords of Light, who was a real prick, the Elo Express took everyone on a ride to repeat the process. [22:24] * And that's all done. Even Tze's, because the GM will retroactively make it so. [22:24] ( Because Tze's is apparently 4 hours long. >_< ) [22:25] * You're at the last one visited, Trasts. The monolith with the circle upon it, and there's not much of notice around besides you, and the monolith. You're on top of a plateua, and there's a city visible some distance off. [22:25] * Start! [22:26] ( How'd they find Trast's? Process of eliminat---no, you can't even do that 'cause we haven't found everyone yet. ) [22:26] ( Magic) [22:26] * Oh yeah. The circle upon the monolith is glowing; The symbols on all the monoliths started glowing once the weapons were retrieved from them. [22:26] (How does the city look? Large or small? Poor or grand? GoodyGoody or EvilDark?) [22:27] ( Have players read the various minis? I think I was present for all of them, so I know what happened. Just wondering how much I should assume others know. ) [22:28] ( I know nosiing. ) [22:28] * The city visible off in the distance looks pretty small, actually.'cording to maps, it's labelled as 'Threnvalle.' [22:28] ( Trast also knows nothing ) [22:28] (I haven't read any of them. ^^;) [22:30] ( Which is your chance to compare notes. And waves your swords at each other. ^_^ ) [22:30] Trast... The Anya in your ...er... story said that these were keys to getting out of here. Any idea how to do that? [22:30] * Elonith shakes his head as he comes to. "You know, moving all you people like that isn't easy. Ow." [22:30] For that matter... *examines his own blade* [22:30] No idea. Perhaps if we touch them all together? [22:30] What'd I miss, Carter? [22:31] Well... We all seem to be linked to a Light and Shadow Lord each. [22:31] * Tzezhin fidgets around a little with his thing, which is sheathed at the right side of his waist. [22:31] Maybe we' [22:31] My "brother Lords" are Garos and Greyholmes. [22:31] .. 're supposed to kill all the other lords? [22:31] You didn't get RB3? What a shame. [22:31] * Carter's blade is a big, heavy looking bastard sword. It's got etchings in it, and the whole thing has definitely 'royal' impression about it. [22:32] * KaeollaRae says "That'd be no fun." [22:32] * Trasts' blade is an axe, which looks similar to his last axe. It's got a brittle appearance to it. [22:33] Elonith, frankly, I'm glad. I felt some sympathy for my two; I wouldn't have liked to feel any for that twisted jerk. *Roast looks hurt at that* [22:33] * Elonith nods. "True. And honestly, I feel some sympathy for Ciphero. Do what you can for the better of the whole, ya know." [22:33] * Tze's blade is an ancient looking blade, and there's the impression that it's not totally there, appearing a bit ethereal. [22:34] Both of mine seemed like idiots. [22:34] ( I had...uhh...some cool guy. And someone else. I think. ) [22:34] * Carter hefts his a bit. He looks awkward wielding it, like he's never held a sword before in his life. [22:34] (Heh Heh) [22:34] ** Kae and Elo actually used the 'customize' option, so it's up to them to describe theirs. =p [22:35] I do not believe we have encountered the Lords that seem to be linked with me yet. [22:35] (...there was a "customize" option? ;-; ) [22:35] (Yeah. You coulda picked how it looked.) [22:35] ( You snooze, you lose =D ) [22:35] (I'm sure Jex'll ret-con it if you want.) [22:35] ( Jex, weren't you going to use an OOC chan? ) [22:35] ( Nah, 's fine. I GUESS. -_^ ) [22:35] ( Not for this one. ) [22:36] ( Jex, Hey *I* used the customize option) [22:36] (I *really* used the customize option. ^_^) [22:36] ( But you'rs is easy to describe, to. =p ) [22:36] ( Also, Shary, you get to pick at the end. If you want yours different, you could describe it now, since you already have it. :P Well, ask Jex first, I guess. ) [22:36] ( Like Tze'd not pick a sword anyways. =p ) [22:36] ( Ahh. ) [22:37] ( No, Tze'd pick The Sword. ) [22:37] ( :P ) [22:37] Hrm. Did any of the rest of you hear a voice telling you to "choose a form"? That Naoki girl seemed to indicate hers talked to her, too... [22:38] What do you think. [22:39] I heard that also. [22:39] First time a weapon had ever talked to me. [22:40] It's just... *addresses his sword* Well, are you sentient? *he looks a bit embarrassed to be talking to an inanimate object. Honest, he'd never do such a thing. <_< >_> <_< Computers don't count!* [22:40] * Trast pokes Carter's sword with his Axe. [22:41] ( does that do anything? _ [22:41] Talking swords. They're almost always present, you know. Dr. Swordopolis is proof of that. :P [22:41] * They spark. There's a bigger spark from the axe, though. [22:42] * Carter jerks his away. "Eep." [22:42] Hey! that did something. [22:42] * KaeollaRae says "Well, what now? Shall we rape and pillage and old style stuff like that or go have some tea?" [22:42] Quick, lets touch them all together! [22:42] Uh, you sure about that? [22:43] Sure I want to do it. [22:43] * KaeollaRae replys "Let's not." [22:43] Why? [22:43] ...not a bad idea, perhaps... Let's do it one at a time, though. I'd like readings on those reactions. [22:43] * Tzezhin looks a little uncomfortable, and slightly peeved. Kind of like he'd rather the topic were dropped. [22:43] * Elonith sighs. "Okay, but if this blows a whole in the fabric of space-time, I'm gonna kick your ass." [22:43] ( ... I hate you Carter. ) [22:43] (Err, hole.) [22:43] ( ;_; SORRY! ) [22:44] Elo: If you still can, anyway. [22:44] So, who wants to go first? [22:44] Is this really so urgent? [22:45] Have we a more pressing goal? [22:45] It's something we don't know about, and its right here, [22:45] ( I'm surprised KRae isn't making any comments about "Whipping it out" or something :P) [22:45] * Tzezhin just looks around. If you didn't know better, you'd say he was looking sulky. [22:45] * Elonith lashes his sword forward, it changing into a whip-sword (Read: A weapon similar to Ivy's from SC2.), then swinging it back, the partial blades reforming into a solid sword again. "Here." He puts his sword forward. [22:46] * Trast touches it with the Axe [22:46] ( ....ohdeargods. Kae's got a whip, don't she? ) [22:46] * Carter scans the two weapons as they touch. [22:46] (That would have been the succubus lady, not Kaeolla) [22:46] ( Well, you never know. ) [22:46] * Same thing as last time! Big spark from the Axe, not-so-big spark from Not-Ivy's sword. [22:47] Repeatable. Good. [22:47] Tzezhin? [22:47] The size of the spark being larger from the axe seems to lend credance to Lady Anya's claim that the axe is the "most important". [22:47] What. [22:47] Oh, I meant to ask. Do any of your weapons *do* anything? [22:48] * Carter continues to scan. He winced when the two touched last time... [22:48] We've not really tested them yet... [22:48] As far as I know, mine's a technological marvel. But other than that, I think it kicks butt. [22:48] How do you make it work? [22:48] * Carter looks for a tree or rock or some non-monolith thing to try his on, while keeping his sensors up for anything that might occur. [22:48] * Tzezhin pulls out The Sword. "This does everything I need it to." [22:49] ( Doesn't Tzez have a monolith-weapon? ) [22:49] * There's a couple of nifty, handy-dandy rocks nearby. [22:50] ( He does. It's sheathed at his left hip--and if you've noticed, he's left-handed. ) [22:50] * Carter sees if he can do that cool "cut rocks in half" thing that he's seen in anime and television shows. Of course, he looks quite awkward and funny as he holds his sword over his head, but he brings it down with a ton of strength...almost litterally. [22:50] ( Hooray for lefties! ) [22:51] Tzez: Do it or I'll keep asking you. [22:51] Do what. [22:51] * The rock *shatters* into rubble, a sound almost like a crack of thunder going off, whence Carter's sword strikes it. [22:51] * Carter ponders. "Now, would that have happened with a normal sword? I really wish I knew something about these things." [22:52] What kind of a rock was it? [22:52] * 'twas a pretty normal rock. [22:52] Tzez: let me touch your new sword to my Axe. [22:52] Igneous, protruding, I believe. [22:52] ( Size? ) [22:52] * Small boulder. [22:52] * Tzezhin strokes his chin. "Possibly, depending on the quality." [22:53] I'm no geologist, though. But it seemed to have the appropriate characteristics. [22:53] * Tzezhin grabs the lowercase sword and tosses at Trast. "Here. Enjoy." [22:53] * Carter picks up a chunk of rock and tests the rock's integrity by trying to crush it, and measuring how much force it takes if he can. [22:53] Carter: If you want to scan this, get ready. [22:53] * Carter readies, and nods to Trast and Tzezhin. [22:54] * Trast touches the two together again, and tries to hold them there. [22:54] * Trasts hand is burning when he picks up the sword Tze tossed! His hand is melting! [22:54] ( or not.) [22:54] * Trast drops the sword. [22:54] What. [22:54] (Bet that hurt) [22:54] ...are you okay, Trast? [22:54] Hmmmm. [22:54] Someone else hold this for a second. [22:54] * Trast offers up the axe. [22:54] * Elonith raises an eyebrow. "You okay there? If you're too hurt I can patch you up." [22:54] ...uh... [22:54] * KaeollaRae says "Uh...ow." [22:55] Elonith, you want to see if you can use TK on that? I don't think any of us dare touch anothers' weapon. [22:55] Carter: well here, take mine and lets find out. [22:55] * Elonith uses his TK to hold it up. "I know what ya mean. Sentient weapons tend to be *very* tepremental." [22:56] ...I'd rather not. If I had gravitic manipulation, I'd try it, but... [22:56] * TK works. [22:56] ... why are you all so scared? [22:56] Melting hands tend not to be healthy for you. [22:57] They heal. [22:57] * KaeollaRae says "Don't speak for me, Hairy, but incase you didn't notice, you hand rather melted." [22:57] ( How badly injured does Trast's hand look? ) [22:57] (If it's too bad, I can take care of it. ^_^) [22:57] Hm... I'm going to try something. Roast, try to hold my sword. If it injurs you, drop it immediately, though, okay? [22:58] * Roast complies, reaching out and taking Carter's sword with its hand. [22:59] * A few moments pass. About 10 seconds in, Roast drops it, though. [22:59] Hm... Okay. Good, Roast. Sorry about that. *picks up the sword again* [22:59] * Elonith sighs. "You need me to take care of that hand for you? Looks like you really hurt yourself." [23:00] (What happened to Tzez's sword?) [23:00] Hey! You guys want to see how, or if, these swords react to that orb? [23:00] ( 'S on the ground. ) [23:00] (Elonith: Bandaid and genius, all in one. :P) [23:00] * Elo's been holding it up via TK. Have you tried it yet? [23:00] ( Tze's trying to pretend it doesn't exist. ) [23:00] * Trast pokes it with the axe, and tries to keep it in contact for a while. [23:00] ( Or not. ) [23:00] (If there are two swords, I'll hold both up with TK.) [23:00] Elo: I'm fine. [23:00] (I thought Elo was holding the axe with TK. ) [23:00] * Trasts hand is just a flesh would. Although it could have quickly beome worse. [23:01] ( It's only a flesh wound! ) [23:01] ( It's--darn you Trast. Darn you a lot. ) [23:01] ( FwarSharShar! ) [23:01] * Carter gets out the orb and touchs it to the side of his blade. [23:02] * Elonith chuckles. "Mearly a fleshwound. Mind picking that axe up before I do drop it?" [23:02] ( :P ) [23:02] * The orb dosen't react. But the sword does, giving off another spark. [23:02] ( Er, what axe? ) [23:03] ( Trast is still holding his ) [23:03] (Oh, right. Nevermind. Ret-con my last statement please?) [23:03] ( Shore. ) [23:03] Okay, we got new toys. Now, the question is what the hell do we do with them? [23:03] Carter, bring your sword over to these two. [23:04] * Carter tries again, holding the two together for a few seconds, or until it seems to become a [bad idea]. [23:04] Just a moment... [23:04] * It dosen't become a [bad idea] until the spark keeps on feeding from the contact, and engulfs Carter's sword. [23:05] ( Is that the same thing that happened when I held my axe against Tzez's sword? ) [23:05] * Yes, but on a longer scale. [23:05] * Carter separates them hastilly! [23:05] ( Trast seperates Carter hostilly!) [23:06] * The blaze of energy surrounding Carter's sword dies down rapidly. [23:06] * Carter also blinks a bit. "That's the first time I've felt like I was being blinded through my nanocloud..." [23:07] Alrighty... let's try this, now. *brings his sword up to touch it to Tzezhin's hovering sword* [23:07] * KaeollaRae seems to be becoming bored. [23:07] * Yummy yummy sparks. [23:08] Okay, okay. I must've missed it, as I've been resting after porting you guys on the merry trip around The Relm. What the hell did I miss? [23:08] ...incoming Thanatos. [23:08] Maybe *he* will answer some questions. [23:09] * Carter has Roast move so that Carter is between the annoying Lord of Light's approach vector and the nanite-mass servant. [23:09] I doubt he knows. He will probably be dangerous, therefore. [23:09] Then we make him go away, or kill him. [23:09] * Carter eyes Trast oddly. [23:10] * Elonith shrugs. "Killing, no. Only as a very last resort. If we take him out, the other lords will see us as more hostile than before." [23:10] I did say "or" [23:10] * And Thanatos is in visual range, now! You can see a figure glowing like the friggin sun walking, at a steady pace. [23:11] * KaeollaRae says "Well, I guess Dorkster is back...kinda like a rash that won't go away." [23:11] ...he seems to be more decked out than before. *takes the orb from Roast, and holds it in his left hand, behind his back. His sword is in his left hand* [23:11] *Er, sword in right hand* [23:12] * Elonith twirls his sword, then lowers it into a guard position as the lord approaches. [23:12] * Carter 's sword is at a careless, unpracticed point-down angle. [23:13] (Yeah, sure. I have no skill with swords. You think that stops my ACV of 8 and DCV of 6?) [23:13] * And then Thanatos is there; he's got the white sheet on again, concealing his features. He's also glowing [White]. [23:14] ( Don't make me hurt you, Elo. ;) ) [23:14] (Elo: oddly, that actually matches my ACV/DCV *with* the skill bonuses) [23:14] ( ;_; ) [23:15] Good day, Lord Thanatos. To what do we owe the honor of your visit, today? [23:15] Hmph. Brigands. And you're armed. Do you have some idea in your tiny little heads to try and fight me? [23:15] Brigands? You are being insulting. Is there a reason? [23:15] Wow, pulling out the big words now. Maybe I should talk slowly so you understand me. [23:15] Roast! Leave the shiny man alone. *Roast goes back behind Carter* [23:15] * Tzezhin stares flatly at Thanatos. "You are just now noticing that we bear arms?" [23:15] Honor? Don't make me laugh. And if I'm demoted to messenger, I'm -not- going to be pleasent about it. [23:16] Thanatos: I think I've just infected them all with my brutish nature. [23:16] * Carter snickers. [23:16] You are a messenger? [23:16] * KaeollaRae says "Did someone drop you on your head when you were an infnat or did you just hit it against a wall a few too many times listening to pounding music?" [23:16] * Elonith laughs. "Not really. Just on my guard." [23:16] * Thanatos glares witheringly at Trast. "Then when this is over, I shall remove the cancer at its source." [23:17] What cancer would that be? Perhaps I can help. Though I'm not a medical doctor... *starts scanning the Lord, and trying to figure out how to merge certain waveforms. Not doing it yet, but getting ready...* [23:17] * Trast completely misses the cancer references. [23:17] * Thanatos turns from Trast, and looks at Da Party as a whole. You can somehow feel the condescending attitude of it, despite not being able to see his eyes. [23:17] * Tzezhin crosses his arms. He's not in the mood. "You say you are here as a messenger. Well, what's the message?" [23:18] Cephiro has called a meeting. The subject, you brigands. [23:18] Your attendance is requested. [23:18] * KaeollaRae says "That's nice." [23:18] Why do you insist on calling us "brigands"? [23:18] * Carter looks a bit hurt by the designation. [23:19] What *IS* a brigand? [23:19] Until you prove than you are better than lawless fools, that is what I shall call you. [23:19] Guilty until proven innocent? How...primative. [23:19] I've yet to see *you* do anything particularly smart. [23:19] * Trast glares at Carter. [23:19] * Tzezhin eyes Thanatos. "You mean those who do not abide by *your* laws." [23:20] * Carter does his best to assume his own hauty demeanor. It...lacks something. But he's trying! [23:20] *haughty. [23:20] * Thanatos turns his back to Da Party, and starts walking. "I will answer no more questions." [23:20] * Tzezhin shrugs. "Then it seems we shall not be at the meeting." [23:20] Not even "Where is this meeting?" [23:20] Follow. [23:20] * Elonith relaxes his guard. "That's nice. Although I do believe you are mistaken, as we are not fools. And you, sir, are by far the worst purvayor of 'Justice' I have ever had the experience of ever encountering." [23:20] Since you have not told us where it will be convening. [23:20] * Carter rises so that his head is a few inches above Thanatos's, and complies. [23:20] * KaeollaRae says while waving at the party "Well, you all have fun with Dorkster. I'm going to have some fun in that town over there. Buh-bye." and she runs towards the edge of the plateua and leaps off towards the ground below yelling "Waaaahhooooooo!". [23:21] ... [23:21] * And Thanatos stops, and looks quietly at Elonith. [23:21] * Roast floats behind Carter, looking curiously at the shiny guy. [23:21] * Trast doesn't move. [23:21] * Elonith grins. [23:21] * Tzezhin shakes his head and taps his foot. "Well? More self-important banter?" [23:21] Convince your... energetic friend to follow. Else I will. [23:21] Have at her. She is no friend of mine. [23:21] Go ahead. She runs off like that all the time, really. [23:22] Good luck getting her to listen, though. [23:22] * Tzezhin steps ahead. "Do what you like with her." [23:22] ( *steps aside) [23:22] ( Kae: Feel the love! ^_~ ) [23:22] (Love so sweet) [23:23] Very well. [23:23] ( If at any point in time Thanatos seems to be ignoring him, Trast is gonna smash him with his Axe.) [23:23] (Heh Heh) [23:23] * Thanatos holds one hand out, and intones something quietly, eyes locked on Kae. [23:23] ( Thanatos! Ignore Trast! Please! ) [23:23] (Kaeolla is an excellent distraction =P ) [23:24] ( Jex, so let me know, right? ) [23:24] * A ball of white energy shoots at at Kae! Kae! Defense roll! [23:24] (Not that he can see her to lock them on unless he's changed positions ; ) ) [23:24] * Carter gestures to Roast while Thanatos is busy, and Roast flows through its liquid silver-and-black form into that of a hawk, and lands on his shoulder. [23:24] * Thanatos seems to be keeping an eye on the rest of you, though, thourghout this. ESPECIALLY Trast. [23:25] ( Guess I couldn't expect to have the same trick work twice) [23:25] ( Kae! Defense roll, ranged. ) [23:25] ( Too bad, too. Thanatos irritates Carter almost as much as Kae does. ) [23:25] (Well, she did jump off the edge of whatever plateu we're on.) [23:25] (I gather he's changed position, dispite the GM not specifically mentioning it.) [23:26] ( No, the ball is following her. ) [23:26] (Ohhh. Homing.) [23:26] ( Oooh, homing attack. :9 ) [23:26] (HE shouldn't be able to target her if he can't see her.) [23:26] (Sensors!) [23:26] (homing or not) [23:26] (He could have sensors. Just roll. :P) [23:26] ( ROLL ALREADY ) [23:27] * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 1. [23:27] ( He's one of the High and Mighty. He dosen't have to deal with such trivialities. =p ) [23:27] ( Elfy: It's called "NPC magic". It happens from time-to-time. ) [23:27] (Well, he can't shoove it up his ghost sheet then) [23:27] * The ball of white energy shoots past... then turns around and heads for her again. [23:27] * 'nother roll! [23:27] * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 6. [23:28] (DR) [23:28] * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 7. [23:28] (fine) [23:28] ( Dicesuke no like you tonight. ;_; ) [23:31] * And poor Kae passes out, dropping like a rock. 'cuz thats what happens when you're in the negatives in EP. [23:31] Retrieve her. [23:31] I'm not your lacky. [23:32] * Carter smirks. "Neat trick. Do you do birthday parties?" [23:32] * Elonith rolls his eyes. "You knocked her out, you get her." [23:32] ( I didn't figure Carter to be the kind of guy to enjoy parties with unconcious chicks >_> ) [23:32] ( I love you, Kae. ) [23:33] (Can you feel the love?) [23:33] * Thanatos starts shaking a fist. "Retrieve. Her. You brutes." [23:33] ( Carter made a rude comment. He's come a long way. Or Thanatos has just _really_ annoyed him. ) [23:33] Or what? You'll knock us all out? Then you'll have a hard time carrying us all. [23:34] * Tzezhin sighs. "Carter, could you just....float her, or something? Let us get this over and done with." [23:34] Brutes? We didn't knock out a girl just because she wasn't going along with our advances. [23:34] If it comes to that, I'll just dispose of you. [23:34] If you don't, he'll only keep talking. [23:35] I have no qualms with wiping lawless sinners from this land. Now. Retrieve her, and follow me. [23:35] I would again ask what gives your law precedence above all others, but I don't care any more. [23:36] * Tzezhin grumps off and hefts up Kae by the tail, holding her away from him, and walks along. [23:36] ... I'll get her... Roast, take this, please. [23:36] * Tzezhin holds Kae out to Carter. "Be my guest." [23:36] (Unless Tzezhin can fly, that might be hard since he's atop a plateau) [23:36] * Elonith eyes Thanatos. [23:37] ( You can hush too. ) [23:37] * Carter hands the orb to Roast, who opens up breifly to accept it, and then sheathes his sword in his belt, such as it is, before taking Kae laying across his arms. [23:37] * Thanatos turns, and starts walking at a easy-to-follow pace, heading to the nearby town. [23:37] * Tzezhin grumps off. Grump grump grump. [23:38] * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 7. [23:38] ( And of course it's impossible to get anywhere from a plateau unless you can fly!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG) [23:38] * Elonith idly flicks Thanatos off. Hey, if he wants to insult us, sure. I'm just gonna do the same back to him. [23:38] ( So Thanatos is facing away from me, right? ) [23:38] ( Yep. ) [23:38] (or other means of getting of the plateau) [23:38] ( Plateau != island. :P ) [23:38] * Trast smashes Thanatos with his new Axe! [23:39] (That's dumb, Kaeolla was going there anyways) [23:39] * 'tack roll! Because he whirls around to face you just as you start to strike! [23:39] ( Sorry? We mentioned something about Thanatos being smart? ;P ) [23:39] * Trast stops the axe before it hits Thanatos. [23:39] Just checking. [23:40] ... [23:40] * Carter supresses a chuckle. [23:40] Follow. *he turns around again, and continues walking.* [23:41] * Carter keeps staring rather hard at Thanatos, as if more than just his eyes were examining the Lord. [23:41] * Tzezhin grumps forth! For great grumpness! [23:41] * Elonith walks forward, and idly wonders if he can make the lord trip... [23:41] * Carter floats along, just slightly higher than the Lord, with Kae in his arms and Roast on his shoulder. [23:42] * Trast decides that walking on all fours is more fun for the moment, and stashes his Axe to knuckle walk. [23:42] Hmmm, I wonder. As we didn't dileberatly break a religious law, how are we sinners. [23:42] Whats a sin, anyway? [23:42] I don't know about you guys, but his logic is thinner than 1-ply toilet paper. [23:43] * Soon enough, you've reached the nearby town. Upon closer inspection, the buildings are actually entrances underground. [23:43] His logic is nonexistant, actually, if you apply a strict symbolic analysis to it. [23:43] ( XOR!!) [23:44] Makes me wonder how the fuck he got a 'justice' title. I mean, really. The last person you want doing that is someone with faulty logic and insufficent sumo. [23:44] * Thanatos stops at one of them. "There is a gate here. I've already set it to your destination. Step though, and then I shall follow." [23:44] You first. [23:44] Is it two-way? [23:44] * Carter scans the gate! ^_^ [23:44] At this point, does it really matter? [23:44] Yes. [23:44] * Tzezhin stomps through. [23:45] * Carter sends the hawk through, and back, and waits for it to relay what it saw. [23:45] I do not trust you; you reak of fanaticism and prejudice. [23:46] Not only that, you suck. [23:46] ( And meanwhile, Tze's already inside. ) [23:46] Thanatos: "Ugh" [23:46] ( Bah. Hang on a sec for description. ) [23:46] ( * Tzezhin dies! Muhahaha! ) [23:46] ( He doesn't care. He's still sulking. ) [23:47] ( Who's got his lower-case sword, now, anyway? ) [23:47] ( You. ) [23:47] ( Yer still floatin' it.) [23:47] (I'm still floating it.) [23:47] ( Right, that you. ) [23:47] ( I can't float things. That's Elo's dept. ) [23:47] ( The one that floats things. ^^ ) [23:47] (*whistles* [23:47] ) [23:48] ( That's right, Carter floats people, Elo floats things. ) [23:48] ( No... I carry people. I have no TK whatsoever...yet. ) [23:48] ( Exactly, you float people. ) [23:48] ( Trast floats in water....) [23:48] ( You carry people while you float. XD ) [23:49] (I can carry people while he floats. ^_^) [23:49] * On the other side... is a large, circular hall. There's a section of wall set out, with a desk in front, that seats seven, white. And another one, to the side, that's colored a dark grey. The ceiling dome has pictures of various angelic figures, and the windows in it are arranges as such to angle the light from the sun upon both sets of seats. [23:49] * Tzezhin strides into the center of the hall and stands, arms crossed. Sulky. [23:49] It looks safe. *floats through* [23:49] * Only the white part is occupied; 2 people are sitting there. [23:50] * Trast waits for Thanatos to go through. [23:50] * Cephiro is one. A girl with blue hair, and wearing a pink dress, her eyes covered by her hair, sits next to him. [23:50] * Elonith flicks off Thanatos. "Your claims will wear thin in the light of those with a brain." [23:51] * Elonith walks through. [23:51] * Carter lays Kae on the floor, and rises so that he is on eye level with the 2 present Lords, and sits cross-legged in the air. He says nothing just yet, regarding them silently. [23:51] * Carter holds his sword across his lap, hilt near his right hand. [23:52] * Thanatos himself comes through last, and walks past Da Party as if they weren't there, taking a seat with the other two present. [23:52] ( Er, I was waiting until after Thanatos went through. ) [23:52] ( Well, everyone else is already there. ) [23:52] ( As was he. ) [23:52] ( "he" ? ) [23:53] * Elonith creates a sheath out of part of his belt and sheathes his sword. "Well well. Good day to you Cephiro. Your messenger is... inconsiderate and dull. At best." [23:53] ( We're going to be waiting a long time for those two stubborn people, aren't we. ) [23:53] * Cephiro glances at Da Party, then looks over at the blue-haired girl. She nods, the Cephiro looks at Da Party. [23:53] (How do you know? He might have killed GhostDork when no one was watching =P ) [23:53] * Trast is forced through the door by plot *whaaaaa* [23:53] ( You make me look so bad. ;_; ) [23:53] I apologize. But, he knew were you were, so it was best to send him at the moment. [23:53] Well met once more, Lord Cephiro. And I assume you are the Lady Anya, mademoiselle? *inclines his head to the two Lords of Light who are not Thanatos* [23:54] * Tzezhin ignores and grumps. [23:54] * Tzezhin grumps and ignores. [23:54] * The blue-haired girl looks up, then at Carter. [23:54] * Trast rises to his full upright posture before the Lords. It's about 7 foot tall and looks vaguely uncomfortable. [23:54] (Aya has a missing arm) [23:54] (Hey, *YOU* were the one who threw a NPC at us who was apparently of truth and justice while we hadn't done something wrong.) [23:54] ( So? ) [23:54] (That Christy probably) [23:55] * Elonith stays his four-foot self. [23:55] ( NPCs of Truth and Justice can only show up when someone's done something wrong? ) [23:55] ( What do they do on their free time then? ) [23:55] ( Bah. He's Religion Gone Bad. ) [23:55] (And have him insult us for not doing something wrong?) [23:55] ( Carter can be wrong... It's unusual, but can happen. Especially when processing power is devoted elsewhere. ) [23:56] * Carter 's eye widen as he regards the Lady. [23:56] ( Oh yes. any particularly strong thoughts say in chan, in oO( ). On account of having a TP present. ) [23:57] It is as I feared, then. You are another set of Lords. [23:57] Oh? [23:57] oO( Why does everyone around here insist on wasting so much time) [23:57] * Elonith semi-salutes Cephiro. [23:58] If that's what you'd like to call us. [23:58] * Carter is still regarding the Lady, as if awaiting a response of some sort. [23:58] Then... would you opject to a formalizing of the title? [23:59] What does that do? [23:59] ...I don't feel particularly lordly... *breaks eye contact, looking embarrassed again* [00:00] ( I want to hit Carter for his self-effacement right about now... ) [00:00] oO( GRUMP GRUMP GRUMP I AM ANGRY SULKY. ) [00:00] oO( Get to the point already) [00:01] oO( Why do I have to have this stupid sword? I *like* my Sword. I don't want to be a lord, I just want to go home. Also, people stupid. And Teresis used to wonder why I actually *liked* being alone.) [00:01] * Cephiro grins, and Thanatos looks aghast. "Not much. It would cement the fact for all to know, and you would have the repuataion backing you." [00:01] Look, we're not in it for the glory, or the fame, or any of that other shit. Power's nice, but honestly? I don't want it. [00:02] And... I would feel better about this business if you agreed. I don't like the idea of you going about as a wildcard. [00:02] If it's "not much", Why go through so much effort to do it? [00:02] oO(And everyone's acting like having a sword is this gigantic huge cool thing. Huh. What do they know anyway? Stupid people. I wanna go home.) [00:02] (Wow, the inner Tzezhin is such a whinerboy =P ) [00:02] oO(Why do we have to have matching Lords? This is stupid and pointless. Grr. Grump. ) [00:02] (Only when he's grumpy. ) [00:03] * Carter scratches the back of his head nervously. "How would being formally ennobled make us less wildcard? If you cannot trust us now, how does that change things? I do not wish trouble, I am merely asking for information. I'm a scientist, you see." [00:03] * Christy looks particularly at Elo. [00:03] (( are we hearing each other's thoughts?, or just the NPC's hearing it? )) [00:03] (She trying to read me particularly?) [00:03] ( Just the NPCs, I think. ) [00:03] (And I know you said strong feelings--those are the strong feelings. ) [00:03] ( Nope. ) [00:04] (If you were listening to the lower level, you'd hear him wondering if anyone would really care if he were to smash open Kae's head like a watermelon, and have all the innards squish about.) [00:04] oO( Mental static; silly terran radio waves *almost* on a telepathic bandwidth. ) [00:04] * Elonith smirks. [00:05] (I honestly don't understand Tzezhin's hostility towards Kae - She's not done a single thing to him, unlike Carter, whom she has only embarrised) [00:05] ( He thinks she's completely inept, stupid, and just plain disruptive. He didn't really care too much about her, though, until that "bumping Carter into the room" incident.) [00:05] More to the point, why do you believe us to be Lords? [00:05] ( Trast think's Kae is an idiot, but then he thinks that about all the rest of you as well. Silly civilized people are *way* to confused ) [00:05] ( *That* was just dumb, and for no reason other than she was being whiny and stupid. ) [00:06] * Cephiro glances at Christy. "She's heard from her servants." [00:06] (How was that action whiny? Annoying, perhaps, dangerous, perhaps, foolish even, but whiny?) [00:06] Ah, yes, the trio. We've only met two. Tell them thanks for warning Julia, too, please. Sorry for confusing you with another, m'Lady. [00:07] (Oh, I don't feel like being a good group member! I wanna do something outrageous that'll make me look wild and cool! ) [00:07] Thanatos has been tracking your progress through the monoliths. And... they're different, since you've interacted with them. [00:07] So what makes people Lords anyway, and why does "confirming" it do anything? [00:07] oO( *static* I hope RB3 doesn't get to her... *static* ) [00:08] A known quantity is less dangerous than an unknown. ... it seems you're not that eager to announce yourselves. [00:08] (Looking wild and cool had nothing to do with it - but believe what your perspective's insight reveals) [00:08] ( See, Tze doesn't like working with a group in the first place, but if he has to, he'll generally do a good job just so's it'll be over with...he can't abide people who make difficult things even more difficult. ) [00:08] * Christy frowns, and looks sharply at Cephiro and Thanatos. [00:08] ( Do I really need to clarify that that was Tze's opinion. ) [00:09] Our ... reluctance ... was to avoid making enemies. We did not wish to draw attention to ourselves, and face the established Order; we are not that powerful. [00:09] Fame's not worth it. You, above all people, should know that. [00:09] * There's a blanket telepathic transmission; Anya and Naoki fighting, and a familiar building collapsing. The Lighthouse. And a scream. [00:09] Also, you should know that fighting isn't an answer. I'd hate to see another lake made like that... [00:10] Ok, who just did that? [00:10] ( Blanket like everyone? ) [00:10] ( Yep. ) [00:10] It seems we have a problem. [00:10] * Carter 's face goes ashen. [00:10] (Except obviously Kaeolla) [00:10] * Tzezhin blinks, shaken from his grumping. "...what?" [00:10] I *SAID* who just did that? [00:10] ( She dreams it? ) [00:10] oO( *ANGER* ) [00:10] Let the fool girl get herself killed, if she wishes to challenge Anya. [00:11] oO( *STATICPANICSTATICANGERSTATICFEARSTATICSTATICDREADICYFEARFOROTHERSSTATIC!* ) [00:11] * Trast lopes over to Cephiro and gets in his face. [00:11] Who. Did. That. [00:11] * Carter turns to Thanatos, teeth gritted, "What. Do. You. Mean." [00:11] .oO(Someone's gonna get themselves killed) [00:12] * Carter 's feet drop from cross legged to a near-standing posture, his sword is gripped tightly in his hand. [00:12] Well, you have to admit it won't really be much of a loss. [00:12] * ~I did. Apologies... I forgot to limit myself.~ [00:12] Explain! [00:12] ( Was that in my head again?) [00:12] * Christy looks over Da Party. Nope, her mouth isn't moving. [00:12] ( Yep! ) [00:12] She's a telepath. [00:13] ( Do I have any idea that it was her? ) [00:13] WHAT HAS HAPPENED!? [00:13] * ~One of my servants is trying to break up a fight~ [00:13] * ~And her ward has been injured~ [00:13] Julia!? Who attacks? [00:13] * Elonith sighs. "I *hate hate hate* having a concience. Let's go break up the fight." [00:14] * Carter jumps to conclusions! [00:14] ...I do admit it would be a shame if that one were to be injured. She seemed sane enough. [00:14] * Trast attempts to kill Christy with tone and look. [00:14] * Cephiro frowns. "If you prefer to break it up, go ahead. I'm going to track down Xelph." [00:14] Stay out of my head if you want this to stay "Civilized" [00:15] Get me there NOW! *he's positively seething* [00:15] * Christy looks apologetically at Trast. [00:15] * Roast seems agitated by his master's demeanor. [00:15] Let me revive your friend, first. *Thanatos growls.* [00:15] Calm down, both of you. [00:15] * Elonith kicks Carter in the shins. "Snap out of it." [00:15] Neither of your attitudes will accomplish anything. [00:15] ( Ha, now he's pretending he's been mature all along. ) [00:15] * Carter almost decapitates Elonith, but clumsilly stops. "Don't. Do. That. Again." [00:16] * Elonith grins. [00:16] * Cephiro snaps his hand, and Kae awakes with a start, like an insane amount of caffience was just injected into her. [00:16] * Carter kicks Elonith in the shins, spitefully. [00:16] * Trast smacks Carter on the back of the head. [00:16] STOP. IT. [00:16] If anyone is going to be fighting you all, it's going to be me. [00:16] ALL of you. [00:16] * KaeollaRae sits there watching the display and seems amused, dispite her coming into the middle of things. [00:16] Leave the fighting to the "primative" [00:16] Brutes. Do as you will. [00:16] ... *calms, apparently. Roast's still very agitated, though.* [00:17] * Thanatos exits through a nearby exit. [00:17] ( Be very very glad Carter's not got a grav attack. Thanatos would be so dead now... ) [00:17] Thana... he won't listen. [00:17] Cephiro: So I take it you don't like what he's doing? [00:17] Tell me, who shoved a pole up his ass? [00:17] If you wish my cooperation, get me there now. Or I find my own way there. [00:17] You don't have time to talk about this! [00:18] * Carter glares ice at Cephiro. Burning ice. [00:18] * Elonith walks over to Kaeolla and tries to heal her. Might as well make her concious... [00:18] Get going! *he clasps his hands, and yells something; a silver portal forms. 2 of them.* [00:18] * KaeollaRae just notices Thanatos as he leaves and thinks.oO("You can run Ghost but we'll meet again.") [00:18] * Kae is completely concious. [00:19] oO(What the hell is going on now?) [00:19] (Oh, right. Didn't notice that) [00:19] Where are we going, saving who now? [00:19] * Cephiro jumps over the desk, and bounds through one of them, which closes behind him. [00:19] * Elonith shrugs and jumps through. .oO(Why me?) [00:19] * Carter flies through the one that remains, as fast has his nanites will carry him! Roast is along for the ride. [00:19] * Christy watches impassively. [00:20] oO( *STATIC!* ) [00:20] * Tzezhin figures the boys will be able to handle things, and sits down opposite Christy. "So, you are a telepath." [00:20] * Trast looks over at Christy. [00:20] ( Blah. Splitting up on me? ) [00:20] Can you *tell* me what just happened here? [00:20] * KaeollaRae stands and looks at Christy unpassionately for a brief moment. She then turns and follows though the portal. [00:21] oO( *if she gets in my head again I'm going to kill her I swear* ) [00:21] ( What chan do you want us angry rescuy people in, Jex? ) [00:21] ( If you're splitting up, join #Lifabrawl [00:21] ( As opposed to the angry non-rescuey people. ) [00:21] ( Back in one moment... ) [00:22] * Christy nods at Tzezhin. [00:22] ( That everyone who's a savin' people? ) [00:22] ( Back ) [00:22] * Tzezhin looks at Christy. "Are you capable of 'normal' speech?" [00:23] * Christy blinkblinks at Tzezhin. [00:23] Through vocal means. [00:23] (Who says Kaeolla's saving anyone. She was just leaving though the most convienent exit =) ) [00:23] ( Elo's not joining? ) [00:23] (Eh? Oh.) [00:24] ( * Carter cheerfully dismembers Kaeolla and feeds her bit by bit to the Cleaver. ) [00:24] (Kaeolla only woke up and has no idea what is though the portal Carter) [00:24] (Only that is leads to somewhere else) [00:25] * Christy's voice is extremely soft. It's like she's whispering. "Yes." [00:25] ( So? He does it anyway. ) [00:25] * Tzezhin glances over at Trast. "So could you answer his question?" [00:25] ( You forget, Carter's not exactly rational right now. What self-control he's got you can thank the computers in his brain for. ) [00:26] * Christy blinkblinks. [00:26] I asked if you could tell me what just went on here. [00:26] ( Lotsa backlog. Which question was his? ^_^; ) [00:26] ( He wanted to know what was going on, verbally. ) [00:27] I got that someone was attacking someone else, but not who or why, or why anyone cared. [00:27] ( This is why the OOC chan is a good idea o/~ Less backlog. ) [00:27] ( Yup! ) [00:27] ( Bah, but then you have to switch chan's) [00:27] ( Boo hoo, so difficult. ) [00:27] (Like reading text in the channel is any more difficult Tzezhin) [00:28] ( not difficult, annoyingly time consuming) [00:28] ( Elfy: What are you trying to say? It's not coming out. ) [00:28] * Christy blinks, then frowns. "Fight. Ward injured." [00:28] "Ward" ? [00:28] You don't talk well, do you? [00:28] (That having OOC comments in channel isn't any more difficult or annoying) [00:29] ( Logwise it is. ) [00:29] ( It disrupts the continuity of what's going on. ) [00:29] * Christy shakes her head. [00:29] ( It's not difficult, though. ) [00:29] Right. Guess I'll go find out first hand. [00:29] * Trast charges off through the portal. [00:35] * Christy points at Tze's forehead, specifically at the marking on it, questioningly. [00:36] * Tzezhin touches it. "A...'gift'. From my master. It senses and categorizes magic." [00:44] (Wow, Jex's really ignoring this channel.) [00:44] ( Gee, wonder why. ) [00:44] ( because of *COMBAT!* [00:44] (COMBAT!) [00:44] (Init people!) [00:44] ((No, not really)) [00:45] * Tzezhin looks aside at the portal. "Could you...show me what is going on?" [00:46] ( Hm. If she can, then maybe you should just join the other chan and lurk. That's your "window". ) [00:46] * Christy nods, and touches Tze's forehead. ~Let me show you~ [00:47] ( Good point. ) [00:53] They seem to be fine. [00:54] * Tzezhin glances around. "How much preparation was made for this meeting, if I may ask?" [00:55] * ~It was meant to be small. It's hard to track all of us down sometimes~ [00:55] I see. And do all of you *gestures around to show that he's meaning both Light and Shadow* know about this? [00:56] * ~All have not been contacted yet. I did not tell them.~ [00:58] Ah. [00:59] You are referring to that situation *the portal* or the one which led us here? [00:59] * ~Yours.~ [01:01] I see. [01:01] So this offer of yours...it is only bound by an accord of you, Cephiro and Thanatos? [01:01] * ~It will be official. Do not run from power. It will find you in the end.~ [01:01] Mm. [01:02] * ~ ... It is best to accept it on your own terms.~ [01:02] Hn. [01:06] ( Ahem. About to collapse. ) [01:06] ( Just sayin'. ) [01:07] ( Shary tired? ) [01:07] * Christy cups her hands, and smiles. A small, pink butterfly alights from it, and lands on Tze's nose. [01:07] ( SIck. ) [01:07] ( Well, and tired. ) [01:07] ( poor Shary ) [01:07] * Tzezhin glares cross-eyed at it, and twitches his nose.. [01:08] ( I keep wanting to do *it now, instead of "he". ^^ ) [01:08] (Reverse reverse!) [01:10] *** Trast (Lafing_Cat@d-131-151-189-037.dynamic.umr.edu) has left #7Lords [01:10] ( Uh? We done? ) [01:11] ( Possibly. ) [01:11] ( Oh. *eyes Trast* ) [01:23] * Trast comes through the existing portal, dragging an unconcious Naoki. He collapses himself shortly after. [01:25] * Tzezhin looks at the two, then picks up Trast and lays him out somewhere vaguely comfortable. [01:25] * Tzezhin leaves Naoki where she lies. [01:26] * Trasts looks pretty damned well beat up. While Naoki just looks somewhat hurt. [01:27] * Tzezhin looks at Trast a bit, then goes through the portal. [01:39] * Every'un makes it through the portal back. Yay! [01:40] * And now it ends.