* Carter challenges Elonith to a game of Duck Hunt. You're on! * Elonith takes out a light zapper. * Trast challenges you all to a game of Wildebeast Hunt. * Carter pulls out his own, and logs into Elo's laptop to load up his ROM of the game. * Elonith motions, and a large pefectly flat white screen comes in. The laptop opens up and a projector projects the game onto the surface. *** Joins: Dicesuke (akodomakot@ip68-13-175-200.om.om.cox.net) Greetings, Dicesuke. * On the other side of the arcade, a menu pops up. "Choose a game! A) Return to Mage Acres: Hard Mode. B) Zig Assault! C) Guarding the Ivory Tower." * Carter examines the options. "Hm... Ivory Tower sounds interesting... but so does taht Mage Acres thing. WHat do you guys think?" * Elonith shoots Zig Assault. "That answer the question?" ^_^ * KaeollaRae votes D) Yanking off Carter's pants, revealing his boxers with heart shapes on it, and running away with them laughing madly with a gleeful expression as she does. ( Trast: This is IC, now. =p ) Anywho, when are we starting? ( Huh what now? ) * Carter glares at Kaeolla. "I wear briefs." Wait, we're IC now? * Elonith looks around. Aren't we missing someone? As IC as this is gonna get. ^_^ * KaeollaRae says "Oh, dull as ever." * Carter blinks as a mechanical female voice says, "Warning, Incoming Game. Warning, Incoming Minx." ... * Elonith sighs. Well, none of this shit counts until the session starts. ( Shary can't make it. And wanna finish up mini's fore going on with Plot! Which I've actually got something cool in mind. ) (is it icey cool, or merely breezy cool, or perhaps subzero cool?) Jex: I warned you what would happen next time Minx showed up... *** Joins: Roast (Segev_Stor@d-131-151-189-038.dynamic.umr.edu) * Trast makes himself a Minx fur coat. ;_; * Roast morphs! This fur is definately murder. *** Roast is now known as Slime * Elonith rolls his eyes. Anyways. Hurry up and pick something, ya hear? Oh, fine. *chooses Ivory Tower* * Ivory Tower: 1. Zig Assault!: 1 <_< Zig assault on the Ivory Tower? *hides* ... Trast, caveman, buddy. What about you? This is a group game, after all. And you too, blueberry. The Ivory Tower isn't any good. What's a 'Zig' ? You don't want to know. ^_^ Fighterish thingie. All you need to know is... For great justice, move every Zig. Bah. You people and your 'justice' I'll take A. And... we have a tie here. Of course it would fall to the blueberry to be the tiebreaker. ( KaeRae is a bluberry ? ) (yup =) ) ( Kae is blue. With a tail. ) ( I've never seen a blueberry with a tail.... ) ( Blueberry is a nickname. She's a furry blue humanoid. >_> ) ( http://www.angelfire.com/clone2/jex/images/KaeRae00.jpg ) (not any more furry than a normal person, but yes, she has blueberry skin.) ( she looks like nightcrawlers twin sister >_> ) * KaeollaRae smiles and says "I like zigging and assaulting." (Yes, but sexier and with the normal 5 digits on each extremity.) ( oh right, he does only have 3 fingers ) Zig Assault it is. And now I turn the scene over to the GM. *bows, and fades out* * Fadeout! Ye 4 are in a shipbay! There's 2 Zig's there, and they're both doubleseaters. ...anyone know how to fly one of those? Not a clue. * Elonith takes a seat in one of them. * Carter climbs into the other. And attempts to "talk" to it. * Trast climbs in whichever one is closer. * KaeollaRae climbs in the one that Trast doesn't. * Whos flying, and who's shooting, and in which one? ( I don't think we know ) * Carter: You can 'talk' to it just fine. * KaeollaRae kicks whomever is in the drivers seat out to the shotgun seat while saying "Gidover sweety." ( That'd be Carter, I think. =p ) * Carter pulls up tech specs, and tries to establish direct control. He's all blank faced and not-there looking. (Heh Heh - naturally) * Carter flops when Kae tries to push him aside, insensate. ( I don't have any time to take this apart and figure out how it works, do I? _ ( Nope! ) * Alarms are blaring! * KaeollaRae sits in the drivers seat and 'buckles up'. * Trast pokes randomly and buttons and levers. ( * at 0 * Elonith tries to figure out which seat he's in. Pilot's or gunner's. ^_^; * Carter absently straps into whichever seat he's in now. And seals the cockpit. * Trast/Elo: Whos in front? Front is pilot, rear is gunner. * Elonith is in front. * Trast must obviously be gunner then. * Gunners: You have joysticks and targetting screens and radaer and stuff! Pilots: Joysticks, speed/throttle control, radar, and stuff. *comm* Well, Kae, if you're piloting, shouldn't we take off? * Elonith takes off! * Taking off would be good. As the ship bay is starting to explode! * KaeollaRae does just that, putting the perverbial peddle to the metal. * Trast attempts to figure out what 'radaer' would do. ( Jex, is this revenge for the space fight that dropped the Traitors off? ) (It's a personal Shock system -BZZZZAP!) * Both Zigs just barely clear the mother ship as it explodes, fire and debris engulfing you for a moment. 'Target: Catz Fortress' shows up on the radar screens. Off way way that way. Through the hordes of tiny little mook fighters and stuff. * Elonith flies. "Plenty of targets, ne?" * 'Target: Catz Fortress' shows up on the Radear screens, too. Just so you gunners don't get left out. (I assume I have access to the radar as well?) ( Pilot and gunner have radar, yeah. ) ( Nope. just the radear. ) (Damn.) * Carter is so going to miss everything. "Are you sure you want me responsible for firing, Miss Rae?" * Elonith talks over the intercom. "It's better than you flying." (That is, if there is one. Which there should be.) ( It's like impossible to miss with high level Zig weaponry. You know how much levels of Spreading they have? X_x ) * KaeollaRae replys "Yeeeeeehhhaaaaaaah!!!!" as she goes as fast as the Zig will zip. * Elonith puts the peddal to the meddal as well. "No you don't!" He zips after Kaeolla. * Trast attempts to graze KR's plane with his shots. * KaeollaRae blows Elonith a kiss "Bubye!" * Kae's Zig, henceforth referred to as KZig, shoots ahead! Then the E-Zig starts catching up. Piloting rolls to see who's faster! * KaeollaRae jinks about to avoid being a target. *voice coming over the comm without any of the normal distortion of a comm* Actually, I think I could fly it quite well..but, given the wide spread...just don't get in my firing arc, okay, Trast? Elonith? (Pilioting is avg of body and mind, right?) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 3. Sure thing. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 8. (Heh, just made it.) ( Body/Mind average, yeah. ) * Oh, yes. Trast: 'tack roll with your puny starting out peashooter! * Carter testfires a random weapon. ( Mee, too? ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 3. Hooray! * KZig! Def roll! With a -2 due to manuevereness. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-3) and gets 1. ( <_< ) * KZig rolls out of the way. Go KZig! ( I wasn't trying to actually hit her, just a "warning shot" ) * A line of 3 sphere-shaped enemy fighters approach on an attack vector! * Carter tries to hit them, calculating vectors like a machine. * KaeollaRae says to Carter "Better get to shoottin' Sugar." * Trast *does* hit them. * 'tack rolls, with your peashooters! * KaeollaRae jigs and jukes. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 7. We got bogies incoming~ ( No chance in hell. ) * Elonith grins despite himself. Always wanted to say that. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 10. .... or not. Blast it! I cannot calculate fast enough! The enemy fighters' flight patterns are too easilly altered! Stupid ranged weapons! Where is the axe weapon! (HAHAHA!) (Pictures looney toons show with axe weapon popping out the front of the spaceship) ( * Carter morphs into a Dracoling! ) * The 3 enemy bogies swerve and wiggle. They don't Zig and Zag, though. Otherwise they would be on your side. And spit out 2 slow moving bullets at E-Zig, and one at KZig. * ... and remarkabely, two of them are accurate enough to merit dodging. One each! * Elonith gets out of the way? (What's the manouver bonus on these?) ( -2 ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-3) and gets 6. (Victoly!) (PH33R my mad ACV.) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-3) and gets 2. ( * Segev inflicts Lord Darkmoon on Elo. "ACV this." ) ( Actually, Karmel could do it pretty well too. c_c; ) * KZig dodges effortlessly. Although E-Zig is a bit slower to get out of the way. ( =) ) * Return fire? Y/N? YES! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 7. ( Kae, did you sleep with Dicey or something? Not that I'm complaining... ) * Carter would sigh if he were still hooked to his own body, but he fires again. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 8. (She probably seduced Dicey - you know how those seductress types can be =) ) * Trast barely misses the enemy fighters. * And Carter misses by a lot more! Whos idea was it to make these two gunners, anyways? =p Better us failing attacks than failing dodges >_> (Does Trast actually say that? <.<) * Carter blames Kaeolla. Which seems to be a theme. ( I dunno, did Jex actually say that? :P ) * The 3 sphere fighters do a fancy spiral, and fire off another volley! ( No, that was narration. =p ) * KaeollaRae does a corkscrew maneuver laughing madly like an insane speed freak. ( .... just one short of a critsuccess on that one. o_o ) * Carter laughs right along with her. * And they've all got stupidly slow moving bullets with your names on them. 2 at E-Zig, 1 at KZig. (Do they actually need dodging?) ( Yep! All 3. ) (Why 2 on me? ;-;) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-3) and gets 4. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-1) and gets 7. (Failed the second, made the first.) ( Kae! ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-1) and gets 6. (forget 2 point bonus - made) (forgot) * Hm. Maybe the reason they're stupidly slow is because they're really frickin powerful! Because the one hit scored on E-Zig [SHAKES] it majorly. Steam and fire and stuff erupt all over int he cockpit! Grah! God dammit! Hit those things, will ya?! * KaeollaRae trys to fly though the enemy fighters formation at maximum speed and fly past them before they have time to turn around and catch up to her. I'm trying! * Returning fire? These Zig things don't come with real weapons! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 4. * Carter? * Carter holds his fire. If those incomings are so slow, maybe he can hit them better than the fighters. Point and click! * One of the fighters goes 'Boom!' *comm* Nicely done, Trast. Gragh. I have never hated your fancy energy guns more. Hey, it works, don't it? *comm* If I could just open a black hole near them...who needs accuracy? * KZig is BEHIND THEM! Carter still holding fire? * KaeollaRae presses forward at maximum throttle. * Carter is waiting for them to fire again; he'll try for their shots. * Well, any shots that look like they'll hit one of the Zigs. * Actually... KZig: You approach a bigger ship! There's a couple of sphere-shaped fighters attached to it, docking. It's got a blue glowy bar on it's underbelly. * Carter tries to use the ships sensors on it! ( You knew that was coming, didn't you? ) ( ;_; ) * It's got a weapon module in it! And it can shoot the big glowy blue thing like a bar. ( Mugs ready, men! It's firing a bar at us! ) * KaeollaRae says "Sweety, shoot at the docked ships before they undock." * Trast laughs Hey, Trast. Target practice! *com* ... * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 5. ( Miss! ) ( The docked ships? They're easy to hit. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 5. Hit! ( Oh? So a -1 bonus is appropriate? ) * KaeollaRae says "Sugar, we're just going to have to work on your aim." * Two of the docked ships go 'splodey! Taking out a decent size chunk of the ship they're attached to, as well. ( I missed by 1. ) *com* What? I hit one, didn't I? * And the two fighters from before are offscreen, and don't matter anymore. * KaeollaRae replys "Oh, you did get them afterall." * But 2 fighters undock from the big ship. And it turns around, aiming it's big glowy blue bar thing at ye. * But they're slow. Free round! There's still one more ship attached to the bigger one. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 4. And Zap again! * Carter calmly takes aim at the glowy-blue-bar. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 7. ( Miss by 3, unless GM is being nice. ) ( Shooting at the big ship, the docked fighter, or the small fighters, Trast? ) * KaeollaRae zooms around to give Cater a good shot. big ship. ( And the big one is a -1 to hit. The docked ship is an auto-hit. ) * Carter missed, then. * E-Zig's peashooter takes a good chunk out of the bigger ship. It's leaking smoke and debris and stuff pretty badly. * Elonith tries to pick up any weapon powerups that drop. ^_^ * KaeollaRae does a zoom around the big ship "Fire away, Sweety." * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 3. *com* I hit! I hit! Woohoo! ( Carter is shooting what? ) Yeeehaw! * Carter hits the blue bar thingie! Hopefully disabling that nasty-looking weapon! * And it's their turn. Bigger ship shoots a big glowy blue bar... which blows up prematurely, in a quite spectacular fashion. The two free fighters get caught in the blast radius. There's a weapon powerup module just floating there. * Elonith flies after the weapon powerup! * KaeollaRae attampte to get it also * Carter winces and braces for impact... * Piloting rolls! * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-1) and gets 6. * Trast attempts to place shots in KR's path. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 6. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 7. (By 1.) (forgot another 1 point but Elonith just beat her there) * KZig came close, but some oh-so-friendly shots by E-Zig forced ito to veer off. More Power! * KaeollaRae smiles "My, they certainly are fiesty today." * Two slave modules pop out of the side of E-Zig. More guns! * KaeollaRae goes full throttle ahead. Hell yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about! * KZig finds more mook spherical fighers, approaching KZig at full speed. * KaeollaRae says "Blast away, Sweety." * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 8. * KaeollaRae jukes and jigs against return fire. ( Oh, you meant for me to fire at _them_... ) * And KZig finds 5 stupidly slow moving bullets shot at it. * Only one of them has any aim this time, though. (-2 bonus or slower bullets even?) ( -2 due to manourvreness. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-3) and gets 2. ( Just one more CP...and I'll actually have a 5 ACV. ) * KZig efforlessly gets out of the way. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 2, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "My momma always said, you gotta take the good with the bad. Here's some good." * And E-Zig is in range now, too. Return fire? * E-Zig gets 3 attacks if it does. (I thinks that's a yes.) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 4. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 4. *BAM BAM BAM* * In an impressive display of fireworks, three of them get BLOWN OUT OF THE SKY. Or space. Whichever it is. * Carter shooting at anything? * KaeollaRae says "Carter Darling. That's how you need to be shooting." ( Anything left? ) ( 2 of them. ) *com* Would you quit calling me "darling"? * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 6. ( Hooray for missing! ) Hehe! Now channel that anger and DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES! * And it's kind of hard to notice Carter even took a shot, due to two things: A) Missing, and B) The nice spiffy explosions attracting attention elsewhere. (No targeting computer, eh? Maybe Kaeolla could manuver for a better shot?) * KaeollaRae says "No winners circle prize kiss for you." ( She could. ) (she does when she isn't being blasted at =P ) ( _Can_ Carter use math and computers to improve his aim? That seems a bit twinkish, but this _is_ an omake... ) * They return fire, taking a steep attack angle, going one each for K-Zig and E-Zig. E-Zig has shields: The slave modules. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-3) and gets 7. (missed) * KZig's cockpit erupts in fire and shrapnel and stuff goes minorly 'splodey. Not to mention the whole Zig shaking like a class 9 earthquake from the damage. * E-Zig needs a defense roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-3) and gets 1. (Hoo ha!) * KaeollaRae says "Hang onto your hat, Sweety." as she deals with the sudden 'turbulance'. *com* Owwww. Time to take out the other 2! It's just a little reminder. Yeah, go for it! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 11. ... not with the first shot. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 8. (You gots 3 shots, remember?) or the second... * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 9. (And remember OOC is in parens. ^^;) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 4. I think the calibration is off now. *com* Kaboom! Think ha can fix it? * E-Zig misses COMPLETELY. Which allows Carter to sneak in a hit. 'Splodey mook fighter! No kiddin'. I'll try and make it easier for you to hit. * The last remaining mook fighter turns tail and jets! Back to another bigger ship with a glowy blue bar underneath it. * KaeollaRae presses forward to the big ship and tries to give Carter a good shot "All yours now." *com* I'll take the docker if you can get the glowy bar, Trast. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 6. * Kae: Piltoing roll! Excess you make it by will be a bonus for Carter's hit. I'm gonna strafe this sucker to all hell. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 8. (nope - guess she had to dodge stuff) * Trast pulls his head out from under the control panel. I think I reset the calibration. Find out with another volley. ^_^ I shall feast on glowy bar for breakfast! * Carter's shot misses! Must be that sudden swerve that Kae took to the side. ( ZIG SMASH! *kamikaze strike* ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 7. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 8. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 10. (...) .... 1 hit. ( Trast has 3 attacks per round? o_O ) ( Shooting the glowy bar? ) (Well, it might be easier to hit as it's giant.) ( and it's a -1 to hit the big ship. _ ( yeah, any bonus to hit the glowy bar? ) ( The bar itself? No. But 1 hit is enough. >_> ) (He has 3 attacks because of the powerup) * The blue glowy bar sparks a little bit. It's slow, and takes it's entire turn to turn around. Meanwhile, 3 fighters take pot shots at E-Zig! * And their shots all whiff. * Response? (Can I respond with more shooting? ) * KaeollaRae trys to position Carter a good shot ( Sure. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 7. The best offense is a good offense! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 9. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 10. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6) and gets 5. * Carter was aiming for whatever looked easiest. Obviously, it wasn't that easy. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 5. ( 1 shot again. ) ( er hit) (made even up) * Kae does some nifty manuevering to give Carter a better shot. But it's still not good enough. * Trast: Whatcha shooting? ( Is the blue bar still shootable? ) ( Yah. ) ( That! I want to feast on its entrails! ) * The blue glowy bar sparks some more. * Then it's fired, and the ship it was attached to blows up quite spectacularly. Only one of the fighters makes it outta the blast radius. All right! Nice shooting! * ...which starts spinning, and picking up speed, heading right for E-Zig! KAMIKAZE! Ack! Gah! * Elonith tries to swerve out of the way. * Def roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-3) and gets 1. (Hellz yeah.) * It passes right by, and explodes a short moment later. There's another weapon module floating where the big ship was! * KaeollaRae trys for it * Elonith tries for it too. MORE FLAMING DEATH! * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 3. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 11. (Ooookay. It's yours.) ( Aiyah. @_@ I'd hate to see Kae and Elo at each other for real. ) Elonith, the module is *THE OTHER WAY!* ( Wai! I get a new toy! ) * KZig sprouts 2 slave modules, one on either side. Aside from the different paint job, it looks just like E-Zig now. *com* Perhaps I can aim better now. Or just shoot more. *com* That, too. * KaeollaRae says "Looks like we got the bling bling this time Sweety." Age before beauty. * KaeollaRae presses onwards. * You've got a bit of space until more hostiles show up. Which is good, becuase the next one is a big one. A static emplacement, with lots of guns. Out of the frying pan... * KaeollaRae adds "Into the lion's den." *com* Somehow, I doubt Daniel's solution will apply in this instance. Enlighten me on that? *com* Daniel prayed, and the Lord God shut the lions' mouths. * KaeollaRae says "Shoot'em as the enter into range, Sweets." Well...at least it's too big to miss... ( 3 shots now? ) ( Yup. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (3 2d6) and gets 10 8 7. ( I litterally cannot hit the broad side of a barn. ;_; ) Hey, ya gonna blast it or just sit there? * KaeollaRae says "We definately need to work on your targetting, Carter Dear." * Whenever you get into visual range, it looks like a big dinasour head, with a glowy mouth, and turrets above and below. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (3 2d6) and gets 7 9 7. The powerup saves me! * Two shots slam home. Tiny little explosions on the head accompany that, little chunks of space bone flying out. *com* Give me a real targeting computer, and I can actually hit things. ...or let me directly access the ROM. * The cockpit isn't in good enough shape for something like that at the moment. ^_^ Keep pummeling it. I mean, it's GIGANTIC! How can ya miss it? * KaeollaRae says "Keep trying." * The turrets spit out hot blazing death of a 3 bullet spread each! * KaeollaRae circles around and trys to give Carter a grand shot. * One gets the angle wrong, but the other has E-Zig in it's sights. Def roll, +1. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 3. (Boo yeah!) * The big gigantic dinasour head dosen't do anything much besides float there. * Gunners and Pilots! Where ya flying and watcha shootin'? * KaeollaRae circles around and trys to give Carter a grand shot. * Carter takes a grand shot at...something! ANYTHING! * Elonith circles around the other way and tries to give Trast a favorable shooting position that's NOT in the way of Rae. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (3 2d6) and gets 9 6 9. * Carter would facefault if it were possible in the current circumstances. ( If its the big gigantic dinaour head, that an autohit. Turrets are normal attack rolls. >_> ) * Trast blasts the tarnation of the dinasaur. ( Dinasaur head it is! ) ( Dinosaur, even! ) (Dynasaur!) * KaeollaRae says "That's the way to pour on the photonic light. Waaaahhooooo!" ( The terrible lizard of Force!) * More chunks of bone fly out from the dinasaur head. Poor defensless thing. ;_; Com'on, waste it! ( Dyne? ) ( What are we, Zidane? ) * Meanwhile, the turrets do their job: Trying to blow the heroic Zigs out of the sky. ( ..... no.) ( Dyne is a unit of force.) (Is Trast shooting?) ( Trast: Hush. ) ( Skull = autohit. ) (Oh, right. ^^;) * Shooters and Flyers! * ... since the turrets both missed horribly. * Elonith does more of the same. * KaeollaRae continues trying to give Carter the best shots available More Dyno bashing! * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 5. (even up yet again) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 9. (Whoo! I failed that roll by 1.) * Carter fires at the broader side of the barn! Er... the dino. * Dyno-head gets more chunks blown out of it. It glows blue for a moment, then starts moving. ... At least 12 gun ports are visible on it now, each covering a limited arc, giving it a full 360 firing arc in all directions. Take out one of the guns and hide in the safe zone! * KaeollaRae trys to keep the minimum number turrets she can pointed her way. ( *takes one of the guns to dinner and a movie* ) * And the lovely turrets miss again. * Carter aims STRAIGHT AT THE THINGIES AIMING STRAIGHT AT HIM. That should be easy. Honest. * Targets available: Skull: Autohit. Turrets: normal 'tack roll. Gun ports: -1. Actions? You heard'em Trast. Hit the ones that are aiming at us! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (3 2d6) and gets 4 4 6. ( Uhh... Gunports, I think. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (3 2d6-1) and gets 10 7 5. * Carter whiffs utterly! * Trast blows 3 gun ports out of the sky. ( .... Note to self: Carter with a gun is utterly useless. ) ( not like *I* have any gun skill either ) ( No bloody kidding. He's got an ACV of 4, and nada for ranged attack skills. ) * Turrets whiff! And all the guns aiming at EZig are broken, and all the guns aiming at KZig whiff. ;_; ( oh wait, gun ports are -1, I only hit 1 of them. ) (Why did you only hit one?) ( er, *missed* one ) * KaeollaRae continues trying to minimize return fire while giving Carter every opportunity for a clear shot * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 8. (nope) (must be dodging debrie) * Elonith mantains in the arc of no-fire, which should still let Trast waste the skull. * Carter tries for his gunports again. "Darned debris!" * Trast gets the skull *soooooooo* wasted on "Shamanistic Mushrooms" * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (3 2d6-1) and gets 9 5 2. * Carter does the electronic "I got one!" dance. * KZig's dodging bring into into one of the arcs. Luckily Carter shoots it before it gets a shot off. Keep those nanites of yours down Carter. They're blocking my view! * KaeollaRae replys "Well alright Sugar. Now go get some more." * And more chunks of space skull drift off. It's looking a bit hurt. *com* You have got to be kidding me, Elonith. * One of the turrets finally gets it's act together, and aims a 3-bullet spread at EZig! Def roll, +1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 3. (*does the I rule dance) (Note to self: Elo's sick when it comes to any kind of combat.) * Not that Ezig dosen't, you know, get out ot the way. * Elonith wipes his brow. "Com'on, we got more to waste!" * Skull lets rip shots from all it's working gunports! Unfortunately, none of them are in the right arc. * Trast pumps more rounds into the Skull. This thing is durable like a Neanderthal. More like a tank. * Carter also aims for the skull. He can hit that reliably. * KaeollaRae says "I was thinking more like...a big dinosaur." * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (3 2d6-12) and gets -6 -7 -7. (heh heh) ( Gee, look, I hit. ) ( * snerk ) KR: You need more imagination. * Skull is blasted most mightily. It's definitely starting to look worse for wear. *com* Come on, Trast. It's not a Rorshoch. (insert correct spelling of that name) * And the other turret gets off a good solid shot at KZig. +1! * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6) and gets 6. (missed) ( -2 from manuevre, +1 from spreading. Any skills? ) ( Carter: Of course it's not Rorshach. If it was we'd be dead already. ) (oh, made then) ( Yeah, you have Ranged Def. >_> ) (I forgot the -2) ( Trast: Huh? ) * KZig just *barely* evades the spread. *com* I don't need a shave that badly... ( Carter: Read The Watchmen ) ( Actually, *everyone* should read The Watchment ) * The big ass skull spins, getting working gunports into approppriate arcs. * It fires a bolt at KZig, which is off. But the one aimed at E-Zig is dead-on. Def roll! ( Cat: Give me access to it. ) * KaeollaRae says "Now would be a good time to kill it, Dear." * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-3) and gets 4. (Eat that!) I think I picked the right pilot, * And E-Zig gets out of the way again. With a 'tude. Of course. ^_^ * Carter shoots the skull again... * Pilots! Gunners! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (3 2d6-12) and gets -7 -4 -7. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 10, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Looks like your thread just got cut. Sorry." (DR) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 3. ( ... Drat. ) (ahhhhh - better) (Not gonna bother a pilot roll) ( Kae: Gonna get into safe zone? ) (yes) * E-Zig: Whatcha shooting? * More chunks are blown off of the dino skull! It's not liking that very much. * Trast continues to hammer the skull. * And even more. It's looking like it's about to give out. ( Hey! Where'd you get that hammer! Well, they wouldn't let me have my axe... And why's your girlfriend slicing it up with a light saber? I'm on the fencing team. ) * The turrets are slacking off again, cuz they whiff. * The big skull takes a shot at E-Zig with it's gunport in arc. * E-Zig! Def roll from the bolt of energy! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-3) and gets 1. (Pwnzed.) ( *adds a 2 to the end of that 1* ) (.... that would mean he rolled a 15) (How would you roll a 12 when you have a -3 modifier on 2d6?) * And it's back to KZig and E-Zig. ( Magic. ) (/slays Carter.) ( Dicey being more hateful than usual. ) * Carter does his nifty auto-hit ability! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (3 2d6-12) and gets -5 -2 0. It's almost done. Waste it! (... He CRITFAILED one.) (.... you rolled a crit fail on one of those) ( o_O One of those would have been a critfail. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 7. * Trast contines to pump coherent light into the head, using his massive caveman skill to avoid dice entirely. (miss if Maneuver bonus applies to Piloting roll, then made even up) * E-Zig and KZig hammer the skull. ... except for a shard of bone getting stuck in one the KZig's slave modules, and it blows up. * Skull is about on it's last legs. Figureatively. * KZig is down to 2 attacks now. Fwarharhar. * Both turrets spit firey flaming death in a 3 bullet spread! Def rolls, both of ye, at a +1. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 7. (missed yet again) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 8. (Missed. >_<) Noooooooo! * The turrets are earing their pay. Because both Zigs are nailed, and they both lose a slave module, which blow up like a cheap paper model. * Carter blasts the stupid thing. "*com* Just die already, will you? If I wanted to play a shooter, I'd load a ROM." * And... that last blast is the final straw. It starts exploding! *com* Good ridance. Hey, when you can't miss, I'm a deadly shot! *cough* We all are, Carter. * KaeollaRae chuckles. *com* Very true. Can I log out of this thing now? *sounds tired* * KaeollaRae asks teasingly "You want me to tuck you in and give you a goodnight kiss, Sweety?" *comm* Stage clear. Save, Quit, Continue? *com* What are you, my mother? Save and quit. *logs out* Just quit. * KaeollaRae chuckles. * Trast turns to you all. So what did that accomplish? * KaeollaRae shrugs. Jack and shit., But at least we had fun. ^_^ * KaeollaRae says "That Carter is a terrible shot?" * Fadeout! Ye are all now back at the pseudo-arcade place. * Carter yells. "MINX!" * Elonith eyes Minx and motions with his hands to keep him from running. (Or flying, or teleporting...) * Minx peeks in. "Have fun?" Next time I want a game with an axe. * Carter smiles happily. "Just wonderful!" He approaches the GM's 'friend'. ( so we done for the night? ) * Minx watches Carter. "Glad to hear it. I'm surprised you're such a sorry shot, though." * Carter 's countenance twists from happy to malicious as he gets within arm's reach, whence he grabs him by the collar. You look like someone who'd be good at video ga-*erk* * Elonith walks up to Minx and grins evily. "What do you expect?" So am I. You see, I'm about to aim at that pillow factory right between the sharp pointy things demarking the 4th wall. * Elonith draws his sword. "Maybe I should figure out how well this sword works, hmmm?" I have a secret to reveal! I'm not really a neanderthal! I'm a duck! *POOOOOF* Batter up! *throws Minx at Elo, right down the center!* *** Trast is now known as Trast_Duck Quack. Trast: Been watching Princess Tutu? * Elonith swings with his sword, using the blunt end like a baseball bat to smack Minx really far. Segev: Not at all. * Carter queues up "Little Busters". * Minx dodges that, via spreading his wings, and gaining some altitude really quickly. * Trast_Duck atempts to eat Roast. o/~ We're the fishsticks of the future! / And the avatar's going to di-ie! o/~ I don't think so! Honestly. If you go around trying to kill all the hosts... Well, that'd annoy the GM. * Elonith motions with his hands to grab Minx with his TK. * 'tack roll. Not getting off that easy. =p 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 11. (... DICESUKE!) True. But we're allowed to hate you, you see. Jex gave us permission. Nighty I do hope Slime's taking lessons; wouldn't want him to annoy the players. Eh. Don't try and kill me, though. Seeyas. *vanishes* Get your furry ass back here! Elonith, do you really _want_ him back here? * Elonith sighs. "That's enough of this. Talk to Zegon in /msg if ya got some gripes. Otherwise, adios." * A Minx plushie drops on Elo's head. *** Quits: Elonith (Quit: Ninja Vanish!) * Segev wonders why he's here. After all, the necromancer has no part in 7L.