:) Last time! There was stuff. And this liquidy dog. But, the biggest thing was that the main characters discovered that they were Lords! :) That would have been a huge suprise, and was to them, but wasn't to our viewers 'cause the name of the show kind of gives it away. :) Anything I missed, Minx? :) Just the part about Naoki raising general hell. Yeah. You missed the clueless bitch raising hell. :) Oh, right. Naoki's a ditz and a pest. Almost as bad as Kaeolla pretends to be. But Kaeolla doesn't bother me, just Carter and Tze and Elo and Trast, so I like her. :) Naoki gave the guys a sphere to merge with the one they already had. So now they can cancel out the established Lords, and take over and conquer the Realm! :) (: :) I go now. It hurts to be outside of the home realm of my GM. *** Slime is now known as Carter Okay. Time's up, slime. There's only room for one GM mascot, and it's gonna be me. *chases Slime offscreen* * Startage! Right after Elo answers one question. Yes Jex? * Elo: Pick a symbol! I told you. The one that was on the monolith in my intro. :P * Scene change! A tall, rectangular monolith, with a flat line, lines spreading out at an increasing angle, (6th on the page,) is there, big and imposing and inky-black. * Carter scans it, despite knowing that it won't do any good. * The symbol upon it glows momentarilly, and Da Party, (including Kae), are spit out. * Start! **POOT** Roast, the sphere, please. *holds out his hand towards the boy-like thing* * Elonith tumbles to a stop as he's spit out. "Well, that didn't work *exactly* the way I intended..." * KaeollaRae nimbly lands on her feet and says "That was rather exciting. Let's do it again." * Elonith gets up and brushes himself off. "Nevertheless, let's get what we came for. Then I'll take us to the next one." * Trast ends up on the bottom, the hilt of The Sword bonking him squarely on the head. By accident, and not by GM machinations. See Trast zonk out! * Carter hovers in place, looking like he knew exactly where he'd wind up. Even though he didn't. Gotta love flight. Roast tumbles to a stop near Tzeshin. * There is definite tug. * NOW Carter scans the Monolith, and asks Roast for the sphere. * Elonith pulls out another shot and shoots himself up with, um... something. He winces, then relaxes again. * Carter scans what Elo shot himself with, too. :P * Monolith dosen't appear to exist via scanners. As per usual. * Tzezhin gracefully tumbles to his feet. * KaeollaRae stands around with her hands on her hips. * And ask Elo that, because GM dosen't know the details of them. * Roast dissolves into black-lined silver goo, and then reforms into a little girl, this time. Sphere in hand. Note: Dimensional magic can be hazerdous to your health... * Elo: Soul roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 6. (Yeeup.) * Tzezhin then hefts Trast up and hoists him over his shoulder. o_O ( The man's unconscious. :P ) ( *didn't know Tze was that strong* ) * Elo: You get ... an impression of a blade, floating freely in the monolith. It's plain looking, but the blade is reversed. ( Fine, then....Jex, how much does the man weigh? ) ( Erm. I think he said 270-something before. ) * KaeollaRae says with a smile "Guess hairy couldn't handle the excitement." * Elonith looks closely, then motions while holding his crystal, trying to pull, what he thinks is the sword, out of the monolith. * Elo: No luck. * Carter notes Tzezhin's legs shaking. "Would you like me to take him, Tzezhin?" * Tzezhin shrugs, his legs merely being a trifle jump-shocked is all. "If you wish." * Tzezhin hands him over. :P * Elonith shakes his head. "Well, I suppose I'm the best person to do this first." He chuckles as he puts his hand up to (and trying *into*) the monolith, trying to grab the hilt of the blade. * Carter takes the large caveman, and lays him on the ground. "I'll carry him, but no need to jostle the man when we're not going anywhere. ...I really need to learn gravitic manipulation at a distance." Elo! Careful! Be born a psionic. It's easier. Those things annihilate! I'm well aware of that. I've experienced it before. * And as soon as Elo makes contact, he instantly solidified, his hand and belongings assuming the same laqrue(sp?) of the monolith. Annihilation? Interesting. * The surface of it ripples, like water. ( And Seg, you're aware that sounds like bad comic-book dialogue, right? :P ) ... ( Carter's a bit melodramatic at times. ) * And something starts to form on the surface. ... a... bedroom. o.o * KaeollaRae watches the happenings. * Carter puts his hand on Roast's shoulder. "No, Roast, don't go in there. At least not yet. Okay?" ( Holy monoliths, Elo! Be careful! Those things annihilate! ) (...) * Upon the monolith, you see someone who looks a lot like young Elo, awakening from the bed in there. (Turn off the robin. Now.) ( Shary? Die. ) * Carter watches this with interest. * Elonith glances around, about the age of a four or five year-old. He's not in any type of illusion at all right now, just his natural form. ( FWAR HAR HAR? ) ( No. No laugh. Just die. Painfully. ) * Elonith shakes his head. "Weird. Definetly weird." He walks over to the door to take a look out the room, opening it cautiously. * Upon the monolith is displayed, in odd text, that looks really similar to the symbol that was upon it before. It then translates itself into, "...Olden soul seeks here..." "... home is where the heart is...", before fading out. * Elo: Door leads to the rest of the house. You can smell breakfast in the air. * Elonith checks himself over, making sure he's wearing casual clothing and not pajamas. Hrmmm... I know it's all an illusion... But what the heck. * Elonith hops down the stairs five-ten at a time (meaning about three jumps) and makes his way to the kitchen. ( Does he stay onscreen, or is the 'camera' fixed? ) ( It's following Elo. ) ( Noted. ) * Carter forgets to keep track of Roast, and drifts closer, watching the events transpire. (*waits for further description from Jex) * Breakfast is ready! Dad's not there, but Mom is getting drinks from the fridge. Hey Mom. What's up? ( What does 'Mom' look like? ) Hey, honey. Breakfast's ready, help yourself. *finishes serving the drinks* * Mom is a faded, shaowy abstract type person. To you. ( It's Nanny! ) * She appears to be the real thing, if her hair color is still the same as it was when Elo was that young. * To Elo. * Elonith takes the pancakes to the table, looking over them cautiously as he sits down. Dad's out working already? * Mom nods. Figures. Guess I'll just have to take the bus today. (Anything odd about the pancakes?) So, honey, whats the Realm like? Met anyone new, make any friends? * Pancakes are just as ye remembered them. It'd be great if you made some friends there, you could use some. * Elonith smirks. "Yeah, guess you could say that. I suppose I move too much to make friends often." Who are you really, though? You obviously know who I am. I'm your mom, silly. Now eat your breakfast. ( Eat your damned breakfast! OR ELSE! ) You've got to be off to school soon. * Elonith cuts a slice out of the pancake and tastes it. "So I can get pounded by the bullies again?" Don't listen to your dad about that. Just ignore them, and they'll tire of it. * Elonith looks at his Mom like she just said a little lie. "You know those Centaurians don't tire like that." Nonsense. It holds true for everyone. Yeah, sure... You wanted to know about The Realm? Oh, dear. I forgot to watch the time. You've got to get to the bus stop! * Mom reaches over to the counter, and gives Elo a lunchbox with food in it, and hurries him out the window. Err, door. (...) * Elonith is hurried? ( Defenestration is now! ) * Elonith takes the lunchbox and goes, making sure he still has all of what he 'needs' for school as well. * Bus stop! Elo is older, now, and the bus that pulls up reads, "Tour Bus: Life of Cephiro." Heh. Interesting. ...what I wouldn't give for some popcorn about now... * Elonith steps aboard. What is this 'popcorn' of which you speak? * Elo gets in, and takes a seat. There's various people on the bus, all people Elo has met before in some world or another, and they're all silent and motionless. Tzezhin, if I could, I'd show you. * Elonith glances around, then waits for the bus to start up. * The bus starts up, and gets a driving. There's an animated billboard you pass by, that dosen't zip by, even though it should given your relative speed to it. * KaeollaRae says to Tzezhin "It's the little poofy food Annie and I ate in the firechicken's cave." * Elonith looks at the billboard, assuming it has something of interest. * The billboard shows a young kid, crying. He's got short silver hair. Subtitles read, "Don't worry. It'll come to you. Magic's not that hard, once you get the hang of it." * The subtitles continue: "Get up, and try again, son. It'll come to you." * Elonith raises an eyebrow. * And the billboard zips by, relative speed catching up. You soon come to another. * Tzezhin turns to Kaeolla. "I see." * This one is an older kid, teenager-aged, about, with two long silver bangs giving him a punk-ish look. The subtitles continue. * KaeollaRae goes back to watching a day in the life of Elonith. Heh. Life of Cephiro, the abridged version. * "Why're they blaming me? It's not my fault. Dual inspiration happens every now and then." * And two shaded out, abstract figures appear behind him. "Copying spell reseach is grounds for getting expelled." * "But I didn't copy it!" * The billboard changes to Cephiro, 'bout as old, roving over an old book, in a dusty lab. "Again? I'd like to see them pin this one on me. I came up with that flavor enhancing spell on my own." * "I'll never succeed proffessionally with that repuation... I've got to do something about that." * The current billboard zips by, then next one showing Cephiro, a few years older, approaching a small group, all shaded out. "What drives you here, mage?" "I've been grouped with you, now. I'll never be able to make a name for myself in the mages society." * "And why do you come to us, the misfit mages?" "To join you. If they cast out one such as me, maybe there's something to be learnt from others they have cast out." * Elonith nods, watching the play-by-play. * Next billboard! Cephiro, and the previous group, all in a circle. "This is it! If we can do this, and come back, they won't be able to deny our claims." "Heh. Us misfit mages, beating the Council of Mages to the greatest punch on recorded history. * Elonith looks over the circle, trying to recogonize what exactly they're attempting to pull off. * Scene shifts to a portal forming, easily 30 feet wide, spiraling blue and silver, and the figures stepping through, one-by-one. * Another billboard zips by, another stays. Cephiro, facing a town. The subtitles are in italics, this time. "I must do this. I can't let the Lords of Shadow continue this atrocity." "I'm sorry, but I must do this, for the good of the Realm." * Cephiro raises up his hands, and a huge golden globe envelops the town. It's the for several moments, and when it's gone, there's nothing left, except a deep hole. * Then that billboard zips by. * Elonith nods slowly. * And no more following. The bus driver yells out, "Next stop! The military!" Oh, whup-di-fucking do. * Elonith gets up and walks out the door of the bus. He still hasn't changed his appearance once. * Carter is staring, enrapt in the story. * You get the feeling that time has passed, but Elo dosen't seem to look much older. And now he's in basic training. * "Act your age!" "Learn to shoot at the target, not your teammate!" "Stay out of our way." "You're just a draftee. What good are you?" * Elonith is doing the basic training shiznits? If it's anything like last time, he's having one hell of a time getting through it. * KaeollaRae watches, but starts to look a bit bored. * The instructor grabs Elo by the back of his neck, and boots him out a door. "You're done, you freak. You're a soldier now, as much as it pains me to admit it." ( Uh, Jex? Is this all we're doing this session? ) ( Err. Somewhat. I was expecting more of a MST thing to be going on, actually. ) (MST?) ( You asked for it... ) ( Kae, shall we? ) ( Only with Carter and Kae. :P 'S a bit OOC for Tze. ) ( Why do you think I didn't ask Tze? :P ) ( I know, I was reminding Jex. ;P ) o/~ Heyo, Captain Jack! o/~ * Scene shift, taking the form of lots swirly lines and cheesy science fiction space travel SFX. Elo is now facing a bunch of black-skinned people about as tall as Elo, speaking in some foreign tongue. (MST?) * Tzezhin settles down somewhere comfortable on the ground to watch, but his eyelids get somewhat droopy. He ignores Carter's singing. ( MST3K. ) * Elonith blinks, realizing where he is. He backs away from the others, quickly looking for an exit. Any exit. ( Mystery Science Theater. It's where the viewers heckle the movie, or mock it in some way. ) (Aaahh.) (oh) "You come before the Jedi Council today, young Planewalker..." * A generic swirly black portal opens up behind Elo. You know, you'd think these Monoliths would spring for better special effects... * Elonith backs into it, knowingly or unknowingly, you can't exactly tell. * And going through that, Elo's falling... falling... falling... And more falling. (Probably would have been better to run a Elonith-only session before the regular game, have a quick summary on regular game night, and then play the group thing as usual) (Yeah, but I bet we're gonna have to go through one of these for each person.) (Sounds like a good plan for the rest though ) (Yes. Yes it does.) * Falling floats to a gentle stop, and Elo lands near a comfy-looking two seat couch, and an expensive looking TV is there. There's a sword, a reverse bladed katana, embedded in the ground in front of it. ( Sorry. Thought you'd be more involved thatn just watching. ) * Elonith blinks, inspecting the blade. Whoso pulleth this katana from this floor shall be rightwise king of the couch potatoes! (Heh. Heheh.) * There's the remote to the TV attached via a cord, hanging off the hilt. There's lotsa buttons on it, all unlabeled. Except for PLAY, in breight red. * Elonith picks up the sword, and hits the play button. * Elo's hand passes right through the sword, but he can hit play! * Elonith hits play then? * On the monolith itself, text unfurls and translates itself: "... not yet..." "... one more apsect of trine..." * Tzezhin mutters like he's half-asleep. "....Trine?" * The TV turns on, playing something. It starts out with some doctors talking about some cell samples and DNA strands, and referring to a bat of test-tyubes. * It then shifts to one, sample number 00065379. The scene then FF's to a little girl, rather cute, with red hair, playing in a park. She's playing with a ball, with some other kids, then she holds onto it and it catches aflame. * Elonith watches on, taking in all the details. * Then it's her, in a room with two shaded out figures, presumable parents, talking to another shaded out figure. "It was out agreement. Now that her powers have started to come out of dormancy, you will hand her over to us." * "We won't let you do this." "You have no choice. You signed a contract." "Mommy, what's going on?" "Nothing, honey, go wait outside." * * Two gunshots later: "Serena, your parents have agreed to let you stay with your godparents." ( Ack...need to leave. Will *probably* be back before end of session--really soon hopefully. ) * Tzezhin dozes off, right before the shocking part. * Older, now. Serena in Generic Punk Clothing, with a gang of friends. * Elonith observes it with cold eyes, showing as much emotion as before. wow, Stephen King wrote a book like this... (Which is none.) * "Come'n. It's not like they know any better. We should bust them up." "I would love to." *Serena, onscreen, bursts into flame, the flame taking the shape of a bird with huge wings. And stuff all around starts burning. * A electrified net catches her, and she passes out. FF to her in a cell, looking bored. Someone comes up, and rattles the cage. "Flaming Banshee, I have come to free you, one on term. You will serve me. I am the pirate lord Garos, and your life will be complete at my side." * The tape ends. * And the sword shimmers. * Elonith stands up and tries to grasp the sword again. * It's graspable, now. As you grasp it, reality starts to flake away in chunks, pieces, like a shell. ( Want me to try to get him? There's no reason for him to come if we're doing these cutscenes, though. ) * Elonith looks around, ready to return to reality. * The monolith unfurls and translates, "...Awaken the healer..." "... Homeward bound..." * And the real, there, covered-in-monolith Elo go through something similar, the shell flaking off, as he unstiffens. ...Elonith, are you okay? * Elonith shakes his head, removing his hand from the monolith, withdrawing a fairly thick broadsword. * Poor Trast is just now recovering from that sudden bonk on the head. Huh what? Yeah, I'm fine. Actually, I've never felt better. I missed something, didn't I? Just a movie. ...a living cave painting, if you will. * Trast: You, and Da Party, are in front of one of the monoliths. It's got a symbol on it, the 6th one on the site, and is just now turning back into the inky black, from an image thats too far faded to make out. * Tze is quietly snoring. * The monolith finishes rippling, and is now it's inky black self again, the symbol upon it glowing balefully. The part about the symbol glowing is new. * Carter tries to scan, reflexively. "Is it supposed to do that?" * Elonith swings it around experimentally, making sure not to hit anyone. The hilt is thick, and a crystal that looks much like Elo's psi-crystal is imbeded in the hilt. The color of the blade is a sliverish and shiney in the sunlight, with the hilt contratrasting via it's own obsidian-black appearance. The hilt is wrapped in what can be described as dark-red leather, and on concentration, the weapon 'expands' slightly with each swing. I'm not sure... But we got what we came for. And perhaps a little more. (Add: Then shrinking back to normal.) (Heh. The sword gets more description than my char. :P) * And since you're gonna try and scan it anyways, it's not showing up on scanners. Whee! Aheh... ...Elonith? Your new sword...do you know anything about it? I think it may have limited sentience... Other than that, I'm not sure. * Elonith looks back at the monolith. "How long was I in there?" * KaeollaRae replys "Beats me, Sweets, I wasn't clocking you." * Elonith shakes his head. "Okay. Well, we should get moving then. Who wants to go next?" Why not. * Carter gives him the time elapsed, to the .0001 second. Thanks Carter. Well, let's go. You guys ready? Whenever you are. indeed * Elonith blinks, the energy build-up much quicker this time. "Well, then let's go. Trast, do you remember what monolith you came from?" (I thought he didn't think he came from a monolith?) Not at all. ( Tze? *poke* ) Well... why don't those of us who do remember identify the symbols on our monoliths? * Elonith nods. * Carter hunts down a stick and scratches his design in the dirt. ( Jex? ) Obviously Elo's is this one. ( The Tracked Gate. ) * Elonith nods. "We shall head there next, then." Indeed. That's what mine looked like. ( Third from left on the site? ) ( 1st. ) * Elonith concentrates, then speaks in a authoritave tone. "Kosen du'kano sholo elmue." * Elonith vanishes in a flash of light, along with everyone else. It's warpin' time! * Carter listens to the background music. "Time Warp?" No, no. Space warp. * Tze's forehead thing is glowing a steady white, the whole while, too. Although, technically, they *could* be considered one and the same. * ... but nothing happens. ( not really. Although you could call it a spatio-temporal warp) * Tzezhin nods like he understands. Which, hey, he just might. You never quite know, with Tze. ( Well, time zones. ) (time zones have nothing to do with time) * Elo' (Yeees?) * Elo's spell dosne't work. ( I know. But that's how Tze sees it. ) * Elonith blinks as the magical energies fade. "What the hell? ( Tze is from a place with time zones? ) It would seem that we're not teleporting. * KaeollaRae says "Whoopsy." * Cue Dramatic Music, as a figure exits from the nearby shelter. * Carter turns to Rae. "Did you do that, Kaeolla?" ( We're post-apocalyptic, not barbaric! ^_- ) So anyone know where the monolith is? Running has always worked well for me. * KaeollaRae replys "Not me, Sweety." ( Ah, so your culture is just as stupid as the modern one) * Tzezhin jerks awake with a start and peers at the figure. * "Whoever you are, I'm not going to allow you to interfere with the monoliths unchecked." I'm not sure. This is the only one I know of. And apparently, the laylines *aren't* working right now. * Carter also notes the figure. "Uh, interfere?" ( Well, yeah...haven't you read his world-bio? ^^ ) ( Nope! ) (Heh. ) And whoever you are, I'm not going to allow you to interfere with my tribe unchecked. * The figure is covered in a sheet that covers it's entire body, like a cheap ghost costume, except good looking. * Elonith glances over at the figure. "So... What are you going to do then?" * KaeollaRae replys to Mysterious X "I'm just an observer." (Male of female voice from Mysterous X?) * "I'm going to continue jamming you, until you leave." ( Androgynous. It's Kohlan! ) (male or female figure/voice?) ( Deep, male. ) ( it's clobber from behind with an axe time! ) (But you're not behind him =P ) ( For all you know, that sheet could *be* its eyes. :P ) ( Slime sits on Kohlan's head. ) ( Ack. There's a squiggly on me. ) ( did The figure respond to me at all? ) * Carter bows politely to the stranger. "What can we do for you, sir?" Who are you? * Roast, meanwhile, has wandered over to the stranger, and seems to be trying to peek under the sheet. ( Why is it called Roast? It'd be making me hungry, if I weren't stuffing my face on delivery right now. ^^ ) * "I am the Judge, Thanatos. You will leave the monoliths to the officially formed groups dedicated to studying them." * Elonith quirks an eyebrow, but waves anyways. Officially formed by whom? * KaeollaRae says "Ah, a Lord of Light." ( Shary: It's full name is Roast Beef the Fourth. ) You could be anyone under that sheet. My dead mother, for all I know. ( Seg: I HATE YOU. ;-; ) ( Shary: Why? ) * Judge looks down at Roast. "Call back your pet." Then back up, at Tze. ( Well, not now. But I'll hate you next week, when I'll likely not have food. ^^ ) ( Shary: you and *everyone* else ) (Oh, it's not Sir Loin of Beef?) Roast, leave the ghost alone. *to the Judge* Sorry, sir. Roast's just curious. ( Whaaaaaaaaat? ) * KaeollaRae waves off the 'Ghost' while saying "Shoo shoo. Go away Lord of Light before we have to beat you down." * Judge pulls off the sheet, with a pull, and lets it fall to the ground. Underneath he, for it's a he, is wearing... NOTHING! Err. A white jacket, with metal, armor-like shoulderpads, and a ligth grey shirt visible beneath that, with a black, stylized ankh on it. * Carter glares at Keaolla. "Let's not antagonize the gentleman." * Also some priestly dress-types robes, and a viel of silk, hung by a silver headband, covers his face. I'm actually interested in studying them, myself. How does one contact these groups? A group formed by the Lords. And I will not go away. Obey our laws, lest ye be judged. Please state these laws so they may be obeyed. I haven't seen any dialogue, written or otherwise, that proclaimed these laws. Not even our guide provided us with them. * KaeollaRae says "Ghostie's just making them up as he goes." Do not interfere with, intereact, or otherwise do anything to the Monoliths, unless you've been approved to do so. Our mere existance may do things to the Monoliths. Are we to stop existing? * Carter glances at Kaeolla. "Perhaps. But I don't think so." And *you*, young girl, be quiet. THANK you, sir. * KaeollaRae smiles at Thanatos. What do you know about the monoliths, Lord Thanatos? And obey the Lords, of either side. It's in your best interest to listen to the more ... impetious ones, and avoid them later. * Trast wonders if he should bother talking anymore. They're dangerous. That's been made obvious already. ( ... I swear, you'vbe got some kind of invisibility curse. >_< ) ( Its starting to annoy me.0 ( It's not just your sheet, I don't see your actual lines. Grr. >_< ) ( Thanatos isn't really listening to any of us, though. I swear, he's spouting rehearsed lines. ) ( I mean, why did I bother showing up if I don't get to do anything ) * Carter scans Thanatos. (Yeah, really.) * Thanatos looks about. "What do you mean by that, brute?" * Carter eyes Trast, wondering how he'll respond to that insult. * Elonith hopes Trast doesn't take that *too* hard. The holistic theory of interaction states that all things influence each other in subtle ways, much like a butterfly and a cyclone. O_O ... * Elonith nods. "He is quite right." (You're kiding, right. Trast is the smash first, talk later sort of person =P ) (And now that he's stunned....) ( No, he isn't. However, I'm suprised to hear _that_ advanced of a named philosophy come from him. ) * Trast bashes the Judge in the face. (Heh.) (See =D ) Sorry, my brutish nature overcame me. ( *laughs uproariously* ) (Haha!) * KaeollaRae says to Thanatos "Warned ya Ghostieboy." * Thanatos completely fails to avoid that. * KaeollaRae says to Thantatos in a taunting voice "That looks painful. Does it hurt much?" ... ... ... Okay... Now, can we please be civil, and talk without the posturing? Or the insults, Lord Thanatos? Trast, get back here. Last thing we need is the Lords thinking we're going to attack them. A smart brute, but a brute nonetheless. * Carter picks up a rock, and crushes it in his fist. "Things aren't always what they look to be, Thanatos." * Thanatos rubs his face. Blood stains the silk covering his face. A fair amount of it. I'll settle for that. * Carter did drop the Lord. Oops. Would you like a handkerchief? * KaeollaRae says to the group "Well, let's be off and see how Annie and Tzezhin fair. This Ghostie is a dork." For once, I agree with you, Miss Rae. Annie's not even here, Rae. Though Tzezhin's right here... We can't leave unless he unblocks Elonith--at least, such was my understanding. Can't we *walk* ? We do have business of our own to attend. * KaeollaRae says condencendingly "Right, she's at the....turnament where we should go." ... * KaeollaRae replys to Tzezhin "You leg's stopped working?" Do you know where we are, Trast? Are we on the same world? * Elonith nods. But we have no idea to get there other than through teleportation. Ah, so you both favor wandering about aimlessly hoping that we are even close to walking distance of where we were. * KaeollaRae responds "Elonith knows where we are in relation to where we were before." Interesting. Hang on, I can figure out where we are. You brutes are not worthy of my time. I'll warn you; respect the natural law of society, lest ye be judged. * Carter rises up into the air, to get a good view of hte surroundings. Thanatos: I know more about *nature* than you ever will. And do not interefere with the monoliths. * Elonith smacks his head. "Yeah, right. Just scan for them." * Carter also ignores Thanatos completely. When Roast starts heading towards the Lord to make a pest of itself, he calls it to follow him, instead. * Elonith glares over at Thanatos. "You. Know. Nothing." His eyes flare red as he says that, then returning back to normal blue human eyes. * Thanatos eyes Da Party, then turns on one foot, looking quite ruffled. * Carter doesn't have the range to actually analyse the whole of the Realm, so he settles for taking a bird's-eye picture of the terrain, specifically looking for the nearest monolith. * And walks thataway somewhere. No, Roast. Lord Thanatos wasn't being polite. He was being condecending. Everything a Lord shouldn't be. * KaeollaRae says to Carter "You're joking right? Right? People in power nearly always look down on those they consider lesser." * Carter descends to the ground. "Good ears, Kae. And, in the Terran Empire, they are servants of the people. Worthy of respect because they grant it in kind." I can't see another monolith from here. It must be a great distance away. * Elonith frowns. A leader must be good to his tribe, but why should he show kindess to those who do not follow him? * KaeollaRae replys "This isn't the Terran Empire - whole new set of rules and you need to adapt or get scrapped." ( Tze only went sleepy 'cause I had to go AFK> ) (Then wake up, Tzezh.) * Elonith hmmms... ( I *did*. :P ) Kaeolla, Trast, it is the way things _should_ be, not necessarilly the way they are, I was speaking of. Carter: And note that I was asking about should? * KaeollaRae says "Well, get with the real world and put the idea world behind, because it doesn't exist Sweets and the sooner you do that, the better off you'll be." Anyway... why don't we try to finish our collection of symbols? Tzezhin? Kaeolla? ...sorry, Trast, we;ll have to figure out what you came from by elimination. Sorry, Trast, so you were. ( Who took third-last? ) (Idea world = Ideal World) * Carter sighs. "Trast, they should be because it makes them more worthy of respect." Why? Kaeolla... maybe we can change that. I will not be looked down on by fools. Only one who can control him or herself has the right to control others. Becuase otherwise people that *may* have power to overthrow them will take their chances at a foolhardy opportunity. ( Never midn. ) Does it gather more beats to the festival? Does it stop droughts? ( Fun Fact: Thanatos has the same symbol as RB3. ) It's scientifically proven that yes, it would gather more beats. (There's a shock) Droughts are another story. Elonith: I've yet to see one's enemies help one hunt. But it would increase productivity by increasing moral, causing people to work harder. It promotes more people to work together. This promotes civilization, which developes ways to prevent droughts, Trast. My enemies morale helps me hunt? * Elonith raises an eyebrow. "I believe now we have a misunderstanding." Carter: If they wish to become part of my tribe, I will treat them well. If they do not wish to help me, why should I help them? * Elonith shakes his head. "Anyways, we need to keep going." Courtesy for one's enemies puts the enemy off-guard, and if the enemy is under a chief of lesser control, the enemy may become a friend. The idea, Trast, is to have your enemies become your friends. And to avoid making enemies in the first place. If a leader is rude to those not of his or her tribe, those others will feel even more inclined to act against that leader's tribe. And, even if you do not _help_ them, there is no need to insult them. It is foolish to trust a former enemy. Yes, sometimes it is. ( Haven't you seen Gundam Wing? It's perfectly okay! ) Anyway... anyone? Symbols? *offers a stick to draw in the dirt with* ( Cat: "By the grace of God, and this stick..." ) It is likewise foolish to make enemies unnecessarily. Carter, I can't teleport. If you haven't noticed. * Tzezhin turns to Carter. "I know not the symbol with which I have affiliated." So we pick a direction and walk. It will get us away from here, which we *know* isn't where we want to be. Let's do that. But first, perhaps Elonith can expidite our trip, now that the Lord is gone. * KaeollaRae asks of Elonith "I thought you were here before, Elonith?" I was. I barely remember it though... * Carter looks confused. * KaeollaRae says "Then you should know which way some of the places we have been to are - like the nearest town." Something about unberable pain by being torn between dimensions. But... I'll try again. * Elonith concentrates, the magic energies building up again. Kosen du'kano sholo elmue. * Tzezhins forehead thingie does the white glowie thingie again. * Yosh! Yay for people dissapearing in a flash of light! (Ports are fun!) * End! For the love of god, end.