Plant a bug on her. ...good idea. But I feel bad about it. I hate this. I don't like intrigue. I really don't. There's nothing we can do about it. I hate being mistrusting myself, but if you want to keep this underwraps, we need to take every precaution. And if I was to take *every* precaution, she'd be dead by now. And that's the *last* thing I'd want to do. ---insert scene break here, as time has passed--- I she good enough that she could be a safe place to keep the sphere? ... I wouldn't trust it to her. I didn't think so. I fear it's the only way we'll lose her, though. Not if we take more drastic measures, though. It's times like this I wish I remembered to take a neural neutralizer... But, what happens if one And what's a neural neutralizer? I can sort of guess, but what do you mean precisely? Erases memories. Handy gadget in keeping secrets. Oh. Had a chance to pick one up in MIB hedquarters at one point... Figured it'd be better if I got out of there. MIB? That movie, too, exists somewhere? I would have thought such a ridiculous reality would collapse of its own non-practicallity. You'd be surprised. Remember this anywhere you go: Physics need not apply. Same go for logic? And human nature? Yeeeup. Why do you think I'm so cynical? ...poor, poor boy. Oh, sorry. Keep forgetting you're older than me. ^^; Quite all right. I sometimes like acting like a child myself. Lessens my worries, you know. And I have no doubt now that we must visit each of the monoliths. ... Should I ask her to join us? My hypothesis, exactly. I suspect we each get a weapon from them. I wonder... remind me later to run some tests on Roast. I wonder if he registers as a Lord at all... Possibly... If there are other spheres...and the weapons can..."sense" them... I think we should make the acquisition of said weapons a priority. I think I may have a meathod that could speed us up exponentially in their recovery. Oh? It's a fleeting... Instinct? Memory? I'm not sure how to describe. It just feels... Natural. Go on... You know, if we had a really good lab and about a week, I could make this sort of thing not need your laptop, if you wanted. Earpiece? ....not exactly. I could, given the right materials, make you like me. A ... well, not a Terran, but I could give you the treatment I underwent when I was three. ... Well, there's one problem with that. My biology makes me somewhat alergic to actual cyber-technology. Nanotech *might* work, but it'd still be risky. Well, that might make matters more difficult. I could still study it, though, if you wanted. Sure. I'll help you out if I can. ( You know, Jex would absolutely [HATE] me if I bought some Contamination for Carter... ) (Heh.)