Elonith, are you there? Yeah, why? Do you have scanning equipment on your laptop? Ehhh... Not really. Why? Drat. I want a reading on that orb that is being offered as the prize of the tourney. I think... well, I'll show you when we're closer. I'm felling *something* from it, so it's definetly something. That didn't come out right. I mean it seems to have an odd connection with us. Perhaps not us... Don't tell me that sample is responding to it. ...I didn't think to try that. But it might. Who were you referring to, then? Or what? I just think that that orb, or one that was here three days ago, is to the Shadow Lords what ours is to us. Do you think we should try and obtain it? Probably. Especially if the Shadow Lords make any moves for it. But, I don't detect any Lords save us in the city. Odd... So don't bother entering if you don't want to. Well, Tzezhin, being the person he is, 'accidentally' entered. Did you find anything from your research? Yeeeeees! Okay, so what'd ya find? You just scared Annie. You do know that, right? Oh, nothing yet. I just succeeded at my personal experiment. I've got some other things to do now, though. Then I'll have some more interesting data for you. Oh, and appologize to her for me. I've just been working on this since Chibiville. Heh. Understood. I suppose chibification is difficult to handle correctly unless you've had practice retaining your sanity. Hey! It was just...interesting. Though I hated having those nerdglasses... Shoulda seen me the first time I got chibified. Oh? Yeah. Couldn't keep me away from chocolate if your life depended on it. Odd. Hmmm... You find anything else out? Yes, actually. Now, if I can just keep the guy in the lab from suspecting where I got the third waveform from...I might be able to come back to this lab in the future. Heh. It's not funny. At all. -_- You'll either love or hate this, when I'm finished processing the data. Maybe you can let my laptop help with the analyzing? No need. I'm getting a...second opinion. Please share the results when you're done,then. Gah. Stupid typo. Oh, dear... this isn't going well....... Okay, what's going on over there?