* You and Annie make it to the competitors waiting area/practice area! There's a dozen or so people visible. * There's a cloaked figure, tendrils of skin flowing from underneath the cloak and dragging along the ground, there's a little kid, with long, floppy ears, talking to a little tiny dragon that looks like something out of Pokemon. * Off to the side, two nekojin are sparring, and a lone figure in shiny silver armor is practicing some katas with a spear. ... he's not here. But he's on the list. Who? Shia. A Callergian Angel, who fell in his gods service, and ended up here. ...I see. * One of the figures, a 6-armed, snow skinned person, walks up to greet Tze. <6arms> Greetings. I am Hannish. You I do not recognize in this tournament. I am Tzezhin Kjitef M'haron. Let us be freinds and allies before we face each other in the arena. *crosses all its arms over its chest.* May I ask what your goal is in entering this tournament? I see no barrier to that. *half-bows* Goal? If you have no goal, then why did you eneter? It was slightly unintentional. Although I do wish to research the techniques used by such a variety of people. * Out of one of the buildings, exits a tall, softly glowing figure. 7 feet tall, white, feathery wings, and solid white eyes. In fact, he's pretty much all white, except for a thin black scar along his left side. * Annie's eyes light up. "Shia...!" * Tzezhin eyes the figure. "So this is 'Shia'." * Shia strides to the pactice area, where the two nekjoin who were sparring give way, letting him have the area. ( But what about his SWORD?! ) ( ^_- ) ( Sword? ) ( What sword? ) ( No sword? Well, what good is *he*, then? :P ) * Shia does some stretches, then starts punching the air in front of him. There's a rippling in the air, and a single note of song with each strike. * Annie and Hannish turn to watch. And there's a soft tune coming to from the series of strikes. A sad one. ...Interesting. They say he plays a song of death for the false gods of this world. Oh? He challenged the Lords as false gods whence he came here. He failed. He keeps training himself to someday overcome them. These Lords are not gods in full, are they? Cephiro never claimed to be a god. And the others? The Lords of Light never claimed that. And neither did the Lords of Shadow. They merely declared themselves rulers. So why does he assume their false divinity? Because they are gods of this land. How does one figure that? * Shia continues striking the air, using his wings, feet, knees to strike. The continuing stream of notes become harder, more intense, but still sad. They rule, and no mortal, or immortal can defeat them. There have been absolute rulers before, without feeling the need to assume divine title. Hmph. They're not gods. They're human. Just because they're powerful, people call them gods. * Tzezhin nods. "I agree with Annie's assessment." But they are gods. How do you know this? Because there must be gods to have faith. There are other, more constant and reassuring things than gods to have faith in. Not for one such as him. * Tzezhin shakes his head. "To each his own." From where does that music come? Is it magic? An expression of his divine nature. Huh. * Shia finishes, falling to a relaxed pose. * Shia then reenters the building he exited from, with long, sweeping strides. * Annie quits gawking, then goes to the currently empty practice area. * Tzezhin goes along with her. "Would you care to spar?" * Annie nods. "I'd love to. Don't try too hard, we might have to go at it for real out there, though. :9" * Fadeout!