* Last time! * Not much happened. Lotsa talking. And the PC's finally dragged the full roster of the Lords outta the GM! IC-ly, no less! * And there's this tournament thing. And Carter ate an aviak. Yum. (Ah. I love how I can name anything anything I want and people will all think it's actually that.) * Annie, being the kick-ass, experienced guide she is, led you all to Hvvrt! In a nice, scenic route, full of easy traveling, beautifal views, and absolutely NO DEATHTRAPS! Yay! * You're nearing Hvvrt now. Start! * Carter seemed preoccupied the entire trip... and occasionally glared at the mass of goop he has with him in a container. * KaeollaRae says "A rather dull trip, but finally it seems to be at it's end." * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-3) and gets 8. ( I love you too, Dicey. ) * Elonith relaxes. "It's good not to be pressured for once..." * Hvvrt, in the distance, looks like a nice adventuring town. Wooden thatche houses, some brick, low, crumbly stone walls, etc. Even a big tower in the middle of it! * Tzezhin eyes the town suspiciously. * And it's quite abuzz, people coming and going. Lots of them look like they're there for the tournament. * Annie scans the crowd, looking for someone in particular. And then looks dissapointed, presumabely not seeing who she was looking for. ( I'm surprised, no getting beaten up ) You're lookin' for that guy, aren't you? ( no, the other guy!) ( That Guy? ) ( Sum Yung Gui ?) * Annie nods to Elo. "Is it that obvious? I suppose I can't help it..." It is that obvious. Even I noticed. This Shia guy must really be something impressive in a fight. * Elonith smirks. "Yeah, it is that obvious. I don't blame you, of course, but maybe you could try to hold it in a little better." What kind of a warrior is this....Shia? * Annie sighs, then turns to Tze. "You'll see, if you stick around. And maybe I'll get to face him..." The kind Annie here would go for. Duh. :P Interesting. Whats our first stop? Registration, or seeing the town? * Elonith chuckles. "You say that like I actually knew what I was talking about." Did Miss Alex get that message delivered? Oh, hmm? Probably seeing the town. No way I'm registering before seeing what these guys can do. Yeah, she did. And Julia asked her to relay something... "Thank you." * Tzezhin turns to Elonith. "I have found that issuing a semblance of understanding of your strange turns of phrase, no offense intended, is the best course to take if we wish to get anywhere." * Carter nods. Most definitely not blushing. It's just a bit sunny, that's all. Why are any of us entering the tournament, anyway? ...well, I suppose the sphere might be connected to ours in some way... ( for the phat 1007 !) And having another sphere would benefit us...in what way, exactly? I do not know. I do not even know if this "prize sphere" is anything more than a chunk of glass. * Elonith chuckles. "Right you are, Tzezh." * Carter idly spreads his senses/sensors wide, taking in the town. And checking for any extraneous energy signatures. Things like this tend to be the real deal. We can always ask to see the item before entering to see if it's worthwhile. Hm... any chances of finding a lab...or at least a private room? And you think they would allow us to? It should be on display, now that it's going to be starting. Ah. Interesting. Maybe you can work some of that charm, Carter. * Annie eyes Carter. "For what purpose? There is a well-equipped lab here, but it has limited access." I have...a private project I'm working on. I prefer to say no more, yet. There's a lab in the top floor of the tower *points* there. It does have limited access, being controlled by the local council here, but maybe they'll let you use it. I shall see. If not, a sterile room would suffice. ( Hey, who has the first sphere? ) (Carter, I do believe.) ( Mweheheheheh. ) ( Yeeeep. I've been adding pockets. ^_^ ) Go ahead and look around. I'll be at the tournament site. Just follow the crowd if you have trouble finding it. Hold on a moment... *concentrates* Oh? * Carter drops a few nanites on each person he's travelling with, just for tracking purposes. "I just want to make sure we can find each other later." Hey, Carter. Seems like you might need help with it. Want me to come along? * Tzezhin twitches. "What was that?" Er... if you want. ...you're imagining things, Tze. There's no way you could have felt those nanites. And, don't worry, they'll just tell me where you are so I can find you again. * Elonith chuckles. "Hmmm..." I felt nothing, but your actions indicated that you had done something. I see. Ah. Sorry. I should have asked first. ^^; Do you mind? * Annie waves. "You know where to find me!" And runs off into town. You will be able to remove them once our task is completed, will you not? Eh, it'll be fine. Oh, definitely. Heck, they'll probably wash off with sweat, skin shedding, or a bath. Ah, I see. Very well. ( The silence is a cue to do something, methinks. ) Well... I'm off. If anyone wants to come along, they may, but it'll probabably be pretty boring. (Actually, on my end, it's me doing tape editing.) I shall see what sort of warriors they harbor here. It might prove...interesting. For research purposes, if nothing else. ( Tze: Tournament. Carter: Lab. Kae, Elo? ) * Carter walks off towards the tower Annie pointed out. ( I wanna do the Il Palazzo thing...with the tiny flag and the popcorn and the "huh?" attitude. -_^ ) Hmmm... Actually, seeing people kick the shit out of eachother will probably be more fun. * KaeollaRae follows Tzezhin to the tournament, having nothing more interesting to do - certainly beats going to a geekshop ; ) Carter, let me know if you need anything. ( Yosh! Carter, #Yellowbrickroad ) * Carter calls back to Elo, "I'll page your laptop!" Sure! * Elonith flips his laptop on, so it'll let him know when something happens. "Alright, where's the fighting?" ( Where's not-Trast? ) * Trast vanishes into the crowd, as well. ( How's he manage _that_? ) * Tournament people: The crowd seems to be moving en mass to a particular area. ( maaaaaaaagic ) ( NPC magic! ) * Tzezhin idly follows the crowd of people. * Elonith follows, as well! * And pretty soon you get to a cleared out area... everythings been cleared from it but a few stalls, a single, taller one, and some booths on the outer edge which people are registering at. There's some medium-sized buildings off that way a bit, which is the competitor waiting area. * You can make out all sorts in the line to register. There's Annie, for one. There's Naoki, for another. An ogre wearing a green, ogre-sized cloak, a little alien-looking kid being followed closely by a small, tiny, cute golden dragon-looking thing... * ... and a few more. A nekojin and a floating disembodied head are setting up a sign, and a small crowd is gathered around that, already putting their bets on Shia. * End descirpting! * Tzezhin looks around. "Hn." * Elonith raises an eyebrow. * KaeollaRae says "Well, atleast there's lots of interesting people around." * Elonith looks around for the rules of entry. * None listed! * Oh, yes. Awareness: Sight rolls all 'round. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 2. (Yup.) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 2. ( Uh-huh. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6) and gets 3. (easily) * And everyone who makes it notices a small, silver sphere floating about 20 feet off the ground, in the middle of the arena. That looks a lot like the one Carter has, and even from there, you feel a faint tug from it. * Tzezhin mini-twitches and wrinkles his brow, trying to get a closer look. * Elonith eyes the sphere. "I'd like to take a closer look at that thing..." * Annie finishes signing up, and runs over to Da Party. Hey! So you're going to sign up after all? ( Elo, I know my head is spacious and wise but OUT! >_< ) Why would we want to do that? (... <.<) (*sees the GM pulling the group in a direction it seriously doesn't want to go.) ( Not that bad, 'm just teasing him. ) ( Eh? No I'm not. Feel free to try and screw me up. ^_^ ) ( ...I'm not touching that one. It's both too easy, and too disturbing. ) * Elonith shrugs. "Not that I'm object to sensless violence, I prefer not to put my butt on the line. Espically in a no-holds-barred tournament." * Tzezhin looks quite casual. "What kind of weapons are featured?" * Elonith WAITS for the response to Tzezhin's question. GM. Swords, guns, spells... I saw someone with an energy blade in line. But, it's a non-lethal tournament. Are like weapons paired with like? * Annie shrugs. "Not sure. Forgot to ask." Hn. * Tzezhin wanders over to ask. Purely for research purposes, of course. * 'Competitor arrangement will not be revealed before the match!' Well, don't that suck. * Tzezhin accidentally gets in line to register. Oops. ( Ooooooops. ) * 'Name?' * Elonith raises an eyebrow. Tzezhin Kjitef M'haron. * KaeollaRae avoids the registration line and merely watches. * 'Tzezhin Kjitef M'Haron is registered! NEXT!' * Elonith sighs. Nice job, Tzezhin. * Tzezhin wanders on back. "It seems I have registered for this...'tournament'." What's wrong, Elonith? Well, I suppose there wasn't any stopping Tzezhin from joining in. * Annie glances at Tzezhin. "Perhaps I misjudged you..." * Naoki finishes registration, and starts looking around! * Tzezhin looks at Annie. "Oh?" * There's even a yell of 'Naoki Shimei has registered! NEXT!' You don't show it at all... * Elonith shrugs. "Nothing's wrong. Just trying to keep this group in one piece." And I do mean that in a literal sense. I see. * Annie nods. "Whats the danger you see, then?" ( Wouldn't that involve some creepy Dr. Frankensteinesq stitching of the PCs together, to make a big, hideous monster? ) ( ...ick. ) Tournaments like this, I've seen, usually end up with deaths regardless of what they're advertised as. Espically when you fling high-powered magic around with weapons that can bisect a house or destory a county. ( ....okay, now I know I'm tired. Loud people in the halls, first thought that comes to mind is "Fsck the shut up!!" ) Oh. That shouldn't be an issue. *she gestures to the arena* They're going to have a barrier of some kind when it starts. I ment the contestants. Hm. Not sure how the Cleaver's going to handle that. That's the things I'm concerned with. ( What's wrong with using a standard Bahamut summoning in a tourney? :P ) I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that one. But I'm still gonna try, myself. * Naoki walks by. And luckily for Tze, she dosen't seem to notice him, instead becoming engrossed in the now up odds screen. * Elonith blinks as he pulls out his laptop, holding it steady with one hand and typing with the other. "Hmmm..." * There's more buzz and stuff. Then a loud cry of joy from the odds area. "Tzezhin's in this too! Wai!" ... (Was that Naoki?) ( Yes. ) Tzezh, you might want to hide. Your 'date' seems to have found you again. * Tzezhin twitches at the sound of the voice, hand inching towards a dagger, but says nothing. ( Naoki wais? Heaven help us all. ) * Annie watches Tzezhin. "... did something happen?" Long story, Annie. If you're going to practice beforehand, they've got an area near the competitors waiting area for that. And if Minx wants to show his furry ass, I'm gonna kick it 10 ways from Sunday. It seems that a young lady of slight acquaintance, unfortunately brain-damaged and with a small obsession with me, has noticed my entry into this tournament and has herself entered it. * Annie ... dosen't ask. Well, I'm all done here. Carter was going to the tower, wasn't he? I think I'll go check on him. What if you are called up while you are gone? * Annie glances at the taller stand. "I should have enough time. Got a few hours before it starts." Oh. I'm talking to Carter right now, if you really must know. In that case, I shall begin scouting the competition. Do that Tzezhin. ( Besides, Minx only shows up when I want to break the 4th wall. =p ) ( I heard that.) ( Hey! That wall looks strong! Why don't I just break it for you? *CARTER SMASH!* ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-5) and gets 4. Did he manage to get in? Seems that way. Hasn't said anything about it, but I presume it to be so. * Annie waves again. "If Carter's okay, I think I'll join Tzezhin in meeting the rest of the competitors." * Carter 's voice cackles melodramatically over the speakers on Elo's laptop. "Muhahaha!" * Tzezhin jumps slightly at the sound of the voice, turns and raises an eyebrow. "Tell him I said hello too." * Annie eyetwitches, and steps back, looking at the laptop. * Elonith laughs. * Tzezhin shakes his head and ambles off. * Elonith types on the box of doom. Sure thing Annie. Hope ya find your man. ~_^ * Annie eyes the laptop warily, than takes off after Tze. * And over buy the odds screen, there's now an actual betting table. 'Shia,' 'Naoki,' 'Renji,' seem to be the most popular. And Naokis bragging a lot, too. ( Tze: #downbelow. ) * KaeollaRae leans over Elonith and reads what's on his display while saying "You really like that thing." Yup. Talking to Carter right now. * Elonith chuckles. * KaeollaRae straightens back up and looks about with her eyes. So, what are you going to do now, Kaeol? ( Gotta love the ability to carry on two conversations at once. ) (You know it.) * KaeollaRae ponders "Mmmm. I don't know. Nothing really looks very fun." (I figure if I can manage 3 at once, he can easily handle 5 or so at the same time.) ( Only 4, actually. He's usually running several programs in the background. ) (I'm talking about Elo. Not Carter.) (But, yeah. He should be able to filter them really easily.) You look like the type that would go Beefcake hunting. * KaeollaRae says coyly "I do?" * Elonith smirks mischeviously. "Yes. You do." And when I say hunt, I do mean hunt. * KaeollaRae smiles and says "Well..." Gotcha. * KaeollaRae continues "Mostly I just like to have fun." You mean fun like you had with Carter? * KaeollaRae smiles "Well, yeah. He's such a sheltered person that he needs encouraging to get out and live a little." (*cough!*) While I agree that he needs to live a bit, I do think you pick in-opportune moments to decide that... (Err, inopportun- You know what he said.) * KaeollaRae says "It'd be no fun if I did it during boring situations." she winks. Yeah, but at least try to hold it to times where we're not trying to gather improtant information. * KaeollaRae wiggles her tail a bit as if she is getting a bit excited. * KaeollaRae smiles "Well, I suppose I could, well, unless you two start getting boring and examining every little thing along the way." ( *examines Keaolla Rae along the way* Whaaaat? She's one of those little things! ) What, you don't want us examining you, now do you? ~_^ * KaeollaRae leans towards Elonith and replys "Well, that would depend on the type of examining and who was doing the examining. Playing doctor could be fun." she winks. * KaeollaRae continues "Say, I was wondering. You're a shapeshifter of some sort, right? Well, I was wondering home come you usually appear as a young Human?" I can't really change my age, and I 'grew up' among humans. * KaeollaRae replys "Oh, I see." Quite simply, it's the easiest way to 'blend in'. * Elonith finds a seat and motions Kaeolla to sit. "So, what about you? Where are you from?" * KaeollaRae sits down in an alluring, yet not overtly naughty way. ( Not overtly naughty? Is she ill? ) * KaeollaRae says "Well, just another planet much like any other." Hmm, really? Do tell. * KaeollaRae says "I thought I once mentioned it to you. It's a place called 'Marcelle'." Probably, but I most likely forgot. And it passes time, regardless. Does Marcelle have any humans on it, or any other species besides you? * KaeollaRae continues "Nothing really special about it. People go about their lives. It's not really renown for anything in particular, atleast on the galaxy scale." Hmm, so you were galaxy-faring? * KaeollaRae says "Mostly there are just Marcellian's like me, but we have tourists, people working there with permits, as well as ex-patriots." * Elonith chuckles. "So, was there a large war or something?" * KaeollaRae says "Oh yes, we have interstallar travel ability." (And now, I grill you over every aspect of your background.) ( *gets out the BBQ tongs* ) ( *really*? And what did your first-grade teacher have to say about *that*? ) (Don't eat the skin.) * KaeollaRae replys "There've been wars, but I wasn't really much into history. Things like that are boring." So, what are you into besides causing mischeif? ~_^ * KaeollaRae rests her chin on her palms and says with a smile "I like to have fun." Liiike? * KaeollaRae asks "Have you ever tried free falling, or aircar racing? Travelling fast like that is fun." Ah, so you like to race! Yeah, I've done some sky-diving and things like that. ^_^ * KaeollaRae replys "Sure. Traveling really fast can be exciting." * KaeollaRae watches the people pass by. * Elonith glances as well. You have anything you want to ask me? * KaeollaRae replys "Sure. What sort of things do you like besides your computer?" * Elonith relaxes. "To be honest, I haven't had time to think about it. For the past *counts* 6 or so years, I've been busy doing one thing or another." Espically the past 2. Yesh... * KaeollaRae says "It's good to have things to do, but not so good if you don't have any fun." The things have mostly delt with my survival, though... * Elonith smiles. "Must sound kinda odd, comming from a '10' year-old, huh?" * KaeollaRae answers "Unusual, yes." I get that a lot. Most people think I'm too morbid... * Elonith kicks his feat. (Err, feet.) ( Elo has a feat? He's a d20 Character! What's he doing here!? ) * KaeollaRae asks "Really? You don't seem to have a preticular fasination with death. You seem more preoccupied with your computer." * Elonith laughs. "That too. This computer's been with me through it all, though. So I guess I do have a facination with it." Ever since that day... I guess it'd be a little more than 2 Earth years ago. * Elonith hmms. "Maybe I *should* relax. Maybe I *should* just settle down, forget about my problems until they show up..." * KaeollaRae says "Just as well. Stress is bad for you. Anyways, whatever problems you might have had inthe past, this is a new place. Maybe you can just leave them in the past as long as they don't come looking for you." I bet they're lookin' right now, though. * KaeollaRae says "Well, you should just enjoy the ride until you get a flat and worry about it them. You'll have more fun that way." ( Now, where could the little blighter have gotten to...? ) * Elonith snickers. "Already found evidence of the 'problem', though. One reason I've been so nit-picky." Suppose I've been running too long, though. * Elonith sighs. * KaeollaRae says "I don't really worry about things and just tak'em as they come." ( Seg: Heh! ) * KaeollaRae says "For example. This is the last town I should be in if I worried about things, but I'm here anyways. Just enjoy the moment and worry about problems when they reveal themselves. That's how I live my life." Yeah, but... Well, let's just say I've been jumping out of the frying pan and into the fryer for all this time. I'd probably be being disected if I took your approach, Kaeolla. * Elonith is paying a bit of attention to his computer as well as Kaeolla. * KaeollaRae says "Well, that doesn't seem very enticing, but really if you are worried about a specific person or group of people, I don't see why they'd bother to still be after you. Even if they did manage to arrive here also, there are so many different species here that are all rather unique in comparison to each other." I hope so. Still, I can't keep a nagging feeling that I need to run down... * Elonith chuckles. "Maybe they'll just 'vanish', just like all the people before me..." * KaeollaRae smiles "It could happen. Even if it doesn't, you atleast have some others with you instead of being alone. That is a plus right there from your previous situation, right?" I'm actually hoping they do vanish, actually. I wouldn't be surprised if they've mastered a technique for choosing where they return to... In fact, I'm positive they have." * KaeollaRae smiles and says "Sure." Thing is, I don't want to go back. I know they've been looking at me like a rat in a cage. And now that I do know that... * KaeollaRae says whlie smiling "I'm in no particular rush to get back to my origin timespace either. This place seems to have a lot of fun potential." ( Oi. This turned into so many minis real quick. ) * Elonith snickers. "Part of me says 'Go home'. The other part says 'run away'... It's taxing keeping the two from killing eachother." (It's the GMs fault - it's always the GMs fault ; ) ) I'm glad you find it enjoyable here, though. I might not look like it, but I do want to make sure other people are happy. * KaeollaRae says "Well, there just seems like lots of potential entertainment around." she giggles a bit. * Elonith snerks. "You're talking about Carter and Tzezh, aren't you?" ( achoo! ) * KaeollaRae replys "Tzezhin's actual not that fun. He's always so serious and unemotional." * KaeollaRae continues "Carter's pretty entertaining though." Yeah... I bet that's the way he's been brought up, though. Carter is amusing. A lot like I was when I was 15... Except I was more obsessed with sweets than him. * KaeollaRae chuckles and adds "Alex is a bit fun too, except she's a bit trigger happy, if you know what I mean." ( Great. So Carter is 2 years younger, mentally, than Elo was at his age. ^^; ) * Elonith laughs. "Yeah. She's like that." (Yup. ^^) (Granted, this is Elonith you're talking to.) What about that Trast guy? *** Tzezhin is now known as Sharyna *** Sharyna is now known as Tzezhin * KaeollaRae says "Well, Hairy isn't much fun either. His command of language is limited so he doesn't really seem to understand the less obvious meanings when you say things to him and take everything litterally." ( Because of course Tze never ever takes things literally ) ( Neeeeever. ) (Nevernevernever?) (But Trast is emotional, Tzezhin isn't very.) * KaeollaRae continues "His solution seems to be either kill it, or beat it. A rather limited reponse." Yeah, I get that a lot from him... ( Well, true. ) I think he needs to learn... a lot. Really fast. * ChibiCarter walks up and tugs on Elo's shirt. He waves cutely. ... * KaeollaRae concures "Sure does and Miss Firecracker needs to ease up a bit on the anger thing too." ( Oh, dear. ) (Did that really happen, Carter?) ( Yes. Yes it did. ) ( Yes, yes it did. >:) ) * Elonith looks down and sighs. "Did you accidently unleash some chibi-gas? " * KaeollaRae notices "You seem to have attracted a bug of sorts." Oh, I hope not. I'd hate to have to find an exterminator. *this comes from the opposite side of Elonith than the chibi...which is just smiling silently* * Elonith raises an eyebrow at the Carter he knows that's there, then looks at the other side of him. * Carter (non-chibi) waves at Elonith. The chibicarter dissolves into a familiar silver goo before scurrying over to Carter and shaping up into a briefcase that Carter picks up. "Hi!" * Elonith pauses, then laughs. "Looks like you found yourself a new toy!" * KaeollaRae is sitting there, her chin resting on her palms. She turns her eyes towards Carter and says to him "I see you have a new toy." Indeed! Thanks to our old friend of the numbered initials. I wonder how he'll like my...improvements. ^_^ ( ....okay, I know they just had a heart-to-heart but SCARY! ) (... Creepy.) ( .... Ittai? ) * Elonith snickers. "So that's what you've been working on. Glad to see you finally got it up and running." Yep! It's still got some functions I'm not sure of, but it's fun! And should let me eavesdrop on our 'friend'. If he gets close enough. ( FWAR HAR HAR ) Oh, and I've got some interesting news for you guys. ...but it can wait, since I think the tourney's about to start, and I wanna watch! * Elonith folds his laptop, and puts it away. "I might be able to make more of that stuff, if you want me to. Nanites have always intruiged me, even though I can't use them." ^_^ * KaeollaRae says "It should be entertaining to watch." * Elonith chuckles. "Like I said, nothing like watching two people try and kill eachother." * KaeollaRae says "I hope there are several flashy fighters. Brute fighters are just so boring." Now now, there's something flashy about tearing up the ring and throwing it at your opponent. ( Kae gets to co-announce. ) ( You've gotta be kidding me... ) * End!