(Elvis has left the building...no...wait...that's not right.) * Annie and Kae exit the SD lab. Whee! Onwards to the entrance! * KaeollaRae walks alongside Annie (Hey, it's way better than listening to the technophiles.) * There's someone familiar looking, there. He's holding a sheaf of brochures, and has a different garb than when you last saw him, but it's definitely one of the Cleavers crew, a low-ranking guy that was always ignored. * KaeollaRae comments sensually "Well, well...a lacky boy. Surprised you made it out alive." she smiles "Guess you can count your luck stars." she winks. * Annie waves. "Injlink? What are you doing here? Is the tournament starting already?" * Injlink looks at Kae somehwat warily. * KaeollaRae smiles at him. ... you. Arutamar was wondering what happened to you. Oh? You two know each other. Isn't Arutamar the one hosting the tournament? * KaeollaRae replys "Well, what he don't know won't hurt you, will it now." she winks. Back to my original goal... Annie. Here's your invitation to the Cleavers Tournament. * Injlink hands a fancy looking brochure to Annie. * KaeollaRae says "I must say you are pretty resourceful to managed to deliver somethihng to her when she's out in the middle of no where. Impressive for a little guy." I don't quite understand it myself... these were enchanted to be able to seek out the ones who they go to. * KaeollaRae smiles and says "Interesting." * Annie turns to Kae. "Hey, did you want to join?" * KaeollaRae asks "So what is it, exactly?" Arutamar's hosting a fighting contest, with a secret prize. * KaeollaRae replys "More to the effect of a booby prize as dishonest as he is." * Injlink eyes Kae. "If you come back and beg for mercy, you might get back on his good side. It's in Hvvrt." He knows you're around somewhere, and he hasn't stopped looking. Trust me, you'd rather not have him find you. * KaeollaRae smiles deviously with her eyes narrowed at the messenger "You're pretty bold for being here without your mates." I'm warning you. I didn't think you were so bad, myself. * KaeollaRae smiles and says "He would have saved himself a lot of problems if he'd just have paid my delivery fee, but no, he was too greedy and dishonest...so it cost him his ship." Whatever. I've got more people to deliver these to. *he picks up the next one, and muses.* Naoki's next on the list.... Thanks for stopping by! * KaeollaRae smiles and wave him off with a kiss "Buh-by. Give a kiss to Arātśmar for me." * Annie hums happily. "Shall we rejoin the others now?" * KaeollaRae says "Sure. So what kind of fighting tournament is it anyways. I mean unarmed, with weapons, or what?" 'Honorable duals in a test of fighting prowess to see who is superior.' It sounds interesting. *starts walking back to Da Lab.* * KaeollaRae follows along and says "So, basically anything goes." Pretty much. * Enter: Da Lab. Back to chan.