* Last time! Carter went nuclear! * Keaolla provoked, and Trast hit him on the head. He deserved it. Oh, and they discovered something about the pair of nutso Lords' plans. And my head still hurts. I hope I don't have to beat up Kae in this session. I don't like me when I'm mad. * Ready... Set.... STOP! * Err. Start! * Carter is still hovering, uncharacteristically quiet and reserved. * The trip from the Painfully Generic Evil Forest has quickly turned into an escape from the weather! Lotsa rain and stuff, even a few t-bolts that have came dangerously close. (I sorta thought that was normal for him ; ) ) * KaeollaRae rides her Chocobo along. * Elonith is a little grumpier than normal. He's taken out a jacket and transmutated it into a raincoat, but he still looks plenty upset. * Tzezhin ignores the weather, other than pulling his coat closer around him. "Hn." * So Annie changed course to the cave, which was closer, to wait out the storm. Ye all are now in a Generic Cave, which is porbably about 20 feet undergound, and there's a fire roaring in a bigger compartment. ( Well, he usually tries. He's actually succeeding today. ) * Carter is sitting outside, in the rain. About 10 feet off the ground. * Trast got tuckered out, and is sleeping nearby. And the fire seems to have knocked Tze out of his hazy, not-there expression. * Elonith sits down and leans against the wall, typing onto his laptop and running system checks and the like. * Elo: The drive is realy fragged, and there's files mislabeled and not always in the right place, like it was hastily corrected from whatever had been done to it. * KaeollaRae doesn't seem bothered by the weather, by the general pparty gumpiness, or having to rough it in the cave. She sits against a wall near the fire contently, perhaps even cheerfully. * Annie stands up from her sitting position, and stretches. So where do we start? * Elonith fix-fix-fixes it, categorizing mentally what looks like it recieved the most attention. "Gee, you'd think he'd be *clean* about checking out the information..." Or at least cover his tracks better. * Elo: The SUPER-SEKRIT LAB FILEZ. Duh. ( Jex: I emoted before you said anything about me. So there! ;P ) ( Mya. ;_; ) (I'd like to know how the hell he broke through the encoding. ^^;) * Annie frowns, and walks to the entrance, stopping just short of it. "Come in. It's not going to do you any good to sulk outside. At least sulk inside where it's nice and warm." ( Easily. Vewy vewy easily. ) I am warm enough. But, if you insist... *hovers downwards, feet dropping so that he's hanging in the air in a semi-standing position, and floats to just inside the entrance, where he resumes a crosslegged-in-the-air position* That's really not what I meant. *she shrugs, and cracks a smile.* But it's an improvement, at least. * Annie goes back to near the fire, and leans against a convenient wall. "I'd of thought you would all be bursting with questions." * Tzezhin peers outside the cave. "Is there wild game around here?" No. *sharp, and bitter* ( Seg: Was that to me, her, or both? ^^ ) ( To Tze. ) ( Ah, thanks. ) Pity. * Elonith continues checking over the data disturbingly quickly. You'd think he's done this before. It's pretty quiet. It's raining. What do you think? * Tzezhin half-shrugs at Annie. * Oh, everyone! Hearing checks! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 6. (Yesh.) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 6. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-4) and gets 4. ( Yup. ) (Definitely) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6) and gets 11. (I had to wiz ; ) ) ( *Kae hears elephants clomping up and down the stairs. What stairs? Uhhh... ) ( Shoulda thought of that before we left. ^_- ) ( But, are you a wizard? ) (=)) * There's a slight scraping sound. It's quiet, and it sounds like there's a lot of it. But Kae dosen't notice this. * Tzezhin straightens up suddenly and peers around, trying to focus in on the sound. * Carter doesn't appear to react, but a flood of nanites head towards it. *SCAN* * Elonith thumbprints the laptop's touch-pad, simultaneously moving a few things. A slightly audible 'click' can be heard. * It's coming in. A lot if 'it's'. And they're spread throughout the room. * Tzezhin draws The Sword cautiously with one hand, the other in his jacket. Alert, all. Something's here. *unfolds, looking more than ready to fight* * KaeollaRae observes. I sense we are all aware of that by now., * Elonith taps a key on his laptop. A click can be heard as he puts it away and gets up... * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6+3) and gets 9. * Annie straightens up, drawing a sword. Or what's left of one, anyways. Which is mostly the hilt, and about 3 inches of the blade left. What's here...? I do not know. * Carter utters an amplified version of the sound he heard. "Something that makes that sound." * Elonith thinks... (Any clue as to what it is, Jex?) * There's a slight 'zing!' sound, as the entrance closes. * Err. Is covered by ablue-ish energy field. ... Peachy. * And it sounds like... claws. On stone. * Tzezhin whips around, and eyes the field suspiciously. "I mistrust this." * Tzezhin glances at Kaeolla. * KaeollaRae smiles at Tzezhin "Do you? That's wise." * Tzezhin snorts and turns away again. * Annie vanishes! *whispers* Where are they....? * KaeollaRae says "Oops." * And a moment later, Trast does too. Then there's the sound of claws on stone running, and then Annie yelling, sounding like she's being muffled. * KaeollaRae suggests "Seems like invisible foes." * KaeollaRae adds "This should be interesting." * 2 running... bird/man like things fade into view, down the hall... that way! Which leads further into the caves. Interesting only if you don't die. * Carter sends nanites after Annie and Trast, hoping to latch them on. And drops several onto the remaining party members, as well. * And 4 more fade in. But they're not running. * Elonith scowls. "Aviaks..." * KaeollaRae smiles and says "Well hello birdies." * Tzezhin frowns slightly. * They growl and snarl and stuff. They're hunched over, fat looking feathered things, with a big winged arm on either side, and they look like their beaks are Quite Pointy. * Carter lands, and walks purposefully towards the things Elonith just called Aviaks. What. Do. You. Want. * Init! Because they're obviously attacking. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (1d6+5) and gets 7. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (d6+4) and gets 10. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (d6+8) and gets 9. (Carter: Get some combat training already...) ( Why? I seem to be outiniting you right now... ~_^ ) (Heh) (You just got lucky. :P) ( :P ) * Carter/Aviaks, Elo, Kae. Tze goes somewhere in there. >_> (Shar! Wake up!) ( Beh! ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (d6+8) and gets 12. (Wow. You're sucking it up too. :P) ( Thanks. ) * Tze goes first, actually. Damn. * Tzezhin brandishes The Sword dangerously. "Leave us alone or we will be forced to take action against you." (Feel Tzeshin's wraith!) ( Huh. Only out for like four minutes, good. ) ( Well, in comparison to like ten minutes. ) * The aviaks stare at Tze. All of them. With their pointy beaks, and their shiny eyes. ( Ah, geez. ) (Mmmm - tastes like chicken) Very well. * The aviaks. Err, well, everyone's in Melee Range. * Tzezhin slashes at a random aviak. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jex (d4) and gets 3. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 6. * See the blood! And gore! And blood and gore and blood and gore! As The Sword slashes through the feathery coating of Random Aviak #3! (Tzezhin's preparing chicken strips!) * Elonith sees blood, gore, and doesn't give a shit. ( mmm, chikin strips. ) ( I had chikin tenders for lunch today. 6: ) * Carter! * Carter advances on the nearest Aviak, and tries to grab it, throw it against a wall, and pin it there. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-2) and gets 0, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I love you. Do you love me too? Y_ N_" * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jex (d4) and gets 4. ( Y ) ( d4? ) (Which one you hit. :P) ( ah. ) * Carter grins maliciously at it. Rather disturbing on his noramally kind face, actually. "Tell them to surrender." *Squeezes rather hard with one hand* * Random Aviak #4 is attached to the wall. Kinda sunk in a few inches into the ROCK SOLID WALL, too. ( Ze quiet vuns, alvays ist. ) * Random Aviak #4 growls! And growls... and passes out. ( Whaaaaat? <_< >_> <_<;; ) * Aviaks! ( I must say, that was a very well-placed crit. ) * Random Aviak #1 charges Tze, and brings it's beak down to gut him! While #2 charges Tze and attempts to bat him with one of it's wings, but kinda slides past as it does so. Tze, unarmed def roll! (...unarmed? ) ( Unless you're gonna use The Sword to defend, but the modifiers are the same anyways for you. =p ) ( Well, true. ^^ ) (Def goes according to what you're defending with, as clarified in Tri-Stat dx.) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 2. ( Yeah, which is why I was questioning the "unarmed" bit. ) ( Why do I get the feeling that the reason Casper's gift of life only lasted until 10:00 was to make sure the party ended then? ) (Ya think? :P) ( Whee! Flaunt your fancy def roll. =p ) ( Oh, you want me to write it. ) ( ^_- ) * Tzezhin brings up his blade to defend. (Geeze, that's not too flauntish. :P) ( It ain't Teresis, and it ain't critical yet. ) * Random Aviak #3 jumps back, and opens it's beak. It flaps its wings, and breathes out a plume of fire at... Kae! Def roll, ranged! * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 7. ( Fwar. Har. Har. ) (DR) ( .... ;_; ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 9. (...) (not that it matters) ( FWAR. HAR. HAR. ) ( Karma. It's all Karma. She sooooo deserves this. ) ( Eeeh heee hee! ) (No kidding.) * See: Plume of fire hit Kae, and her momentarilly erupting in flame. (or atleast a bit singed) * Elo! ( Momentarily? Aww. ) ( P.S. Who's Majin? ) * Elonith winces. "... Okay, I've never seen these people breathe fire before." He takes his hand, swings it around to grab one of the aviaks, then tries to slam said aviak into the ground face-first. ( *points at the GM* ) ( Someone that you will hate if you have cybershtuff. XD ) (With TK, mind.) ( Oh, dear. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 7. (Made the roll. ^_^) ( Although, personalitywise I think Kohlan's going to think he's the annoying little brother. ^^; ) ( Oooh, TK. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jex (d3) and gets 1. * Random Aviak #1 makes a nice impression of Random Aviak #4. Except this time it's horizontal to the floor, rather than vertical. * Kae! ( Jeez. I slicey, nothing. They smashy? BOOM ) ( Kohlan will just love another character. One who seems to think he's also a rebel. -_-; ) * Elonith 's crystal glows as he does it. ( Uh oh. ) * KaeollaRae blows at her singged bangs and then suddenly acrobatically flips up and is standing upside down on the ceiling. She says "Well, you boys have fun with the fire chickens. I've got a maiden to say. Tah tah." She waves and then suddenly runs with some speed down the cave upside down using the ceiling as a floor, nibling sidestepping stalagtites and the like. (I've got a maiden to save) ( .... You hate me, don't you. >_> ) ( She's nibbling on the sidestepping stalagtites? ) ( How kinky. ) (nimbly) ( Ah. ) * Tzezhin snorts in Kae's direction. "Typical." ( Kae! #chase ) ( Which might or might not come into play depending on how fast you mow through these mooks. ) ( My turn again, isn't it? ) * End of round status: 2 left! one of them stabbed already! * Tze! ( One Strike, Two Cuts, trying for both of 'em. What mods? ) ( OSTC only hits the same target. ) (Yeah.) ( And no mods. Still Melee. ) ( Well, shit. ) ( What good is it then? ;; ) ( Okay, one horizontal slash tryin' for both of 'em. How much? ) ( No additional ones? Hurrah! ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 5. * Tzezhin slashes The Sword horizontally, trying to strike both of the remaining aviaks in the same swing. (Note that it'd have to go *straight* through one of them to have any chance of hitting the other. ^^;) ( ...crtifail. One of of them. ) (Bisect one of them?) ( one of them critfailed? Excellent. ) ( Yep, on the way to the other. ) ( Tzezhin? Mr. Burns? How could I not have seen it before!? That same hunched back, the same creepy silence... the old man smell! ) ( Hunched back? :P ) ( Wait, old man?! ) * Random Aviak #3 dosen't seem to be affected! And neither does Random Aviak #2. But then Random Aviak #3 starts spraying blood along along it's chest, and it's top half slides off with a sickeing thunk. ( Kenshin Burns! ) ( Quite. ) * Carter! * Carter throws the unconscious Aviak he's got at the remaining one, snarling in frustration. He doesn't look very accurate. (Woot! Go for it!) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 6. ( Miss by 2 ) ( Aww... ) * The unconsious Aviak flys right past his still-standing friend... and leaves an indentation in the opposite wall. * Thunk. ( Elo, you try! :D ) ( Oh, wait, it's the last one's turn. ) * Tzezhin stares down the last one. "Flee, if you know what benefits you." * Random Aviak #2, the only one left standing, I might add, looks around panickedly. But it's dumb, and charges Carter, jumping and spinning in midair, striking at him with one of those strong looking wings. * Def roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-2) and gets 8. ( If I had "Last One Standing," I'd be blaring it right now. ^^ ) * Carter is smacked firmly in the face, and staggers under the force of the blow. He wipes his face, noting the blood, and smiles angrilly. * Elo! * Elonith takes the opportunity to pull a trick he learned while he was in a SW universe. He tries to grab the aviak, levitate it, and choke it to unconciousness with his TK. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 6. (Made it.) * Random Aviak #2 waves it's wings frantically. And tries to growl, and grasp at it's throat. Which dosen't seem to be working too well. ( You begin to tire me, aviak number 2... ) (Shall I finish it?) ( Combat effectively over? Can Carter act out of turn? ) ( FINISH IT. ) * Combat is effectively ... over! * Elonith eyes the Aviak. "You bore me. Good-bye." He slams the aviak into the floor, right next to the other one that made a dent. * And Kae has got a good lead on you. * Tzezhin glances at Carter. "Are you well?" * Carter snarls, and grabs one that might still be alive, and begins smacking some wakefullness into it. If it moves under its own power at all, he grabs its arm and begins applying pressure. The sounds of bones creaking can be heard. Carter! Snap out of it! ( But you're not chasing. So now it's Split-up time! ) ...I see. *snap!* *Carter freezes at the sound, and slowly, shocked like, stands up. He waivers on his feet a bit.* * Elonith walks up to Carter and slaps him in the face... assuming he can reach that high. "Do you trust Kaeolla to take care of things?" * Tzezhin lifts Carter by his collar. "Quickly now, come to your senses." They're that way. Kaeolla's fine. Annie and Trast I'm more concerned about. *the pallor fades...mechanically* * Tzezhin nods. Let us go, then. Okay, start looking... Hold on. * Tzezhin heads off, kind of forgetting to either sheathe The Sword or let Carter down. * Elonith puts his crystal around Carter's neck. "I won't slow you down this way. Let's go." He merges with the crystal. *** Elonith is now known as Crystal * Carter hovers, and flies down the tunnel at about 75 kph, seemingly knowing where he's going. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6) and gets 11. * Carter: You end up at Kae! At a dead end. The signals for Annie and Trast drop suddely, too. But last signal, they were beyond there. * Tzezhin arrives just a little after Carter and stops on seeing Kae, bloody Sword still unsheathed. "Where are the others?" * Carter ignores Kae. "Beyond here." He points. * Tzezhin frowns. "How is that possible?" * Nice, solid looking rock wall, that there Carter's pointin' at. * KaeollaRae is still standing on the ceiling, her skirt and tail hanging down some. She tilts her head backwards and says from overhead "So you boys injoy your char broiled chicken dinner?" * Crystal is there. Just... ya know, not. :P * Tzezhin also ignores Kae, going to the wall and prodding it cautiously. * Carter continues to ignore Kae, and scans the wall for seams. * Crystal just hangs around. * KaeollaRae hangs as well, watching the others from her higher, yet upside down perspective. I can't seem to find the seam... but -something- is behind here. Tzezhin, if you'd assist me... *moves up to the wall, obviously ready to play demolition team* Of course. What place would be best? Or are all equal? Equal. On the count of three... One, two, ... * Tzezhin prepares The Sword. "Three." (Pow?) * Carter hits the wall in tandem with Tzezhin. ( Bod rolls. ) ( SS and weapon skillzors apply. ) ( oh, right. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 4. ( made by 5 ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-6) and gets -3. ( Um... yeah. ) ( Against a body of 5, that's a success by 8. ) * The quite solid rock wall gets whacked! The screen shakes with the force of the impact, and there's Distant Rumblings. The area that was hit explodes into harmless shards of rock. And some of them fall against the wall. Those that do fall against the wall ... pass through it. * KaeollaRae says down "Oh, manly-muscle at work. Very sexy." ( Do we gotta make duck'n'cover rolls? ) ( Harmless. No. =p ) ( Ah, right. ) * KaeollaRae flips back down to the ground. * Carter walks through the illusory wall. * Crystal passes through as well. * KaeollaRae follows along behinf the others. ( I can understand Tze's first impulse to smash it, but Carter? @_@; ) (He's been on a "Carter Smash!" kick) ( This HARDCORE Carter. ) ( Carter's a) pissed, and b) had no idea what else to do. ) * Tzezhin walks through it, finally remembering to sheathe The Sword. (Something inside Carter snapped. Quick, give me a CP so I can buy HS and become a psychiatrist over-night to work him through this problem!) ( Heh! ) * Da Party passes on through. There's beeping and a Wierd Feeling. And once you're through... there's something rather different. (Wait, I might have bought it on a whim anyways. Hold on...) ( Hee. ) * Tzezhin peers around suspiciously, ready for surprises. * Everything looks cute. And kinda shiny. .... even Tzezhin, who, along with the rest of the party, is now about two feet tall, and SD. ( Augh. Flashback of Ard's OST. ) * Tzezhin wasn't ready for that one. ;-; ( You don't want me to act on my first impulse - Carter as DARK EVIL CHIBI. ) * The area is filled with clear tubes and stuff, lots of them filled with sleeping SD aviaks. And some other random creatures. ... ...what happened? * Carter ...stops. And looks around, his eyes swirlly. You'd swear he suddenly developed a pair of SD nerdglasses. *** Crystal is now known as Elonith ( AFK: Restroom ) * There's a bunch of gizmos, that look like they're monitoring the tubes. * And off in the distance, is an SD Trast sleeping on a medical cot thingie, and also SD Annie, who's running back and forth from a trio of SD aviaks. * KaeollaRae seems unfazed, merely saying "Groovey" ( Back ) * Elonith forms out of the crystal around Carter's neck, and takes the crystal back. He looks around and scowls. "Okay, who had fun with the Chibi gas?" * Tzezhin spots SDAnnie and walks over to her, drawing The Sword again as he does so. It's all sparkly shiny, neveryoumind that it was caked in blood before he sheathed it. "Do you require assistance?" * SD Annie is waaay over there. * Tzezhin walks waaay over there. So there! * Carter pulls out an SD tessen and holds it idley at his side as he goes to examine the various jars, tubes, and shiny machinery. Chibi-huge nanites (i.e. visible as dots) flood out of him and into various thingies. ( Dammit. You're doing the techy analyze everything thingie where I have to explain stuff and stuff again. ;_; ) ( ...SD tessen?? ) ( Oversized paper fan with red handle. Think SSB:M fan. ) ( Point. ) * SD Annie dosen't notice! She's too busy running from the trio of SD Aviaks. I think that means yes, Tzezhin. * Elonith runs over to Trast to check on his condition. * Tzezhin takes that as a "yes" and steps between Annie and the Aviaks, The Sword out. "Stop. ( "Annie and the Aviaks"....hm... ) Interesting... Very interesting....... * Trast is sleeping like a baby. * The trio of Aviaks stop, and [LOOM] over Tze in a synchronous motion, and yell, in a cute, yet loud voice, "DON'T INTERUPT OUR CHASE!" * Tzezhin 's head swells up, complete with flames. "I told you to STOP!" * Carter wanders about the lab, looking like a floating almost-spherical techboy as he close-examines every last detail. ( Just tell me when something happens... ) * SD Annie hides behind Tzezhin. :9 * KaeollaRae smilesm standing around with her hands on her hips. * The trio sway back, all wide eyed. And cute. And scared. We're gonna tell the boss on you! ( The bad part is that after those sketches, I actually have a pretty good picture of what all the main chars look like like this. ^^ ) * Elonith walks up to the equipment, and like a true techie, starts figuring it out. He's barely over 1.5 feet tall, too. ^^; The boss is scary! And that will do...what, exactly? The boss will kick you're ass! ( Elonith is the short thing from DiGiCharat! ) (He can be, if you want. :P) I find that highly unlikely. But the boss is scaaaarrry. You provoked the situation by bothering my companions and I. *swoon* Boss-sama! Teach these intruders not to mess with us! * Elonith looks over the tubes. "You know what the funny thing about geneticists and their 'creations' are? * Elonith smirks, as if he knew a *lot* about the subject. "The 'creations' never listen." * Carter darklooms (with the scaryface and spookyvoice) behind Tze. "How scary can they be? He uses chibi-tech. Muhuhahaha." He then shrinks and retreats to original position across the room. But you're chibi too. And the boss is chibi. * Elonith looks over to one of the tubes, a feeling of worry in his eyes. "Oh god, that's not good..." ( This fight promisses to be...anoying. ) Boss-sama's gonna kick your ass! * Carter huddlehuddles with Elo. Chibiwhisper: "So, do you think we can find whatever's making us chibi and able to perceive the 4th wall?" * Fourth wall? What's that? ( <_< Hush, you. ^^; ) * Elonith hush-whispers to Carter. "Maybe. I'm more concerned about this, though..." Oh? *looks* ( pause. ) ( Shary, lemme know when you're good. ) *** Quits: Tzezhin (Ping timeout) ( ... which is not just yet. <_< ) ( Curse you, Piiiiiing! ) ( * resists the tempation to call the chibi boss Ping. Cuz if it crits, people 'll get disconned. ) ( I'm so going to have twinbosses Ping and Peer in a game someday. Probably not HT, though. ) ( Perhaps as optional bosses in an FFRPG, should I ever run one. ) ( ... Like Emerald and Ruby? *crush* *load* 'Do we -have- to fight them?' ) ( And their signature attacks: "Ping TIIIIIIMEOUT!" and "Connection Reset". ) ( Hrr. If Shary gone for 5-10 minutes, gonna use plan B. ) (Ping Timeout?) ( Miniboss falling on Tze and cratering him. :9 ) ( Shary impending. ) *** Joins: Tzezhin (sharyna_t@sfa234219.richmond.edu) * SD Annie points up. "Incoming!" * Elonith looks up and side-steps if need be. * Carter also. * Tze! Body roll to avoid the big fat Miniboss that's gonna drop on you! +1 cuz it's so big! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6+1) and gets 12. (Acrobatics would apply, no?) ( ...dr1) (Would it? ) ( Yah. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6) and gets 4. ( But you still wouldn't have made it. >_> ) ( DR IS MASTER ) ( DR is mother, DR is father... ) * Cue cutscene with rapidly changing camera angles! In a deceptively fast, cool looking drop to the floor, a big, fat green spider thing with a partially split head dives down, hovering just before it hits and flipping over, then lands, it's pointy feet making dents in the ground. * It's big, towering over you all at a whole 5 feet! And ... it's wearing shades. ...this is your boss? * Elonith shrugs. * The SD Aviak Trio gather to either side of the Miniboss. "Yeah! Kick his ass!" Is it even intelligent? -_-; Don't tell the intruder to kick out bosses ass. Sorry! ^_^; * KaeollaRae giggles at the silliness and seems quite amused. * Miniboss looks down at ChibiTze, and speaks in a Barry White voice, "And who's this little pup come to crash our party?" Who are you? You can call me Da Man. ... Do you have ANY idea how cliche that is? "Da Man"... Interesting. Are you dissin Da Man? Allow my companions and I to go. I do not know this "dissin" of which you speak. * Da Man looks at Tze. "I'm afraid I can't do that. No leaving this party till the host says it's over." Only if Da Man be dissin' back. * Carter hovers over to Da Man and floats all around him, examining him and occasionally saying "hm..." I was not aware we were being invited to any festivities. * Elonith idly wonders how long it will take for the spider-thing to get confused. Hm. Hmmmmmmmm.... * Da Man leans forward a little. "Ya thinking of leaving? That's not an option. And I'll tell ya why." Because I'm the doorman. And there's no getting out unless I let you. Is that so? ( o/~ I'm Mr. ...OogieBoogie, and you ain't goin' ... no where. o/~ ) * KaeollaRae says with a smile "Groovey! Let's all party down with Da Man!" That's so, bro. So stick around and enjoy the party. We've got all sorts of genetic modifications we wanna try on you. * Carter looks up at that. "Genetic mods? Good luck. I don't think you can alter mine." 'Bro' called you a wuss! * KaeollaRae says "With an offer like that, how can we refuse?" I think not. 'Bro' says you can't rap! 'Bro' insulted yo momma! * Elonith eyes Da Man. "Okay, look man. I've been through the splicer more times than you've even SEEN one... Okay, your sumo is insufficent." WHo is this "bro" of which you speak? What, all your names are 'Bro'? I heard you badmouthing him before he got here! ( Carter can play along, sometimes. ) (s/second okay/also.) * SD Aviak #2 turns to Carter. "Not you, nitwit. Him!" *points to Tze. My name is not "Bro." I am Tzezhin M'haron. * Da Man looks from Carter to the Aviaks to Tze. "I'm afraid I can't let that pass, bro." But you were the one's insulting Da Man's heritage, saying it was less cool than even he is, now that he's been genemodded. ( Er, ones. ) I invited you to this great party, and you go dissin me? That settles it. * Da Man's shades do that shiny thing for a moment. "I'm gonna have to kick your ass." ( I don't see any settlers! So no cities for you! You can't win at Civilization! Muhahaha! ) * Elonith double-flicks Da Man off. "Ya wanna piece of us, foo'? Bring it. Punk-ass bitch." * Init. :9 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (d6+4) and gets 8. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (d6+8) and gets 11. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (d6+8) and gets 12. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (1d6+5) and gets 11. * Elo, Tze/Kae/Da Man, Carter. ( Carter's so slow. ;_; ) * Elonith backs up so he's not in range of Da Man, an energy field flickering into existance around him, and montions with his hand to grab one of the aviaks and chuck it straight at Da Man! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 11. (Heh, I didn't pick him up. Screw that.) (What, exactly, is Annie's situation at this point?) There be something wrong with you, picking on my mooks like that. * SD Annie is watching from the sidelines, munching on some popcorn. ( Can we join her? :P ) * Tze/Kae! ( Range? ) ( RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. ) (Tze can go first) ( Okey dokey. ) ( Aw, no hawt dual-init combo attack action? =p ) * Tzezhin slashes at Da Man with The Sword. * 'tack roll! ( I think Carter and Elo are the only two likely to do that sort of thing. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 5. * Da Man steps back slightly, avoiding The SD Sword. * Kae? (There are two flamechickens, one on each side of Da Man, right?) ( three. 1 on one side, 2 on the other ) But your mooks are so pickable! Besides, I'm hungry. Which do you recomend, fried, fricaseed, or BBQed? I have always liked my poultry cooked crispy. * KaeollaRae acrobatically flips through the air, landing in front of the lone flamechicken, and gives him a forceful sidekick, attempting to knock him on his feathered butt. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 2. I was thinking for the spider. :9 Barbaque all the way. * Tzezhin shrugs. "Insects and arachnids are to be tossed on the fire, of course." * SD Aviak #1 goes 'Iiiieeee!' as it's punted into LEO. Nevermind that it's underground, or there's an actual cieling. (LEO?) (Low Earth Orbit) ( Low Earth Orbit. ) ( We won't. Mind, I mean. ) ( It happens to Team Rocket all the time. ) ( *ping* ) (Ah, okay. Did it go *ting*?) * Ting! ( Yay! ) ( Picturing Tze going "Yay!" is...disturbing. ) * Da Man raises a non-existant eyebrow. "I'm gonna have to do something about this." * Da Man's eyeglasses shine again. And this time, a long, sweeping laser sweeps across the room, emanating from where the eyes would be! Def rolls all 'round! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-2) and gets 9. * Carter sizzles. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 3. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 9. (Nope. But shield's up. ^_^) (Everyone, even Annie, Kaeolla, and the other two flamechickens?) ( Nope! Just Da Party. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 10, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "If I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" * Carter collapses, in a charred SD sort of heap. (that would be a no way in hell) ( .... ) ( Karma, you said? ) ( Oh. YES! aahahaha ) ( Kidding. ) ( *whistles innocently* I'm not doing it, Elfy, honest. ) * Elonith doesn't manage to avoid the attack, but the field activates, intercepting the laser blast and preventing it from hurting Elonith. * Tzezhin avoids like a pimp. *sizzle, sizzle* Carter! Are you okay? @_X * Carter! .... and right on to the Aviaks! Who don't do anything but cheer Da Man on. * Elo! Fine, you want to play tough? We'll play tough. * Carter steams like the BBQ he evinced interest in, on his turn. * KaeollaRae apparently is caught of guard and gets nailed full on with the blast and knocked about like a rag dolly. She's looked sexier. Surprisingly, she lands on her feet and it still standing, although the's got wobbling legs and looks to be on her last stamina. * Elonith whips his arm back, a glowing blue chain extending from his hand as he lashes torwards the man. The chain extends the great distance as he snaps it down on the spider-thing. "Kun'la Son!" * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 1. (... Kicked that roll's ASS.) ( *adds a 2 to the end of the 1* ) (*wonders how you roll a 14 on 2d6...) * The psichain bounces off his sunglasses. Then rebound and hit da Man right between the heads. ( Elo: Loaded Die. ) * Elonith lashes it back as it vanishes. He mantains his guard. * Tze/Kae! (Tze can have first honors ; ) ) * Tzezhin tries another slashy with The Sword. (... Loaded dice make unlikely rolls more likely. They *don't* let the impossable happen.) ( Elo: In Munchkin, a Loaded Die lets you roll a d6, then say _any_ number you want as the result. ) * Hot hot 'tack rollin'! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 7. (Well, yeah. But that's Munchkin.) * Da Sword pokes Da Man most verily. He makes a squishy sound. So Kyute! ( Which is a very fun game. ) ( He *squishes*? ) ( Loaded Die, on the roll to determine the "true" level of the Eep. Muhahaha. ) ( Yeah. Like poking a plastic toy that kinda squeaks but dosen't quite squeak. ) ( Shit. ) ( Keep in mind: CHIBI. ) * Kae! (Duh. We're kicking his ass, methinks.) (I take it that Da Man is still active) ( Time for the pistol. ) ( Segev. Sleep. Soon. ) ( And yeah, I need to head out soon too. ) ( Mmm. 'k. ) * KaeollaRae says "Didn't think you boys were going to play so rough." and then twirls around, suddenly tossing two energy bursts shaped like throwning blades at Da Man. (... Oh, wait. That should have been -4 on my roll. Oh well. ^_^) * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 4. * Dicesuke throws the bones for KaeollaRae (2d6-2) and gets 4. (hit hit) ( ... no way in hell Da Man made those def rolls. ) ( a 10 and 11. Before def penalties from multiple defenses. @_@ ) ( *cries* No fair! ) * Da Man looks up, as Kae attacks. And eats a double faceful of energy bursts. ( Mmm... extra photons, just like your mother used to make. ) (Heh =)) ( Nummy ) * Da Man's ..... shades ..... shatter. And he kneels down. "Aw, man, bro, you got a tough gang going on." *smoke, sizzle* Keep him down. I'll take care of Carter. You'd just ruin da party if you stuck around. I hate to say it, bro, but I gotta let you go. Excellent. Boss lost. Amazing. * Elonith runs over to Carter and closes his eyes. They flash red as he puts his hands over the smouldering ash. He speaks this phrase in a chanting voice once: "Se'lentha kar'no el dakado.." Hey, where'd #1 go? * Carter jumps up, much better! He looks left! right! "Did I miss something?" (Somewhere in LEO - #1 "Squak. Someone come get me....please.") ( Jex: Nothin' to me as he tries that? ) ( Nope! ) * Elonith blinks as he falls back from Carter's outburst. "Yeah. We won." Oh, good then. Um... is he still alive, or did we smite him? * Da Man pulls out another pair of shades. He is still alive. * Carter snaps his fingers in a "darn" motion. But hastilly hides his dissapointment. Ya broke my shades. *nods solemnly, and puts on the next pair* * Carter walks up to Da Man, and tugtugs on a leg, or a labcoat corner, if he's wearing one. "Can I borrow a lab bench, and some equipment? Please?" * Elonith gets off his butt. * KaeollaRae smirks. ( Actually, slight retcon. Tze: Forehead flashes white! ) ( Thanks. ) (Wow, he could be a funky traffic light) * Da Man shuffles off, leaving the two SD Aviaks there. * Carter will take the nonanswer as a yes, 'cause that's the answer he wanted. * KaeollaRae winks at the flamechickens and asks "Still want to party down?" ( I'd've thought blue, but that'll work. ^^; ) * SD Aviak #2 gulps. ( Its hard to determine whether 'Good thing' would fall under nuetral or benign. ;_; ) (Make another color, then.) Hey! You! Over here! Help me clear this table.... *points to the Aviaks imperiously* * KaeollaRae smiles at them (and that's usually a sign tha they should am scray while they can ; ) ) ( benign means good, basically. ) Hey, Carter? What'cha doin'? <_< >_> Noooothing. * SD Aviak #2 snaps to attention. As does #3. Looks like a lot of nothing. <.< >.> Just keep your laptop away from here for a while. ( Neutral is, like, making a door open. Or something like that. ) * Carter is in full chibitechnerd mode, now. Proud to be of service to a mook of the Bro who defeated The Boss! * Elonith backs away, then. ^^; (Anything else I need to be involved in? Otherwise I'm out. ) * KaeollaRae walks over to where Annie is enjoying her popcorn and sits down beside her. She asks of Annie "Share?" ( Actually, this might just be a good place to end, Jex. ) * Annie offers some of the popcorn to Kae. * KaeollaRae makes use of the offered popcorn with a smile, she still seems cheerful dispite her recently getting the hoody hoo kicked out of her - strange that. * And pending anything else, endsies.