* Last time! * Everybody walked around and met all the nice young people in the nice shiny penguin tuxedos. * Who all went 'Wak.' ( And pointedly ignored the GMs hints that they should don similar tuxedos ) (And...) * Gasp! What's this, a new party member? And oh no! Alex is gone! ( I'm writing, I'm writing. Sheesh. ) (New party memeber: Don't get lost. Alex: Who cares?) ( This can only mean one thing: Alex is the new party member! ) * Then MORE talking. And they finally get to entering the GIANT FRIGGIN PENGUIN. * And who's this that's suprised at seeing them? .... and not wearing a penguin tux themselves? Tze knows! * Start! ( So, do I do my long speech or not? ) (Go for it!) (Do it!) "This world continues to become odder and odder still the longer I remain here. I am unsure whether this is a result of a virus native to this world, or merely my bad fortune to encounter strange beings. Luckily, the majority of my comrades seem to be at least partially sane, with the exception of the woman. I have, however, ceased to be surprised when women on this world are insane." ( more. ) "...It seems to be an area effect. We have gained another compatriot, who seems to be from a time less advanced than the rest of the group. I am not sure yet whether this is an advantage or not, as he is not well-versed in some terms. But then, not many of us are. I believe he will be an asset and not a disturbance." (more) "I cannot say this same, however, for a certain person who has, it seems, followed me here. This is indeed an interesting development." ( The man can be long-winded when he wants. ) * The woman who's oh so surprised upon seeing you is wearing a black overcoat, with a hood that covers her face. There's a few bloodstains on it, and not all of them are red. Tresses of blond hair leak out of the hood, but that's all you can make out of her. ( It's Arthas! ) (Is anyone else doing anything?) * She's looking intently at Tze, and is unmistakeably poised to strike. * Carter stops quite suddenly, surprised by this person semi-blocking their way. * But you can't see with what. * Elonith is eyeing the woman suspiciously, and ready to dodge out of the way in case fighting starts going on. Yeah, REALLY heroic. <.< * KaeollaRae says "My my." * Tzezhin shifts his weight slightly, clearly preparing for some sort of action, but doesn't move quite yet. "It is a surprise to see you here, Teresis." You'll never escape me. *She keeps her tense, poised pose.* Is that so? Friend of yours? * Teresis has a similar accent to Tzezhin, you notice. * Carter relaxes a bit, since Tze seems to know her. They must be friends! "Oh, you are a friend of Tzezhin's? Pleased to meet you. ... oh...not a friend..." He hovers a bit back. Tzezhin probably can handle this. Escape? Why is she chasing you, Tzezhin? * Tzezhin ignores the others' responses. "I am sure I once told you that neither obsessions nor emotions are conducive to health or success in our line of work." This fixation of yours disappoints me. * KaeollaRae smiles and says "Oooh. He stood you up." **TSK TSK** * Teresis ignores everyone else, too. Fancy that. "There's a contract on you. I intend to fulfill it." * Elonith snorts softly. "Talk after they relax their stances." * KaeollaRae giggles and walks just past Teresis >_> .. More importantly, how did you follow him here? I thought winding up here was a random thing. * Tzezhin looks faintly surprised. "Is there? For how much?" * Trast walks behind Teresis as well. * KaeollaRae looks around with her head at what's though the entrance she just walked though. * KaeollaRae wiggles her tail as she surveys the area. * Teresis glances infitisemly breifly at Carter. "Thats something a dead man dosen't need to know." In case you have not been practicing your powers of observation, I am not dead. Dead? I do hope you're not threatening me. *hovers behind Tzezhin* * Elonith blinks and shakes his head. Poor diluted fool... * Everyone else, the way onwards leads onto ... hallways! Partially lit. * KaeollaRae thinks.oO("That Carter. Humph.") ( Diluted fool? ) ( Like, originally from concentrate? ) * KaeollaRae says "Oh pooh - just boring hallways." (... Let me look up spell-check. ) ( *coughdeludedperhaps?*cough* ) (you mean del... yeah, what Shary said ^^;) Then you lack foresight. (No, no. Look it up at Dictionary.Com.) (Also can mean 'Weakened'.) How do you intend to collect your pay for this contract? You are as trapped here as anyone else, madam. I may, but that is neither here nor there. As for your intention of being the instrument of my contract's fulfillment, you are lacking yet in skill. We shall see. * Init! For all involved. * Tzezhin sighs. "I had resigned myself to that." Carter, shut up and let them work this out. And for goodness sakes *don't* get in the way. * Tze/Ter, Elo, Trast, KaeRae, Carter! * Tzezhin pays attention to the rest of the group for the first time since seeing Teresis. "I would advise that you stay out of the way." Don't have to tell me twice. * Carter bows and hovers off, observing. "As you wish." * Tzezhin draws The Sword with one hand and crouches, holding it in a defensive position, his other hand going into his jacket pocket for something you can't quite see yet. ( Oh, Carter! You love me! You really love me! ) * KaeollaRae eyes Tzezhin says "She's your girlfriend to deal with." and **winks** ( Shary: Riiiiiight. ) * In a simaltaenous motion to Tze drawing the sword, Teresis withdraws a gun from her coat. But it's not just any 'ole gun, it's gonna get a descrip line of it's own. * KaeollaRae makes sure to be off to one side - just incase of stray shots. Well, Teresis? This is, after all, your contract. And your challenge. * Elonith backs off and gets behind some convient cover, keeping watch on the display all the while. * The gun is a nice polished silver, with a 6 inch barrel, and an elongated holster, then extends into a large handgaurd, almost the size of a buckler shield, that covers most of her lower arm for that arm. * KaeollaRae thinks.oO("Well, this should be fun") (It's The Gun.) * Carter is ready to help any noncombatants get away, but for now merely watches the duelists, judgelike. * Tzezhin raises an eyebrow. "Bulky." * And then she fires. (Whoooo needs a ranged defense roll?) ( Oooh! Oooh! I know! I know! ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 6. (... I *think* you made that. You have an ACV of 8, right?) * There's a blue flash from the muzzle, and a small blue orb shoots out at it. At Tze! In addition, Tze's forehead flashes red! ( Yup. ) * Carter flinches at the ignition of the weapon. * Tzezhin 's face twitches slightly as he dodges. * Next! Elo! * Elonith hides! (Full Defense) * Trast! ( Bash Teresis on the head! ) * 'tack roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6-1) and gets 6. ( I hit! ) (And for your attack, just emote it. ^^; I don't think Trast would actually yell 'Bash Teresis on the head!') ( Sailor Trast Bash Attack! ) ( *hides a la Elo* ) ( He might... Though he smarter than the standard caveman. ) * Teresis looks ... quite surprised as Trast bonks her head. And stumbles forward to one knee, catching herself with her free hand. * Tzezhin actually has an emotion on his face! It seems to be irritation. "I seem to remember advising that you remain out of the way, comrade Trast." I seem to feel your advice was bad. ( Tzezhin is a Russian! Get the Commie! ) ( Not my fault the man doesn't have a last name. ) ( Other than Wheel-Maker, which he said wasn't a family name. ) (Last names are for the weak!) (Communist Pig-dog!) * KaeRae! * KaeollaRae watches (for now) * Carter! * Tzezhin flashes Trast a dirty look, then turns to Teresis. "Are you able to continue?" (slowly) I'm fine. Trast! Tzezhin has asked us not to interfere. *holds almost too still, trying very hard to look calm* * Tzezhin shrugs. "As you say, then." Oh fine. * Trast leans against a nearby wall./ * Carter is hovering a few feet away, rigid and, he hopes, impassively. * Tze/Ter! Wai for identical init! ( That's actually rather absurdly fitting. ) ( Indubitably. ) * KaeollaRae has a slight smile and a gleem on her face. ( augh! There's a gleem gleaming on Kae's face! ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6) and gets 9. ( But is it a gleaming gleem that gleams on Kae's face? ) ( Augh. ) (dr1) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6) and gets 2, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "That was close. One cycle later and you'd have fit nicely into a sandwich." ( Hoo + ha. ) ( Action to go with that? ^_^; ) (dr1 ?) * Tzezhin whacks at Teresis' gun hand with the flat of The Sword, trying to disarm her without chopping off her hand. * Teresis is chanting something. There's a tingly feeling on Tze's head, but it hasn't developed into anything definitive yet. She bring the Gun to bear to try and block the strike, but that fails horribly, and The Gun goes flying! Just as a shimmering, almost non-existant force field pops into her existnce about her. (Kaeolla's has a price from leprecauns? What a tiny whore!) (Hey - she's openminded ; )) * And Tze's forhead flashes blue! Force field. Impressive. * Teresis looks balefully at Tzezhin. That's not a nice face she's making. * Carter scans the force field for later examination. * Tzezhin narrows his eyes. "Magic? Now I really am disappointed." As if blocking with a ranged weapon wasn't a bad enough idea. * Carter 's eyebrow quirks at Tze's line. * Teresis lashes out with a kick, which connects with the flat of Tze's blade. Def roll to keep a hold of it! ( The Gun did look like it could function very well as a small shield. ) ( Possibly, but it's really the principle of the matter to him. ) * KaeollaRae thinks.oO("Ah the tribulations of love.") * Trast thinks.oO("Tzez is a fool for fighting alone) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6-2) and gets 2. * If anyone's gonna interupt, say so now. * Carter flys after The Gun, and retrieves it to hold until the resolution of the battle. * KaeollaRae watches * Oh yeah. And Teresis just hurt her leather footed boot from trying to disarm Tze. ( Tze and Ter got the same init. And noone else is acting. ) ( So act again, okey dokey. ) ( I actually want to act again. ( Aw. ) * Trast! ( :P ) * Trast steps forward from the wall and swings at Teresis again. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6-1) and gets 5. (POW!) (Heh Heh) * Tzezhin glares at Trast. "I see that your world has not yet developed a standard against fighting in others' duels." (BAM! WHIFF! SLAM!) "Duels?" * Teresis dosen't even bother to register Trast's presence. The axe makes a nice sparky sound when it hits the force field, but dosen't do much more than that. * Tzezhin shakes his head ruefully and turns his attention back to Teresis. * Elonith gets up, when he sees this isn't nearly as dangerous as he thought. "Do you require me to educate him?" ( Did everyone get the voice sample? I think I put Teresis' name in there as well. ) (Indeedly do) * Tze/Ter again! Well? Is there anything else you would like to try, or will you hide in your bubble forever? * KaeollaRae wiggles her tail and seems to be enjoying watching the duel unfold. (slowly) He interfered. He shall be next. * Trast turns to the rest of the party. "Anyone else have a bigger axe?" * Tzezhin shakes his head. "Unprofessional. A contract should only involve the contractor and the client's choice. And I am quite sure that the client did not request for the death of one who has never set foot on Kjarnan." * Carter assumes a serious posture that looks somewhat silly on him, The Gun worn on his right hand and pointing down. "Trast, do not interfere. Tzezhin will not thank you for it, and it will diminish him in his own eyes." * KaeollaRae says "Sorry harry - clunky archaic weapons aren't my thing." I could smash at her with you, but you wouldn't appreciate that. And neither would she. Carter: Tzezhin's foolishness is not my concern, keeping us all alive is. This is more than a contract. And you know it! *she's shaking a little, then composes herself.* I cannot rest until you are dead. It should not be more than a contract. Professionalism always comes first. You know this. And dramatic pronouncements have never been a part of professionalism. * Elonith walks over to the large caveman and signals for him to lower his ear so he can talk to him without everyone else hearing. Surrender, Ma'am. You are disarmed, and I doubt anything you have left is a match for Tzezhin's Weapon. * Trast bends down a bit. * Elonith whispers to Trast. * Teresis glances at Carter, then at Trast, then back to Tze. I did not anticipate you having friends. *she looks at Carter again* ^^; ( carter is hovering nearby, yes? ) * KaeollaRae is standing at a safe distance, out of probably firing arc, her left arm over her chest - it's hand acting as an elbow support for her right arm which is resting there as her palm is on her left cheek, allowing her head to rest there as she watches with some obvious delight. ( Yes, just a few feet off the steps, out of easy jumping distance ) Anticipation means nothing. Preparation for all possible avenues does. And my comrades are no concern of yours. (er...right cheek) Some other time... ( Off the steps horozontally, level with them vertically. ) * Tzezhin shakes his head resignedly. "This is foolish of you. You were once skilled." * KaeollaRae says "Well friend might be too strong a word hon. More like travelling aquantences." You yield this encounter, Ma'am? * Carter shoots a look at Kae. "I count Tzezhin a friend, at least." ( Awwwwwwwwww! ) (does Teresis still sparkle?) * KaeollaRae meets Carter's gaze with a gleeful smile and replys "You're so sweet you'll melt." ^^;; * Teresis turns her gaze back to Carter. There's intent in her eyes, but her movements are too fast to give that much warning. And then she runs and *jumps*, lands on Carter's chest, grabs The Gun out of his grasp and kicks off. * Carter falls a distance proportional to her jump off, catches himself, and returns to where he was, rubbing his right hand. * KaeollaRae nods her head side to side and comments "You should be paying more attention sweets.." * But not back to the ramp everyone else is on, missing it on purpose, shifting position and letting her overcoat open up and flutter enough to break her fall. ( She from that "Birds of Prey" show or something? ) ( She's have to be a good guy for that. I think. ) * KaeollaRae says of Teresis "At least she has some stylin' going on." ( Well, I dunno. There were bad good guys. Or was she a good bad guy? Whatever. ) * And then she's running. * Elonith is busy talking to Mr. Caveman. * Tzezhin shakes his head again and almost frowns. "She always did have a regrettable tendency to favor flair over function." * Carter lands on the ramp again. "What was that all about, Tzezhin? Or is that too personal?" (to Tzez) "You were a fool to let her go, she'll be back. and this time you won't have the advantage of surprise" Neither will she. * Tzezhin half-shrugs. "It is too personal for her--that is her downfall. It is also, however, not particularly relevant to our mission. I believe we were on our way to meet a Lord? If you wish to discuss this later, very well." * Elonith turns his attention back to the rest of the group. But if she comes back, that is a sign that I will still have the advantage of detachment. ( Tze wins because he's more cold-blooded. ;_; ) ( But af course. ) You should learn to use *all* the advantages you have. *glances significantly at the rest of us* * KaeollaRae points out "Actually, we were looking for little miss hot tempered girl." ( I told you. Logic wins over in the end.) ( And Segev would win because he's more ruthless and less honorable. ) Were we? Of course, you are right. *walks into the ship* Well then. * Oh, yes. Carter! Mind roll, +1! (No, Trast would win because *he's* less honorable and has more friends than Segev does :P) * Tzezhin looks at Trast. "In any other combat, I might have. But it is foolish to waste resources when one can handle a situation alone." * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6+1) and gets 4. ( Made it! ) * Elonith sighs. * Carter dissapears within the ship, almost like a coursing hound on a scent. If we have a task to complete, let us go. * Elonith notices Carter leaving, and so chases the silly Terran. * Trast heads out. * KaeollaRae says "Well...something...or should I say someone...certainly got his juices flowing." she chuckles. * There's hallways! Lit and unlit, some still under construction, some done, some almost. * KaeollaRae follows along. * Elonith keeps followin' the guy who's got the scent. * Tzezhin blinks at Kaeolla. "She did not catch first blood. Or any blood, actually." * .... hey. There's a door! It's closed. * Carter opens it. * Tzezhin notices Elo and Carter running about, and sets off after them. * KaeollaRae replys "Who said anything about your ladyfriend?" she smiles. * It dosen't open. There is a Penguin icon on the wall over the nearby touchpad, though. * Carter stares at the touchpad, obviously concentrating on it. * Tzezhin blinks again at Kaeolla, then just turns away, shrugging. Crazy womenfolk. * KaeollaRae sashays along after carter with a smile on her face. * Trast keeps poking at all the bits of ship as he goes along. ( Hm. A large red button. Interesting. *push* ) I... don't... belive this. That's carring the penguin obcession a bit too far.... * KaeollaRae says "If you say so, sweets." ... What is it? ( Tzez: And even if it says, "Do not push" Its not like he can read!) ( Yup. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6+2) and gets 9. * The door goes 'Wak Wak.' Okay... that failed.. I'm going to try to fool its sensors... ( I miss anyt--oh, good. ) ( Trast try to make door go boom now? ) * Trast tries idly to pry/force/bash the doors open (Only if he's ignoring Carter. Which he seems to be. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-1) and gets 5. ... Or, that might work too. * KaeollaRae stands watching, amushed at the techgeek having tech difficulties * And bod roll! +3! SS applies. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Trast (2d6-1) and gets 10. ( ...... nope. ) ... Thats a strong door. * The door opens just as Trast tries that, with a friendly sounding 'Wak!' .... I don't think that was me. It wasn't. Carter over here tricked the sensors. * Carter walks on through, following something.' "sensors" ? * Elonith follows Carter. * Tzezhin walks in. * KaeollaRae sashays along behind them. They're like electronic eyes that can see anything from spirits to infra-red radiation to the visible spectrum. (That oughta confuse him.) "electronic" ? * More hallways. But from here on in, it's fully operational. ( Hoboy. ) Tell ya 'bout it later. Where are you...? *muttered* * And a short walk later.... * Trast wanders along distracted by the shiny lights * KaeollaRae sashays along after Carter. * Elonith walks along like he's seen a million ships like it before. And for all you guys know, he could have. ( Suuure he has. Next thing, you'll be claiming he's an alien shapeshifting experiment, or something. ) * KaeollaRae doesn't much seem to be interested in the corridors either. * Carter and Co get to the room that he's sniffing after. A random undescribed NPC in a penguin tux exits a little before they arrive, and fails to shut the door all the way. * As a result, you can hear two voices talking through the cracked door! (I am not an alien shapeshifting experiment! I'm a shapeshfiting alien experiment.) * Carter stops out of line of sight of the opening, listenting and looking in with sensors. * Elonith listens! This is foolish. Even for you. * Carter holds up a hand in the age-old "stop" gesture. You just have no sense of planning, or plotting. This -will- work. * KaeollaRae uses her hips to 'accedently' *bump* the unsuspecting Carter though the doorway and into the room. She says "Oops." We've just got to fool the opposite Lords long enough. Can't you smell it, the winds of .... ....idiot. Wha! Who's there! * Tzezhin doesn't bother to lower his voice. ^^; * Elonith glares at Kaeolla and speaks quietly. "Are you TRYING to get us killed?" * Trast looks up from the consoles. Huh? What? * Carter freezes, obviously scared. And then tries to look notscared. * Tzezhin walks in to flank Carter in case he needs help. It's the terran. Oh, this'll be fun. * KaeollaRae looks at Tzezhin with slight smile and a glimmer in her eyes. ( Visual description, Jex, before we act? ) Whatever. Fight your own foolish fights. * Trast runs into the room. ( And here come's descrip! ) ( Ah, I remember now. Hostile intentions. ) * Elonith sneaks into the room behind all the bigger men. * The room looks like all the other's you've passed. Empty, with monitors and shtuff, and other gizmos that would be appropriate in a starships living quarters. * But this one has two people in it! The first, KaeRae will recognize as Clay. The second, KaeRae will recoginze as Clay! And since they both look the same, * They're both standing arrogantly, and have very pale skin. Almost the color of white paste. They both have wild black hair that reaches down to their hips. They're both dressed in seude skin-tight pants, and have bare chests save for two straps of leather strapped across their chest. And both are looking at the door. * KaeollaRae smiles sexily and waves to the Clays "Hi again." she giggles. ( More accurately, yeeeesh. *wrinkles nose* ) * Carter swallows nervously. * Carter scans the room, trying to identify the source of the interfearance. Very guarded scan. * One of them, who looks noticeable more arrogant than the other one, steps back to the far wall, and crosses his arms. Looks like he's just gonna watch. * Tzezhin looks impassively at the Clays. * Elonith looks around the room for console of any kind. These computer types always have one nearby... * KaeollaRae continues in a sexy voice "My, you have a twin even. How scrumptious." * Carter looks at the one who didn't step back. "Lord RB3?" ( There's a console over by the bed in the corner, with the table. ) * KaeollaRae says in reply to Carter while continuing to look and smile at the Clays "It's Clay, sweets." * The one who didn't step back blinks. "Is it that obvious?" His 'arrogant' pose drops. * Tzezhin snorts at Kaeolla. "Oh?" * Elonith stays quiet. * The one staying back merely snorts. * KaeollaRae says "Indeed" looking at the one that did back up. What is that, a robot you're in? * The foremost one leans forward, looking into Carter's face. "Not a robot." * he ripples, and shifts apperances, and hieght, and shtuff, and now looks like Carter. * KaeollaRae walks past Carter and the shifter towards the Clay that didn't just shift. * Carter steps back, giving ground, trying to maintain space between them. But looks remarkably unfazed by the shapeshift, thanks to Elo's repeated uses of a similar ability. * Elonith keeps a calm face on, but if you were the kind who looked into eyes and could tell how people felt from that, he's worried or scared or... something not normal. A terran... interesting variant. *grins* Oh. ^^; You know of terrans? o.o * Clay ignores KaeRae. You didn't think you got out of our last meeting unscathed, did you? * KaeollaRae moves to and stands beside Clay and looks on at the others. Nothing was altered... but you could have downloaded, I suppose. * Carter is very carefully _not_ using terran band communications. ( Yes, because there are so many people here he could do that with. ) And there's another of you in the Realm. This is simply delightful. The perfect hosts, and the Lords would never know. * Carter points at Clay. "You just told him." ( Tze: That too. ) * KaeollaRae leans sideways over to Clay and whispers "Your friends kinda wierd, don't you think?" Oh, him? Guess which side he's on. ^^; * Clay continues to ignore KaeRae. Seems he's not very talkative. * Trast leans over towards Elonith and whispers "Can we kill them yet?" Hm... before I borrow your body as a host... can I ask.... why did you come here? Bearing force unnecessarily will bring you many enemies. * Carter backs up another step. "W-what are you t-two planning?" * KaeollaRae says "Well, you boys have fun. I'm off to find little miss firecracker." and then walks towards the room's exit. * RB3/Carter takes a step forward, in time with Carters step back. After he spills the beans, *then* smash their faces in. (I was whispering, by the way.) Can't you feel it? The winds of change are in the air. They'll never know what hit them. Enough of this constant deadlock. * Carter gulps. And retracts sensors and puts up every mental block he can think of. He looks frankly terrified, now. * KaeollaRae exits the room and continues down the corridor in seach of Alex. * Tzezhin steps in front of Carter, blocking RB3. ( Was there room betwixt Carter and RB3 for Tze to do that? ) (He could always make room.) ( If not, they were *really* close. O.O ) * RB3 starts to lay a hand on Carter's shoulder, then stops. "And you are?" ( Someone who's gonna kick your ass.) Not going to allow you to harrass my comrade. * Carter backs away, falling onto the floor in his haste! * Trast also steps in the way. * Elonith backs up, and glances over to the console again. How guarded, if at all, is it? * It looks to be a public access terminal. And everyone else is ignoring it. Oh...? Do you realize who you're trying to stop? ( An opponent. Something squishy. ) Lord RB3, I presume? ( Someone I do NOT want to mess with.) ( Correct as usual, Uncle Tzezhin. ) ( I won't say it I won't...too late! I said it! ) Yes. You. ( Whos where in relation to the room? And especially the exit? ) ( ) ( I am *behind* them all.) ( I'm between RB3 and Carter, presumably next to Trast. ) * Carter was near the exit, but probably is almost backed against the wall with said exit in it by now. And still sitting on the floor. (I'm between RB3 and Carter, presumably next to Tzezhin.) Oh.... no fear or utter awe? I'm ... dissapointed. * RB3/Carter waves one arm up, and the door slides shut. Hopefully this will be a permanent condition. ( I do not know the meaning of fear. ) (No shit. Geeze guys. <.< >.>) ( Actually, Tze does know the meaning of fear. It's something that happens to people he's about to kill. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ) ( Carter doesn't know the meaning of fear, just that he's experiancing alot of it right now. ) (Fear? Yeah, we got that.) ( "Fear" ? ) * RB3 leans forward to look Trast -and- Tze right in the face. He grows an extra head to do this. (Carter and Elo are having enough of that for all four of us.) ( Exactly. We're a very well-balanced group. ) * Tzezhin stares back, unfazed. BOO! * Carter looks a bit sick as the two-headed him forms. * And the light goes out! * Carter eeps! And spreads sensors again, reflexively. * Elonith sighs a sigh of relief. He holds tightly onto his possessions. Too many times people try and snag stuff when lights go out. * Tzezhin draws The Sword and drags Carter from the floor to the wall, behind him. * And everyone in the room feels a cool, gooey liquid gobbing on them. * Trast smacks where the head was with his axe ( Eeeeeeeeeeeeeew! ) * Carter levitates and tries to shake it off, analyzing it in the process. Ewww... ( I would say "hand check," but...ewww. ) Hey, get me a lift! * Carter, bod roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 4. ( Do I get to hit someone? ) * Elonith tries his best (and probably fails) to keep himself goo-free. ( Made it ) * Tzezhin wipes the stuff off of his ears and face with one sleeve. * Whee! As Carter levitates up, he get's an extra boost of speed, like someone else triggering it. And manages to not hit his head on the cieling. ( Testing... ) ( ... ) * Carter , assuming he's goo-free, tries to help Elo, since he asked for it. ( Oh. Retcon that. ) Wha!? * And the lights come back on. * Carter tries to figure out what's wrong. * Elonith checks his feet to make sure they're not still stuck in stuff. ( ... When did I get to hit something?) ( or was there just nothing there me to hit? ) * There's silver goo all over, now that the lights are back on. (Trast has been swinging this entire time Jex.) * There's been nothing to hit. ( RB3 is gone, I'm guessing? ) I hope these aren't nanites... ( RB3 and Clay are gone, I'm guessing? ) ( .... ) * Clay looks right annoyed, and he's got a wicked purple-black aura blazing. ( *slaps self* Note: See what other people say before you speak. ) * And RB3 isn't seen. Can we beat him? * Carter looks at the goo. "RB3, you are a right mess in your natural form." * Elonith blinks. He activates his force field, which should *fry* any of the silver stuff still on him. * As for the goo, there's some on the handle of The Sword, a gob still stuck in Carter's hair, and Elo's laptop has still got some on it. * Carter is trying to scrape the stuff off of himself. * .... the force field dosen't activate. * Tzezhin tries to remove the stuff from The Sword. * Elonith blinks. "Aww... *shit*. You hack my stuff, I hack your brain." Sounds good to me. * Trast rushes towards Clay. * The Sword is rather slippery, where the goo is. Hard to keep a grip on it. * Carter tries to get that goo out of his hair. * Tzezhin takes off one of his gloves, uses it to wipe the goo off, and takes hold of The Sword with his bare hand. * Clay looks at Trast boredly, not doing anything. * Elonith tries to wipe any of the goo on his laptop off, as well as any of it on his other equipment. * Hey! And everyone manages to get the goo off! There's now a slippery coat, thats hardened on The Sword. * Trast attemps to split that bored look in two. * Elo: Your gun managed to not be affected. But your FF and laptop are not working at the moment. Carter! Get me a scan on this stuff. Trying... * Tzezhin snarls, takes off the other glove, puts the slippery glove on and the other glove on over that, then takes a hold of The Sword again.. * Clay only shifts position slightly, taking Trast's blow in the chest. It cuts in quite deep, but he dosen't seem to care. * Elonith shrugs and heads for the public access panel instead. Let's see what we can hack here... ( Trast is a 1337 hacker! ) ( Hee. ) ( Die. Now. ) * Tze: The Sword squirts out of your hands, sailing into the air. And embedding itself in the ground. * The public access panel displays ever so friendly words: 'I can see you.' * Tzezhin growls. Feral! * Elonith cracks his knuckles and hacks away: "And you think I care *how*?" Thought so... Elo, that goo _is_ Lord RB3. * Trast keeps hacking away at Clay, regardless of whether he seems to care or not. Yeah, I figured as much. I think he's hacked my computer, and definetly my force field. * Tzezhin looks around, judges everything to be not-actively dangerous at the moment, then kneels and tries to chip away the goo with one of his daggers. * Clay actually bothers to look at Trast after the third strike. * The monitor types out 'How can you fight what you can't see?' (Clay "Away with you annoying insect!") Now what... Tzezhin, your sword is infected with that stuff. I'm not sure what he's planning, but I reccommend fire, or acid. Fast. * Elonith snaps his fingers. "That's it." * Carter turns to Clay. "While Lord RB3 is playing, would you mind telling me what this is all about?" I see no components of fire-making. * Elonith puts his hand on his laptop and transmutates it into a solid block of plastic, silicon, and metal. Fire? * Clay blinks, and looks up. Then at Trast. "Stop that." ( .... Theres *nothing* burnable on this ship is there? ) Tzezhin, stand back. * Wiring, and stuff to sleep on. Like the bed there! * Elonith pulls out his energy pistol and blasts the hilt of the sword with it. * Tzezhin moves back some. (Sorry. The Sword.) ( Heh. ) * The shot blasts a chunk of goo off. (*wonders if Jex is keeping up with all the stuff we're doing.) ( I am. Or trying to, at least. ^_^; ) Keep it up, get it all, Elo. I don't want to know what he's doing. He's trying to distract us from something. * The console types out, 'Lights out!' * Elonith keeps on blasting away. * And the lights go out again. * Carter spreads sensors, so the dark won't affect him. * Elonith curses. He's reforming. Figured as much. Give me a location, I'll hit him while he reforms. ( I actually have Low Light vision. ^_^) * Carter gives exact coordinates in terms of meters from the walls and floor. ( How helpful that is is another matter entirely ) Relation to me would be more useful. :P ( Knew i should have bought Blindfighting. ) You fool. Quit toying with them. * Carter gives those coordinates for Elo, too, assuming lights don't come back on first. * Carter nods towards Clay. "He' * Elonith blasts in that general direction with his pistol! (Expecting some sort of penalty here.) * Carter nods towards Clay. "Lord Clay is right, you know. You're not being nearly as impressive as I thought you were." He never is. * Elo, 'tack roll! +3! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6+1) and gets 7. (Made it still._ ( Scary. ) (Yes, isn't it?) ( +3? That's it? Elo could make that with his eyes closed. Oh, wait, he has his eyes closed. Point made. ) I think I'm going to have to bail him out. You seem to be serious. I don't know, can a simple energy blast actually kill him? * Trast looks at his axe ( It's amazing how fast fear can turn to contempt in the face of evidence, isn't it? ) I really need a better one of these. * There's a hiss where Elo hit, and the lights come back on. RB3 is there, looking like Elo. Can we call a truce, for the moment, Lord Clay? Lord RB3? He messed with my computer. *Nobody* messes with the only thing I have left. Fix it, please, Lord RB3. (He's so possessive ; ) ) Truce? There is only one truce we honor. And that is what we seek to break the bonds of. ( Awwwww! ) A ceasefire, so we may talk, then, Lord Clay? * Trast swings at RB3 experimentally. * Elonith puts his hand back and changes the laptop back to its normal form. "And just so you know, I would be scared if I haven't tried to kill myself before. Am I fighting? I'll leave this fool to learn to fight than to just scare people with pitiful tricks. * RB3/Elo rolls back, out of the way of Trast's axe. * Trast notes that at least RB3 tried to *avoid* it. Very well, my Lord. Lord RB3, if Trast will stop swinging, will you stop fighting for a time? And stop the cheap tricks. Trast, please stop for a moment. ( I only swung once :P ) (thats why it was *experimental* ) ( Carter didn't want you to do it again. ) Nobody respects me. *pout* Carter: Just testing something. That makes two of us. But, we came here because we heard Lord Clay had a means of getting out of the Realm, and wanted to hear about it from him. *to Trast* Oh. Okay, then. *to Clay* So? * RB3/Elo laughs. "At least that part of it's working." * Elonith walks up to RB3 and looks him in the eye. "It's because you don't act your age." And you do? ( No one respects him, either. ) * Elonith smirks. "Maybe I don't care what others think." * RB3/Elo holds out one hand. The silvery slippery goo stuff thats left on The Sword drips off, and reattaches itself to his feet. * Carter eyes the stuff uneasilly... then lands. "Well? What are you two actually up to?" * Tzezhin sheathes The Sword again. Ohh.... but I can't tell you that! You may have heard some of my plot, but you haven't heard enough to ruin it. *waves a finger at Carter.* Are we actually accomplishing anything here? If your goal is find out what we're up to, then you're not gonna get anything out of us! * Elonith shrugs. "That suits just fine with me. Com'on guys, let's get out of here." * Carter walks to Elo, pulls him away from RB3, and whispers, "TK him. Lift him, trap him. We'll take him with us." I'll let you in on a little secret, though. The time to choose sides it coming near. So going to open the door or do we have to break it open? Oh. Door. Right. *the door opens, with a friendly 'Wak!'* * Elonith whispers back to Carter. "Do you have any idea how much concentration that would take?" * Elonith checks his laptop while he's off to the side. And the force field. Operational? * Clay interupts Elo's whisper. "No." *whispering* Yes, but _he_ doesn't know you can't maintain it indefinitely. * Clay stares steadily at Elo and Carter. Lets just go, were wasting time. ( Ah, Clay, with super-ears. ) *Carter has the decency to blush at his own audacity. Trast is correct. *whispering again* And guess what. 'Clay' over there can hear us just fine, apparently. *not bothering to whisper* No kidding. (Is my equipment working?) ( Laptop, check! It's still a bit flaky, but it's mostly there. FF, check! ) * Trast heads out, looking for a better axe. ( Trast, working hard to make the world a better axe. ) * Elonith walks out. "Trast, you need to make a better axe, right? Let me take a look at that one." * Tzezhin follows Trast and Elo. Elo: I either need a stronger axe or we need to find weaker opponants. * Elonith looks back at the two boss-type guys. "Don't worry about us deciding sides. Only worry what will hapen when we do." He starts walking again. (... happen.) ( WINNEBAGO! ) * Carter looks around once more, bows politely to Lord Clay, slightly less to Lord RB3, and says, "Thank you, Lords, for your time. We will meet again, I imagine." He follows the others out. Well, that was a waste of time. Indeed. * RB3/Elo waves. "Don't let the door slam you on the way out!" ( I don't think I could easily tear off the door and throw it at one of them, do I?) * Carter scans the rest of the ship, walking out slowly, getting as much data as he can for later analysis. Now, where'd Kaeolla run off to? Perhaps she found someone else to sabotage. * Endsies. Aren't they annoying?