* Scanning says there's a keypad behind it! * Carter attempts to access with nanointerface! * No access! It's a 'dumb' system, closed circuit. Drat. * Carter scans the circuitry, trying to discover purpose. * Keypads send signals to something else. It's a looooong wire. Send the nanites down it, and, if I don't like what it does, consider trying to usurp control. But he's not very good at that... Loooooooooong wire...still not gotten to something interesting? * There's... something on the other end of the closed connection. A monitering thing, that accepts input from the keypad. Any way of finding out what it controls/does/says? * Accepts input from the keypad. And sends it on further. Keep going............. ...but keep some monitor nanites there to know what the monitor thing reports. And intercept the signal if it looks like trouble. Still looooooking o/~ * There's another station beyond the first. It's more complex, and is connected to interesting things! Like trees, cameras, the keypad, and and underground closet near you. Underground...closet? * Yup. Near our physical location? Anything in it? * Near. Listed as a supply closet. * Carter makes sure he knows where all those camaras are pointing, and tries to figure out why an electronic thingie would be conneccted to trees. * Cameras all about at varying points in the forest. And most of the entrances. In fact, there's one watching you know! * And you can do all sorts of interesting things with the trees, like tell them to move and hibernate and attack . * Carter tries to make it show what it was showing before we arrived! And set up as-yet-untriggered blocks to those trees if he cann't take control of them. Essentially, me wanna be stealthy, and deny them security features to use against us. * Almost make it... but something 'woke up'. What 'woke up'? What can I tell about it, and is it something online or something physical? * ... Nanites. Not yours. Eep! Consolidate blocks where I have them! Man defenses! Hoist the mainsail! Raise Drawbridge! Examine Enemy! Oh, and say "hi". * Not a lot of blocks managed to stick. * ESPECIALLY one the tree that's moving now. Try to grap a tree of my own... Got it! * You manage to 'grab' a couple of nearby trees. * The closest is about 20 feet into the forest. Beginning to move to defend the party, yes. * Hm... something intelligent is moving back through the system. To you. Damn. Focus attention...ready to examine/parley/retreat, whichever seems most prudent given further info. Right! * Something tried to get 'inside' you. hmph. Viruses. Counterattack! And say "hi." Fail by one. So just say "hi." * 'Don't you dare mess with me. I am INFORMATION INCARNATE. You're no match for me, whoever you are.' 'Quite possibly not. Are you a software program, AI, or mentally interfaced with this system?' * 'I am RB3, Cyberlord.' 'One of the Lords of Shadow, then?' *scan for energy signature* * Out of range. * 'FOOL. YOU KNOW NOT WHO YOU CHALLENGE.' 'That would be why I'm asking, Sir.' * 'COME AT YOUR OWN PERIL.' 'Well, I appologize for any damages done. We wish merely to talk. See you soon, I think.' *stop paying primary attention, but leave monitor nanites in place as a warning system* * The system is off.