* Welcome to, 'This is a Mini!' Starring the handsome protagonist, Carter, the bumbling bishounen with the romantic advice of the ages, and ... Julia! Who was kidnapped by space pirates! * But she wasn't kidnapped. * Get set, Date-o! *Terran band* Julia? Are you free now, or still working? ( Terran band....the Unnamed Owls. ) * There's no response, just an acknowlegement. But Julia emerges from somewhere in the building, rubbing her eyes. She brightens up almost immediatly, upon sight of Carter. ( I'm still in the room, by the way. ) ( Hm. I think I'll start putting terran band stuff inside { }, if that's okay. ) {Oh! Sorry, did I wake you?} *blink, blink* {Everyone else turned in for the day?} {Well, more or less. I think they're still talking. Some of them. But, I, um... *puts hand behind head self-consciously* was wondering if you wanted to talk for a bit.} * Julia brightens up even more, and smiles. {I'd love to!} * Carter smiles happilly, pleasure coming over the link up. "Great!" he says aloud. "Thanks. Um.. is the downstairs free...or perhaps you'd rather go to the festival outside?" * Julia's a bit ahead of Carter, and grabs him by both hands before he can finish what he was saying. "Yes." *turns a touch red at the contact* Okay... let's go! *lets her lead the way, as the stairs are narrow, and he's not quite off them yet* ( Carter wasn't exactly quiet when he spoke aloud. ) * Julia drags Carter along, outside. The crowd from before seems to have parted, and the festival is still going strong in the distance. * Carter lets himself be dragged, occaisionally forgetting to touch the ground, but catches up and walks beside her once they're outside. * Julia slows pace once he gets out of the building, breathing in the air. [Meanwhile] * Tzezhin starts to feel a little restless and goes to take some air. "I will return later." So, what'd you wanna talk about? *She says that like she knows the answer anyways* Um, well, I've got a few questions. Some are a bit...blunt, if that's okay... {*very nervous*} * Julia hugs him with one arm. {It's okay.} "Go ahead and ask..." * Carter looks at Julia, questioningly... ( Is she taller or shorter than him? ) ( a bit shorter. ) *turns red, again, at the hug, but perserveres* Um, how _did_ you get here? And, how much do you know about...me? ( er, be right back. Gotta go grab the power supply before laptop goes wonk. ) ... I followed you. *blushes a little* This place was mentioned in your records, so I thought I'd go visit it and see what I could find out about your reputation here... I really hadn't counted on the fact that there's isn't a set time you enter here, though. Followed? {You followed me? How did you get the ... the.. Gate to do that? Why were you so curious about me? I'm not that interesting... } *cough* Erm. Um. You...own the Lighthouse? (Yay, ability to carry on two completely different conversations at once!) Am I getting ahead of myself? I think I am... you see, I'm a historian... and I was studying you... ( "Studying"? ) Uh huh...? {*interest...about both why and just what she's saying in general*} {The Demon Gate retained the coordinates... but test probes never returned. So everyone thought it was a dead-end. But then you came back through it.} ( Ah. Okay. ) Um... well, I suppose I shouldn't ask too many questions about my future, should I? *nervous laughter* How did you, um, er... That paper on religions you are working on, it's quite good. What prompted it? * Julia grins wryly at Carter. "It's part of my field of study back home. I figure I'd get a lot of recognition for it if I ever get back with it." Oh. How did ... your prompting to come here ... fit into this research? {*seems a bit guilty when he thinks of Julia being trapped here because of him*} To see what your reputation was here, and for clues into your personality. {Well, you got some first hand research in that latter one! Hope it's not too dissapointing. ^^;} Oh. Don't tell me...oh geeze. {*imagines himself being iconosized in Terran mythos, and seems not to like it*} Um... oh! *notices a flower salesman, reaches for his pouch, and then brushes at it, as if that's all he intended to do. He seems a bit embarrassed* So, um, do you like it here? It's okay. It's not so bad now, now that I've met you. And .. can probably get back. I don't know when that'll be, but it's like... a long research vacation, now. *nods determinedly* I'll get you back. I promise. Um, do you own the Lighthouse? {I'm curious about you.} Effectively... The last owner passed on, and I was bartender at the time. Noone else has stepped up to take that place, so it's fallen to me by default. {I'm -much- more curious about you. Have you 'met' anyone since you came here?} *gulp* {'met'? N-not really. I mean, my travelling companions are nice, and Elonith and Tobias are fun (even if Tobias is rather childish and careless), but I've not gotten close to anyone...} *looks at her, not even realizing he's staring* * Julia smiles, and grabs one of his hands with her own. "Come on. The Festival's still going on... You should see this before it's over." And just picking up someone from there dosen't count. * Tzezhin notices Carter and Julia and walks up to them. "Greetings." * Carter freezes, seeming shocked beyond measure that he didn't notice Tze's approach. {Did you know he was there?} ( I am silent like ninja. ) Uh... no? * Julia turns to face Tze, a nervous grin on her face. "He-hello." * Tzezhin blinks at Julia. "No to what?" {...} *follows suit* Oh, hi. Wh-what brings you out? No-nothing. Really, nothing. What are you doing here? * Tzezhin shrugs. "I found myself at loose ends and decided to leave the rest to their own devices for a while." Uh, ah. Um. Oh. * Tzezhin looks back and forth between Carter and Julia. "Is there something wrong?" You seem...agitated. * Julia looks rather flustered. "No! Nothing's wrong!" *huff, huff* N-no, I don't think so. *turning red again* Nothing wrong! * Tzezhin eyes them. "Oh? Something seems to have aroused a state of excitement between you. Are you certain?" * Tzezhin muses half to himself. "Some sort of spell, perhaps?" Er... um... {*embarrassment and annoyance and uncertainty and and and...*} Uh, Julia, would you, er, excuse me a bit? I'll be right back... ... That does it. *She lets go of Carter, and stomps past Tzezhin back into the Lighthouse. The door promptly slams behind her.* ... {*!!!* Wha! I'm sorry... *signal trails off*} *glares at Tzezhin* * Tzezhin blinks again. "A problem?" * And then the door's bolts and stuff fall into place. ( Touchy touchy touchy) * Carter collapses to the ground, sitting. "I- I don't know... Why'd you have to come out here!? We were talking, and, and..." Oh, a private conversation? My apologies. You did not mention it as such. You seem shaken. Did she relate dangerous news? No. Nothing dangerous. But, it was private. And... you made her mad; unless I did. But... but... I hope I didn't; I want to talk to her again. *might be crying, though you can't be certain 'cause his heads down* I am afraid this is another complexity of your culture that I do not understand. Private conversations are for alerting folk to danger, or speaking of family. Private conversations are...private. We were discussing...I think I like her, Tze. But, and I think she likes me, too. And, well, she's nice to talk to. But now she's mad, 'cause you interrupted us... {*tries to raise her with an incoherent appology*} {'Not Here.' signal.} Like? * Carter slumps. "Y'know, _like_ like. Oh, geeze... I think I've got a crush on her..." He goes entirely crimson at this admission. You wish to crush her? Small wonder she retreated. ( FWAR HAR HAR ) ( I'll second that, Richy. ) No! I _like_ her. And I think she liked me. *looks like he's remembering something* Oh, yes... I've watched enough corny shoujo anime... she likes me, too. I've got to appologize, somehow... ( *snicker* ) * Tzezhin just looks utterly confused. * Carter looks up at Tzezhin, still quite red, but fading. "Don't people fall in love on your world, Tzezhin?" He stands up, and brushes himself off. Oh, love. You did not mention that. It does not seem a very prudent time for you to get married, Carter. * Carter turns red again. "M-MARRIED!? WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT--! No. No! I'm too young. I'm only 17, for crying out loud!" * Tzezhin blinkblinkblinks again. "I think we have stumbled upon another cultural misconception. Kjarnani express love only in marriage." What do you wish, then? ...oh. Well, we, um... fall in love first. But, this isn't- oh, blast, how do I explain... What do I wish? What do you mean? If you do not wish to marry her, what are your intentions? W-well... I just want to talk to her some more. You know. Get to know her better. I know she kinda *gee, this turning red business is getting boring, but he does it again* hero worships me.... but, I like her, too, and she's nice. And I'd like to spend time with her. I guess this was sort of our first date. * Carter looks horrified. "Oh, blast it all to heck!" A first date that ended like this... she must really hate me now. * Tzezhin blinks. "A date? Explain this to me." Evidently I have inadvertently spoiled something by being unawares. It is my duty to try to aid you in your recovery. ( Well, you see, they grow on trees and fill callenders... ) ( OH GOD. ) ( HA! ) ( Hee hee hee. ) ( Right, so you take a calendar, go pick some trees, and fill it with them. ) Oh, no, no, no, no... I don't think you _can_ help... {*tries again to appologize*} {More 'Not here.'} Oh? If you truly have an interest in her, it would be prudent to let her know of it. She did not seem too aware of the fact. She won't even acknowledge me... ;_; * Interesting enough, the door that she slammed is most throughly locked. That is a problem. I am not sure if this advice will help you as well, but there is a saying..."Wars and women are won by the brave." Brave her displeasure to achieve her affection. {Please, Julia...I- *feeling of _like_* I like you. Alot. I'm sorry! Please don't ignore me.} Thanks Tze. But, I need to be more or less alone. *flys up to the roof of the Lighthouse, and perches there, trying to get her attention* * Tzezhin blinks and shrugs as Carter goes up, up, and away. * Tzezhin goes a-wandering. * Carter looks around, trying to find something pretty, or something that reminds him of Julia. Gifts are supposed to be good. Now, if only he had money... {Nevermind. This was a stupid idea anyways. Trying to date someone from over a 100 years from my past?} {But, it was nice. I like you. I mean it. Why is it so stupid? I know I ask dumb questions... I'm sorry. But..I promise, no more questions. Can we please try again? I mean, um... we could just go to the festival...} {..... Go on with your friend. You should see it before you go.} I don't _want_ to see it with him. {I don't _want_ to see it with him.} (done simultaneously :P) {.... fine.} {*happy*} *floats down to meet her* * Julia unlocks the doors, and exits herself. * Julia glances at Carter. "Hi." * Carter offers his arm, looking a bit self conscious, but determined to be a gentleman as well as make it up to her. Just for the record, I still think this is a stupid idea. *She takes the offered arm* Well, anyway... thanks for showing me around... *smiles small but hopefully* * Julia leads them over to where the Festival is still going on. "So... if you were appointed to be the advisor of the Terran Emperor... what would you suggest?" o_O That's ... an odd question. ^^; Um...anything in particular I'm supposed to advise on? I mean... as advisor and all. What changes would you make with your world as you know it? And before you ask... I can't tell you what happened. Well, I shouldn't, anyways. I...never thought about it. I've always liked it. I mean, the Empire is very comfortable. I suppose we should try a bit harder to make friends with the humans of Earth. It would be nice to be able to visit there... But, I'm a scientist, I've always worked on technology, with my dad's research group. Though...We could use more companies...the Dukes and Barons sort of have a monoply right now...makes it hard to get good supplies sometimes. {^_^;} What about you? Unless that's something you shouldn't tell me. ... in my time? I wish we'd keep our focus inwards... so much exploring. I see. We're just beginning to try, when I'm from. Heh. "When I'm from" sounds kinda funny, doesn't it? * Julia giggles. "Yeah, a little." * You're just approaching the fringes of the Festival. Dancing and music and drinking abound, as well as lots of glittery garments and stuff. Lively, isn't it? *looks around* What's your favorite part of a festival like this? The beer. *nods sagely* o.o Really? I've never actually had beer. Or any hard drink. ^^; Oh dear. Then you'd better stay away from the stuff here. Well, don't your nanites filter it out? I know I shouldn't...it's against the Word of Wisdom...but...if you like... No, nononnono. I don't want you passing out like Tobias did... Okay. ^^; Um.. would you care to dance? Or ... is there something else you'd like to show me? Mmm. The atmosphere is nice. {Pretty} *looking at the girl on his arm* Yeah... * The dancing ebbs, then stops. The music changes to a slow, rhytymic drumming, and they start dancing agan to that, the various strips of shiny glittery material reflecting off the sun above. This song... I think this one they call 'Serena the Serene.' But they're all called Serena the something or other. Not surprising, if the festival is dedicated to her. *tries to dance along, but is a bit...mechanical, about it* * Julia giggles, watching Carter try. * Carter keeps trying, getting a bit more intentionally "bad" when she giggles. Oh, that's so cute! Do you know that you're.... * She dosen't manage to finish her sentence before the crowd grows, and pushes Carter into the group with the other dancers, and handed a shiny-glittery garment to go with the others. *smiles* {Um, no?} (Carter is handed one, or she is, or both?) ( Just Carter. =p ) {You volunteered to be part of the dancing circle just by dancing... Well... good luck!} * Carter takes it, and examines it, trying to keep "dancing". {Hey, what do I do with this? How do I put it on? *amused curiosity, and a bit of a location request, so he doesn't lose her*} { Uh... I don't know! Just try to match everyone else, I think... } * Body roll! With dancing type skillz applying. =p * The shiny-glitterying garment is a loose vest, that you throw on over your current clothing, too. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6) and gets 6. (Fail by one.) * Carter knows how to wear a vest! He puts it on! ( *music of doooooom!* ) * Go, Carter, Go! Go-go, go-go, Carter, go! He looks a bit funny, lagging a little behind the rest. ^^; {How 'mI doing?} * Julia waves from the crowd, grinning madly. {Almost... Try harder!} {*mischief*} *tries to get ahold of a second vest* * And the music dies again, and the other dancers slow down, stop. * Carter stops slightly before the other dancers, since he doesn't know the dance. * Carter looks around, expectantly. * The next song starts up... there's some low chanting, 'Serena be our lord, Serena guide our way,' and a long winded classical beat starts. * Carter looks a bit...uncomfortable with the chanting, and begins edging his way out of the crowd back towards Julia. * Then the chanting stops, and the beat picks up, to add some jazzy piano beats to the existing beat. The dancers start, in a bowed position. * Carter pauses, and looks around, having no idea what to do. {What's this one?} {If you don't wanna dance... get out of the circle... } * Carter starts moving out of the circle, but is looking for where those vests are stored. ( Can he find them? ) {Serena be our lord, Bluetoned jazz remix.} ( They're all about the crowd. ) * Carter grabs a spare vest, and dashes towards Julia. {C'mon. Dance with me!} { Eh... he.... he....} {What's wrong? You can't be as bad as I am...} * Julia watches Carter, a mischevious/nervous grin on her face. {No ... no thanks.} * Carter throws the vest over her shoulders, smiling impishly, and tugtugs a bit. {Aw... okay. Give me pointers, then? Or is there something you'd rather do?} I.. err... I mean... *cough* No, it's not that... I can dance... but... Yeeeeeeees? {*tease, tease*} You really need to know the steps for these.... It's not a dance you can lead someone in... Oh. Then I should probably stay out of this one, too. No need to get in the way. Want to get something to eat? I'm hungry. Or have they fixed that caveat to terran anatomy in your time? Oh... Come on, this way. *She grabs Carter's hand, and pulls him through the crowd* * Carter follows! {Did I do something to offend, m'lady?} * The music is even louder, and a table with breadstuffs and lotsa spicy-looking dips is there. {Ah? No, no, of course not...} {Whew. Though I'd upset you, again. Um. Ooh! Thanks!} *picks up several foods, and eats a small snack. Only two loaves. He offers some to Julia before he takes any* {Try this! It's really good!} I know! *accepts the offered food* Having fun? * Carter nods. {Yeah! Thanks. Thee?} {Erm, you, I mean?} {I art thou be fine. *grin*} *finishes* Great! Um... what do you want to do, now? Can I get you something? *looks around for some of that beer she said she likes* * Music change-age! A long, loud drum riff that you think could bust your eardrums goes off, and goes into a heavy metal song. No idea about the lyrics, though, they're some foriegn language. * Festival Juice! It's all over the grounds. And it's the only drink around, too. {...that's beer? It smells more like an entire brewery...} Um...so, what now? *looks at her again* * Julia take the drink from Carter, and takes a long draught from it. "I dunno.. That's up to you." All I said is that you should see this before it ends... {Well... anything else you want to know?} How's the drink? Gooood. *she takes another drought of it* No questions offhand... I'm not sure how much I can ask without giving you ideas of what to expect... Oh. Well, um... I will bring you back with me. But, you know, it will be before your time... I don't know... if I should. I'd rather try and get back to mine... *nods* I will try. * Carter yawns. "Oh, sorry." ^^; Without station cycles, I sometimes forget to check the time. ... And I know I interrupted your rest. Sorry. Shall we call it a date? ^_^ Oh... how long have you been awake? You should probably sleep... Yeah. Let's. Thanks. *takes her hand, bows over it, and kisses the back of it, before offering his arm* M'Lady? * Julia accepts. Whee! * And they went waltzing off into the sunset like in that one musical. Count how many things are wrong with that statement! * End!