* Last time! Last time? Yeah, last time! * There was retrieval of Tobias. Who was looking pretty overhung. And then everyone went off to find Monica! * Except Tze, but he ended up there anyways. * Or will, momentarilly. >_> * Elo just put the force field back up, and the big ominous sounding thing is just around the corner.... * Start! * The force field, just put back up, pulses and coalesces. There's a big blue lightning arc thingie that hits Elo square on. * Tobias eeps! "What happend?!" O_O! *moves over to Elonith to ascertain his vital status* * And no sooner than that happens, than a big black golem, legs and arms as thick as trees, rounds the corner. There's little dents in the ground from where it's been walking. * Tobias MREEKS!!! and fuzzes up. * Elo ... is not concious. But he is breathing! He's alive. For now, that'll have to do. * The golem rears back one bulky arm, and aims a punch squarely at the force field. Tobias, can you try to figure out the machinery in here? Is Monica around? This room is a wash of energy noise to me. * When it hits, you can swear the complex shook a little. Maybe that's due to the fact that it gets knocked back on it's ass. * Tobias nods and flies over to try to figure out said machinery. * Carter concentrates a moment, but then holds his head in pain. "Blast. I can't use my interface controls. Head hurts too much." * The centerpiece of the room seems to be a crystal ball, with lotsa lasers roving around and poking through it. And all along the walls are various displays, showing images of Monica, and others. Cross sections, biological data, etc. ( How very p....I'm not going to say it. ) * The golem gets back up, and stands diligently at the force field. * Carter looks at Alex. "Miss Alex... where exactly did you send Tzezhin?" ( She sent me to Hell. ;-; It's all hot there! ) * Tobias eeps! "Its the mean lady!" None of your business. It's about to become it. Can you contact him? He should be warned about the golem down here with him. * Tobias: Electronics roll. What? Oh, damn. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tobias (2d6-3) and gets 0. * Tobias: As far as you can tell, the crystal ball is some kind of storage device, and everything else is there to interface with it. Fortunately for us, the field seems to be stronger than our friend out there. * There's no direct access to it, but some of the connections are... Wierd, for lack of a better word. * Hey. Is that Tze you see beyond the force field? Its a storage device thing! But I don't know how to access it! ( No, it's a can opener. ) Blast. And double blast! * Carter fishes Elo's laptop out of whatever pack he keeps it in, and tries to network with it. "Tobias, see if this can help. I'll try to be the access point. Miss Alex... I hope you've not gotten Tzezhin killed. We can't get him in here, and can't get out to help him." * Carter sits down cross-legged and holds his head as if he's afraid it will split apart when this is tried. * Tzezhin suddenly rises up out of the shadows behind the golem, something on his forehead glowing red, and shoots it in the back with a small pistol-looking thing. * Tobias takes it and tries to network it up to get acess! * The shot crumples against the back of the golem. * Tzezhin hisses what might be a sibilant curse, and draws The Sword, slashing it diagonally across the golem's back. * Tobias: Compooters/Netwroking roll. * Same fer Carter. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tobias (2d6-1) and gets 9. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-3) and gets 2. * The golem hisses. You seem to have scratched it. Twice. * It turns around, it's feet denting the ground as it does so. * Tzezhin skips backward a bit, then shoots the thing inna face with the pistol. * Init. * Attack roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6) and gets 12, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "I hate being random." ( Gee, thanks, Dicey. Thanks a lot. ) ( Tze: Been nice knowing you... ) ( I'm going to end up shooting myself in the face, aren't I? Just like Jinx... ) ( Was that your character, too? ) ( No, otherwise that would just be scary. ) ( Oh ) * The shot Just Misses the golem. It ripples a bit as it does, like the air is wavery. And then it passes through the force field and hits Carter in the thigh. ( What kind of a discount-arena force field is *that*? ) * Tzezhin curses again, takes The Sword, and tries to just jab it into the golem's chest. * Except... its the Golems turn. ( Oh, right. Doot de doo. ) * Not that it matters much. It draws back on tree-sized arm, and punches Tze! Well, actually, it misses, and hits the wall behind Tze. *hisses* Ow! *clasps the wound, wincing in pain, but still concentrating* * Tzezhin *then* takes The Sword and tries to plunge into Mr. Big Bad Golem's chest. * Za. Attack roll. *** Joins: Elonith (Zegon@12-213-43-67.client.attbi.com) ( Greetings! You're unconscious due to FF flare. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6) and gets 9. ( *grumbles* That's a *little* more like it...made, just. ) * Elonith is unconcious! * The golem tries to twist out of the way. But the sword slides in smoothly, despite it's efforts. * There's a loud shattering sound, and it... stops. * Za. Everyone, current intentions and actions 'n stuff. * Oh, Elo starts to come about. ( What, just stops in place, or stops moving, or stops rolling its eyes...? ) * Elonith rolls over... "Did any- ah shit!" ( Like a robot that's lost it's power. ) ( Ah, okay then. ) * Carter is still trying to access anything he can find in the system for Tobias, and hasn't noticed anything outside of what he's doing except for that pain in his leg. * Tzezhin cautiously slides-slides away from the golem, looks at it contemplatively, then reaches out a booted foot and prods it sideways. * It remains standing. It's -still- big and heavy, ya'know. Hn. * Tzezhin turns and walks towards the others. * Elonith gets up and draws his pistol, looking over the golem... * Tzezhin blinks as he's stopped by the force field. O.o * The force field is in the way. Tze and Golem are on one side, everyone else is on the other. *concentrate, concentrate, wince from leg pain, concentrate...* * Tzezhin pokes the field curiously, ignoring the fact that his fight has pushed the hair away from his forehead, leaving the glowing red mark on it clearly visible. * Tobias: Access! * Tzezhin is zotted, and jerks his hand back, surprised. "Interesting." * Carter opens his eyes, but doesn't move much other than that. * Tobias um, accesses! and tries to do stuff. (specifically, ties to get Monica out, or figure out how to turn the golem off) My aching head... Hi, Tzezhin. Oh, Elonith, you're awake... *his voice is strained* * Tobias calls out,"Should I shut down the force field?!" What the hell's going on? * Carter turns his head, wincing, and sees the golem inactive. "Yes, please, Tobias." The force field zapped you. You were knocked out. Tze ... hey, Tze. Did you get it? * Tobias attempts to shut down the force field. * Force field goes dooowwn. * Tzezhin nods at Alex. "Indeed." So _that's_ the command... Cool. * Tzezhin pokes at the air where the force field was, and presumably feeling nothing, steps through. Yey! * Tzezhin points at Carter's leg. "My apologies. A miscalculation." So that's what it was. Didn't know there was one down here. (Miscalculation!? You _shot_ me! =P) That's okay. It isn't too severe. Just painful. I really need to learn how to fix these things... ( It's only a flesh wound... ) Elo. You okay? Everyone okay? *she glances around, slowly.* ( Did it go in? ) * Tzezhin hands the extra sword hanging on his left hip to Alex. Greetings, everyone. * Elonith blinks and looks around. His eyes are the solid red of his natural state, and he doesn't seem to notice either... He holds his head. "Ow... yeah. So what exactly just happened?" I, too, would wish to know. Have we located our missing comrades? Monica's in that crystal thing. Tobias is trying to get her out. I'm...being a wireless hub. @_@ * Alex nods at Tzezhin, and accepts. Then turns back to Elo. "Continuing from before. Tzezhin caught up with us, and pissed off the Monolith Golem. ... and beat it." * Elonith frowns and backs away uneasily from where the golem was/is. A wha--never mind. I'd guess she's in here. Somewhere. I can't find any info! * Carter turns sharply, wincing as he regrets it. "Monolith golem? Do go on." Carter, you do know you could irrepairably damage yourself with that. Oh, sorry, Tobias. Here, I'll try to help. What have we got... *pays more attention to the interaction with the systems of the room* Uh... the Lords have found and tamed a couple of them. But they're linked to the monoliths, somehow. Interesting. *looks at Elo* I doubt it. No damage yet...just too much mental effort. ...I think. * The moniters and various displays continue to show the same things. Biological statsistics, cross-sections, etc. Of not just Monica, but several others. I wouldn't doubt it. Anyways... Mind if I log in? If anything, I can make sure your neural pathways don't get too stressed. Theres alot of people in here! ( Anyone we know? ) ( Monica. That's it. ) Feel free. But Tobias is using your laptop... ... What? ( Now he's going to burst into flames! ) * Elonith eyes upwards at Carter with creepy eyes. "Did you just say what I thought you said?" ( Fight! Fight! Fi--*koffkoff* ) He needed a way to access. I'm giving it to him. *does not meet Elonith's gaze, looking ashamed* * Alex goes to examine the inactive golem. I'm gonna catch hell for this. I just know I am. * Elonith clenches his fist, and looks fairly angry. He takes a few breaths... And some random pebbles from the ground fly straight into the wall. "Okay, okay..." ( Hey, Elo took The Sword, and Tze was kind enough not to bash his brains in afterwards....;P ) * Carter slumps a bit, resting his head in his hands, his elbows on his knees. * Tobias glances at Elonith,"... What? I didn't do nothing to it!" Hey, Tzezhin, what did you do to it? * Elonith eyes Tobias. "So you say you did something to it?" What's wrong, Miss Alex? * Tzezhin glances over at Alex. "I attempted to shoot it twice, slashed it across the back, and stabbed it in the chest. My apologies." * Tzezhin doesn't sound very apologetic. .. no but I should with you being so mean! * Elonith takes a deep breath and holds his head. "Just make sure you don't go anywhere you don't need to. I know you needed to access the force field and the system..." * Carter straightens up. "Hey, quiet. Something's happening..." *concentrates* Hey heres something about 'Engaging Magic Translation Protocols.'! Does any of this stuff make sense to you, Tobias? * Elonith goes over to where Tobias is using *Elo's* computer and looks over Tobias's shoulder. * There's a faint hum. Then the crystal ball brightens, the lasers start moving around. They're talking tons! ...um.. thats not good! I think.. * The crystal lights up, glowing for a moment. The moniters flash the image and stats of someone... But then flashes 'Error', and switches back to cycling through Monica and the others. Why not? I can't make sense of these signals. They're not speaking ... who was that! *tries to bring it up again, and record the instantaneous flash* Blast! Get her out of there now, Tobias! * Elonith watches quietly over Tobias's shoulder. "What's going on in there, Carter? Error... error... system crash imminent. Must stabalize... its gonna crash! Lets get outta here!! Blast it! Blast it to bloody heck! * Tzezhin looks concernedly up at the ceiling. "...crash?" Move Tobias. Let me handle this... What's going on? Crash? Aw, fuck. This isn't gonna self destruct, is it? * Tobias flits up and outta the way! Hopefully not. But we'll work at it. * Elonith types frantically at the laptop. My computer is my castle, and my castle is my home. Disconnect, then, Elo. I'll try to force her out...grabbing files as they come up... * Carter: Compooters: I/S +3. Elo, Compooters: Networking +3. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6+2) and gets 9. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (d6+1) and gets 7. * Carter breathes a sigh of releif. "Whatever you did, I think it worked." I'd hope so. Now, what were you accessing? * The crystal ball dies down again, the various connections to it falling back to a low stateof activity. Trying...to pull Monica... out of the system before it crashed. I think I got some data, but it's all garbled... * Elonith growls. " Is she all right? Grrr... Okay. Let's see if we can get in again. You up to it? I don't know, Tzezhin. *sits down hard, holding his head again. Then smiles wanly* School was never this hard. * Carter nods at Elo, determination on his face. Geez. What happened? I've still got the connection. * Elonith cracks his knuckles and accesses the system now. * Tzezhin raises an eyebrow at Carter. "Are *you* all right?" First sign he starts losing conciousness, tell me. I'll pull right out. I'm fine. And I'll pull you out if your system starts going, Elonith. Don't worry. It's not going to go. I can always reboot this system... No sure about you, though. * Carter grimaces. "I am my own operating system. Nothing happens that I don't permit." Whispers: "...usually" Anyway, let's get started. *lays down in the air this time, closing his eyes* * Elonith looks worried at Carter, then goes back to typin'., Hey, Tzezhin. Help me push this thing. This is interesting. Spiritual scans... not many places have that. *float, float, follow along what Elo's doing* What thing? Yeah. The golem. Ah. * Tzezhin strolls over to help Alex, then. * Elonith hmmms... "I *gotta* get one of these." Typetypetype. Tobias... can you tell us what the machines are doing, if anything... while we do this? * Tobias peels himself from out of his corner an dlooks to see,"I'll try!" * Alex takes point, and starts pushing at the golem. "Knock it over. We might .. *grunt, push* be able to rag it." ( ... s/rag/drag. Grr. ) * Elonith seems somewhat distracted by the golem, but keeps typing. "Keep that thing away from me." * Tzezhin shoves at it with his mighty manly strength! Hrr! * Elonith curses at the screen. ( /me rags the golem. "You stupid git! Can't even defend a facility right! And look at you! You're all stone and mortar! Aren't you eating right?" ) Where are we going to drag it? * As Tze shoves it... it starts melting. The black surface turns to liquid turns to dust, and blows away before it hits the ground. ( Seg: Heh! ) * Carter shifts. "What? What do these signals mean, Elonith?" He sounds very young. * Tzezhin blinks, backs up, and looks confusedly at his gloved hands. ... neat. The system that Monica's in is down for 20 minutes. I'm going to access some other information while we wait. If you want me to get off, just tell me. I don't want to intrude on you. * Elonith blinks. "So there are others..." * The golem continues to melt. It's going slow about it. Oh. No, I'm okay...I just wish I could make sense of this data. It's not decrypting properly. How odd. Also some scans on Monica that I didn't think were possible with scientific methods. ( Carter's going to be very annoyed that he didn't take proper readings on that golem. >:) ) * Carter tries to access the data that Elo is. Hopefully that will make some sense. Wards? Teleport? That doesn't sound good... * And yet more dusting by Golem. A silver sphere drops out from where the center of it's chest would be, and there's a big crack in it. Yeah... seems they have special protection against supernaturals and high techs, which I find disturbing. Still, we need to wait for the system to get back online before we can get Monica out. * Tobias flies out to look at the sphere! ( Aw, darn. It's Shiny. ) I'll watch for the detection system to come online...if it targets us, we'll have to try to usurp control. * It's about the size of a fist. * And it's glowing softly, but light seems to be leaking out of the crack in it. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 1. Trying to keep the security from going up. * Carter pays attention to what Elo's doing. Maybe he can learn something. Access diverted... * Tobias oooooooos and pokes the sphere. Pokepoke! pokepoke!! Tobais, don't poke it! * It gets poked. And rolls a little. Elonith, look out for this file *sends what he got of a screenshot of the last file before the crash started...not the file itself, mind you, just a screenshot of what it looked like*. It could be the cause of the near-crash. What is that... Odd... * Elonith scratches his head. * Tobias tries to pick up the sphere! * Sphere is picked up! There's an odd feeling like it ... belongs to you. Or near you. ( Eat it! Then it'll always be there! ) ( AppleSphere! ) Great. It looks like there's something up with the system. Bad programing... really. It's getting overloaded, and crashing because of that. * Alex relaxes a little, when the sphere is picked up and dosen't blow up or something. Or a virus...feels like a defense mechanism. Probably my fault it got activated... * Tobias goes back to the others,"Look what I found!!" * Carter blinks. "What is it?" * Tzezhin looks at the dust. "Would we need to gather this?" Hey, don't worry about it. Betcha did what you had to. Five minutes until the system's up again. And when that happens, we can get her out of that thing. Yeah, sure. I could analyze it later, if you want. Good. I'm no good at security. Metworking I can do, though. * The feeling is pretty much universal. And ... you think you can make out lines, impressions of them, in the air, from the sphere to Elo, Carter, Tze, and Tobias. What the...? *scan...leaving the connection open for Elo, but not paying active attention anymore* I dunno, but I like it! * Tzezhin blinks. Hey, whatch it! * Tobias pets the lil sphere. .... That's odd. It...resonates. With all of us. Well, except with you, Miss Alex. But it also resonates with the storage chamber...maybe we can use it to tune in on Miss Monica! Make sense. * Elonith nods. Okay. Don't make sense. See if I care. ( Oh, I thought that was "makes sense." ^^ ) The sphere...it resonates with all of us and the crystal ball thingie, but not with you, Miss Alex. Riight. The sphere that came from the inside of the Monolith Golem? * Alex blinks. "Well, I've heard of wierder." Uh...huh. * Elonith types away... Alright, systems up, weapons NOT online... Let's get her outta there! (Err... " ") * La-la-la. Elo does his type-y bit. And everything comes alive! Well, regarding all the stuff around the crystal ball. * Tobias pets teh shiney ball. * Carter floats, poised to act, though he just looks relaxed. * Elonith concentrates on the system, intent on not letting anything slip past him. * There's 2 flashes of light. And two figures come out. One is Monica! And the other, is some other person who will be described later. =p * Tzezhin watches curiously, and starts as the figures appear. * Then the system shuts down again. Endsies.