* Something different than last time! Merely a short explanation on how Tze got here now. Which is what the 'Last Time's usualy are. * Alex: 'Hey. My sisters birthday is coming up. Could I ask you a favor? There's a swordsmith in town, and I don't know much about swords. But it's gotta be secret, or it won't be a surprise...' * Tzezhin blinks. "Hn?" You wish for me to purchase a sword for you? Well.. Um. You see. *she coughs* The swordsmith made a sword for my sister Annie a while ago. It was her favorite sword, but it broke a couple of weeks ago. And I don't know the first thing about swords... There's a lifetime warrantee on it, I was hoping you could make sure it comes out good? * Tzezhin blinks again. "I...suppose. However, I have nothing with which to barter. And no money." * Alex digs a bronze plaque, and a sharp metal shard out of her pocket. The plaque says, 'Nul-Thung.' Lifetime warrantee. What is this....warranty? * Alex blinks. Uh. They make something, they say it'll last longer than the owner or they'll make a new one for free. Hn. Interesting. Will this take long? Shouldn't take more than an hour. But like I said, I don't know a whole lot about swords... Ah. Guns are my specialty. *grin* Your specialty? Please say yes? *she holds out the plaque and the shard* It'd mean a lot.... I shouldn't think that they have been popular enough to merit one's taking a special interest in them... * Tzezhin o.Os at Alex. A lot of what? * Tzezhin takes the plaque and shard though. Agh. Fine. So much for me trying to be sentimental. Just do it, please? Where is this swordsmith, and how shall I know him? ( It's taken Alex this long to realize that Tzezhin most likely doesn't even know the meaning of the word "sentimental"? ^^ ) * Alex gives directions. Got key item, 'Swordsmith address.' "He's ... a wierd old coot. Nekojin, with rams horns. And he should recognize the plaque if you show it to him." Nekojin is his name? * Tzezhin remembers. "Oh, wait. You mean like the Ysfallian." Actually, I don't think he has a name. Answers to Swordsmith, though. Odd. He is the only one? * Alex shrugs. "Not the only one. But he's one of the better ones." Then why not have a name? Uh... Annie asked him that. She almost got kicked out for asking. I guess it's a sensetive issue to him. Oh. I shall return shortly. * Alex nods. "Thank you." If the group intends to leave, leave a message with the innkeeper, and I shall arrive when I can. * Fast forward! Tze is now at/near the professed location of The Swordsmith. * Tzezhin looks around for someone matching Alex's description. * There's plumes of smoke, both grey and blue, coming from the chimney. It's a low, flat building, and a window inset at ground level gives the impression it's bigger below than above. * Theres slight tinking, and you can barely make out the sounds of metal on metal from inside. * Tzezhin ponders a moment, then reaches out to rap on the doorframe. * The sound of activity dies down. I seek the one who calls himself Swordsmith. * And a moment later a dirty-looking nekojin, oil and dirt rubbed into it's fur, answers the door. He's short, and has rams horns. I take it that you are he. Uff. What 'tis it, scruff? ( What's Alex's last name? ) ( She hasn't given it. ) Can't ye see I'm busy? Now go on. State yer business, or leave me be. * Tzezhin shows the shard and plaque. "I am here on the behalf of one who calls herself Alex." Something about her little sister's broken sword, and a "warranty" of some sort. * Swordsmith squints at the plaque. "Alex? Ah, thats makes a wee bitmore sense." Made this sword for the sweet gal, Annie. Didn't know she had 'ny family. * Tzezhin shrugs. She wishes another sword made of the same caliber. I think it must be kept a secret, for some reason. Come in, come in. * Tzezhin comes in, then. * Swordsmith waves Tze in. And leads him downstairs. Which is gritty and dirty as you'd expect an indoors forge to be. * There's various blades and weapons piled around. On the forge, however, is a sign. * It's facedown, so it can't be read, but it appears he was working on it. * Tzezhin looks at--not touches--the blades and weapons with vague interest. Can I see that plaque, lass? *he holds out an open hand* ( You realize that even with the long hair, it would take a *lot* for someone to think that Tze's a girl, right? ) ( Oh well. Not like he knows what it means anyway. ) ( By any chance, does Tze have his sword out? And yes, I realize that. =p ) * Tzezhin hands over the plaque and the shard. ( No, it's strapped across his back as usual. It's pretty big though; not Sephy-style overcompensation, but still. ) * Swordsmith closes his eyes, and holds a hand over the plaque. His hand glows a little, as does the plaque. * And 'benign' is triggered. ( o/~ If that's magic...ah, thanks. ) * Tzezhin wipes his hand over his forehead, ostensibly wiping away sweat, but actually trying to hide the faint blue glow that briefly lights up the mark on it. Ah... Interesting... I didn't think that could break a blade... Hn? * Swordsmith looks up, and squints at Tze's forehead. "What be that, lass?" It is a...birthmark. Of sorts. Eh. Was it a magic sword? * Swordsmith goes over to the wall, and runs the plaque along the various weapons there. Magic swords are cheap. My swords are swords made from the soul. * Tzezhin raises an eyebrow. "I see..." Any mage can enchant a sword. * Swordsmith pauses, holding the plaque over one of the blades on the wall. This one... * Swordsmith looks at Tzezhin. "Yes... You'll do." * Tzezhin narrows his eyes. "I will do what?" Swords of the soul require a warriors spirit. Dun' worry. It's not as bad as it sounds. *he grins* You wish to steal my soul? Nay. Merely... let it guide the soul of the blade. A warriors spirit knows the path a warriors blade must follow. Then how could such a blade break? Ah... Annie, the sweet lass, was settling a breakout between some people in the mages town. A explosion spell merged with a soul drain right on the blade.... I hadn't expected that to happen. I make my weapons to stay intact even against dragonhide. Ah. * Swordsmith walks over to the forge, and removes the sign from it and sets it off to the side. Come, come. Over here, please. * Tzezhin walks over slowly, eyes still narrowed. * Swordsmith sets the sword on the forge, and withdraws a core of green metal from it. ( Augh! Kryptonite!! ) Just hold onto the plaque. * Tzezhin sets his gloved hands gingerly on the plaque. Oh, nay lass. that won't do. Take off the gloves. * Tzezhin glances at the smith and pulls off his left-hand glove, then puts his hand on the plaque. * Swordsmith dips a rag in a liquid of some sort. Then rubs it over the green core, and sticks it back in the sword. * He taps a button, and the heat output kicks in. Pretty soon, he's sweating, and hammering the blade. * Tze, soul roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6) and gets 6. * As he works on it, you feel a slight drain, centered on the plaque. * It's over pretty quick, as he quicly grabs the blade from the fire. Ye okay, lass? * Tzezhin blinks. "Of course." And now the true test. *he tosses the blade to Tze. It should probably still be cooling, but it dosen't appear to be hot.* * Tzezhin catches it out of reflex. * It's comfortably warm. * Swordsmith grabs another blade from the wall, and points it at Tze. * Tzezhin narrows his eyes again, switching the blade to his right hand and starting to reach for the hilt of The Sword with his left. Guard this. *He does a fairly slow strike.* * Tzezhin blinks, whips out The Sword and guards with that. Aye, lass. That's a ... nice sword. But the purpose of this is to ... Indeed a fine blade. Oh, of course. You wish to test the new blade. Aye. The purpose of this is to see how Nul-Thung does. My apologies. *smoothly resheathes The Sword* Guard this. *another slow strike.* * Tzezhin does so, switching hands afterwards. Again! *strikes again, a little faster* * Tzezhin catches that one too. * Swordsmith nods, seemingly satisfied. "Attack me now, lass. And... din't be too zealous 'bout it." * Tzezhin strikes, slowly in deference to the smith, but without warning. * Swordsmith blocks, watching the blade. "Aye... That should be good." * Of note, the blade is still comfortably warm. And you.... If you ever need your blade fixed, come to me. Hn. There is a sheath for this, I suppose? * Swordsmith frowns. "The old one should still exist." Oh. Very well. My thanks for your quick service, smith. * Swordsmith rummages around in another container. And produces a plain looking sheath. This'll do ye for now. * Tzezhin nods as he takes it and sheathes the sword. * Swordsmith hands the plaque to Tze, too. "This goes with the sword." The owner of the sword, anyways. I see. Off ye go, then. I've got work to do, that actually pays sum'thin. * Tzezhin shrugs and leaves. * Back at the lighthouse! Everyone seems to have off and left. Excepting Julia, who works there. * Tzezhin looks around and goes over to Julia. "Excuse me." * Julia looks up. "Oh. Um... Tzezhin? Where'd you go?" I was sent on an errand. Oh. Well, everyone went off to... Do you know where my comrades have gone? Well, You're with them, I suppose you'll find out. They went off to find the last of their party. .... underground. At the defense system. Where would that be? Or rather, how would I arrive there? Well.... You'll find out anyways, I suppose. But remember. I didn't tell you how to get in there. * Tzezhin blinks. "You will not?" * Julia gives Tze directions. Yay. Oh. My thanks. Did Alex go with them? * Julia nods. Ah. * Tzezhin shifts a bit uncomfortably, not used to having an extra weight on his left hip where Annie's sword is. "Very well. I shall join them now." Again, my thanks. * Julia blushes. "Don't mention it." * Tzezhin wanders off, following her directions. * There's a cicular hole in the ground. There's no people around, and there's also a sewer lid lying nearby. Probably went to the hole. * Tzezhin looks around, shrugs, and peers into the hole. * It'd dim. There's soft lighting down there, but nowhere near the level of the sun. * It's a big concrete tunnel, as far as you can see. The entrance is at one end, and it only goes farther one in one direction. And there's a ladder, too! ( woo. ) * Tzezhin climbs on down carefully, keeping an ear open for anything. * Awareness check. +2. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6) and gets 7. * You hear something heavy off in the distance. Something heavy, and some faint voices that sound like the rest of the party. * Tzezhin draws The Sword, and creeps along the passageway towards the sound. * Endsies.