What's the word, chief? Joshua is looking fruitlessly for Monica. I can't sense her, either. I'm going to go collect Tobias before he gets into/causes too much trouble. Go do that. Our swordsman has been pulled off by Alex (big surprise there, right?)... Hmmm, I hope this doesn't land *all* of us in trouble. Miss Alex and Tzezhin? I ... er... don't think it will cause trouble for us. Or, I hope not. They wouldn't cause trouble, would they? Oh, sorry. My mind was wandering. I ment Monica. She's "stored in the system", apparently. Wanna look into that? I think Tobias is about to be...colorful. Oooh kay. Take care of Tobias. And make sure he doesn't get too intoxicated. I fear I may be too late... At least this will be interesting. I wonder what effect alcohol will have on his... unique anatomy. I'm still trying to determine if the stuff would affect me...let alone an over-exciteable catboy. Can you get an analysis on it? Trying. Keeps sloshing around, hard to get a good reading. Well, if you can send me some data on it, I might be able to help... Like consistincy, color, potency... Actually, analyizing it would be easier. Here's some data on it. Nothing I couldn't handle, but there are a couple unidentifieable substances in it. Sure thing. I'm looking for a wall-jack right now, but I can't seem to find one. Try finding a wireless connection? Not yet. I doubt they'd have it here. They may have a 'magical' equivalent... but you wouldn't have any better chance finding that than I. Wouldn't hurt to run a scan, though. Eeesh. Tobias is pretty drunk. Nasty stuff he took. And the detox pills will take a couple hours to work. I've got him as much water as I could carry, though. Yeouch. Okay, think you can drag him back here? Give me time. I want him not to puke on me and the crowd below when I carry him. And I think I'm going to have to. Of course. Um.. is Julia still busy? I don't want to bother her, but she might be able to help flush out the toxins when I get him back. I don't have the requisite skills, but some terrans do. I'm checking... Thanks.