*Carter* *msg to Julia via terran band* I've got one of the group. He's intoxicated. Got any training in flushing external systems of toxins? I don't. Eh? Oh. The detox pills should do the trick, just give them some time. If you didn't get any there, I've got some here. I got some. Thanks, though. Oh, Julia? Does the phrase "stored in the system" mean anything to you? Maybe. Why do you ask? It seem one of our number is so stored at the moment. Another is still looking for her, but with no luck. The defense system for Lifa must still be holding onto ... Monica, then? *image of a chibi Carter-head nodding* Yeah, Joshua's looking for her. Why does it do that? To identify and determine whether or not one is a threat. I see. How long does that take, usually? *seems moderately worried* * Carter mentally thanks Julia. (and will do so in person once Carter dies...) Thanks for the help. We'll be back later. Hopefully with the final member of our group. See you then.