* Last time, on 'What a Mini!' Or just last time. * Everyone else went to Telcentia! But not Tze. Naoki dragged him off, to do who knows what with him. ( Monica would approve! Maybe. ) * The passage has been mostly through dry, sparsely grassed land. Naoki is on a chocobo, and Tze is tied up with steel cord. * Start! ( am I on the chocobo, or is she literally dragging me along? ) ( steel rope is attached to chocobo. ) ( So she's literally dragging him along.... @_@ ) ( Jex? This woman is crazy. ) I know it was around here somewhere... Where was that fruity old lady at? ( You just now realize this? =p ) * Tzezhin struggles to free himself from the madwoman. ( Bod roll. +1. ) * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6+1) and gets 11. Huh? Aw, don't leave me! We're almost there! Where do you think you are taking me? There's this pretty grove somewhere around here! ( Nonono....I'm going to cut somewhere else. Where, I dn't know yet, but....*cracks knuckles* ) There was a big lizard gaurding it, and this old kooky lady, but it's really pretty! It's a great spot for our date! * Tzezhin gets dust in his long hair as he bounces along. "I am not interested in groves, or dates. I am not hungry." You signed that contract! You gotta! I never signed anything. So we're going on a date. *she nods assuredly, seemingly not hearing the protest* * There's a couple of trees visible in the distance. * Naoki goes Yay! And points at the trees with the Nodachi that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "There it is!" * She approaches, on chocobo, and stops about 20 feet away. There's a big lizard thing there, and it looks rather ... irate. * Tzezhin takes her pause as another opportunity to wriggle free. * Body roll, +1. =p * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tzezhin (2d6+1) and gets 8. ( HA! HAHAHA! I AM FREE! ) It woke up. *deadpan* That won't do! It's in the way of my dream date! * Tzezhin quietly sneaks out of the madwoman's clutches. * Naoki turns to look at Tze. "Go kick it's ass...... Hey? Where did you go?" * Tzezhin is gone, gone, gone! Ano.... where did he go? Dosen't he want to help me kick this lizards ass so we can annoy the old lady and take over the grove for our dream date? * Lizard growls and stuff. And finally decides to charge. Naoki 'Eeek!'s and runs off. * The grove is moist looking, with bountiful looking trees, and is also the only thing visible around besides the fleeing Naoki and the pursuing lizard. * Tzezhin waits until Naoki is way way out of sight. * Naoki is way way out of sight comedically quick. Chocobos sure can run fast when chased by giant lizards! * Tzezhin edges out from his hiding place cautiously--eversocautiously. * The trees are still there. Not much seems to be moving, and the 'normal' level of quiet and the sounds of nature resume. * Tzezhin sneaks out, checks Naoki's direction, and promptly proceeds to go in the opposite one. * Opposite direction leads into the grove. There's an odd feeling that noone has been there in ... a while. * Tzezhin shrugs and enters the grove, then. * It's all nature-y and moist and stuff. There's a pretty lake, too. In the middle, though, there's a raised mound, with a hole leading into the ground, and a pedestal embedded into the ground holding a glittery faceted orb. * Tzezhin narrows his eyes and edges around all the suspicious stuff, touching his forehead faintly. * A head peeks out from the hole in the ground. Old and withered, and bulging big eyes. They dart back and forth, and the cowl covering the mouth moves. "Is... is the insane woman gone?" * Tzezhin blinks. "Yes, I believe so." If you are referring to that overexuberant madwoman. * The whole person pops out. Grey-blue skin, old looking, and covered in glittery silken robes. Rather short, too. * "Thank Rannaka." *the person breathes a deep breath, then looks Tze over.* "And you are?" I am Tzezhin M'haron, of Kotnje. Who are you? * The person frowns at that, and holds a hand to it's head. "Ah.... so long since someone asked me that. I'm not sure I rememeber. But you can call me the Prophet." * Tzezhin eyes widen, and he gives a near-bow. "A Prophet?" ( + 's) Ah... no need for that. I'm just an old woman now. My visions have all come to pass, and the future is too muddled now to make any more." How long have you been here, agéd one? * Prophet frowns more, and scratches her head. "Ahhh..... I'm not sure. I came here when the Seven Shadows came to this land." Seven...Shadows? * Prophet closes her eyes, and starts reciting. "The Lords of Shadow, seven shadows to scourge upon the land. And then seven lights, seven Lords to come and balance the shadows." I was the one to make that prophecy, you know. Impressive. But everyone has forgotten me. It's good, I think. I'd prefer it like that. Not so many people seeking my advice. But you.... have you come to seek my wisdom? It would be an honour, agèd one...but I am not sure what to ask of you. Unless you have knowledge into other worlds. * Prophet peers at Tze. "Maybe..... your future leads beyond this place." *she frowns* Beyond this place...then, there is a way out of here? * Her gaze changes, and it's like she's looking through him. If you will.... put your hand on the orb please? *she gestures to the glittery orb* * Tzezhin blinks. "It...what is it?" It ... it bonds my visions to your time. A focus to see your path more clearly, if you will. Ah. A focus. Well... * Tzezhin glances at the Prophet. "As you request, agèd one." * Tzezhin removes the fingerless glove from his left hand, and places it on the orb. * The Prophet does so as well. As she does, just about every sensation the pattern on your forehead can give goes off. * Tzezhin shudders, clenching his hand very slightly and gritting his teeth. * It fades almost immediately. * Tzezhin takes a deep breath, glancing at the Prophet to see if she was affected. Oh....? Interesting.... What...what was that? * Teresis fills the orb for a moment, 'benign' being triggered, like she's looking for something. * Tzezhin frowns as he sees her. * Then a moment later, you and her facing each other on a boat. * And then a black, hulking monolith. It's got a symbol like a fish on it, and it crumbles into dust. * Tzezhin just blinks and stares. o_o * Then you, and others, standing over a pool of liquid metal. A feeling of power rushes into you at that. o_o ( Impressions! Tze as a fish! o_o ) * A ghostly blade, ethereal in appearance. Floating inside of you. * Blades clashing, yours against another, the Sword shattering. O_O * And then a final one. You standing in the open, back on Kotnje. ( No, no, Shar. A fish looks like this: ._. ) ( Not one out of water. :P ) * The Prophet blinks, looking shook. * Tzezhin looks shaken as well, but recovers quickly, pretending that didn't happen. Interesting.... What...does it mean? You.... What are you? Not shadow, not light.... I am Kjarnani. You have a group you were travelling with? I...suppose so. They are involved in your vision, I suppose. Yes.... In Telcentia. They seek to undo a curse...? * The orb flashes with an image of a hawk-man, grasping a red jewel from a floating sphere. A curse...? I am sorry. I have no knowledge of their doings right now. You... should be with them for now. *she frowns* It would be best for you, I think. I...as you say, agèd one. Are there any other insights it is in your will to share with me? I... *blink, blink* None that I'm sure of. .... except one. That madwoman.... shares the same fate of your group. Shares the fate of the group? I suppose the fate itself is shrouded for you.... * She looks up at Tze. "Something.... you, the others. Not shadow, not light. Something.... different." * Tzezhin waits to see if the Prophet has anything else to say. * She shakes her head. "Enough of an old lady being mysterious." * Tzezhin bows. "I thank you for your words, agèd one." Do you desire transport there? * Tzezhin blinks. "You have the ability to transport beings?" * The Prophet flashes Tze a toothy grin. Well, it would be toothy if not for the fact that her mouth is covered with silk. "You think I'm just a one trick pony?" You would be free of the madwoman until she catches up, at the very least. * Tzezhin blinks. Again. Boy, is this guy a blinker. "If I offended you, my apologies. But I do not see you as any sort of horse." I suppose...that is the best I can ask for. * Tzezhin grimaces anyway, though. Ah.... remember, then. Me, that is. I think.... we will meet again. *an unfocused look crosses her eyes momentarilly* In strife. In strife? Strife.... * Prophet waves a hand over the orb. The scene shifts to a building. Tobias is near it, and you see circular stairs about. * Tzezhin puts his glove back on and holds his hand at chest level, palm up (not out). "In war or peace, I would be honored to meet you again." It is not every day one is privileged to speak with a Seer of the Secrets. Ahh...? *blink* Forgive an old woman. *she takes the hand, and shakes it.* May you fare well. Touch the orb when you are ready. * Tzezhin blinks at the handshake, but puts it off. "And you as well." * Tzezhin takes a deep breath, near-bows again to the Prophet, and cautiously touches the orb. * Several rings of light pop up from the ground, and bob and weave around Tze. There's a flash, and he's no longer there! * End!