* Ah. Good luck. Only Joshua is there, and he's unconcious. * Tobias eeps! and pokes pokes Joshua,"Wake up!" * Joshua is poked. And kinda gets up. Slowly, and holding his head. What happned?! (stupid enter) The damned brute.... He hit me and ran off! Eeek!! ..um.. well Scary lady wants you! .... Well too bad! I'm out of here! Just..... *wobble* As soon as my head stops hurting. * Tobias tries to grab Joshua! * Joshua is easily grabbed. He would have been easily grabbed even if he wans't holding onto stuff for balance. No! Scary lady hurt me if you get away!! Unh... Okay. My head still hurts. Can I lie down down? No! gotta walk to them!! No thanks. I'd rather rest.... recover my energy... * Tobias tries to pull Joshua to the stairs. * Joshua is decently heavy. But pullable. * Tobias tries to take Josh all the way to the others.<@@>