* Alrighty. Last time: Impending Orientation! Or, the Date Show! Depending on who you are. * Everyone, sans Anteia, Alex, and Tze are there. * The room itself is a decent sized auditorium, that looks to seat about 30 people. The screen up front is a big sheet of canvas, painted white. (Alex?) (Alex.) ( Alex. ) (Oh, right, Alex.) * And here we go. Please, please. Take seats. * Elonith shrugs and sits in a seat. "Don't you mean sit down?" * Carter looks around nervously for a moment, then takes a seat somewhere towards the middle. * Tobias weeeeees!!! and runs to the front of the room and takes a seat right smack dab in the middle!! * Livle gestures around, nods. "Ah.. yes. Sit down." * Monica harumphs and sits as far from everyone else as possible * Elonith sat near the middle. Excuse me, while I start the film. Yeah, yeah. Anyone else here? No one here but us exiles! * Livle vanishes through a side door. * Tobias bounces in his seat! * Elonith chuckles. "I mean, anyone besides the little group that we had earlier?" He's very relaxed and laid back all of a sudden. Anteia: You and Alex are going through the hallways. Alex is guiding you to this 'Orietnation thing you should see' * And you get there a minute or so afetr everyone else does! Alex hangs by the door, holding it open for you. <_< >_> What happened to the swordsman? * Anteia walks in! Some game-show thing. He'll be along soon enough, I'm sure of it. I like game shows!! On Ysfall we have lots of them!! * Elonith rolls his eyes. "Why doesn't this surprise me?" Oh... *looks confused* *notices the new person enter, rises, and bows in her direction* Greetings, Lady. * Elonith looks in the direction of the newbie. He waves his hand, and says almost *too* enthusiastically. "Hi lady!" * Tobias wavise like mad!!! "Hi!!!" \^^/ * Monica shoots an evil eye at the new arrival * Anteia is a teenage girl with reddish-blonde hair and a light even tan. She wears a fairly skimpy pink and blue bikini and a pair of shorts, and is stunningly beautiful and almost elegant, though she practically seems to suck the intelligence out of the room. She carries a backpack overfull with stuff, and a giant pink and blue trout is tucked under her arm. Hi! ^_^ * Elonith eyes the fish, pulls out his laptop, and types a little. * Tobias mews! and leaps out of his chair and runs over,"You brought food!!" Mweee! Food! ...Where? * Elonith chuckles. * Tobias ker-points! at Trouter! ...He's not food! He's my monster! * Tobias sniffs,"..aww... but he looks so good to eat!!!" * Anteia hugs Trouter defensively, and makes her way to a seat, sidling away * Carter self-consciously takes his seat again. * Tobias follows after,"Can I just eat a little?" * There's some yelling from where Livle dissapeared to. It's muffled and indistinct. * Elonith blinks as if he just realized something. "Heh, I never did introduce myself to half of you, did I?" * Elonith types away some more. Noooooo. * Carter 's face contorts to surprise for a moment, then subsides. You're Elonith! * Elonith looks up at Tobias and says *way* too cheerfuly for his own good. "Yes I am!" * Elonith chuckles as he types once again. * Carter rises and quietly makes his way to where Livle dissapeared to. * There's more yelling! And still no picture. Who puts Mr. Smiley in your bowl this morning? What's going on? * Elonith looks back at Monica. "I think you did. Or were at least trying to." We're gonna watch a gameshow! I think... Oh! * Anteia goes back to singing to herself. Nah. This is orientation for The Realm. They have to make sure people don't, you know... blow eachother up. * Tobias runs and takes his seat again! * Tobias awws.. But that doesn't hurt! Back home, Squad Sahara got blowed up three, four times a day, and that never stopped them! Speak for yourself, Sunshine! I will~! ^_^ * Elonith shakes his head. "Not everyone lives in an ideal world, monster trainer." The only blowing up I do... nevermind... Uwaaa. They should. ;_; * Tobias mews? "Whats Squad Sahara?!" * Elonith gets up, packs his laptop really quick and runs off in the direction Carter did. "If any of you have training in combat, follow me!" They're big jerks who want to drain the ocean. They'd be nice if they weren't so mean! * Elonith draws his energy pistol and hits a hidden device, making an energy field flicker into existance as he moves. Why do fools always rush off to die? If trouble wants you, it will have no trouble finding you... * Carter, unarmed def roll! Because I don't want anyone to *die*. Not on my watch. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Carter (2d6-2) and gets 5. * Tobias stands up too and runs after a bit hesitantly,"I can't fight much but I wanna help!" * Anteia gets up and runs, fish in tote * Elonith makes sure there's a pack in the pistol. * The wall that was housing the screen gives way. * Thats becuase Carter gets thrown through it! Waaaaaaagh! *thud* * Elonith trains his weapon where the screen breaks. "Ah shit! Carter, ya okay?" * Monica stands and goes to pick up Carter. * There's a slumped Livle, there's Joshua, and a figure in big metal silver armor, about 7 feet tall, with a spear. * Tobias looks uuuuuuup and eeeks!! his tail fuzzing up like a bottlebrush. * Anteia skids to a stop and turns. * Monica picks up Carter, holds him tightly, and kisses him for good luck You evil, nasty, big je- Hey! Tail! ^_^ * Joshua is a geeky looking guy, with sandy hair and stylish glasses. "Now get back in there, Carter, and make him sorry he messed with you!" * Elonith points his weapon at the big metal guy. "Stay down Carter. I don't know if you can handle this guy..." * Carter is dazed, and rather bruised. And very surprised by the wakeup "good luck", turning red. * Joshua looks through the hole in the wall, then back at the armored guy, and whistles. "Wow. Um. .... All of you! Surrender your equipment to the Space Escape movement and the Silver Lancers!" * Elonith eyes the guy with the spear and puts his hand back, touching the location of his field generator. A brief glow occurs back there, and the field becomes MUCH more pronounced. * Tobias says,"No! My stuff! Who are those people?" What's that? * Joshua stares at Elo for a bit. Then catches sight of Monica! "Miss Crosse!" * Monica lights up: "Joshua!" * Monica runs over and kisses Joshua hello. * Elonith glances back at Monica. "Oh dear." * Silver Lancer jumps out from the wall, spear twirling and ready. Wow! You're a hooch! * Carter thuds to the floor, seeming content to lie there. * Tobias eeeks!! and zips away at high speed. * Silver Lancer bars the way for Monica. * Anteia gets ready to brandish her fish if things turn ugly Hey! Capture her, too! I need her alive to drain her essence! * Silver Lancer nods at Joshua, then surveys the gathered fighters. * Tobias hides at the back of the group. "My lord knight. That wimp Joshua never could care for me properly. What say we have a little discussion, you and I?" * Elonith eyes Joshua and the Silver Lancer. He steps forward. "Look, fight later. You just probably killed someone, and *I* don't want them to die if I can help it. Got it?" Surrender your equipment. *He looks at Monica* And you, you come with us. Wow! You're *really a hooch*! * Elonith 's eyes glow a deep red as if to emphesise his point. Well fine. If you want to play that way... That goes for you too, freak. * Elonith reaches forward with his right hand, and his left hand around the crystal on his neck. * Silver Lancer levels his spear at Elo. Its a quite shiny spear. "This is most unexpected. I do hate to spoil such a nice day with violence. Perhaps you should leave before you get hurt." Yeah, okay. Your threats are recorded, but if I miss my guess, you really need to watch just *who* you're threatening. * Carter slowly picks himself up and looks around disconnectedly. * Elonith nudges Carter and speaks to him softly. "Can ya get a readout on this guy?" *mutters* huh? .... sure... *scans the big guy* * Elonith stays vigilant, but keeps himself from acting out of haste. Not gonna cooperate, huh? I doubt you would either. * Elonith reaches out to Joshua as his eyes glow blue. (Trying to grab Joshua with TK.) * Tobias peeeeeeks out. * Silver Lancer shrugs. "Then you die." I don't wanna die! * Init! Uwaaa! Trouter's gonna make you wish you never came here! * Elo, Tobias/SL, 'teia, Monica/Carter. * Elonith does his previously stated action. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 8. * Joshua goes, 'Uwahhaaa?' * Elonith motions torwards the SL, and sends Joshua at him. And if he misses... well, there's always the wall for the powerhungry dork. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6) and gets 9. * Joshua ...hits a wall. Ittai. ;_; * Elonith smirks. "And you're next." * Silver Lancer goes to, ya'know. Stab Elo. * Elo, def roll! * Dicesuke throws the bones for Elonith (2d6-2) and gets 6. * Elo just BARELY AVOIDS getting skewered. The way the tip of the spear reacted with the force field kind of indicates that it's wouldb't have been to effective versus it, also. * Next? * Tobias mreeks! and spreads his wings, flying uuuuup rapidly. * Elonith swears. * 'teia! * Elonith 's eyes also glow the solid pupiless red that he normally exhibits when in his normal form. * Anteia brandishes Trouter at Silver Lancer. "I'ma whup you! Crushing Angst of the Shipwrecked Sailor Beam!" A dull grey beam bursts from Trouter's forehead. * Dicesuke throws the bones for Anteia (2d6) and gets 5. * Well, that was anticlimactic. SL falls over. * Elonith relaxes, his eyes turning back to human brown. * Monica approaches Joshua... * Alex walks calmly in, grinning a bit. Hi Alex! ^_^ * Carter blinks, and walks over to the fallen spear-wielder, looking at his weapon. So, Joshua, why don't you tell us what this is all about? * Tobias flits about,"Is it over is it over?!" * Alex is 5'8, and wearing a miniskirt that really pushes the limits on how little can be there, and she's wearing a loose t-shirt. She's got hazel eyes, and brown hair. * Elonith runs forward to Livle and checks his, her... its? life-signs. Assuming he can figure out where they are. * Elonith 's shield also de-activates once he's sure the enemy is DOWN. * Livle... does not look good. He's gurgling and stuff. * Carter bows half-heartedly to the new-come lady, and then goes back to looking at the fallen one. Eventually, he bends down and takes the spear from him. Ahh... Well, we're trying to gather materials for the spaceship. Clay told us to get supplies from the newcomers... * Elonith curses as he goes to work to try and keep the bloodloss to a minimum. He pulls out some ductape to use as makeshift bandages. "Hey, anyone got some bandages?" "And who is this Clay, dear?" What's a spaceship? * Alex grins fades, seeing Livle. She bounds over there. And she stops dead in her tracks at the mention of Clay. * Tobias still flits around,"Not me! what happened?! is he gonna be okay?! That was neat what the food did! What did it do?" * Carter shakes his head, clearing it a bit. "Um, here, Elo... you can use this." *takes off his jacket and hands it to the boy* It's not food! Uwaaa. Ah... A spaceship is like a big bird. They say it can get me home. That was its attack! Trouter's very very very very very very smart! * Elonith hrmms... And hands the jacket back to Carter. "I got a better idea." A spaceship isn't a big bird! Its a space ship! My head hurts. ;_; * Elonith pulls a big long piece of duct-tape and concentrates on it. It... transmutates? into a series of bandages. * Livle bleeds! * Anteia sits down. Okay... *just sort of holds the jacket, as if unsure what to do with it, and goes to sit down, holding the spear in one hand and the jacket in another* "Why does this 'Clay' want this gentle knight to harm us? " * Elonith starts to give Livle medical treatment as best he can. In case they didn't want to give it up peacefully. "So, Joshua, I think you can find a way home without this 'Clay'. You're very smart. Why don't you stay with us and see if we can help you?" * Livle bleeds less! He seems to stabilize somewhat. There's still the matter of the big hole in his side. * Elonith hmmms... "I hope this works..." He concentrates on Livle as he places both hands on the wounded spot. "Com'on... Work..." * Carter looks around again, and turns very very white. Suddenly standing, he drops the two items he was holding, clutches his mouth, and runs out the nearest door. * Tobias flies after him! Ah... Clay said it was impossible via normal means. "But we didn't get here via normal means, did we? And that was your doing, wasn't it? I believe in you. You can do it. Hurting people was never the way..." But that if we could get out of orbit, it might be possible. Travelling above the sky... it's a fascinating idea, isn't it? * Elonith opens his eyes. They're both glowing bright red as he chants in an unknown tounge. "Se'lentha kar'no el dakado..." His hands glow with an unearthly yellow were they are, the light flooding into the wound. * Anteia eats a lollipop! * Livle opens his eyes, suddenly grabbing Elo tightly, panicked. * Elonith is sweating, but tries not to move, as healing takes a lot out of you... * Livle focuses on Elo, then relaxes his grip. * Elonith relaxes his stance and falls back, sweating profusely. Shia, shia. Canshi, orieta vialase? * Monica looks over her shoulder: "Yeah, babe. Whatever makes you feel good." I think I'll just lie down now. * Livle blinks, and looks at Elo oddly. It's tasty! ^_^ * Monica kisses Joshua goodnight. * Joshua goes nitey-nitey on the floor. * Livle frowns. "...magic? I should not be surprised so, by now." * Elonith 's eyes still haven't changed back to normal, and he looks rather beat. "Magic? Oh great..." * Tobias runs back in. * Alex just watches. She's looking thoughtful, and angry. * Carter returns shortly after, still pale, and reclaims his jacket and that...weapon. He looks beat. * Elonith holds his head as he looks fairly pale. "Man... It's been a while since I had to do that. Are you okay?" .... better. * Elonith rubs his temples. "Of all the places to find out I have magic powers..." * Livle groans, holding the wound, and gets up. Using Elo for support whether he likes it or not. * Elonith falls down when Livle uses him for support. Ow. "Hey, tramp! What are you so irked about?" * Alex blinked. WHAT did you just call me? * Alex draws a gun. Two of them, actually. With a skirt like that, you're obviously selling." Don't mind her! She's in heat, so she's territorial! * Monica 's cape rises a couple inches off her shoulders. * Carter moves to make sure he is _not_ between the two ladies. * Elonith manages to push himself up after a few minutes. He glances back at the other people and sits in one of the empty chairs, pulling out his laptop. * Monica continues staring down Alex, but points at Tobias. "You'll not use that terminology in reference to me again. Understand? I'm FREE SPIRITED!!" I thought you were just a hooch. * Anteia scratches her head. You're always in heat?oo * Monica gives up on the weaklings and concentrates on the pointing implements in Alex's hands. Oh, geez. I'm not gonna waste a bullet on you. Or a whole lot of them. "I don't know what you just said, but for your sake, I hope it means you submit." ...... I just changed my mind. * Elonith looks back at the arguing ladies. "Shut the fuck up already! And whoever pulls out a gun is going thru the wall." He holds his head. ...um....ladies...? If you're always in heat you must have A LOT of young! * Carter winces at Tobias' line. (Ah, a cussing tiny 11 year old.) (Reminds me of myself:>) "I'm waiting for your answer so I can deal with these disrespectful runts, missee." ( I only have so many winces in me. Gotta ration 'em. Sorry, Elo. ) * Alex glares at Elo. * Alex then glares at Monica some more. I've got a bullet with your name on it, missy. Watch yourself. "Unless you'd care to take care of them first?" * Alex tucks away her guns. * Monica charges Tobias * Carter interposes himself betwixt the charger and the chargee. * Tobias waaaaahs!! and spreads his wings and flies away! * Elonith types away, taking a deep breath. He looks up and around for Livle. * Livle is leaning against a wall, watching the whole thing, obviously annoyed. * Monica overruns/bats aside the interposer, then turns toward Anteia, seeing her prey aloft. * Carter catches Monica's batting arm, and does not let go. He is surprisingly strong. * Anteia brandishes Trouter! "My mother told me not to touch people like you!" * Elonith folds his laptop, packing it away. He walks over to Livle and looks up. "Too freaky for you? Or just too... irrational?" ...please, Ma'am, stop fighting....? * Tobias flies way outta reach. I've not the sttength.... to try and stop this chaos.... yet. "I suggest you apologize for your indiscretion, runt! The term is 'free-spirited'." Somebody make the scary lady go away! UWAAA! Crushing Angst of the Shipwrecked Sailor Beam! ( Oh, dear. ) * Carter interposes himself again. @_@ * Elonith turns back to the rest of them. "Well, I'm too tired from making sure you didn't die." He draws his pistol at the attack name. Noooo! Don't shoot the nice lady with food! "People like me?! What about that tramp you arrived with?" ...... * Anteia turns the fish aside at the last minute. "Wha?" I know where she's been! ....please....stop....FIGHTING!!!! "Yeah. Down in the alley, on the streetcorner, at the tavern..." * Elonith shakes his head. He motions forward with his hand as a piece of debris flies thru the air and crashes VERY LOUDLY against the wall. He walks forward. "Just *stop* fighting!" * Tobias mreeks at the noise and wraps his tail around his leg as he flies higher. What's a tavern? Geeze, maybe I *was* better off in that stasis tube... Fine, fight among yourselves. * Carter coughs violenly and swallows a dry heave. See if I care when Clay comes by and kills you all. * Elonith looks at Alex. "Do you have something to say?" I don't wanna die! Or maybe you don't fscking realize how dangerous he is! Because I'm willing to listen. * Anteia shrugs. "I'm leaving. Which way's north?" * Tobias flies down towards Anteia,"If you leave the scary lady I wanna go with you!" Wait, Clay? He's the one who can destroy souls? Okay! At least you're not a hooch. ^^ * Anteia leaves the room, and heads out the way she came. * Tobias flies after Anteia! * Elonith stays to listen. "Girl, Tobias. I suggest you stay if you wish to live." "Won't someone PLEASE tell me who this Clay is?!" * Elonith calmly says. "Just listen." .... He is, aparently, one of the Lords of Shadow. They're dangerous, Ma'am. * Livle gets up, and looks around. "Clay is one of the Lords of Shadow. Ruthless." * Silver Lancer gets up a little! He's all woozy and stuff. * Tobias flies back having heard Elonith,"... will a monster eat as at the beach?" "Oh, sit down, tin can!" * Monica jumps on the SL * Anteia stands in the hall and waits for Tobias. * Carter goes over and picks of the spear again, to keep it away from the lancer. Hey, Livle! We should question him! * Monica tries to rip off the helmet. Eek! He's waking up! * Elonith stands back and lets the larger people do the stuff. * The helmet comes off! Golden tanned skin, black hair, and slittled cat eyes present themselves. He has normal eyes! * More sound! Naoki drags Tze into the room. "It's this one, for sure! It's gotta be!" * Tzezhin throws off Naoki's grip *yet again*. * Elonith chuckles. "Okay mister. What's your game?" * Monica perches her fingers over his eyes. "Stay where you are." * Carter nod-bows at Tze and his lady companion. ...... * Tzezhin recognizes the others and walks over to them, keeping someone between himself and Naoki. * Carter looks the same as ever, though a bit shaken, pale, and holding a silver spear. * Elonith 's eye glimmers as he looks at Monica. "Nice trick. Think ya can get him to talk?" "When did Clay and Joshua meet?" They.... uh.... On the way to Lifa. "What does Clay need Joshua for?" He's.. .smart. Portal theory... Someone willing to work with them... * Elonith sits down and pulls out his laptop, recording the conversation by typtyptyping away. Try and find out more about the spaceship they're workin' on. Please. * Carter pays very close attention to this. "Answer the questions of anyone in this room honestly and quickly." Joshua... said that.... he could probably break.... barrier if... out... Out of influence... and had the one he came with ... essence? * Tzezhin looks around and goes over to Elonith, who seems the least directly preoccupied with the events taking place. "May I ask what has been occurring?" Influence of what? We're trying to get some answers from silver-head here. Anteia ran out, and... Apparently this 'Clay' person is to blame for the attack. Not sure. *sheakes his head some* Who is...Anteia? And of what attack do we speak here? According to Livle, Clay is one of the Lords of Shadow, and can destroy one's soul. Do not attack anyone until you see Clay again. * The room is a decent sized auditorium. There a hole in the far wall where the remains of a screen is, a figure fully encased in full silver armor on the ground, and there's someone sleeping on the floor off to the side. * Livle is leaning against a wall, holding a wound in his chest, and there's someone else you haven't seen there, too. * Elonith points at the wall, the (busted) screen, the debris, the silver dude, and the kid on the floor. "That attack. And Anteia... I'm not sure if we'll have to worry about her again or not." "Kiss me, then tell me what you know about this 'space-ship'." Not enough materials for it. That's always the problem, isn't it? What was the lift mechanism? Need more raw materials. And certain types of technologies we can't create here. Why can the tech not be created? Uh.... Not enough materials. "Who does Clay plan on taking with him?" Probably needs dilithium, some Xentronium... Pretty complex stuff, really. If someone accidently brought a cart of antimatter with them, we've the technology to use it. But we can't make it. I see... It's not too hard to produce...just need *muttermutter* Yeah, I'm guessing they're making an older version of the ships we used in my home-system. Don't know. They said whoever wants to go home. * Tobias flits around. Noone beleives us, though. Home? "Does he believe this ship will really work? And how many can it hold?" * Elonith raises an eyebrow. "The fact that you were more than willing to *attack* us doesn't help." To all the various dimensions from which we come? For a dmaned good reason! They're only trying to build it so the can subjucate us from orbit! Not everyone who wants to get to orbit wants to dominate the world! Sorry. *looks embarrassed* ( Are you talking about subjugation? That doesn't fit in context. ) ( Context this. *blam* ) * Elonith loads his pistol but doesn't point it anywhere than up. "Well, I'd agree with that considering *what* they just did." Ah.... Wha.... Yeah, you attacked us, almost speared me... How do you think I feel, eh? I just want to go home! *he sruirms some, trying to get up* "How many people can the ship hold?" "Stay where you are, or I will gouge out your eyes." * Elonith eyes SL as he puts the Energy Pistol away. "She will, too." * Monica positions her fingers for the strike Don't know. *stops squirming* It's pretty big. Supposedly it can fit everyone in the Realm. What is your name, sir? I am Carter Delger, of the Terran Empire. *bows* * Tobias hovers and listens Maleck, captain of the Silver Lancers. Empire, my creamy, luscious skin! No one has the power to unite all the nations. Who are these "Silver Lancers"? It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Maleck. Miss Monica, I assure you, the Terran Empire has not united every nation, it merely encompasses two. * Elonith glances over at Monica. "Not in your world. I've seen many empires in my travels. And my name is Elonith Newton, and I hail from everywhere you can imagine... and then some." A group of people like myself, continuing to hone our arts, and teach it to those who wold learn it, here in the Realm. Now that we know each others' names, I hope we can be more civilized. I assure you, I at least wish to got home. However, violence is rarely an effective way to convince others of one's sincerity. You weren't just going to help of your own free will. You did not ask. "You did not explain." And, forcing people to help is not acceptable. If they do not wish to, that is their perrogative. Noone would. Noone would hel the Lords of Shadow. "Take me to Clay. I will hear his words, and decide for myself." Why not? * Alex blinks. "Suicidal...." Helping them, or meeting them, miss...? I do not believe we've been properly introduced. I fear Clay's more powerful than any of us. Belive me, I've met soul destroyers... They're *not* a happy bunch. * Maleck turns his head to look at Carter. "You must be new here." This _is_ orientation that you interrupted, sir Knight. ;) Yah! "My dear tra... umm... fleshy woman, neither is this man dead nor that scholarly one in the corner. It is not suicide to meet Clay in every case..." Speaking of which, tell him I'm somewhat sorry for the, eh... Throwing. He bullied them into helping them. Gotta be. Noone in their right mind would help them out. It sounds like Sir Maleck here is serving out of mutual goals: going home. * Elonith eyes Carter. "Perhaps _your_ goal." And, Miss, do any of us really seem to be in our right minds? *winks jokingly* Well, I'd like to go home, yes. You would not? "I've heard enough. Take me to Clay." I wanna look around! Then go home! Okay. I must return to fulfill my contract. If I went home, do you know what would happen to me? They think I'm a fuckin' test subject there. Then you may choose to go elsewhere. You could always go elsewhere, then. Foolish. Clay is lying to you. And all of you. There isn't a way back. Anyone else coming? How do you know? How do we know that this "Clay" truly does have a way back? "Bring Joshua." Has he already tested it? Miss Monica, I beleive I would like to accompany you. However, I also would like to hear whatever presentation these kind people had prepared, first, so as to have both sides of the story. I'm just as sceptical, as well. Memories of a 1000 years of trying everything. The monoliths prevent exit, even in space. Howso? * Elonith chuckles. "You haven't tried *everything*, but I doubt a space ship is the way out." Lack of evidence is not proof of absence. You could fly really far away! Can you blow up the monoliths?! Somehow, I doubt that would be of much use. Tobias, if we are in a black hole, as I am beginning to suspect, that would only cause you to return to your point of origin. Within the black hole, not your home, I mean. It's been tried. Nothing has been able to hurt them. Not even the Lords and their powers? Perhaps... I want to see the monoliths. All of them. (I'm assuming Naoki's just latching onto Tzez?) ( NO. ) * Naoki isn't there! You're not quite sure when she slipped out. Elonith has proposed a good idea. I second it. We visit the monoliths. Discover as much as possible about their natures. Monica also has a good idea - just speaking to Lord Clay cannot hurt. * Monica begins to lead Maleck out. "They say there's no way out and everyone should live in harmony. It's time to hear what Clay has to say." I cannot prevent you from trying. I suggest we speak to this "Clay", and then examine the monoliths at a later period of time. * Livle sighs, and coughs. "Do what you will." Miss Monica, please wait a moment. Livle, Alex, anything important from the interrupted orientation we should know? * Monica halts and peers back, bored. I wanna visit all the monoliths and see a lot! I think... everything has been said. Excepting who the Lords are, and where the different districts are. * Maleck watches Monica, all confused like. Waiting. * Elonith smirks. The district demarkations and what they indicate would be useful, if we are to travel. Please, ellucidate. Miss Monica, please wait a moment. Livle, Alex, anything important from the interrupted orientation we should know? "Yes, yes, map, happy times. On to Clay, Maleck." * Monica turns and follows her new beefcake. I'll be happy to lead you. Livle here would just be a bore of it. * Elonith frowns as he gets up, packing his laptop. "I'd better go with her to make sure she doesn't do anything *too* stupid.' If you're going to visit Clay, I should go. I've got ties with the Lords, I might be able to keep him from casually wiping you out if he feels like it. I will catch up, Elonith, Miss Monica. Livle, would you mind explaining the districts and the mapping to me? Tell me about all the places and people and things and stuff!! * Livle nods, and slowly moves to the hole in the wall. * Carter follows. I will remain with Carter for now. * Livle produces a couple of maps! * Elonith nods. He looks at Tzezhin and Tobias. "What are you two gonna be up to?" What are you all doing again?^^; * Carter nods at Tzezhin. "Thank you, sir. I will appreciate the company on the journey." * Maps are maps. They show a big picture of the Realm, with locations of various places, and Monoliths. Do the districts have any particular meaning, Mr. Livle? * Tobias pokes Elonith,"what is everybody diong?" Different types of societies. People tend to group by where they came from. * Elonith jumps back from the poke, but settles down. "We're going to see Clay, and then check on the monoliths in hope of finding a way out." Ah. Do the Lords have any physical jurisdiction, or are they just widely respected/feared? And what are other people doing? No juridistion. They come and go as they please. Althoguh they all have their own dwellings. Are those labled on the maps? No. * Monica is following the Silver Lancer out of the room, hand-in-hand. Hey! Don't forget the scholar-person! Nor is the contruction site for the spaceship. I see. And, is there a dosseir of the Lords and their abilities and appearances? 'Twouldn't due to offend one by not recognizing them. What is a...spaceship? * Tobias asks Carter! "And what are you diong?" Um... A spaceship is a vessel that travels high in the sky, which tries to visit distant places like moons, or even other stars. I'm getting some information, and then following Miss Monica and Elonith and them. ...a vessel that can travel to the moons? Remarkable. How does it know to swim in the air? I'll explain it to you, if you're willing to listen. No, not anymore. tha attack destroyed them. Alex can tell you about them, however, if you're travelling with her. Some information where? whose gonna see more places? Very well. * Silver Lancer goes back, and picks up the unconious Joshua. Whee. *bows to Livle* I thank you, then, Mr. Livle, for all the help you have given me. If ever I can repay it, ask, and I shall try. I will accompany them, now. *takes the maps, and the spear, and heads off to follow the rest* * Elonith heaves his backpack and heads out as well. * Tobias says,".. I'll stay away from the scary lady for as long as I can!" * Tzezhin tags along. * Carter snickers. "I shall endeavor to protect you from the 'scary lady', Tobias." * Tobias yeys! * Monica turns her head to better hear the conversation regarding her demeanour. * Carter turns red at her vague scrutiny. * Elonith just walks along. * Alex waits patiently, tapping a foot in rhythym with her whistling. * Carter hastens to catch up with Alex's group and all them. * Elonith tries to keep up with the people and... Well, he runs about as fast as an average person. 'bout time you all made up your minds. * Alex catches up with the rest of them! * Carter bows to her. "Shall we go, Miss Alex?" Apparently so... ^^; * She also dosen't care to acknowledge Carter's question. * Tobias flits after people! * Carter follows! ...trying to keep the maps and the spear from falling. * Elonith offers Carter space in his backpack to put the maps. Thanks. *put* * Elonith shrugs. "Ya need to carry a bag with you at all times." He keeps walking along. .oO(These people are considerably more accepting than most I meet...) * Endies. X_x