* Carter uploads a schematic of Monica into the laptop, which clearly identifies her species. Hmmm... I don't recall having analytical scanners... You don't. But I do. That's Monica. * Elonith nods. "Facinating. So you're a technopath then?" ...something like that. I'll explain later. How dangerous is she? Do you have specific info? I do not wish to snoop. Um, sure. I'll pull up the files. There's some stuff in the history banks if you run a search as well. * Carter runs a search. But most of it is mearly speculation. (For the most part, anything and everything you know about succubusses is in the database.) ( Yeah, thought as much ) (However, it takes up a *lot* of space. Ya might need to dump a bit of it off your HD.) * Carter just streamed it. :P Hey... think you could run an analysis on Tobias over there? Sure... ...but later. Perhaps if you showed the others the scans of her? * Elonith nods. "I suppose it's the only way." Anyways... How good are you at temporal physics? Huh? Oh... closely related to my graduate work, actually. I am- er, was, studying spatial gravimetrics. Hmmm... Yeah, gravity always screws stuff up. It's actually very useful. Our best hope for FTL travel. Oh, it works. Trust me. You can find the schematics under 'ancient starships'. a- ancient? Yeah, from where I come from we've moved past gravimetrics... Let's see, about 170 years before I was created, I think. I see. What do you use for the warp core? Usually a controlled matter-antimatter reaction, focused in a triad of plasma conduits. To force the power, we use a series of Heisenburg Compensators to conduct Temporal warps from location to location. (Go technobabble!) ( . . . <---goes the physics major ^^; ) Oh... that really shouldn't work, from what I know... *runs equations* Don't try it. Your processor might burn out... I doubt it... unless the human brain cannot process it... Yeah. We use AI's to do the processing. Well then, can your laptop's processor handle it? Probably. I just don't have the appropriate protocols for the AI set up. The process is considerably more complex than I stated, I assure you, but it'd take me a rather long while to program the logrythis. Grr... stupid typos. * Carter begins augmenting his own processors with the laptop's, using his own genuine intelligence to run the equations. Never was really one for the 'nano-tech in the head' deal. It's been mostly outlawed in the Centauri Allince when I was there. It is part of what I am. Makes me terran. Well, after the Caxtol incident, nanites have been outlawed. Mind control and that kind of shit... nasty stuff.